How To Massage Newborn Tummy

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How To Treat Colic & Constipation – Baby Massage Course Part Two | Channel Mum

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A daily routine that involves movement, tummy time, stretches, and maybe even massage can help your babys digestive system get its work done and lessen the chances of developing a tummy ache.

Remember during this time that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your little one. Make time to eat healthily, get plenty of rest, and stay hydrated so that you and your little one can be in your best health.

Do I Need Baby Massage Oil

While you dont need baby massage oil, using massage oil can make the experience more comfortable and enjoyable, because it lessens the friction between skin.

According to a study published in the journal Indian Pediatrics, the type of massage oil you use can affect the health and growth of your baby. Researchers found that when coconut oil was used, the babies gained more weight.

Recent research from the University of Manchester also studied the role of oil used in baby massages, and found that olive oil and sunflower oil seemed to break down babys skin barrier function. Babies massaged with these oils were more at risk for developing skin conditions like baby eczema.

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  • After a diaper change

How To Give Your Baby A Massage To Relieve Constipation

Little digestive systems sometimes need some support to keep things running smoothly. If your babys tummy is a little stopped up, you can ease this discomfort by giving them a massage for constipation.

With all the breastmilk or formula your little one is consuming, you would assume that pooping comfortably and very often wouldnt be a problem. But constipation is surprisingly common in children of all ages.

In babies, the challenging part is that they dont have the vocabulary to communicate how theyre feeling. You may just notice them looking uncomfortable or in pain when theyre trying to poop.

If you suspect your little one is constipated, keep reading for all of our tips to help them with their tummy troubles.

But first, lets talk about how effective baby massages can be at solving stomach woes.

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Stomach Massage #: Paddling

As the name suggests, this technique involves paddling your fingers in a massaging motion, similar to a water wheel. With your fingers flat, starting at your babys rib cage, use gentle, sweeping strokes in a downward motion. Alternate your right hand with your left until you get to the top of their pelvis, then repeat.

Baby Massage Strengthens Bonds Between Mama And Baby

Baby Massage for Gas

Studies show that the bond between baby and mama is reinforced through eye contact as well as skin-to-skin contact. Further research suggests infant massage is especially helpful for mothers with postpartum depression who have trouble bonding with their babies.

When parents massage their baby, hormones are released to help relax. Through massage, they learn to understand their baby, building their confidence Linda Storm, founding executive director of Infant Massage USA

But the benefits dont just apply to mama. A study published in the Journal of Perinatal Education found that baby massage significantly reduced paternal stress and improved the bond between dad and baby.

Studies also show that parents who practice infant massage are better able to communicate with their children. And parents of chronically ill children report lower levels of anxiety as a result of practicing baby massage.

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How Do You Massage A Babys Stomach

The following techniques focus specifically on the digestive system to help promote healthy digestion, and help relieve gas, constipation, and colic. Just be sure not to do them too soon after your baby has eaten. We recommend waiting at least 45 minutes after a feeding before you do a massage.

In order to follow natural digestive movement, most strokes are done from their rib cage down. Likewise, for circular strokes, its best to use a clockwise motion , with your right hand in the lead and your left following behind. For each method, place your baby down on their back right in front of you. Repeat each sequence a few times in 15-minute massage sessions. Well get into the frequency in a bit.

Baby Massage For Colic

There is no single known cause of colic. While gas has been suggested as one of the possible causes, treatments aimed at reducing gas do not always lessen colic symptoms.

The Mayo Clinic suggests massage as a possible soothing method for colicky babies, but notes that no soothing method is guaranteed to help all babies or work every time.

Parents of a colicky baby should be prepared to rely on a wide range of soothing measures, and this may include baby massage if you so choose.

If you notice that your little ones burps include excessive spit-up or projectile vomit, or if your baby seems to be in pain during or following feeds, consult their doctor.

Your pediatrician can rule out other possible causes for the discomfort including gastroesophageal reflux disease and suggest other treatments as necessary.

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How Does Baby Massage Help

Babies can take in a lot of air when they cry or eat. The air in the bowel might become clogged and stuck. When there are a few air bubbles in there, they can combine to produce a large pocket of air, which causes newborns to have an uncomfortable hard belly and tummy ache, which is typically accompanied by bringing their legs up towards their abdomen in an attempt to expel and shift the air.

Massaging Your Babys Tummy Chest And Back

Pregnancy massage for labor pain
  • 1Maintain eye contact and speak softly to your baby. Establish eye contact with your baby and use a soft tone of voice to speak to them during the massage. This will help strengthen the bond between the two of you and help your baby learn to regulate emotion.XTrustworthy SourcePubMed CentralJournal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of HealthGo to source
  • 2Move your hand from the base of the rib cage down the belly. Place your hand palm-side down on the babys torso. Stroke downward, applying just a little bit of pressure. Move across horizontally to reach the left and right sides of your babys body.XResearch source
  • Be very gentle with the pressure, especially in your babys first few weeks of life. While a little pressure has been shown to enhance the benefits of massage, you dont want to push too hard on your babys little body.XTrustworthy SourcePubMed CentralJournal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of HealthGo to source
  • 3Use your fingertips to make a circle around their abdomen. Move in a clockwise direction. This particular massage helps with digestion. Dont be surprised if your little one passes some gas! If they do, its a good sign the massage is working.XResearch source
  • As you do this, say I love you to your baby, matching the word to the motion.
  • 6Make an X over your babys whole torso. Stroke across from the babys hip up to their shoulder. Then repeat on the other side.XResearch source
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    When To Start Baby Massage

    Massaging of a baby can begin few weeks after the baby is born. There is no best time to massage your baby, whenever you are totally free and can give your 100% to babys massage. You should massage at that time. Also, wait till the umbilical cord is totally dried off and sheds on its own. So, basically, you can start massaging your baby after your baby is one month old.

    Before massaging, make sure of the following things-

    • Your baby is not hungry, hungry babys do not enjoy massage.
    • Do it 45 minutes after you have fed your baby, so that your baby does not throw up.
    • Your baby should be calm, alert, and quiet.

    How To Learn A Tummy Massage Routine For Babies

    If you would like to learn how to do a fully tummy massage routine to help your baby with either gas or constipation, you can check out my baby massage classes that I offer. In the class I will guide you through all the steps, using different techniques that will help your baby.

    Not only will the class show you how to do a tummy massage for your baby, but will also show you how to do a full body massage for your baby, as well as different things that you need to know before starting any type of baby massage routine.

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    Baby Tummy Massage For Gas

    Stomach strokes that massage the belly are designed to encourage trapped air to move. The goal is to move gas and other matter in the intestines towards the bowels.

    Many of the stomach strokes suggested for gas begin at the lower right of your babys belly and end at the lower left of your babys belly . When looking at your baby, this means moving from your left to right.

    Some of the infant stomach massage techniques listed in the book Infant Massage: A Handbook for Loving Parents by Vimala McClure include:

    scientific evidence is lacking . Again, its best to talk to your pediatrician as a precaution before beginning any at-home remedy like reflexology.

    If your doctor says its okay to give it a go, consider the pressure point for the stomach and intestines thats located around the upper middle of the foot, just below the pad. Gently stroking this area of your babys foot may bring some gas relief.

    Baby Massage Reduces Colic

    I Love U on the tummy #babymassage #baby #massage

    Have you ever wondered why so many infant seats, rockers, and swings have a vibrating feature? Its because the vibration can actually help relieve colic. But research shows prolonged time in chairs or other baby containers are not good for babys development. This study found that infant massage is comparable to vibrating chairs in terms of successfully calming a colicky baby.

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    Possible Causes Of A Newborns Stomach Ache

    Like all humans, babies rely on bacteria in their gut to help break down the food they eat. This process causes gas buildup in the intestines.

    However, babies digestive systems are still developing. This can make it difficult for them to pass gas when they need to. If your child isnt getting air up during burping, swallowing a lot of air during feeding, or being overly sensitive to their milk or formula, the excess gas in their system might be causing discomfort.


    Acid reflux and indigestion are, unfortunately, not exclusive to adults. In fact, acid reflux can be a serious problem in infants.

    If youve suffered from heartburn before, you know that the sensation is a difficult one to endure. Babies with GERD will likely arch their back, grimace, and may spit up more than usual.


    Infant constipation is a common condition, but fortunately, it is rarely serious. Babies may become constipated when their diet or routine changes. Because babies digestive systems are not fully developed, passing regular bowel movements is not always to be expected.

    Infant constipation can have unpleasant repercussions. Your baby may be uncomfortable and bloated or suffer from cramps and stomach discomfort. This is one of the more common causes of stomach aches in infants. If you suspect constipation, speak with your pediatrician right away.

    Food sensitivities

    I Love U On The Tummy

    Begin with a resting hand.

  • Make a single downward stroke with your right hand on the left side of your babys tummy .
  •  Make a backward, sideways L, going from your babys right to left side.
  •  Make an upside down U, going from your babys lower right side, up, across and down the left side of the babys tummy. Say the words I love you as you go through the strokes.
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    How Does Baby Massage Help Reflux

    Gentle massage strokes help to calm your little one who may be distressed and in pain. Massaging the whole body will help to improve muscle co-ordination and tone throughout which can improve reflux. Whilst we cannot massage the specific muscle responsible for the reflux symptom, massaging your babys skin across the whole body stimulates the nervous system, including the Vagus nerve. This nerve controls many aspects of the digestive system.

    Baby massage also allows you to reconnect with your baby, who may be irritable and not sleeping well, so it can be a tough time for parents as well. A short regular massage can help you regain some of those loving feelings together.

    How To Massage Your Newborn

    mamaearth Digestion And Colic Relief Easy Tummy Roll On

    Narrator: A good way to connect with your newborn is by giving a little massage. Midwife Miriam Maldonado teaches new parents how to massage their newborn.

    Midwife Miriam Maldonado: A newborn massage is very good so you can relax your baby and also bond with your baby.

    Narrator: Make sure your baby is ready. Wait at least 45 minutes after a feeding to reduce the chance that he’ll spit up.

    Adjust the room temperature so it’s nice and warm.

    Midwife: So to start the massage we are going to get a flat surface and you put a cover on it.

    Narrator: You can also use a bed or the floor.

    To massage your baby’s body, you can use a small amount of baby oil, lotion, or a natural oil like olive or coconut. Before starting, it’s a good idea to try the product on a small patch of your baby’s skin to test for sensitivity or allergies.

    Have a washcloth and some warm water handy to clean your baby’s skin after the massage.

    Take off rings or other jewelry that could hurt your baby and make sure your nails are trimmed.

    Place your baby on the towel with just a diaper on.

    Start the massage on your baby’s head. Don’t use oil or lotion yet. Gently, without pressure, stroke the scalp, temples, and outside of the ears.

    After doing the head, rub a little oil or lotion between your hands. Stroke your baby’s legs. Use a very light touch, with circular movements.

    With newborn massage, always be careful not to apply too much pressure. A gentle touch provides plenty of stimulation.

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    Move Your Babys Legs In A Cycling Motion

    If your baby does not tolerate massage well, there are other options available which can assist with the treatment of constipation. Try moving your babys legs in a cycling motion.

    Place your baby so they are lying on their back. Hold their legs and turn them gently in a cycling motion. This will make the stomach muscles move and, in turn, put gentle pressure on the intestines to make them move.

    How To Soothe Your Newborns Stomach Ache

    Baby Stretches for Gas Relief

    When your babys tummy ache is caused by gas as is often the case the primary issue is that their immature digestive system cannot move gas through on its own. Stretching your baby is a great way to help get things moving and help them feel relief.

    Be warned: these stretches can lead to one stinky baby!

    One great stretch for newborn gas relief is the happy baby stretch.

    In this exercise, you will lay your little one on their back and take their ankles in your hands. Gently press their knees up and back towards their elbows, mimicking the motion of a deep sumo squat.

    Another beneficial stretch is the bicycle.

    This exercise also begins with your baby lying on their back. With one foot in each hand, gently move their legs in a circle, mimicking the motion of a bicycle. This stretch helps promote intestinal movement and gas relief.

    Turning your baby over onto their stomach can also help them stretch and relieve gas. Tummy time is essential for newborn development. Not only will time on their belly help digestion, but it also strengthens their muscles and promotes the development of motor skills.

    Newborn Massage for Gas Relief

    An infant massage is another way to help move things along in your babys tummy. Massaging your childs abdomen can help them pass gas or relieve constipation. However, make sure that you dont try this technique immediately after a feeding, as it could cause your child to spit up!

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    Getting Started With Baby Massage

    Massage can be soothing for babies. Make sure the room is warm, your baby is quiet, well-rested and alert, and youre relaxed. Try massage after a nap, when your baby is being changed or in the cot, or after a bath. You can do massage for 10-30 minutes.

    Smooth a few drops of baby massage oil or sorbolene cream into your warm hands and massage the soles of babys feet. Use firm, gentle, slow strokes from heel to toe. Always keep one hand on baby. If you see signs of allergic reaction to the oil, wipe it off and see your GP.

    Do long smooth strokes up babys leg. Massage from ankle up to thigh and over hip. Massage both legs at once or one at a time. Avoid the genital area. Hold babys leg under the knee and gently press it towards the tummy to help release wind.

    Infant Massage Soothes Tummy Troubles

    Safety tips for tummy time for new babies

    As most new mothers will tell you, babies tend to follow a pattern of eating, sleeping and pooping. In many cases, this cycle repeats without issue. However, if your clients newborn is experiencing excessive gastrointestinal distress, you might want to recommend infant massage to the belly to ease this problem.

    According to the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York, most newborns experience relatively little difficulty eating and digesting food. But in some cases, a number of clues might indicate a problem in the gastrointestinal tract. Continuous spitting up and projectile vomiting could be signs the digestive process is not proceeding as it should. Additionally, colic, which is prolonged or excessive crying with no obvious medical reason, could relate to temperament and adjustment to the world but might also be a symptom of excess gas that is produced as food is digested. This condition usually begins around three weeks of age and subsides by three months. The good news is, gas-induced colic can respond to massage.

    The La Leche League International encourages stomach massage for infants to reduce gas, colic and constipation. Whether you perform the massage or instruct the new mom, there are several techniques that are effective and easy to learn. Before you begin, its important the baby is calm and alert you should not perform massage on a baby that is fretting or crying. Also, be sure not to feed the baby immediately prior to tummy massage.

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