Should I Swaddle My Newborn At Night

The Moro Reflex And Swaddling

Why You Should Swaddle Your Baby & When to Stop Swaddling

There are a number of primitive reflexes that are a natural part of infancy. These include the rooting, sucking, and stepping reflexes. However, it is the Moro reflex that you probably hear the most about because of its relationship to swaddling and healthy baby sleep.

Once triggered, this startle reflex often results in your baby waking up, stretching out their limbs for support, and crying. In short, it can be distressing for your little one and one of the major benefits of the swaddle is that it can help to calm your baby down once they experience this reflex, or even stop them from experiencing it in the first place by keeping their bodies securely positioned in a safe and stable place.

The ability to counteract the Moro reflex is one of the top reasons parents choose the swaddle. Therefore, if you must stop swaddling your child, the problem is how you can prevent them from becoming scared, distressed, and uncomfortable due to their startle reflex kicking in.

Alternative products like our Zipadee-Zip can certainly help here, but you can also focus on removing the triggers of the startle reflex so that you baby is able to remain calm and content for as long as possible. Some of the most common triggers include:

  • A sudden or cold touch
  • A quick movement by someone around them
  • Being placed down in a crib
  • Change of position

If you must stop swaddling your child, the problem is how you can prevent them from becoming scared, distressed, and uncomfortable.

Can Newborns Sleep On Their Side

Side sleeping is usually safe once your baby is older than 4 to 6 months and rolls over on their own after being placed on their back. And always put your baby to sleep on their back until the age of 1 year. Tell your babys pediatrician if you notice a preference for side sleeping in the first three months.

Is It Important To Swaddle A Newborn

Swaddling protects your baby against their natural startle reflex, which means better sleep for both of you. It may help calm a colicky baby. It helps eliminate anxiety in your baby by imitating your touch, which helps your baby learn to self-sooth. It keeps her hands off her face and helps prevent scratching.

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How Do I Cover My Newborn At Night

Do not let your babys head become covered

  • tuck the covers in securely under your babys arms so they cannot slip over their head use 1 or more layers of lightweight blankets.
  • use a baby mattress thats firm, flat, well-fitting, clean and waterproof on the outside cover the mattress with a single sheet.
  • When Should I Stop Swaddling My Newborn

    The New Mom

    You want to stop swaddling when your child shows that she might be able to roll. Rolling in a swaddle could pose a risk as your child could get stuck in a position that might compromise her airway. In addition you would want to stop swaddling when you are working on sleep teaching and having your baby become an independent sleeper. Independent sleepers can be put in the crib completely awake without feeding, rocking or being drowsy and put themselves to sleep. Sheâll need her hands available to be able to do that so they should not be swaddled in that phase. Until then you will absolutely want to swaddle your newborn at night.

    References cited in this post:

    1. Parmelee AH., Jr. A critical evaluation of the Moro reflex. Pediatrics. 1964 33:773â788.

    2. Prechtl HFR. Problems of behavioral studies in the newborn infants. In: Lehrman DS, Hinde RA, Shaw E, editors. Advances in the Study of Behavior. London, UK: Elsevier/Academic Press 1965. pp. 75â98.

    3. Rönnqvist L. A critical examination of the Moro response in newborn infantsâsymmetry, state relation, underlying mechanisms. Neuropsychologia. 1995 33:713â726.

    4. Sheldon SH. Sleep in infants and children. In: Lee-Chiong TL, Sateia MJ, Carskadon MA, editors. Sleep Medicine. Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus Inc 2002.

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    What Happens If Baby Fights Swaddle

    There are swaddle products and swaddle transition products that can work well with swaddle refusers. Things like the Woombie or Zipadee-Zip are great swaddle alternatives. Halo and some other brands make swaddle products that give the option of a secure hold around babys chest while leaving one or both arms out.

    Why Is Swaddling Controversial

    Swaddling has become the subject of controversy. In 2011, the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education recommended against swaddling, saying it could increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome . … Modern swaddling calls for freedom of the legs and hips, said Dr.

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    What The Study Says About Swaddling And Sids

    The authors of the May 2016 study in the journal Pediatrics conducted a meta-analysis of four previous studies to determine if there was an association between swaddling and SIDS. These four studies were conducted at different periods over a 20-year timeframe in three geographic areas the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. While looking at four studies allowed the researchers to analyze a much bigger dataset, the long timeframe and geographic differences bring many factors into play, such as changing best practices and trends among the different populations.

    The analysis found that, overall, there was an increased risk of SIDS when babies were swaddled. However, the increase in risk was very small when the swaddled babies were placed on their backs. The risk was much higher when the swaddled babies were placed on their sides, and even more so when they were placed on their stomachs.

    Basically, this study supports what we already know:

    • Sleeping infants should be placed on their backs, not their sides or stomachs.
    • Swaddling infants for sleeping should not be used once a baby begins trying to roll over.

    Unfortunately, the headlines for the stories about this study caused some undue panic. Be reassured, swaddling your newborn is a reasonable option as long as you follow a few guidelines.

    Anna & Eve Swaddle Strap

    How to swaddle a baby

    There are also some products on the market that can make the transition from swaddling easier.

    The Swaddle Strap, by Anna & Eve is honestly the coolest swaddling product . The Swaddle Strap works well in its own right as a swaddling tool its great for warmer months when a full swaddling blanket is just too heavy, and it also makes diaper changes so much easier. You can use it as a tool to wean from the swaddle as well. By using the Swaddle Strap, you can swaddle your babys arms snugly while leaving her legs free. This is a great first step to transitioning away from the swaddle altogether!

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    How To Safely And Successfully Swaddle A Newborn Baby

    Lastly, here is a helpful video on how to swaddle your newborn baby. If you find it challenging at first or if your baby doesnt take to it right away, that is completely normal. Keep on trying and before you know it, both you and your baby will grow to love the swaddle as much as millions of parents and babies have before you!

    Drop The Swaddle Completely

    One of the most drastic alternatives to swaddling is dropping it completely. You can choose to drop the swaddle gradually by implementing a number of steps leading to a complete removal of any swaddle. This might accelerate their sleep independence and reduce their reliance on any sleeping products and calming methods entirely.

    This can involve only using the swaddle at certain times, such as during daytime naps. The goal is to ease your baby through the process, watching carefully whether they show any serious signs of discomfort. Other parents may choose the cold turkey method, but this can often be accompanied by a fair few sleepless nights until your little one is used to the change.

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    Use The Right Size But Not Too Tight

    One of the reasons babies love to be swaddled is because the swaddle prevents them from waking up every time they have the startle reflex.

    Youll notice your baby jerks his arms every so often and, if unswaddled, this is often enough to wake them from a sound nap.

    Swaddling helps prevent this.

    That said, its important the swaddle isnt so tight it restrict movements. Because babies sleep so much during those first months, much of their time will be spent swaddled.

    You still want baby to be able to move arms and legs freely, so finding a swaddle that doesnt leave them completely immobile is a must.

    How To Safely Swaddle Your Baby

    How to Tell if a Baby Is Swaddled Too Tightly &  More Swaddling Basics

    Swaddling can comfort babies when they are upset and help them fall and stay asleep. To keep your baby comfortable and safe while swaddled:

    • Do not swaddle the legs: Studies have shown that babies whose legs were tightly swaddled may develop hip problems. Make sure your baby can move their legs up and down at the hips.
    • Stop at the shoulder: This is especially important if youre putting your baby to sleep for the night or for a nap. If you are holding and observing your baby, you can pull the blanket up around the head like a hood, but dont do this if you are not watching them.
    • Leave the arms free or the hands by the face: Some babies prefer to have their arms free, while others find it calming to have their hands near their faces.
    • Make sure baby is not too warm: Swaddling should be done to help your infant feel secure, not to keep them warm. Use a thin, breathable blanket, and check periodically to make sure your baby is not overheating.
    • Stop swaddling when baby begins trying to roll over: This can vary from baby to baby, but by three months, you should stop swaddling.

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    Dangers Of Continued Swaddling

    There has been much debate around the positives and negatives of swaddling. Ultimately, it is up to you and your family if you choose to swaddle your newborn.

    Ignoring the signs of your baby trying to roll over can be dangerous if you continue to swaddle them. If your baby is fussy and moving more, they can overheat while swaddled. Signs of being overheated include:

    • Rapid breathing

    After two months, you should reevaluate your babyâs sleeping situation. Stop swaddling if someone is watching your child for you or theyâre moving around. Swaddling can be dangerous for babies at any month if itâs not done the right way. Because of this, some child care centers refuse to swaddle babies. Some doctors suggest it could be dangerous for children to be swaddled after 2 months.

    Another danger of continued swaddling is the increased risk of SIDs. It is also possible that your baby could overheat if dressed for bed improperly. Keeping the swaddling blanket too tight can restrict breathing and cause hip problems. If the swaddle blanket is too loose, thereâs a risk of the blanket unraveling and suffocating your baby. Following safe swaddle practices can reduce these risks.

    If you have any questions about whether or how to safely swaddle your baby or transition them out of their swaddle, your doctor can help. Together, you’ll decide the best course of action.

    Show Sources

    What Should Newborns Wear To Bed

    When dressing your newborn for bed, follow this rule of thumb: dress the infant in one additional layer than what youd be comfortable wearing at night in that room. Consider a onesie, sleep sack, or lightweight swaddle in warmer months. In colder months, opt for a long-sleeved onesie or a heavier sleepsack or swaddle.

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    Can You Swaddle Baby Too Tightly

    While this practice may provide a newborn with a feeling of security, studies have found that swaddling too tightly can hinder the baby’s lung function by restricting chest movement. … While the infant’s arms and torso can be wrapped snugly not overly tightly the legs should be covered loosely and be free to move.

    What Swaddles Are Best For Naps

    Baby sleep: Tips for newborns

    Can we review just how many different types of swaddles and sleep sacks there are out there?! From zipping, to wrapping, to Velcroing, to buttoning, it reads like a whos who of superhero characters.

    I personally recommend a swaddle blanket for the early newborn days, and you can watch my tutorial on how to use a swaddle blanket correctly here. Once your baby is getting too squirmy for a blanket, I recommend switching to a Velcro swaddle.

    In my blog post Swaddles vs Sleep Sacks I break down everything you need to know to choose the right swaddle for your baby, plus I clear up the equally big and confusing world of Sleep Sacks!

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    How Long Does It Take To Stop Swaddling

    In general, in my 10+ years of experience as a sleep consultant, I have found that most babies adjust to sleeping without a swaddle blanket within 1-2 weeks, on average. If they are younger babies who learned to roll early but still have the Moro reflex, these babies sometimes take 3-4 weeks or more, depending on age and development. All babies develop at their own rate, in my experience. Some things just cant be rushed.

    A final word, remember that any time you are weaning from a sleep association, the process can disrupt sleep. This means that if you decide to stop swaddling your baby for sleep, your baby may stop sleeping through the night initially. The process of transitioning away from swaddling can take a week or so, and during that time, your babys sleep may be affected. This is normal once your baby is used to sleeping unswaddled, sleep should return to normal.

    Will Swaddling Make My Baby Sleep So Soundly That It Will Be Dangerous#

    Parents, I know that there is so much information out there. I know that you are doing your best for your sweet baby. Perhaps youve heard someone saying that swaddling is dangerous because swaddled babies sleep so deeply.

    Can I walk you through the research?

    Some will use this study when talking about swaddling and the startle reflex. You may have read this:

    Swaddling has a significant inhibitory effect on progression of arousals from brainstem to full arousals involving the cortex in QS. Swaddling decreases spontaneous arousals in QS and increases the duration of REM sleep, perhaps by helping infants return to sleep spontaneously, which may limit parental intervention.

    In simple terms, this means that if your baby is swaddled, he may be able to sleep so soundly that he wont even wake you. This great sleep may seem appealing to you, or maybe it sounds scary because you fear that this deep sleep might not be good for your baby.

    BUT, we have to keep reading: this conclusion is left off the study when shared on some social media sites:

    For these reasons, a safe form of swaddling that allows hip flexion/abduction and chest wall excursion may help parents keep their infants in the supine sleep position and thereby prevent the sudden infant death syndrome risks associated with the prone sleep position.

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    Is A Pacifier Good For Newborns

    Babies cant intentionally pop their ears by swallowing or yawning to relieve ear pain caused by air pressure changes. Sucking on a pacifier might help. A pacifier might help reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome . Sucking on a pacifier at nap time and bedtime might reduce the risk of SIDS .

    When To Stop Swaddling Your Baby

    Newborn Tips for Sleeping

    There is no hard and fast rule for when to stop swaddling your baby. However, most experts recommend that you stop swaddling your baby around the time they start to roll over, which is usually around 4 months old. This is because rolling over can be dangerous if your baby is swaddled, and increases babys risk of SIDS . If you are unsure about when to stop swaddling your baby, consult with your pediatrician.

    Once your baby is rolling over, we recommend switching baby to a sleep sack like these gorgeous organic bamboo sleep sack from Kyte baby.

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    What If Newborn Turns On Side To Sleep

    Side sleeping is usually safe once your baby is older than 4 to 6 months and rolls over on their own after being placed on their back. And always put your baby to sleep on their back until the age of 1 year. Tell your baby’s pediatrician if you notice a preference for side sleeping in the first three months.

    Can I Swaddle My Baby All Night

    If you decide to swaddle, its safest to do it from birth, and for every-day and night-time sleep. If your baby is cared for by someone else, make sure they know how to swaddle him correctly too. Take some time to show them how you do it and make sure they know to put your baby down to sleep on his back.

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    Understanding Your Babys Body Temperature

    Babies are not able to regulate their body temperature. They cannot shiver when they are cold and cannot remove layers of warmth, such as clothing and blankets, when they get hot .

    That is why you must continuously monitor a host of factors to ensure your baby is comfortable and safe.

    These factors include:

    • Your babys natural temperature range.
    • The temperature of your babys environment.
    • How many clothing layers your baby is wearing.
    • What sort of fabric the clothes are made of.

    If you keep these factors in mind, you will be able to swaddle your baby safely during the hottest months of the year.

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