What To Do For Gas In A Newborn

Does Diet Cause Gas In Breastfeeding Babies

Newborn Baby Care : How to Help a Gassy Baby

Some babies dont tolerate typical formula. In those cases, a specialized formula that contains different proteins or carbohydrates may work better. These products often say something like, May help with gas, fussiness or colic, on their packaging. If you suspect your baby is having difficulty digesting their current formula, talk with your babys doctor about your options.

If youre breastfeeding, you may have heard that what you eat affects your breastmilk and that certain foods should be avoided. Proper nutrition is important when breastfeeding. Scientific research, however, hasnt conclusively proven a link between your diet and gas or other discomforts for your baby.

When breastfeeding, some people benefit from cutting back on gas-causing foods or dairy products. This can be especially helpful if theyre feeling gassy themselves. Dr. Sniderman says if it works for you, great, but she doesnt suggest a restrictive diet for most people who are breastfeeding.

Some people will come up with a long list of foods you should cut out of your diet if you have a gassy baby, Dr. Sniderman notes. Thats a lot to ask of someone whos probably already stressed and taking care of a new baby. When youre breastfeeding, you need to eat a lot. You literally have to eat enough to feed you and the baby. So, I am usually not of the camp that eliminates a lot of things from a breastfeeding diet.

When To Call Your Doctor

Its always a good idea to consult your doctor about whats going on, even if it doesnt seem like a big deal. There are, however, a few signs you should be on the lookout for. If you notice any of the following, call your doctor right away.

  • Your baby isnt gaining weight
  • Your baby often doesnt want to eat or is difficult to feed
  • Your baby seems constipated or has a hard time with bowel movements
  • Your baby has an allergic reaction

Common Symptoms Of Baby Gas

Although an uncomfortable experience for some bubs, infant gas isnt uncommon and there are several potential causes that may contribute. These include:

  • Crying while passing gas, or soon after
  • Arching their back
  • Lifting their legs
  • Trouble sleeping

If you think your little one is experiencing gas, its important to take them to see your local GP. During your appointment, you may wish to discuss these symptoms .

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Is Your Babys Formula Giving Them Gas

Before rushing to a pharmacy or calling your doctor in a panic, here are some preventive measures you can take to prevent your baby from getting gassy:

  • Check the formula. Are you making it as directed? Is the formula past its expiration date? Are you mixing two different formulas? Sometimes, your baby may develop gas if you mix two types of baby formulas, but their tummy discomfort will usually settle on its own in a few days.
  • Did your baby start getting gassy since you switched to a new brand of formula? Your baby may be allergic to the new brand or maybe their gut is getting used to the new formula. Try discontinuing the new formula and see if it helps.
  • Feed your baby before they start crying. Often babies cry when they are hungry, and swallow air when crying. If you feed them before they get hungry enough to start crying, they may swallow less air and not get gassy.
  • Avoid giving them a pacifier.

What Causes Baby Gas

Baby Gas Pain: Reasons and Home Remedies

There are several possible causes for infant gas. Some believe that breastfed babies can get the effects of gaseous foods from their mothers breast milk. Others feel that acidic foods and excess dairy products in their diet also seem to worsen their babys fussiness.

But what mom eats isnt the only possibility.

If your babys bottle-fed, they could be having a reaction to their formula. Food intolerance often shows up as gas and bloating. If this is the cause of gas, youre also likely to see other digestive problems like diarrhea.

One of the more common causes is swallowing too much air while eating whether breastfed or bottle-fed it can cause gas.

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How To Get Rid Of Baby Gas

A newborn or baby having gas isnt something to worry about in itself. Gas is simply part of life, from day one. But a baby whos showing discomfort because of gas is asking for some help from their caretakers.

Some babies will be able to pass their gas without much intervention, if any at all. Others need a little help, Dr. Sniderman says.

She suggests a few ways to relieve gas in babies.

When To Speak With A Doctor

While most baby gas cases are fairly harmless, there are times when you should seek professional help.

If your baby exhibits excessive crying, has long crying bouts three or more times per day, or just recently began crying after reaching their first month, contact your pediatrician.

Also call the doctor or seek medical help if your little one isnt eating, peeing, or having regular bowel movements.

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Talk To Your Doctor About A Possible Formula Ingredient Intolerance

If youre formula feeding and baby seems gassy — even when you take other steps to reduce gas, or even try a gentle formula — baby may have an intolerance to a formula ingredient.

Food intolerances cause baby to develop GI symptoms, including gassiness, loose or abnormal stools, and abdominal pain, when baby eats foods that they are sensitive to.

Most commonly, if baby has a formula intolerance, its caused by cows milk in the formula. They could have an intolerance to lactose or to milk proteins.

If you think baby has a formula intolerance, talk to your doctor. Switching to an extensively hydrolyzed formula, like Nutramigen or Alimentum, may ease your little ones symptoms. These formulas contain milk proteins that are broken down into very small parts . They are also free of lactose.

But dont switch formulas until youve talked to your doctor about babys possible intolerance, and theyve given you the ok to switch.

Signs Your Baby Has Gas

How to Soothe a Gassy Baby

Gas is a natural bodily function thats usually caused by swallowing extra air. Infants may take in extra air when drinking from a bottle or breast, crying or sucking on a pacifier.

A baby with built-up gas is usually a less-than-happy baby. A belly full of bubbles just doesnt feel good, and theyll probably let you know it.

Babies who are trying to relieve their gas or move their bowels might:

  • Be extra fussy.
  • Be extra squirmy.
  • Pull their legs up to their chest to try to relieve themselves.

Gas discomfort is most common for their first four months or so though, Dr. Sniderman says some babies will need help with their gas for their first year.

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Signs And Solutions For Gassy Breastfed Babies

What are some common culprits behind your baby’s gassiness? Learn the signs, foods that may cause gassiness in your baby, and how to soothe and relieve his or her symptoms.

As a new parent, it can be stressful and upsetting to see and hear your baby cry. Thats especially true if you’ve checked off all the usual suspects dirty diaper, empty belly, discomfort, or over-tiredness and you still cant seem to soothe your little one.

Gas is something that many newborns experience, and it can be painful for them! It isn’t always the first thing that parents remember to consider, since it’s not something easily visible.

What Is The Difference Between Food Allergy And Food Sensitivity

A food allergy involves a response by a persons immune system. An allergic reaction usually takes place not long after the food is consumed, anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or two after ingestion. When the body mistakes a protein or proteins in the food as harmful, it releases germ-fighting organisms, called antibodies, which proceed to fight the offending food. An allergic reaction can result in a rash or hives, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling of the tongue, and even swelling of the airways to the lungsa potentially deadly reaction.

A food sensitivity takes longer to manifest itselfup to three days after eating the foodso, its a little trickier to pinpoint. However, the symptoms are not as potentially severe as those of an allergic reaction. Food sensitivities can result in nausea, stomach pain, gas, cramps, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, headaches, irritability, or nervousness.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Breastfeeding And Gassy Babies

Breastmilk is made from what passes into moms blood, not what is in her stomach or digestive track. Below are a few common questions that moms have about breastfeeding and gassy babies.

Can drinking carbonated sodas cause gas in baby? No. For something to pass into your milk, it must first pass into your bloodstream. Its the carbonation in sodas, etc. that can cause gas in mom. The bubbles in a carbonated drink cannot pass into your milk and affect baby. If this could happen, youd have carbonated blood and carbonated milk!

If mom is gassy, can that make baby gassy? No. Gas in moms body cannot pass into breastmilk.

Gas Relief For Babies

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Watching a gassy baby struggle in pain can break any parents heart. Luckily, there are several baby gas relief options to help release the gas and soothe the discomfort. Read on to learn how to relieve gas in babies.

Swaddling. Wrapping baby up tight can soothe your gassy baby by mimicking the coziness of the womb.

Rocking or bouncing. As with swaddling, OConnor says, the motion of rocking or bouncing simulates the environment in your uterus, helping to relax baby.

Using a pacifier. Almost all babies will find some baby gas relief by sucking on a pacifier, OConnor says, because the sucking action releases endorphins that will soothe them.

Infant massage. Simply rubbing your childs belly may be helpful, since massage can help calm the nerve signals in babys immature intestines.

Tummy time. Some babies find gas relief from the gentle pressure thats put on the stomach during tummy time. Just make sure theyre supervised while doing this, Grossman cautions.

Encourage movement. If your gassy baby is in severe discomfort, try the baby bike ride. Lay baby on their back and move their legs in an up-and-down pedaling motion. This helps move gas along physically, but also helps soothe and calm nerves in the intestines.

Switch up babys formula. For a formula-fed baby, you can try a different formula thats made for gassy babies, Grossman says.

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When Should You See A Doctor About Your Babys Gas

In eight out of 10 cases, your baby will get better with time. Gas is common among newborns and usually gets better over time as their digestive tract grows. However, if you see the following signs, you may want to call your pediatrician:

  • You notice that your baby isnt gaining weight.
  • Your baby cries uncontrollably every day.
  • Your baby hasnt passed stools or has regular episodes of constipation.
  • Your baby refuses to feed.

Will My Baby Outgrow Their Gas Pains

Once your baby’s digestive system develops, they may have much less gas. This is likely to happen after the first few months of life, say by the time they’re 4 to 6 months old.

Of course, once your baby starts eating solid foods â also usually between 4 and 6 months â it’s possible for them to have a reaction to certain foods. Your baby may experience temporary constipation, for example, or a gassy tummy after eating certain gas-inducing vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.

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Is It Gas Or Colic

A baby who cries more often than is typical and is highly difficult to soothe may be experiencing colic. Colic means more crying. More crying means more air is being swallowed. That means, you guessed it, more gas.

A baby with colic may well be a gassy baby, but a baby who is gassy isnt necessarily a colicky baby, Dr. Sniderman says.

About 10% of babies have colic. Babies with colic will cry often and for long stretches of time. A rule of thumb, Dr. Sniderman says, is that babies with colic are less than three months old and will cry for at least three hours a day, at least three times per week. Babies with colic are generally not consoled by feeding, diaper changing, rocking or other go-to baby soothing methods, including gas relief.

Gas And Breastfed Babies

How can I know if my baby has gas or reflux?

Moms who are breastfeeding may be told to eliminate dairy from their own diets because a breastfed baby with diagnosed cows milk protein allergy can be exposed to the protein through moms breastmilk. This is one of the only cases where a reduction or elimination of a food from moms diet may be beneficial, says Nishta Saxena, a registered dietitian and paediatric and family nutrition specialist. But typically gassy foods like broccoli, beans and lentils consumed by mom arent likely to cause gas in a breastfed baby. We just dont have a lot of evidencethat shows an improvement in gassiness with the removal of foods from the moms diet, says Saxena.

For the most part, babies just need time for their tummies and digestive systems to mature, and then gas issues will subside. However, if the intensity of crying has increased, if youre unable to settle your baby for a sustained amount of time, or if his or her abdomen appears overly distended or feels hard to the touch, call your doctor. Refluxor an allergenic response can also be mistaken for gas, so its important to check with your doctor.

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Why Is My Baby More Gassy At Night

Gas accumulation is a function of gut motility and positioning. As our body rests, our digestion slows. Gut slowing results in more gas buildupOrr WC. Gastrointestinal Functioning During Sleep: A New Horizon in Sleep Medicine . Sleep Med Rev. 2001 5:91-101. . During the night, you and I have the luxury of moving our bodies when we feel this discomfort. Our body movement releases any trapped gas bubbles, allowing us to burp or fart to relieve the painful pressure.

Babies cant freely move while they sleep. At night, we tightly swaddle our babies and lie them on their backs to sleep. This technique is important for infant soothing and decreasing the risk of SIDS, but limits the movement of tummy bubblesTASK FORCE ON SUDDEN INFANT DEATH, S. Y. N. D. R. O. M. E. SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2016 Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment. Pediatrics. 2016 138. . Tummy gas builds during quiet rest until the pain wakes your baby up.

Are There Any Exercises That Can Help Infant Gas

Your baby may not be walking yet, or even crawling. But that doesnt mean you cant do exercises with themand help relieve some of that uncomfortable gas in the process. Enter: The Bicycle technique. Simply lay your baby down flat on their back, then pump their legs in circular motions, similar to how one would move while bicycling. This simple movement can get gas moving, helping your baby to expel it.

Likewise, a little tummy time has been known to help promote infant gas relief. By laying your baby down on their stomach, youre using their weight to put pressure on stubborn gas. As your baby inevitably starts floor-wiggling, the pressure and motion may help move the gas around enough to get it out. Bonus: Tummy time also helps strengthen your babys neck and upper body muscles while helping to keep their head from getting flat from laying predominantly on their back.

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Baby Is Not Sleeping Well

Understandably, a baby with a tummy ache will have trouble sleeping either falling asleep or staying asleep. However, there are many, more common reasons for a baby to have a disturbed sleep pattern other than abdominal discomfort.

MYTH: A common belief is a baby will become “blue around the lips” when he has wind/gas. This is not true. A bluish tinge around a baby’s lips is due to increased blood circulation… which is often more obvious when a baby is crying .

Change Up Your Formula Feeding


The type of formula you feed your baby as well as how you give it can both impact their gassiness. You can try different formulas to find the one that best agrees with your babys stomach. And because air bubbles form after powdered formula is shaken up, its a good idea to let the formula settle before feeding your babe.

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How Many Calories Do You Need When You’re Breastfeeding

Your body generally burns around 300 to 500 extra calories a day while you’re breastfeeding depending on whether you’re nursing exclusively or not. If you are, it’s typically up to 450 to 500.

So while you don’t need to be hyper-vigilant about counting calories and consuming more, definitely keep your extra nutritional needs while nursing in mind. If you stayed within your doctor’s recommended weight gain during pregnancy, you shouldn’t have to take in any more or less than that, but check with your practitioner if you’re not sure.

Which Foods May Contribute To Gas

Once you begin introducing solids to your bub , some foods may contribute to or cause excess gas.

Every bub will respond to certain types of food differently, however there are a few repeat offenders that commonly cause gas in babies. This is because your little ones body takes a little longer to break them down.

Some common foods which may cause baby gas include:

For some infants, frequent gas may be a sign of a food sensitivity. This is one of the reasons its important to consult your friendly GP if your little one experiences gas.

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