How To Make Formula For Newborn

How To Make A Baby Bottle

How to Make Formula For Your Baby in 3 Easy Steps | Enfamil
Guidelines on how to mix and store baby formula for your little one

Whether youre feeding your baby with formula only or are breastfeeding and supplementing with formula, its important to know the basics of formula preparation and storage. This not only saves time, but also helps keep your baby happy and healthy.

With all the mixing, storing, and warming dos and donts, theres a lot to remember. We get it. And were here to help. If you have more questions, you can also talk to your doctor.

Measuring Exact Amounts Of Formula And Water

It is important to measure the formula and water carefully. Too much or too little is not good for your baby.

For each 30mls of water, you need one level scoop of formula powder. Use the scoop in the formula box and run a clean knife across the top to level the scoop. For example, if you are making up a 90mls feed, you will need to add 3 level scoops of formula to 90mls of cool boiled water.

Are All Baby Formula Brands The Same

The FDA regulates all baby formula to ensure that they meet specific nutrient guidelines. These guidelines include minimum or maximum ranges for nearly 40 nutrients however, formula recipes can vary quite a bit while still satisfying these standards.

Differences between some baby formulas might simply be due to variability in brands recipes, raw materials, and manufacturing processes. While other differences are more deliberate, relating to health needs.

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians , some variations between formulations include:

  • Cows Milk Protein Formula is the basic formula recommended for most infants. These formula lines are made from cows milk that has been modified to mimic human breast milk.
  • Hypoallergenic Formula is recommended for babies with dairy allergies or intolerances. These formulas contain partially or fully hydrolyzed proteins, which are easier to digest.
  • Soy Formula can be given to babies with dairy allergies or intolerances. It is also a good option for vegan families.
  • Lactose-Free Formula can be recommended for babies who are lactose intolerant or sensitive to lactose. Though it is made from cows milk, the lactose, or milk sugar, has been removed and replaced with other sugars .
  • Anti-refluxor Anti-Spit Up Formula is thicker than other formulas, which helps to prevent reflux. Special care must be taken when preparing this formula to ensure there are no lumps.

Here is a list of common additions:

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Signs Your Baby Is Hungry

Mothers have wonderful instincts, but were not all mind readers at the beginning! Over time, youll become very familiar with your babys unique gestures and signs of hunger. In the meantime, here are a few of the most common signs that your baby is hungry:

  • Putting their hands to mouth
  • Puckering, smacking, or licking their lips

If your baby shows any of these signs, he or she may be trying to tell you that its time to eat. Ideally, your baby should be feeding on demand when he or she is hungry. And if youre wondering, how much breastmilk does a newborn need at each feeding? then youre in luck! Your body naturally responds to your babys needs and produces the right amount of milk all on its own! If, for whatever reason, youre not breastfeeding, bottle feeding on demand can also be beneficial as your baby can still self-regulate their feeding needs.

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Baby Feeding Chart: How Much And When To Feed Infants The First Year

Powdered Infant Formula: How to Prepare and Store  Healthy Parenting ...

All babies develop at different rates, but these guidelines suggest what to feed your infant and when to feed it.

Wondering if youâre feeding your baby enough breast milk, formula, or solid food? We broke down some suggested recommendationsbut keep in mind that all infants require different amounts depending on body weight, appetite, and age. Ask your pediatrician if youâre unsure, then check out our baby feeding guidelines by age.

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How To Make Up Formula For A Bottle Feed

Its best to make up each feed as and when you need it. Read the instructions on the product packaging before starting.

  • Wash hands well. Sterilise all utensils according to manufacturers instructions
  • Boil one litre of fresh tap water. Allow boiled water to cool for no more than 30 minutes. Measure the required amount of water and powdered product into the sterilised bottle, carefully the water is hot. Do not use artificially softened or repeatedly boiled water
  • Place the sterilised teat and cap on the bottle and shake well. Cool the bottle under cold running water or in a bowl or jug of cold water until milk is lukewarm. Test the temperature by shaking a few drops onto the inside of your wrist
  • For hygiene reasons, discard unfinished feed in the bottle as soon as possible and always within one hour

Reducing The Risk Of Infection

Even when tins and packets of powdered infant formula are sealed, they can sometimes contain bacteria.

Bacteria multiply very fast at room temperature. Even when a feed is kept in a fridge, bacteria can still survive and multiply, although more slowly.

To reduce the risk of infection, it’s best to make up feeds 1 at a time, as your baby needs them.

Use freshly boiled drinking water from the tap to make up a feed. Do not use artificially softened water or water that has been boiled before.

Leave the water to cool in the kettle for no more than 30 minutes. Then it will stay at a temperature of at least 70C. Water at this temperature will kill any harmful bacteria.

Remember to let the feed cool before you give it to your baby. Or you can hold the bottle under cold water from the tap.

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Preparing Water For Baby Formula

When youre preparing baby formula, the first step is to always wash your hands with soap. Its also important to make sure you use a clean area to prepare the formula.

Next, boilfresh tap water in an electric kettle or on the stove top. In places with a clean water supply that meets Australian standards, hot water urns like hydroboils are also safe to use for preparing formula.

Let the water cool down to a safe temperature lukewarm or around room temperature. This will take at least 30 minutes.

You can put cooled, boiled water in sterilised bottles and store them sealed with a ring and cap in the fridge until needed. Use these bottles within 24 hours.

If youre using refrigerated boiled water, you can warm the water slightly by standing the bottle in a container of warm water.

Its important to sterilise bottle-feeding equipment until your baby is 12 months old. Your babys immune system isnt strong enough to fight off some infections so sterilising equipment reduces your babys chances of getting sick.

Feed Your Baby Safely

How to Prepare Powdered Infant Formula

Powdered infant formula is not sterile, which means it may contain low levels of bacteria. These bacteria very rarely cause illness in babies when the formula is prepared and stored correctly.

Always follow the manufacturers instructions when preparing infant formula and the instructions in this booklet to safely:

  • clean feeding equipment
  • Bottles with straight sides and wide necks are the easiest to clean.
  • Glass bottles are easier to clean than plastic but break more easily.


Choose teats that match your babys age.

  • Newborn babies one hole in the tip of the teat gives a slow flow that is easier to manage.
  • Older babies more than one hole gives a faster flow.

Formula should drip from the teat at about one drop per second when tipped. There are a range of teats available. Talk to your health professional or pharmacist about which type of teat is best for your baby.

Not all baby bottles have accurate volume lines on them. To check that they do, look for the standard mark EN14350 on the bottle or packaging, or take your bottles to a pharmacy to check if the bottles are accurate.

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When To Introduce A Bottle

Its recommended to breastfeed for as long as you can, however when breastfeeding isnt possible, you can use formula to feed your baby. When making the decision to move from breastfeeding to formula feeding or combination feeding there are a few things to consider before doing so:

  • Speak to your midwife, health visitor or a public health nurse if youre thinking of introducing bottle feeding so they can provide you guidance.
  • This is an emotional decision as well as a biological one. You need to balance the needs of you and your baby when making this decision. Introducing formula or even partial bottle-feeding may reduce the supply of breast milk which is biologically difficult to reverse.
  • Formula feeding comes with some financial changes as well as changes in routines.
  • If possible, make the change slowly so you and your baby have time to adjust. Removing just one breastfeed a week will give your body time to learn to produce less milk and will prevent your breasts from becoming engorged or leaking.
  • You may need to express a little here and there, to relieve full breasts. Try not to express too much as that will over-stimulate milk production. Its worth having some breast pads handy.
  • If you choose to switch to formula you can do this at any time, however if you intend to combination feed with breastmilk and formula, its best to wait until 6 to 8 weeks until breastfeeding is fully established.

More Questions & More Answers

We know that between last week and this blog post weve barely scratched the surface when it comes to everything there is to know about baby formula. Thankfully, thats what is for! Here are some great resources Dr. Young has available, for free, on her site. Amazing information to bookmark for future reference.

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How To Make Baby Formula

Mixing your babys bottle may be new to you but its easy to master with just three steps.

  • First, get everything ready. Start by washing your hands. Then gather a clean bottle, nipple, ring, and cap, and the formula container. Check the use by date. If your container is dented, bulging, or leaking call the number listed on the back and do not use.
  • Next, add water. Check the label to find out how much youll need. Ask your babys doctor about the appropriate water to use when preparing formula. Use room temperature water. If you prefer to mix the powder with warm water, be sure to feed your baby or refrigerate the product right away.
  • Finally, add the formula. Check how many scoops you need for the amount of water in the bottle. After filling the scoop that came with the container, level it off with a clean knife. Pour the formula into the bottle, attach the ring, nipple, and cap, and shake well to mix. Before feeding, shake a few drops onto the inside of your wrist. It should feel neutral-neither warm nor cool.
  • Youll be surprised how fast these three easy steps will become second nature.

    /10 Theyre Having Trouble Sleeping

    Tips on how to safely prepare and store infant formula to keep your ...

    Newborns are known for sleeping a lot after theyre born and Cafe Mom reports that a sign that you might need to change your babys formula is if theyre having trouble sleeping. Sleep is one of the most important things for babies as theyre growing a lot and that takes a lot out of them. This means your baby should be getting about eight to nine hours of sleep during the day and eight hours of sleep at night. So, if you notice that your baby is being extremely fussy and is not sleeping then you may need to try giving them a different formula.

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    Consult With Your Health Care Provider

    When deciding on a baby formula, always consult with your healthcare provider. Every baby is different, and infants with special needs can require specialized formulas.

    Your healthcare provider can guide you in selecting the best option to ensure your baby gets the essential nutrients needed for proper development. They can also provide information on any risks associated with certain formulas, answer any questions you may have, and provide advice on how to best feed your baby.

    Your healthcare provider may also be able to provide you with recommended formula brands. Dont hesitate to reach out and benefit from their expertise. After all, its better to err on the side of caution.

    How Much Formula Should I Give My Baby

    Babies, just like the rest of us, have different appetites and they change over time. Make sure you follow the instructions on the pack when preparing the bottle. And if your baby was premature follow the advice of your healthcare professional. See the more detailed feeding guide below as an example.

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    You Have A Low Breast Milk Supply

    A previous breast surgery or certain medical conditions can interfere with the production of breast milk, though any woman can experience low supply. If you or your doctor feel that your baby is not getting enough breast milk through breastfeeding alone, you may need to supplement with infant formula.

    Can I Store Formula Leftovers In The Fridge

    Safely Preparing Infant Formula for your Baby

    Toss leftover formula. Once youve started feeding your baby from the bottle, the formula is good for just one hour. Thats because the babys mouth introduces bacteria to the nipple.

    Its like how you wouldnt want to take a sip of milk, let it sit out a couple of hours and then drink it again or put it in the fridge for later. The risk of spoilage is too high, explains Adler.

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    Formula Mob Family #: Hypoallergenic

    These are the top-tier expensive formulas that are generally given to babies with severe allergies and colic.

    They are completely lactose- free, and the proteins are so small that your baby only has to absorb them. There is almost no digesting at all. They are made so that ALL the proteins are already broken down.

    Formula Facts: Whats In It For Baby

    The three forms of formula powders, concentrates, and ready-to-use are based on different ingredients:

    Milk-based baby formulas

    Made with cowâs milk, vegetable oils , vitamins, and minerals and usually iron-fortified milk-based formulas are appropriate for healthy, full-term babies.

    Soy-based baby formulas

    Made with soy protein, vegetable oils, corn syrup and/or sucrose , and sometimes iron, these formulas are good for babies with lactose intolerance who canât take milk-based formulas, or those who have allergies to the whole protein in cowâs milk or are on a vegetarian-based diet. Soy infant formulas arenât recommended for low-birth-weight or preterm babies. Keep in mind that there may be some cross reactivity between soy and milk formulas, especially if the baby is allergic to milk-based formulas.

    Specialty baby formulas

    This is a big category, comprising a range of products infant formulas for low-birth-weight babies, low-sodium formulas for babies who need a restricted salt intake, and formulas thickened with rice starch for babies with reflux.

    Predigested, or hydrolyzed protein formulas, are made for babies who canât tolerate or have allergies to the whole proteins in cowâs milk and milk-based formulas. Others are for babies with medical conditions that keep their bodies from processing certain proteins or fats.

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    Are There Downsides To Boiling Safe Water

    If your tap water is safe to drink, should you still boil it before using it to mix formula? This is a complicated question. There are two major downsides:

    • It complicates feeding at a time when most caregivers are stretched very thin already.
    • It raises the risk of burns to the caregiver and the infant.

    The AAP recommends boiling water if you are uncertain about the safety of your water source.

    Why Should I Consider Homemade Formula Over Store

    Homemade Infant Formula Recipe Evaporated Milk

    I wonât go into great lengths as to WHY you really should consider homemade baby formula because you can read all about that here.

    But in short, the store-bought formulas are filled with all kinds of ingredients that really should be your babyâs first food or source of nutrition.

    They are jam-packed with synthetic ingredients, corn syrup solids, hydronated oils, bad sugars, and so on.

    If you are interested in seeing a really detailed breakdown of each of the ingredients commonly found in commercialized formula, Holistic Squid offers some great information.

    A big turn off to homemade baby formula is simply the fact that most people donât even know what it is, what it consists of, and WHY it is such a wholesome choice for your baby.

    As we get into the âhow toâ of making baby formula, it will become clear what is in it and what is NOT in it!

    Yeah, all of those nasty ingredients I mentioned a moment ago, those are nowhere to be found in homemade baby formula.

    What you will find is whole foods and non-synthetic vitamins and minerals that will offer you baby so much more nutrition, good health, and a strong immune system.

    Also, even though some may say the opposite, homemade baby formula is actually quite affordable and EVEN cheaper than a lot of the store-bought formulas.

    Plus, it really doesnât take that much time to make, and should only consist of about 10 minutes or so every couple of days.

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