How To Alleviate Newborn Gas

Get Those Legs Pumping

How To Relieve Gas and Colic In Babies and Infants Instantly

For babies who need to let out some gas from down below, get their legs moving to bring some relief. Dr. Sniderman suggests lying your baby on their back and moving their legs in gentle circular motions, as if they were riding a bicycle. Alternatively, place your baby on their back and hold their feet in your hands. Bend their legs at their knees, and gently bring their knees to their bellies.

These methods may also help to bring on a poo.

What Is Baby Gas

When dealing with a gassy newborn, its can sometimes be tricky to understand just whats happening inside your little ones body.

When a baby has gas, small bubbles develop in their stomach or intestines, which sometimes causes pressure and stomach discomfort. Many babies arent bothered by their gas, however for some, they may become restless and find drifting off to sleep trickier until it has passed.

Luckily, most infants will have outgrown their gas by the age of four to six months old, however baby gas can last longer for some newborns.

Its important to remember every baby is unique and each situation will be different from the other. Regardless of their age, if your baby develops gas you should take them to see a health professional .

When To Speak With A Doctor

While most baby gas cases are fairly harmless, there are times when you should seek professional help.

If your baby exhibits excessive crying, has long crying bouts three or more times per day, or just recently began crying after reaching their first month, contact your pediatrician.

Also call the doctor or seek medical help if your little one isnt eating, peeing, or having regular bowel movements.

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Supplements To Help Baby Gas Pain

  • Simethicone. Baby gas drops are bubble breakers. These large, silicone molecules travel through a babys GI tract, breaking up gas bubbles along the wayIngold CJ, Akhondi H. Simethicone . In: StatPearls . Treasure Island : StatPearls Publishing 2021 Jan-. Accessed 6/16/21. . Simethicone is not absorbed by the body, so whatever your baby takes in will be pooped out. However, your baby might experience looser stools when gas drops are used excessively. In my experience, simethicone seems to work better as a preventive than a cure. Meaning, once a baby has gas pains, its too late for simethicone to help. Instead, use simethicone to prevent bubble buildup. I encourage my patients families to use gas drops frequently, offering a dose of the supplement before each feed.
  • Gripe water. Commonly used for upset baby tummies, this herbal supplement typically includes tinctures of chamomile or fennelherbs that have been shown to decrease crying associated with tummy painAnheyer D, Frawley J, Koch AK, Lauche R, Langhorst J, Dobos G, Cramer, H. Herbal Medicines for Gastrointestinal Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. 2017 139. . Although not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration , gripe water is generally safe to try. I would choose alcohol- and sugar-free formulations made in the U.S. Follow the dosing recommendations on the label.
  • How Much Formula Should A Baby Eat

    Baby Gas Pain: Reasons and Home Remedies

    As a general rule, babies need 2.5 ounces of formula for every pound of body weight. For the total number of ounces per day, multiply your baby’s weight by 2.5 So if your infant weighs 10 pounds, she should be drinking 20 to 25 ounces per day.

    Check the formula-feeding chart below for a month-by-month guide:

    But you can start your newborn out slowly. A few days after birth, your baby will probably take about 1 to 3 ounces at each feeding. In fact, full-term infants at a healthy weight can be fed on demand, which means you can watch for cues so you can determine her hunger level. Here are some of the common ones you might spy:

    • Sucking furiously on her hands, your shirt or your arm
    • Nuzzling against your chest
    • Opening her mouth
    • Sucking on her lip or tongue, which can look like she’s sticking her tongue out
    • Making lip-smacking sounds
    • Crying in a short, low-pitched wail that rises and falls

    Gradually increase the ounces, adding more as the demand becomes greater, but never push your baby to take more or finish a bottle. As long as she’s growing and putting on weight, seems content most of the time and isnt spitting up large quantities, shes likely getting the correct amount.

    Need more guidance? You can always check in with your pediatrician about how much formula to give.

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    Does Burping Help With Gas Pains

    In short: Yes, burping may help relieve your babys gas discomfort. We already know to burp our babies after we feed them. But it may help to up your burping game. Try preemptively burping your baby before feeding them. This ensures you can dislodge any gas that would otherwise become trapped in your babys belly as food goes down. Then, give mid-feeding burping a shot, in addition to your post-meal pats.

    Burping Your Baby During Each Meal

    Burping regularly is essential for a happy tummy! A lot of babies become gassy if they swallow too much air during a feeding session. You can reduce the influx of air by ensuring a proper latch or using an anti-gas nipple on the bottle.

    Grab your burp cloths and keep these tips in mind:

    • Dont wait until the end of the feeding to burp try a mid-feeding burp!
    • Burp every 5-10 minutes for breastfeeding babies
    • Burp every 2-3 ounces for bottle-fed babies

    In addition, consider burping your baby if he starts fussing at the breast or bottle. We have a whole article on burping techniques here.

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    Where Does Gas Come From In Infants And Newborns

    Gas in a newborn or infant can be due to several factors, not just one simple thing, since there are different ways that gas can get into babies digestive systems. Gas is produced in the digestive tract from the moment baby has his or her first drink of breast milk or formula. Newborn gas is a natural by-product of digesting lactose, proteins and other nutrients.

  • Some pediatricians and lactation specialists assert that traces of gas-producing foods, such as cruciferous vegetables and legumes, can be passed from mother to baby. Other experts also warn against excessive acidity in the maternal diet. Citrus fruits and juices, strawberries and tomatoes are high in acidity and may irritate the infant. Dairy products in mothers diet can also lead to intolerances in baby. The problem is usually linked to the milk protein found in milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream, etc. Soy and peanut intolerance in babies often accompany dairy intolerance. When breast-feeding, a mother can test how these common culprits may be affecting her child by religiously eliminating all dairy, soy and peanut products from her own diet for two weeks. Reintroduction of soy first, then a cooked milk product should be done very slowly to monitor babys tolerances.
  • Check Your Babys Latch


    If your baby isnt latching well, they may be swallowing more air. A painful latch to the breast or a clicking type sound while your baby feeds may indicate their latch needs help.

    Many latching issues on the breast can be remedied with some minor adjustments or with a lactation consultant who can help with proper technique and positioning. If there is a poor latch, you can also have your baby evaluated to see if they have a tongue-tie as this can affect nursing and bottle feeds as well, Boone said.

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    Can Breastfeeding Make Baby Gassy

    Some research has found that the foods in a mom’s diet might make breastfed babies gassy, but the evidence is far from conclusive. Before you completely revamp what you’re eating, see if there are other subtle ways you can help your baby swallow less air at mealtimes, including working on your latch, burping baby twice at each feeding and trying different nipples or bottles if you pump.

    If your breastfed baby is still gassy, and you notice that every time you eat a certain food he seems gassier or fussier than usual, theres no harm in cutting that food from your diet to see if it helps. Work with your doctor to nail down foods that might make breastfed babies gassy, including:

    • Cruciferous veggies like cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower

    When Should I Call The Doctor For My Gassy Baby

    Oftentimes, a gassy baby can be fixed with a little burping or tweak to their diet. However, if your babys gassiness is causing any of the following problems, go ahead and call your doctor.

    • Your baby isnt gaining weight
    • Your baby doesnt want to eat
    • Your baby has a hard time pooping or seems constipated

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    Do Gripe Water Or Gas Drops Help With Gas

    Gripe water is an over-the-counter liquid supplement of sodium bicarbonate and herbs. Plenty of parents have sworn by it, but theres not much hard evidence it soothes gassiness.

    Im not personally a fan of most homeopathic remedies as there is little oversight to ensure the ingredients listed are contained in the amounts described, Boone said. I encourage parents, if you choose to use these products, to search for ones that take the extra steps to ensure the products safety by being manufactured in an FDA-inspected facility.

    However, gas drops like simethicone are a great option if your baby has gas trapped in their stomach and intestines. Many parents report improvement in fussiness relating to gas within 15-30 minutes of giving a dose of simethicone, Boone said. But check with your childs provider before starting any kind of medicine or supplement.

    Some Causes Of Gas In Babies

    Gas Pain in Toddlers: Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies
    • Many young babies have a certain amount of gas and seem to strain as it is passed or as a bowel movement occurs simply because of the immaturity of their digestive system. This doesnt always indicate a problem. Most babies bodies manage gas more easily with growth, maturity, and greater activity. As long as your baby is not overly bothered by the gas or has no other symptoms of food sensitivity or other problems, then tincture of time is likely the best solution.
    • Too much milk too fast, so that baby gulps and chokes and takes in too much air along with the milk. See forceful let-down.
    • Anything that causes baby to take in too much air may result in a gassy baby :
    • Crying Babies swallow air when they are crying, so crying is more likely to be the cause of gas, rather than the result of gas. Respond to babys feeding cues promptly.
    • Bottlefeeding Babies usually swallow more air when drinking from a bottle. When using bottles, use the slowest-flow nipples so baby doesnt get overwhelmed with the milk flow. To reduce air swallowing, keep baby at about a 45 degree angle , make sure baby has a good seal on the base of the nipple, and keep the bottle tilted so the neck & nipple are filled with milk. There are also varieties of bottles that aim to reduce air swallowing. Dont let baby suck on an empty bottle. Burp baby more often if he seems to be swallowing too much air.
  • Overabundant milk supply. See Too Much Milk?
  • Thrush can cause gassiness in babies.
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    Overabundant Breast Milk Supply

    Producing an overabundance of breast milk can create a strong letdown and/or flow that causes your baby to gulp in extra air as they suck. This can result in excess gas in their tummy. You can often remedy this situation by pumping or hand expressing for a few minutes before breastfeeding.

    Typically, an overabundance settles down as your body gets in tune with how much breast milk your baby is consuming. If not, consult with a doctor or lactation consultant to help you manage your breast milk supply.

    Can You Switch Formulas

    Any formula change for your infant should start with a conversation with your pediatrician, as they can guide you to the best choice. That said, unless your baby requires a special type of formula, switching to a different type or brand is generally no issue.

    If you cant locate the exact brand or type that your baby normally drinks, your pediatrician can suggest a good alternative. In general, its fine to change brands, though its usually best to stick with the same type of formula . This means if your baby was doing well on concentrated cows milk-based formula, you might look for this same form under a different label.

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    Does Diet Cause Gas In Breastfeeding Babies

    Some babies dont tolerate typical formula. In those cases, a specialized formula that contains different proteins or carbohydrates may work better. These products often say something like, May help with gas, fussiness or colic, on their packaging. If you suspect your baby is having difficulty digesting their current formula, talk with your babys doctor about your options.

    If youre breastfeeding, you may have heard that what you eat affects your breastmilk and that certain foods should be avoided. Proper nutrition is important when breastfeeding. Scientific research, however, hasnt conclusively proven a link between your diet and gas or other discomforts for your baby.

    When breastfeeding, some people benefit from cutting back on gas-causing foods or dairy products. This can be especially helpful if theyre feeling gassy themselves. Dr. Sniderman says if it works for you, great, but she doesnt suggest a restrictive diet for most people who are breastfeeding.

    Some people will come up with a long list of foods you should cut out of your diet if you have a gassy baby, Dr. Sniderman notes. Thats a lot to ask of someone whos probably already stressed and taking care of a new baby. When youre breastfeeding, you need to eat a lot. You literally have to eat enough to feed you and the baby. So, I am usually not of the camp that eliminates a lot of things from a breastfeeding diet.

    Is It Gas Or Colic

    Relieving baby gas

    A baby who cries more often than is typical and is highly difficult to soothe may be experiencing colic. Colic means more crying. More crying means more air is being swallowed. That means, you guessed it, more gas.

    A baby with colic may well be a gassy baby, but a baby who is gassy isnt necessarily a colicky baby, Dr. Sniderman says.

    About 10% of babies have colic. Babies with colic will cry often and for long stretches of time. A rule of thumb, Dr. Sniderman says, is that babies with colic are less than three months old and will cry for at least three hours a day, at least three times per week. Babies with colic are generally not consoled by feeding, diaper changing, rocking or other go-to baby soothing methods, including gas relief.

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    How To Manage Baby Gas

    How to burp a babySolianiks doctor recommended baby probiotic drops each morning to help with Theodores tummy trouble, which has been attributed to gas. She also occasionally gives him Ovol .

    Theres very little evidence that those things help, but theres also no evidence that they hurt, says Pound. If parents feel they are making a difference, thats great.

    Gently massaging the tummy can also help baby work out the gas. You can learn some useful techniques , such as massaging the abdomen in a clockwise motion to ease digestive discomfort, or just do what seems to feel good for your baby, says Pound. Pulling their legs in and out in a bicycling motion sometimes helps as well, but again, its not a magic cure.

    Being vigilant about burping after feeds can help to prevent gas pains from developing in the first place. If your gassy baby drifts off to sleep while nursing or taking a bottle, consider waking them to burp. With any luck, theyll go right back to dreamland when youre done. There are different burping positions parents can try, including holding baby with their chest against your shoulder laying them chest-down on your lap or sitting them on your knees, with one hand supporting their neck and head while you pat her back firmly.

    Andrea Cheung has mastered the art of burping her five-month-old son, Gilbert. Im pretty sure that has helped him a lot with gas, says Cheung. He had some trouble when he was younger, but not now, because hes burping so well.

    What Should I Know About Gas In Breastfed Babies

    • Know that most babies have gas
    • Understand the many causes and symptoms of gas in breastfed babies
    • Learn tips and tricks to help prevent and relieve gas in your baby

    One of the most common concerns parents have is their babyâs gas. While gas is usually not harmful, the pressure that gas bubbles create may cause pain when it becomes trapped in your babyâs stomach or intestines.1

    Gas is particularly common during the first 3 months of life when your little oneâs digestive tract is still maturing.2 You may even notice itâs worse at night.3 Most of the time, gas is from swallowing too much air, but there may be other reasons your little one is gassy.

    Read on to learn how to help your baby with gas.

    Common causes of gas discomfort in breastfed babies:

    • An incorrect latch while nursing leads your baby to swallow too much air3
    • Excessive crying fills your babyâs belly with air1
    • Strong let-down or oversupply, causing baby to gulp quickly and swallow air3
    • Immature digestive tract is still learning to process breastmilk, gas, and stool effectively2
    • Sensitivity or allergy to a food in momâs diet1, 3, 4
    • Introduction to a bottle or to formula. Baby may swallow air while drinking from a bottle or may need to get used to formulaâs ingredients.3, 7

    Common symptoms of gas in breastfed babies:

    Not sure how to help your little one? Come chat with our team of registered dietitians, fellow moms, and lactation specialists, available from Monday â Friday 8 am â 6 pm . Chat now!

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