How Often Should A Newborn Be Swaddled

When To Stop Swaddling And What To Try Instead

How to Swaddle a Baby | Labor and Delivery Nurse, Nursery, & New Mom Skill

A person should stop swaddling a baby at the first signs that they may be able to roll over. It varies when a baby is able to do this, but they may start as early as 2 months of age.

When the baby reaches this milestone, switch to other methods of soothing them at bedtime. This may include:

  • Pacifiers: Pacifiers can soothe a baby and help them fall asleep. Pacifiers can also help protect against SIDS. If a person is breastfeeding a baby, they may want to wait until the baby is used to breastfeeding, at around 34 weeks old, before giving them a pacifier. A person should not attach the pacifier to anything or hang it around the babys neck.
  • Feeding: Babies often fall asleep while feeding, so people could try timing their feed so that it happens before the baby is due to sleep. Move any items out of the crib or bassinet before feeding so that, if they do fall asleep, they can go straight into their sleep environment.
  • Bathing: A warm bath may help soothe a baby before bedtime. It can be part of their bedtime routine, helping signal it is time for sleep.
  • Music or reading: Soft, relaxing music or quietly reading to the baby may help them fall asleep. Quiet singing or humming may also help.
  • Touch: Gentle touch may help the baby fall asleep. A person can try softly stroking the babys back with the palm of their hand.

Before bedtime, people should aim to switch off anything that may startle the baby, such as televisions, phones, or doorbells.

Tip : Swaddle Snugly But Not Too Tightly

The American Academy of Pediatrics says swaddling is fine if the swaddle isnt too tight and doesnt make it difficult for your baby to breathe or move her hips. You should be able to slip 2-3 fingers between the swaddle and your babys chest, and when practicing hip-healthy swaddling, your babys legs should be able to bend up and out at her hips. Swaddle blankets also shouldnt be too loose so that it comes undone and could cover your babys face.

What Kind Of Swaddle Should You Use For Your Baby

A swaddle blanket can be made of cotton, a cotton blend, linen, muslin, or another natural material. Itâs a good idea to choose a fabric that allows for breathability, which can help keep your baby from overheating.

Besides swaddle blankets, you can also find wraps or sleeping sacks on the market, which may be easier to use. Itâs worth weighing your options when youâre shopping for one. Or, you can go with a receiving blanket, such as the one you used to take your newborn home from the hospital for the first time.

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Can Swaddling Help Colicky Babies

There are many theories as to what causes colic. It is not a disease. Colic means excessive crying for unexplained reason. Although there is no “cure” for colic, one technique doctors recommend is to swaddle baby. They also recommend that after the baby is swaddled, to roll baby to his or her right side in your arms or on your lap in the groove between your legs or lay her across you forearm on her stomach, and make long “Shhhh” sounds in babs ear, gently rock, sway or gently jiggle baby and allow baby to suck by offering baby your breast, finger or pacifier. Be sure to put baby to sleep on his or her back once baby settles.

What Else Should Newborns Wear To Daytime Naps

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While every baby is different, most babies seem comfortable in just a short sleeve onesie underneath their swaddle but it really depends on the outside temperature. Check the TOG rating on your babys swaddle to have a better sense of what they should wear underneath. A high TOG rating means it can be used for cold weather and cool nights, while a low TOG rating means it is best used in warmer temperatures. Another suggestion is to dress baby in one extra layer of clothing that you may be comfortable in.

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Is It Okay To Put My Baby To Sleep On His/her Stomach

No. Always put baby to sleep on his or her back. The back position reduces the risk of SIDS. SIDS deaths have decreased nearly 50% since the American Academy of Pediatricians 1992 recommendation that babies be placed on their backs to sleep. Tummy time is for when baby is awake. Always put a swaddled baby on his or her back for sleep. Baby should sleep on a firm sleep surface, in a bassinet, cradle or crib near the mothers bed without any soft toys, pillows or loose bedding.

Do You Need To Swaddle Your Baby Every Time You Put Them To Sleep

This one comes down to a matter of personal preference. No, its definitely not necessary to swaddle your baby every time they go to sleepbut many people do. A big part of setting up your baby for successful sleep is creating a consistent, predictable bedtime routine. Swaddling is a great step to add to this routine. Consistently swaddling your baby signals to them that its time to chill, relax and sleep, whether its for naps or nighttime. So while theres certainly no harm in skipping the swaddle, being consistent with one can definitely have its pluses.

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How Do You Transition Out Of A Swaddle

After wrapping and unwrapping your baby more times than you could possibly count, stopping swaddling can feel like the end of an era. And if her swaddle blanket has become an integral part of her sleep routine, you might worry that stopping could seriously throw things off.

The good news is all babies eventually adjust to sleeping without a swaddle. And of course, you could certainly try stopping cold turkey to see how your baby responds. You never know she might sleep just as well as before!

But if you suspect that wouldnt be the case , you can also try a more gradual approach. Heres how to do it:

  • Start by swaddling your baby with one of her arms out of the swaddle.
  • A few nights later after shes gotten used to having one arm out, move on to swaddling her with both of her arms free.
  • A few nights after that, stop using the swaddle blanket altogether.

Swaddling your baby with one or both arms out is perfectly safe, as long as you continue to wrap her blanket securely. In fact, some newborns prefer being swaddled with one or both arms free from the very beginning.

Another swaddle transition option: Trade your swaddle blanket for a transitional sleep sack. These swaddle wrap/wearable blanket hybrids offer a similar snugness to a wrap, but dont come with the risk of potentially being kicked off while your baby is sleeping.

When Should I Swaddle My Newborn

How to adorably swaddle your newborn baby

In my Helping Newborns Sleep Class our number 1 goal is to keep your baby well rested. When your baby is well rested this actually helps get you MORE sleep and decreases your chance of increased crying and being fussy. Swaddling helps you keep your baby well rested during sleep periods by eliminating the distraction of the startle reflex and bothering herself with her uncoordinated arms. You can swaddle for naps and bedtime. When sheâs awake, thatâs a great time to work on tummy time to start developing those strong core muscles to help with rolling.

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How To Swaddle A Baby Safely

The American Academy of Pediatrics has an easy-to-digest summary of swaddling safety and recommendations on their site.

The AAPs directions to swaddle correctly are set forth below:

  • To swaddle, spread the blanket out flat, with one corner folded down.
  • Lay the baby face-up on the blanket, with their head above the folded corner.
  • Straighten their left arm, and wrap the left corner of the blanket over their body and tuck it between their right arm and the right side of their body.
  • Tuck the right arm down, and fold the right corner of the blanket over their body and under their left side.
  • Fold or twist the bottom of the blanket loosely and tuck it under one side of the baby.
  • Make sure their hips can move and that the blanket is not too tight. Check out the following link for a great video on hip healthy swaddling.
  • Happy sleeping!

    How Many Naps Should Newborns Take

    Newborns sleep a lot, and to the dismay of many new parents, not always at night! But, remember, infants from 0-3 months need about three to five naps a day or more. Many parents think if they keep their baby awake during the day, they’ll sleep through the night, but that’s not the case. During the first few months, your newborn needs daytime sleep to support their overall health and development. Once they hit the 4-month mark, naps can go down to 2 to 3 a day.

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    Swaddle For Night Feedings

    In contrast, at night, keep babies swaddled at all times if possible. Because I change the diaper pre-feed, the swaddling has signaled go back to sleep and then the feed itself helps them get there. This is the #1 way I have babies who are not awake for long periods at night, even as newborns. In fact, as soon as my babies have known the difference between day and night, they sleep all through the night only waking to signal theyre hungry.

    Ways To Wean Your Babies From Swaddling

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  • When you swaddle your baby, try to take his one arm out. If the baby fusses and hit himself, that means he is still not ready, but you could try this method every week until you see him calm with his arms out.
  • Try to let him sleep in your arms without swaddle, then slowly put him to the bed or crib. When he stays asleep for at least 5 minutes, that means he can now sleep without the swaddle.
  • If you unswaddle your baby, but he keeps fussing, you can stay by his side and place your hands on his chest. He will eventually calm down. Then reduce the pressure slowly until you can lift your hand off completely.
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    Consistently Breaking The Swaddle

    Is your little one getting strong enough to break out of their swaddle blanket?

    While this may not be a definite indicator that its time to stop swaddling, the concern here is that every time they punch or kick away the blanket, this leaves loose fabric in the crib.

    Unfortunately, having loose swaddles in the crib is a possible strangulation or suffocation hazard. And this doesnt just apply to swaddles bedding, blankets, clothing, and any other type of loose fabric is a danger for your little one.

    Sadly, of the 3,500 sleep-related infant deaths recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention each year, many cases are caused by items in the crib, like loose bedding.

    If your baby is breaking free from the swaddle at just a couple of weeks old, theyre obviously still very little and not ready to stop being swaddled. You might just need to brush up on your swaddling technique to make sure your baby is secure in the swaddle.

    On the other hand, if they are older, this might be a sign that they no longer want to be swaddled.

    Will My Baby Like It

    Most babies love to be swaddled if done properly, because it reminds them of the warm coziness of being in the womb. Be sure you wrap snugly. A loose swaddle is ineffective and may be agitating to baby, so swaddle snugly, but not overly tight as to impede breathing. You should be able to slide your hand down between the babys chest and the front of the swaddle. Hips, knees and elbows should be in flexed, natural positions for proper joint development.

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    How To Reduce Sids Risk Factors

    The stories surrounding the study remind us that not everyone is aware of current safe sleeping guidelines.

    In 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics released new recommendations that infants should be placed on their backs to sleep, not on their sides or stomachs. Since then, SIDS rates have plummeted, from around 130 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1990 to less than 39 deaths per 100,000 in 2014. However, some people may not realize that advice about infant sleep positions from well-meaning parents and grandparents may not be the best practice now.

    Follow these safe sleeping guidelines to help reduce the risk of SIDS:

    • Place baby on his or her back: Do not lay your baby down on his or her side or stomach.
    • Keep the crib free of blankets, pillows, or toys: These items can cover your babys face, or your baby could become trapped up against them, causing suffocation or strangulation.
    • Keep babys room cool: Contrary to popular belief, babies dont need super warm rooms. Signs that your baby may be too warm include sweating, flushed cheeks, heat rash, or rapid breathing.
    • Place baby on a firm surface with a single sheet: Cushy mattresses or couch cushions or fluffy carpets may look nice in photos, but they can block your babys face and impede their breathing.
    • Give baby its own space: Your baby is safest in a crib or bassinet, not in bed with you. Try room-sharing instead of bed-sharing.

    Why Babies Like To Be Swaddled

    How to Swaddle a Baby

    Swaddling works by suppressing the Moro reflex, also called the startle reflex, an involuntary motor response in infants. When babies experience this reflex, they suddenly startle and throw their arms out in front of them.

    This protective response is brought on when infants feel like they are falling or when something alarms them. If a baby experiences the Moro reflex during the night, they often wake and may cry for a parent to come in and resettle them.

    A properly wrapped and fitted swaddle will prevent the baby’s arms from moving when the Moro reflex comes into play so that they’re more likely to continue sleeping soundly .

    Swaddles also keep babies feeling warm and snug, making them more comfortable and helping them rest better. According to Robert Hamilton, MD, FAAP, a pediatrician at Providence Saint Johns Health Center in Santa Monica, CA, the swaddled-up feeling a baby experiences may be reminiscent of how they felt while in the womb.

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    Is Swaddling My Baby Safe

    Swaddling presents a very low risk for babies, if you follow safe sleeping and hip friendly swaddling guidance . Current baby sleeping advice is to always lay your little one down to sleep on their back and avoid front or side positions for sleep, particularly if your baby is swaddled . In addition, you should stop swaddling your baby when they show the first signs of rolling over .

    How Do You Swaddle Your Baby Step By Step

    How to swaddle your baby step by step:

  • Spread the blanket out flat on a changing table, bed, or the floor, and fold over one of the corners

  • Lay your baby face-up on the blanket positioned with his head at the folded corner

  • Wrap the right corner over your baby , and tuck the end of the blanket underneath him

  • Bring the bottom corner of the blanket up over his feet

  • Wrap the left corner over your baby , leaving just his head and neck exposed

  • Check that the blanket isnât too tight or constricting around his hips and legs, and that his lower body can still move about. Wrapping your baby too tightly in a swaddle can lead to hip dysplasia or dislocation.

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    Should I Swaddle My Newborn During The Day

    New parents have a million and ten questions about their newborn baby and a lot of them have to do with sleep. Because sleep is crucial to your newborns growth in so many ways, knowing not just when to let them sleep, but how and where, can take a minute to figure out. Sleep plays an important role in brain development, regulating their emotions, and learning, in general, so its important to establish a routine around sleep fairly soon. Thats where swaddling comes in. Swaddling means wrapping up baby in a breathable, lightweight blanket and into a tight little baby bundle so that they feel calm and get better quality sleep. But this creates even more questions like should I swaddle my newborn during the day and if so, then how long to swaddle newborn during the day and when it comes to naps, even more Qs arise like, should I swaddle baby for naps? Keep reading as we break down swaddling, naps, and more, below!

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    When Should I Stop Swaddling My Newborn

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    You want to stop swaddling when your child shows that she might be able to roll. Rolling in a swaddle could pose a risk as your child could get stuck in a position that might compromise her airway. In addition you would want to stop swaddling when you are working on sleep teaching and having your baby become an independent sleeper. Independent sleepers can be put in the crib completely awake without feeding, rocking or being drowsy and put themselves to sleep. Sheâll need her hands available to be able to do that so they should not be swaddled in that phase. Until then you will absolutely want to swaddle your newborn at night.

    References cited in this post:

    1. Parmelee AH., Jr. A critical evaluation of the Moro reflex. Pediatrics. 1964 33:773â788.

    2. Prechtl HFR. Problems of behavioral studies in the newborn infants. In: Lehrman DS, Hinde RA, Shaw E, editors. Advances in the Study of Behavior. London, UK: Elsevier/Academic Press 1965. pp. 75â98.

    3. Rönnqvist L. A critical examination of the Moro response in newborn infantsâsymmetry, state relation, underlying mechanisms. Neuropsychologia. 1995 33:713â726.

    4. Sheldon SH. Sleep in infants and children. In: Lee-Chiong TL, Sateia MJ, Carskadon MA, editors. Sleep Medicine. Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus Inc 2002.

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