What To Use To Feed Newborn Kittens

Heat Is One Of The Most Critical Factors With Newborn Kittens

How to Syringe Feed a Newborn Kitten

First and foremost, keep your kittens warm! Kittens under 10 days old cannot maintain their own body heat, so you will need to supplement heat for them. Your kitten cannot properly digest foods or liquids if they are cold and will most likely refuse food. If the kitten is kept cold for too long, hypothermia kicks in, and your kitten will not survive.

What Do You Feed Baby Kittens In Emergency

You can feed baby kittens with baby formula in an emergency.

Since a kitten is reliant on its mother for food and warmth, it cannot survive on its own.

If you come across a kitten that has been abandoned or separated from the litter, you can give it homemade formula.

While a kitten cannot survive solely on homemade formula, it can be used as a temporary solution until you can purchase a kitten milk replacement .

You can combine evaporated milk and an egg yolk to make a quick and easy formula.

Use a combination of goat milk, yogurt, and gelatin to make something more nutritious.

To keep the kitten healthy, prepare the emergency food and administer it to it via a bottle or syringe.


  • 8 fluid ounces of evaporated milk
  • 2 tablespoons of corn syrup

For a simple recipe, combine evaporated milk, egg yolk, and corn syrup. In a large mixing bowl, beat 1 egg yolk with a wire whisk until it reaches a runny consistency.

Continue mixing the formula with 8 fluid ounces of evaporated milk and 2 tablespoons of light corn syrup in the basin. Stir the ingredients together until they are completely blended.

Sweetened condensed milk is not recommended since it is too sweet for the kittens.

How Often To Feed Kittens

Younger kittens need to be fed several meals per day, if you are not free-feeding.

As they are growing and burning calories, we want to keep their bodies supplied with energy. Feed meals every 6-8 hours.

Your veterinarian will figure out the total daily calories that your kitten needs, and you can divide that between the number of meals per day. Typically, by the time kittens get to 4-5 months, they can be transitioned to two meals per day, still feeding the total number of daily calories, but in less frequent, larger meals.

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Is The Mother Present

The first question you need to consider when caring for a newborn kitten is whether the mother is present. If she is, then there is less that you will need to do. Most cats know instinctively how to raise their young and will do all the necessary actions at all the right stages in the kittens life. It is your job to simply make sure they are warm, safe and protected.

But if you have found a newborn kitten that doesnt seem to have a mother, you will need to take on all her duties. If this is a stray kitten, do make sure the mother is not coming back before taking the kitten in. If you are not careful, you could separate the mother from her young.

How Do I Keep A Newborn Kitten Warm

Bottle feeding a newborn kitten I found in a storm drain!

Kittens should be kept in a cat carrier wrapped in a few layers of towels. Using a heating pad or heat disc for pets alongside a soft fleece blanket can also help keep them warm. Ensure that the carrier is large enough for your kitten to move away from the heater when they want to.

It is very important to keep your cat carrier in a safe, warm room away from other pets. Itâs helpful to go and check on your kitten throughout the day. If your kitten feels cold, you need to warm them up as soon as possible.

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Choosing The Best Kitten Food

When it comes to kitten food, quality counts. Choose only food that has been certified by Association of American Feed Control Officials , which establishes nutritional standards for complete and balanced pet foods. This means that the food has been tested to make sure it is properly balanced for your kittens growing needs. If youve adopted a kitten from a shelter, find out what the kitten was eating previously and stick with that diet to avoid stomach upset.

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What To Feed Newborn Kittens From Birth To 4 Weeks Of Age

The best food for kittens from birth up to around 3 or 4 weeks of age is their mothers milk. You simply cant beat nature! This is especially true during the first day of life.

The milk that mothers initially produce is called colostrum. It is extremely nutrient dense and even contains antibodies that help protect kittens against infectious diseases. After kittens are 1 or at most 2 days old, they can no longer absorb antibodies through their intestinal tract.

Thankfully, most queens are excellent mothers and will provide their newborn kittens with all the care they need. The best way to check that kittens are getting adequate nutrition during this time is to weigh them daily. In general, kittens should gain approximately ½ to ¾ of an ounce each day. Momma cats should have 24/7 access to fresh water and a cat food labeled for growth and reproduction or all life stages so they can produce enough milk for their litters.

A Small Note Regarding Kitten Death

ð?¼ Newborn kitten survival guide – feeding

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, a kitten will pass away during the first few weeks of his life. FKS or Fading Kitten Syndrome is the equivalent of SIDS in human babies. It is when your kitten appears healthy but begins to fade abruptly. It can be a very distressing time for you but it is essential to remember that you have done everything in your power to give this kitten a fighting chance and he will be forever grateful to you for dedicating such time and love to his short life. At Leos Pet Care, we understand the grief associated with losing a loved one so if you need questions answered or just need someone to listen, please dont hesitate to contact us!

Leos Pet Care veterinary clinic in Indianapolis home of veterinary technician Jen Sloan 317-721-7387

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How To Care For Newborn Kittens

Did you know that a kitten is actually considered a newborn until shes four months old? By that point, shes old enough to be weaned completely off her mothers milk, learn how to socialize with her littermates, and hit important developmental milestones. So, how do you care for these tiny, helpless kittens in the meantime? Were here to help you out. Lets take a look at what the experts say.

How To Hold A Newborn Kitten

When lifting up a newborn kitten, use both your hands. Hold them from the chest and under their back legs to make sure they are fully supported. Be gentle. If they squirm, do not put them down this teaches them that squirming means they will be released. Instead, soothe them with your voice until they calm down.

In this article, we have explored the essentials of caring for a newborn kitten. With this advice and professional help from your vet, your kitten should grow up to be strong, loving and well-socialised cat.

Next, find out more about kitten vaccinations and how they work to keep your pet protected from a wide range of diseases.

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Preparing To Bottle Feed Your Kitten

Depending on its size and condition, your newborn kitten will need approximately nine to 12 daily feedings. For the first two weeks of life, you will need to count on feeding the kitten every two hours during the day and every four hours overnight.

In order to bottle feed the kitten, you will need to gather a few supplies. Regular human baby bottles will likely be too big, but most pet stores have newborn kitten bottles and nipples, as well as a commercial formula specifically designed for kittens. If your kitten is a preemie, you will need to dropper-feed it until it’s strong enough to suck on the bottle. Make sure to check with your veterinarian if this is the case.

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Pet Nursing Bottle Replacement Nipple Cat Feeding Bottle for Newborn ...

You can use a simple box with soft blankets to contain the kitten. For warmth, I would suggest using a warm water bottle wrapped in a towel. Simply put it between two blankets that line the entire box. I would discourage people from using a heating pad, because its easier for the kitten to overheat that way.

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Here Are A Few Ways To Keep Your Kittens Warm:

1. Heating Pad-Keep the setting on LOW. Put your heating pad on about half the bottom of your kitten enclosure and lay a towel over the top, so your kitten is not directly on the heat pad. Always leave a cool area for them to move to if they become too hot.

2. Snuggle Safe warming disc – This can be used short-term to warm kittens, but it heats via your microwave and must be reheated frequently.

3. Fill a clean sock with uncooked white rice/white beans, tie a knot at the top, and microwave for 60 seconds. This will also require frequent reheating, approximately every 2-3 hours.

Your kitten enclosure temperatures should be as follows: Birth-3 weeks: 85-88F Over 3 weeks: approx. 79F

Can A Baby Kitten Drink Regular Milk

Cats should not be given cows milk since it lacks the necessary nutrients. Cows milk will also induce diarrhea, a potentially fatal disease in newborn kittens.

Only give kitten formula that has been approved by the manufacturer to your little friend. Hoskins, a homemade recipe, is excellent. You can also use KMR, a commercial powdered product.

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How Often Do You Feed Newborn Kittens

Neonatal kittens need to be fed on a regular basis day and night. For the first week of life, they need to be fed about every two to three hours. After that, you can usually stretch it out to every four hours.

These kittens should be bottle-fed using kitten milk replacer , which comes in either liquid or powder form. Its the equivalent to formula that you would use for a bottle-fed baby, except its formulated for cats. The formula, bottles and nipples are all available over the counter at most pet supply stores. You dont need a prescription. The instructions will give you a guideline on how much to feed based on the weight of the cat.

When preparing the bottle, be cautious of milk flow. If you make the hole in the nipple too big, the kitten can actually aspirate, or drown. The bottles come with instructions on how to prep the nipple for milk flow. However, if you are struggling, I would advise you to seek help from your veterinarian. Never cut off the entire tip of the nipple, as this is often what causes cats to aspirate.

Care After Kitten Feeding

How to Safely Bottle Feed a Kitten

Caring for orphan kittens requires more than just bottle feeding. You will also be tasked with stimulating the kitten to go to the bathroom, tending to her medical needs, keeping her warm and clean, and otherwise providing her with a safe and secure environment until she is old enough for adoption.

After feeding, wipe down the kittens face so that no formula is sticking to her fur. Gently rub the kittens genitals with a soft tissue to stimulate her to urinate and defecate. Do this at each feeding, being mindful to wipe up afterward so that she stays clean and comfortable. Once the kitten has been fed, stimulated, and cleaned up, its time for her to go back into her warm, safe space until the next feeding. Repeat until the kitten is 5 to 6 weeks old and weaning onto wet kitten food.

To learn more about how to provide well-rounded care for an orphan kitten, download a PDF on kitten care here.

Hannah Shaw is an expert on neonatal kittens and is founder of the rescue and advocacy project Kitten Lady. You can find more kitten-care resources on the Kitten Lady website.

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Kitten Replacement Formula #1

  • 2 tablespoons corn syrup
  • 1 drop liquid human pediatric vitamins

Mix the milk, egg yolk, and syrup well and store it in a tightly sealed jar in the refrigerator. At feeding time, mix half of the estimated feeding amount with an equal amount of boiling water. Once a day, mix one drop of the human infant liquid vitamins in each kitten’s formula portion.

What You Need To Bottle Feed A Kitten

To get started youll need several baby bottles with nipples designed especially for kittens, and some kitten milk replacer. Most nipples dont come with holes, so you may have to make a small hole in the end to allow milk to drip out. Kitten milk replacer is available in pre-mixed liquid form and in a dry powder. Both work equally well, but some people find the powder to be more convenient because you only need to mix what you need for each feeding.

Before you offer your kitten a bottle, make sure the milk replacement is warm. To check that its not too hot, shake a few drops of formula onto your wrist to make sure its comfortably warm. Carlene Strandell, founder and director of Smitten with Kittens, a nonprofit, foster-based kitten rescue that operates in Tallahassee, Fla., says that the first thing you need to do when feeding a newborn kitten is to ensure that the kitten is warm. You should not feed a cold kitten. A cold kitten is a fading kitten, and trying to feed them is just adding one more stress to their bodies, she says. If your kittens pads or gums feel cold, wrap him in a blanket and/or hold him against you until he warms up.

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Choose The Right Kitten Formula And Bottle

Motherless neonatal kittens have sensitive systems that require a special kitten formulanot just any dairy product you have in the fridge. Kitten formula is formulated to provide a proper balance of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and a caloric pattern that mimics the content of a mother cats milk. This product comes as a liquid or powder mix, which you can pick up at the nearest pet supply store, feed store, or online retailer. Never feed a kitten cows milk, human baby formula, milk alternatives, or at-home recipes, as these can cause illness and death.

While picking up your kitten formula, you will also want to pick up a kitten bottle and perhaps an extra set of rubber nipples for feeding. If the nipple on your bottle does not come pre-cut, cut a small hole in the nipple on a diagonal angle, being mindful that the hole is not too big or too small. This is important because it will determine the flow of the formula while the kitten is nursing. To ensure proper flow, test the hole by turning the bottle upside down. The formula should slowly drip one drop at a time if the hole is the correct size. If it flowing too slowly, enlarge the hole too quickly and youll have to try again with a new nipple.

How To Feed A Newborn Kitten

Royal Canin Babycat Milk Replacer Feed &  Bottle Kittens Birth

This article was co-authored by Natalie Punt, DVM. Dr. Natalie Punt is a Veterinarian and the Founder and CEO of mPet. She specializes in small animal emergency and general medicine and veterinary practice economics. Dr. Punt holds a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from The University of California, Davis, an MS in Biochemistry from The University at Buffalo, and a DVM from Western University of Health Sciences.There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 14 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 893,435 times.

Ideally, kittens should stay near and nurse from their mother cat for up to eight weeks prior to being separated and/or adopted. In the case of a rescue, death of the natural mother, or when circumstances cause cat mothers to reject one or more of her litter, human intervention is necessary. There are many things to consider if you find yourself needing to feed a newborn kitten. Careful consideration and preparation will make bottle feeding a kitten a soothing and comfortable experience, and help result in a happy, healthy pet.

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