How To Care For A Newborn Boy

Whether Youre Breastfeeding Or Using Formula Feed Your Baby Frequently

How to care for your newborn baby

If a mom is breastfeeding the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends doing so for at least six months her body will usually start producing breast milk within three days of birth. Before that, her breasts will produce a thick, yellow nutrient-filled liquid called colostrum.

At first, a nursing mother might have to work to ensure that her baby correctly latches, or fastens onto her breast, in order to eat. If youre having trouble establishing a good latch or getting your baby to eat, talk to a certified lactation consultant most hospitals and birthing centers have at least one on staff. You can also find a private lactation consultant via the United States Lactation Consultant Association.

No matter whether youre breastfeeding or formula feeding, newborns should be fed every one to three hours, so that they eat eight to 12 times in 24 hours. Frequent meals help newborns regain weight that they may have lost after birth. As your baby grows, she will gradually be able to eat more at each feeding and eat fewer times each day and night.

Dont fret if your baby doesnt burp after a feeding. Babies will burp if and when they need to, said Dr. Diane Cicatello, M.D., a developmental and behavioral pediatrician and vice chair of pediatrics at CareMount Medical in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

If They Are Uncircumcised

If your baby wasn’t circumcised, meaning you chose not to remove the skin at the head of their penis, you dont have to do any special cleaning. Just wipe the area during diaper changes and rinse with warm, soapy water at bath time.

The pediatrician will advise when to start gently pulling back the foreskin to clean under it. At this age, its fused to the head of the penis, and forcing it back can cause pain or bleeding. Your doctor will let you know when the skin has separated, which wont happen until they are 3-5 years old. At that point, the foreskin will easily move back and forth, and you can teach your son to regularly wash the area underneath.

How To Care For A Baby Penis

There are so many things to think about after bringing baby home: feeding, changing, bathing, nursing, sleeping , and dont forget about caring for a newborns penis.

Oh, the joys of parenthood! While this part of the human anatomy may seem complicated especially if you dont have one caring for a babys penis is really not that difficult once you know what to do.

And if this is your first go-around with a boy, there are other things to know, like why do baby boys pee suddenly during diaper changes? Fortunately, the experts have all kinds of answers to your most pressing questions. Heres everything you need to know about caring for a babys penis.

Also Check: What’s In My Diaper Bag Newborn

Feeding And Burping Your Baby

Whether feeding your newborn by breast or a bottle, you may be stumped as to how often to do so. Generally, it’s recommended that babies be fed on demand whenever they seem hungry. Your baby may cue you by crying, putting fingers in his or her mouth, or making sucking noises.

A newborn baby needs to be fed every 2 to 3 hours. If you’re breastfeeding, give your baby the chance to nurse about 1015 minutes at each breast. If you’re formula-feeding, your baby will most likely take about 23 ounces at each feeding.

Some newborns may need to be awakened every few hours to make sure they get enough to eat. Call your baby’s doctor if you need to wake your newborn often or if your baby doesn’t seem interested in eating or sucking.

If you’re formula-feeding, you can easily monitor if your baby is getting enough to eat, but if you’re breastfeeding, it can be a little trickier. If your baby seems satisfied, produces about six wet diapers and several stools a day, sleeps well, and is gaining weight regularly, then he or she is probably eating enough.

Another good way to tell if your baby is getting milk is to notice if your breasts feel full before feeding your baby and less full after feeding. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about your child’s growth or feeding schedule.

If your baby tends to be gassy, has gastroesophageal reflux, or seems fussy during feeding, try burping your little one after every ounce during bottle-feeding or every 5 minutes during breastfeeding.


When To Get Medical Help

5 Questions about Baby Care Health that Parents Commonly ...

Trust your instincts. You know your baby well and will know what usual behaviour is for them . So if you think your baby is seriously ill, even if there are no obvious symptoms, call your GP, NHS 111, or call 999 in a medical emergency.

Get medical help immediately if:

  • your baby has a high temperature that doesnt decrease with ibuprofen or paracetamol or if they have a temperature and theyre under eight weeks old
  • theyre crying constantly and inconsolably in a way that doesnt sound normal for them
  • their vomit is green

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Tough Or Sweet: This Might Surprise You

Are you surprised to find out that baby boys will need lots of snuggle time? Okay, that was a trick question, most babies need lots of snuggle time. But according to Scary Mommy, an expert said, “baby boys actually are more vulnerable than we might think, and may, in fact, need more coddling and TLC than baby girls.”

In society, we always hear that males are tougher than females and that they don’t go for things like cuddling. That’s just not true and it’s especially not true for baby boys. You know that you want to give your baby boy all of the love that you can, so in the first month be sure to hand out the cuddles.

How To Tell If Your Baby Is Seriously Ill

It can be difficult to tell when a baby is seriously ill. Above all, it’s important to trust your instincts.

You know your baby better than anyone else, so you’ll know if their appearance or behaviour is worrying.

See does your child have a serious illness? for a checklist of “red alert” symptoms that should always be treated as serious.

Also Check: How To Prevent Jaundice In Newborns

How To Take Care Of Your New Baby

Meredith Shur, MD, FACOG, is board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as a certified medical examiner.

Baby care basics weren’t something I thought about while pregnant. I remember arriving home from the hospital with my first. We’d spent many hours at the hospital fussing with the car seat and her going home outfit. I was tired and sore and yet terribly excited. I walked up the three flights of steps with my episiotomy stitches pulling the whole way, anxious to get my baby home.

As she sat sleeping in her car seat in the middle of the living room floor, my husband and I debated and finally argued over what to do with her. Should we lay her in her new crib? Maybe she should have a change of clothes. Finally, she woke up and cried, giving us an opportunity to try out all of our new parenting skills.

The good news is that taking care of a baby’s basics needs is very simple. I’ve collected a group of instructions on baby care basics for your new baby from bathing to diapering, from feeding to holding.

Potential Benefits Of Circumcision

Newborn Expo: Sleep Tips When Caring For a Baby – Boys Town Pediatrics

A few studies suggest that boys who have been circumcised may be:

  • Less likely to develop cancer of the penis later in life although this form of cancer is extremely rare.
  • Less likely to get HIV and HPV infections.
  • Less likely to get a urinary tract infection during childhood.

Female partners of men who have been circumcised are less likely to get cervical cancer.

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Newborn Care: Everything You Need To Know About Baby Grooming

Find out everything you need to know about taking care of your baby from his cute little head to his teeny tiny toenails.

Its true: Your baby is absolutely beautiful and probably the sweetest tiny human ever born, but even the most stunning infants need a bit of grooming now and then. And, as youve figured out by now, newborns dont come with manuals, so weve rounded up some expert tips for keeping your baby looking her best.

Caring for the umbilical cordThis remarkable organ that kept him nourished throughout pregnancy has a bit of an ick factor outside the womb when youre waiting for it to dry and fall off, which usually takes one to two weeks. At each diaper change, gently wipe the tummy area clean with warm water, allowing the cord itself to stay dry. Avoid tucking it inside the diaper, which Michelle Ponti, a paediatrician in London, Ont., says could trap moisture and make the area quite dirty and stinky pretty quick. If you notice any smell, redness, swelling, puss, or if your baby seems feverish or irritable, contact your healthcare provider.

During a bath, its OK if the cord gets a little wet as long as you allow it to air-dry afterward, says paediatric naturopath Hillary Dinning from Calgary. And be mindful not to knock or hit the sensitive area by accident.

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Bathe Your Baby Safely But Not Too Frequently

Spot clean your baby every day around his mouth, neck and groin basically, anywhere that gets dirty. As for proper bathing, one to two times a week is actually plenty, Shu said, and bathing too frequently can lead to dry skin or eczema, a skin condition characterized by red, itchy skin and rashes.

To wash a baby before her umbilical cord stump falls off which usually happens 5 to 15 days after birth youll want to give sponge baths. To do that, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends wrapping your baby in a towel and laying her down on a soft flat surface. First wipe her face with a clean, moist washcloth you dont want to use soap because it could get into her eyes or mouth then apply a small amount of baby soap onto the washcloth and gently wipe the rest of her body. Then wipe your babys body again with a clean damp washcloth. After the bath, consider applying a baby moisturizer, such as petroleum jelly, Mattke said, to prevent dry skin.

Also Check: How To Take Care Of A Newborn

More Information On Newborn Care And Safety

Explore other publications and websites

  • Bathing an Infant – Bath time can be fun but you need to be very careful with your child around water. This resource provides bathing safety tips and ways to prevent bathing accidents.
  • Transitioning Newborns from NICU to Home: Family Information Packet – Bringing home a baby from the NICU can come with special challenges. This toolkit from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality includes tips for parents on understanding signs of illness, medication safety, and newborn feeding.

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What You Need To Know About Pee And Your Baby Boy

Top 10 Tips for Taking Care of a Newborn Baby

The truth about your first month with a baby boy? He will pee anywhere and everywhere. No, really. As this mom put it on her blog A Semi-Delicate Balance, “Once your son pees on you for the first time, youll become a diaper changing ninja.”

We can’t really blame the little one, can we? He’s just a baby and he doesn’t know that peeing everywhere isn’t fun for anyone. It’s best to remember that this is going to happen and it’s no big deal . And, yes, like this mom says, moms will learn to change diapers quickly.

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Your 1 Month Old Baby And Visitors

With a new little one in the family, theres no doubt that family and friends will want to pop by to see you and your baby. This can be one of the most enjoyable parts of the first few weeks with a new baby.

You likely have some questions, too. Is it OK to take your 1 month old out in public? Can friends and family come to your house to visit? Can you say no to visitors when youre simply too tired?

These are all great questions that can be hard to answer, especially given the current worldwide situation. So lets talk about a few guidelines for visitors and visiting when you have a new baby.

First of all, its important to realize that a 1 month old babys immune system is still developing. Camille Sabella, MD from Cleveland Clinic Childrens says, An infants immune system doesnt mature until around 2 to 3 months.

Without taking into account any pandemic or other health scare, Dr. Sabella recommends limiting an infants exposure to other people for the first two months of their life.

With the current situation, decisions about which visitors to allow become even more difficult. Here are some tips for navigating this difficult time.

Keeping Your Baby Warm

Your baby needs to be kept warm, especially outdoors . But its also important to make sure they dont get too hot or overheat.

A good rule of thumb is to give your baby one extra layer of clothing than what youre wearing . For example, if youre in a t-shirt and jumper, dress them in a vest, sleepsuit and cardigan or jumper.

Remember to remove extra clothing when you come in from outside or go into a warm car, bus or train.

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There Is Even More To Know About Diaper Changes

Yes, the fact that baby boys pee everywhere comes up again. This time, it’s going to happen when you change your baby boy’s diaper.

According to this post on Quora, you can find a way to prevent getting peed on while changing a diaper: “I have twin babies: a boy and a girl. During diaper changes, you need to cover a boy’s privates with a diaper so he won’t pee on you.”

Did you ever think that you would be trying not to get peed on in your life?! This is just one way that your life will change during the first month with a baby boy.

Cleaning Your Daughters Labia

Parenting Skills & Babies : Caring for a Newborn Baby

Nappy creams, sweat and other substances can collect in and around the labia. But in general, you need to clean in and around the labia only to remove traces of poo.

To clean your baby girls labia, wet a cotton ball with warm water, hold your babys legs apart and wipe between the labia with the cotton ball. Start at the front and gently wipe backwards. Use a new cotton ball if you need to wipe again. Dry your babys genital area by gently patting with a soft towel.

Dont use vaginal deodorants or douches. They can upset the natural chemical balance of your babys vagina and increase the risk of infection.

Sometimes your baby girl might have a thick milky discharge this doesnt need to be cleaned away. If youre unsure about any other discharge, see your GP or child and family health nurse.

Its common for newborn baby girls to have bloody vaginal discharge in the first few weeks after birth. This is your babys response to her mothers hormones, which are still in her body. But if this discharge doesnt go away, you should contact your GP or child and family health nurse.

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