When To Change Newborn Formula

Your Babys Growing And Their Digestive System Is Developing Too Consider These Tips If You Are Looking To Switch Your Babys Formula

Change coming to WIC baby formula program

As a result, you may be thinking about changing his formula, or perhaps digestive issues likefussiness, gas and spitting uptriggered the thought.No matter what, its best to speak with your doctor before switching your babys formula, while keeping these next few pointers in mind:

  • Dont worry about alternating or combining the new formula with the formula youve been using: Babys transition to the new formula can happen right away.

  • Avoid mixing different formulas!Heres why its not recommended: Formulas arent meant to be combined. Plus, if your baby experiences digestive issues, you wont be able to identify the cause.

  • Give your baby 3 to 5 days to get used to the new formula:It may take him some time to adapt. While youre transitioning, your baby may go through some other slight changesmainly to his stool pattern, gas and how often he spits up. Dont worry, though, this is normal!

Remember, you should consult with your baby’s doctor before switching formulas, so you can always raise any other questions or concerns at that time.

Whenever you may decide its time for formula, choose GOOD START PLUS. Its our closest formula to breast milk and the only non-GMO* baby formula with Comfort Proteins, Probiotics^, and DHA. .

* Like all infant formulas

** Ingredients not genetically engineered.

^ Probiotics only in powder format.

Infants were exclusively formula fed Canadian formulation differs slightly from the GOOD START SOOTHE formula used in the study.

Tips For Using Baby Formula

Now that you have the basic formula facts, here are some quick tips for safe and effective feeding with formula.



Talk to your pediatrician if you’re unsure which formula to use.

Show Sources

Spock, B. and Rothenberg, M. Dr. Spockâs Baby and Child Care, 6th Edition, Simon & Schuster, 1992.

American Academy of Family Physicians: âInfant Formula.â

American Academy of Pediatrics: âWater Intoxication In The News,â âChoosing a Formula,â âProbiotics in Formulas,â âHow To Safely Prepare Formula With Water.â

Cleveland Clinic: âBottle Feeding a Newborn Baby.â

Food and Drug Administration: âFeeding Your Baby with Breast Milk or Formula.â

MedicineNet: âInfant Formulas.â

How Do I Switch To Another Formula

Here are some useful hints for formula switch:

  • Always consult a physician – The ideal formula for your child should always be discussed with your doctor. If you struggle with the change, you will need the help of a health expert who is the only one who can precisely describe what your infant requires. Never change a baby’s formula on your own without first seeking medical advice. If your doctor is adamant that your infant doesn’t require a change in formula, pay close attention because there may be another problem with your child unrelated to the formula they are now consuming.
  • Choose a New Baby Formula – Use caution when choosing the new infant formula. If there is a medical reason to switch to a different formula, such as lactose intolerance, talk to your baby’s doctor about the best option. Always read the labels, compare them, and attempt to choose a formula that is as close as you can to the one you just used.
  • Bring in the New Formula Gradually – The ideal time to switch our babies to formula is not based on any precise science. These approaches could be useful to you:
  • Partial Weaning – This approach can be used if you want to keep breastfeeding but also need to take some formula supplements. This might only include replacing one feed a day with formula. With your infant, it can be helpful to experiment with a few different formulas to determine which one they prefer.
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    Try Formula Thats Made In Another Country

    You can also consider buying formula that’s made outside of the United States in U.S. stores. Stores will start carrying or may already have these options. The Food and Drug Administration has allowed these formula companies to market certain products in the United States, and may allow more infant formula products that meet its criteria to be sold in the U.S. When preparing formula made in other countries:

    • Read the mixing instructions carefully for preparing powdered formulas. They may require different amounts of powder or water than formulas made in the U.S.
    • Use the FDA’s conversion chart to convert milliliters to fluid ounces and common conversions from Celsius to Fahrenheit .

    Consumers should be cautious when buying formula thats made outside of the U.S. from online marketplaces, as it has the potential to be counterfeit. Learn more about how to spot counterfeit infant formula: What are counterfeit infant formulas? How can I avoid buying such products?

    What Kinds Of Formulas Can Be Switched

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    In most cases, it’s fine to change formulas, as long as you stick with the same type. For instance, the ingredients in all cow’s milk-based, iron-fortified infant formulas are essentially the same.

    Likewise, if your baby is on a pediatrician-recommended partially hydrolyzed infant formula , switching to a different brand of partially hydrolyzed formula won’t harm them. But if your baby is on a special type of formula, such as a formula designed for premature babies, and you’re considering switching formula types, check with your pediatrician first.

    And don’t switch from a cow’s milk-based formula to an extensively hydrolyzed formula without talking with your pediatrician first, since they may not need to be on that type of formula, which is hard to come by in the shortage.

    Formulas made with goat’s milk are also becoming more popular. If you’re currently feeding your baby cow’s milk formula, talk with your pediatrician before giving your baby goat milk formula, which may not be necessary.

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    Formula Mob Family #: Bovine

    This formula family has the most members, because most of the standard baby formulas are based on cows milk .

    If your baby doesnt have any health issues and is drinking formula, hes most likely drinking a formula that is built around the cows milk dairy proteins.

    So if youre using Good Start and want to try switching to a baby formula like Similac, go for it. Watch your baby carefully for signs of fussiness the first day, but generally the transition is pretty easy.

    How To Tell When Your Baby Needs A Different Formula

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    One of the most challenging aspects of having an infant is learning how to decipher what they need, especially when it comes to feeding issues. However, while your baby cant tell you with words that something is wrong, they can offer other signs that you may need to make a change to their formula.

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    How To Switch Baby Formula In A Smart Safe Way

    ATLANTA, Ga. The company at the center of the nationwide baby formula recall and shortage, Abbott Nutrition, has reached a deal with the Food and Drug Administration to resume production at its plant in Michigan, but it will still likely be months before stores are well-stocked with baby formula.

    In the meantime, there are smart and safe ways parents can change their child’s baby formula in a pinch.

    Melissa Zaslow is a new mom who has had a rough time navigating the formula shortage and keeping her two month old, Eli, fed and comfortable.

    Eli has been bouncing between breast milk and different kinds of formula. Panic set in at a recent appointment with Eli’s pediatrician.

    “When they checked his stool at the doctor, they said there was a microscopic spec of blood,” Zaslow said. “It turned into a nightmare. Projectile vomiting, spitting up non-stop, rashes, facial acne.”

    Zaslow continued to try and follow the advice of the pediatrician and specialists on what to feed Eli, but she kept running into roadblocks.

    “I can’t really describe the helplessness that I’d felt when I started looking at all these names of formulas online and texting my pediatrician and saying, ‘It’s not happening. We can’t do it. It’s not available,'” Zaslow said.

    That deep frustration is something pediatric nurse and infant care expert Laura Hunter is hearing a lot from her clients.

    “They’re desperate, and they’re scared,” Hunter said.

    Summary About Switching Baby Formula

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    Whether parents are exclusively formula feeding or supplementing with formula, there are lots of reasons a formula switch may happen. There may be a medical problem, a parent preference or a problem getting the usual formula. In general, this is a safe thing to do, but its always important to involve your babys healthcare provider so you can get the best guidance on how to switch and what formula is best for your baby.

    The content on this site is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Discuss any health or feeding concerns with your infant’s pediatrician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay it based on the content on this page.

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    How Long Does It Take For A Baby To Get Used To Formula Change

    The need to change your baby formula is quite common. New babies, new moms, added to new recipes new ingredients, sometimes new work together, and sometimes they dont. In such a case, we go back to the drawing board and try to find the best way forward. Check out My Baby Nursery for all your baby product needs.

    The excellent news, babies can change formulas from time to time with little to no issues.

    So, if you are looking to change the formula for health concerns or because you want to switch from, say, non-organic to organic, then you will be able to do so.

    As for an answer to the question how long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula change?, we will delve into the research to see what it says and help you figure out what you can expect if you need to make a swap.

    When you choose to bottle feed your baby, you need to consider what type of formula youll be providing them.

    Not all recipes are the same. One may make your baby spit up, another may cause gas, and a third might be perfect.

    The thing is, its not good to constantly change your babys formula as this can have an impact on them. Babies have underdeveloped digestive systems that are extremely sensitive. So it can damage their stomach.

    In addition, you want to make sure that your baby has time to adjust to the new formula. If your little one previously had gas, and they continue to have gas on their new recipe, it could be that they havent adjusted yet.

    /10 Wheezing After Eating

    If youre noticing that your baby is wheezing after you give them a bottle of formula, then you might want to switch their formula to a different kind. According to Weight and Wellness, if your baby is wheezing after a bottle feeding then it is because their chest is congested with mucus and that is not normal after a feeding. This means that your baby is ingesting something that is causing them to build up a lot of mucus and they are going to need to get it out of their system. Consult with their doctor to see what steps you should take next.

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    /10 They’re Having Trouble Sleeping

    Newborns are known for sleeping a lot after theyre born and Cafe Mom reports that a sign that you might need to change your babys formula is if theyre having trouble sleeping. Sleep is one of the most important things for babies as theyre growing a lot and that takes a lot out of them. This means your baby should be getting about eight to nine hours of sleep during the day and eight hours of sleep at night. So, if you notice that your baby is being extremely fussy and is not sleeping then you may need to try giving them a different formula.

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    What Are Some Baby Formula Options

    When you make the decision to switch your baby to another formula, the most important thing is that you choose an option that you feel good about. Supporting brands you trust and ingredients youre comfortable with are big pieces to consider when youre comparing different formulas out there.

    A few of the most common baby formula options, when it comes to ingredients, include:

    • Cows milk: This is the most common type and is generally iron-fortified. However, this option isnt appropriate for babies with a milk protein allergy or lactose intolerance.
    • Soy: This is a good option for plant-based families or for babies who have a cows milk allergy or intolerance.
    • Protein hydrolysate: This option is made with protein that has been more broken down than usual, to make it more digestible for babies.
    • Sensitive formulas: This is an option most commonly recommended for babies who are spitting up, have more gas than usual or are experiencing a lot of overall fussiness. These are generally milk-based, easily digested formulas that may have other ingredients, like omega-3s, that are designed to help support sensitive tummies.

    Changing Over To The New Formula

  • 1Switch formula immediately if you are using the same protein. In some instances, your baby will be able to switch formulas relatively easily and will not fuss about a new type of formula. Try giving your baby a little bit of the new formula to see how they react. If there is no issue, then you can switch to the new formula immediately.XResearch source
  • If the baby fusses after trying the new formula, wait a few minutes and try again. Don’t offer the baby any alternatives, and don’t give them the old formula again.
  • Similarly, if your baby is allergic to their old formula, you may need to switch completely to the new formula with no period of transition.
  • 2Transition gradually to a new formula if you are changing the main protein. In some cases, your baby may be a little fussy about the taste of the new formula. In these instances, switch formulas gradually. This will mask the flavour of the new formula and make the transition easier.XResearch source
  • Begin the transition by giving your baby ¾ of the old formula and ¼ of the new formula.
  • Feed your baby this mixture for one day. Then, try half of the old formula with half of the new formula and feed your baby this mixture for one day.
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    If Not The Formula Then Why Is My Baby So Gassy And Fussy

    Most babies are gassy due to swallowed air, not the formula. Infants in the first few months of life can spend several hours a day crying. This forces air into their stomachs, which accumulates in the intestinesas gas. This crying behavior is seen in all infants to some degree between 6 weeks and 3 months of life. Gas gets better or goes away when babies start crying less as they get older.

    Is My Babys Gas Causing Colic

    FDA seeking to change rules to sell foreign infant formula permanently

    Its very common for babies who are experiencing increased gas to experience colic or excessive crying for no apparent reason. Colic is generally diagnosed if your baby is crying for over three hours a day, more than three days a week, and for three weeks or longer.

    Confirming that your infant isnt more irritable because of a wet diaper, hunger, or being tired is important with identifying true colic.

    Overall, colic can happen for a lot of reasons, but increased gassiness is a very common one. Having a lot of gas can be uncomfortable, and even painful, for babies, so it’s no wonder why they might become colicky.

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    Dont Make Your Own Baby Formula

    Doctors advise strongly against making homemade formula, because many of these recipes are outdated and dont provide proper nutrition.

    It was what they had in the day, but there are just a lot of issues with bacterial growth and components not measured the correct way, Dr. Regan says. It can also affect their development and growth.

    Instead, contact your local pediatrician to see if they have formula samples they can share with you. If youre still in a pinch, Gust suggests reaching out to a local dietitian.

    If parents need help finding a pediatric dietitian near them they can go to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Find a dietitian page and enter their information to get a list of providers, she says.

    Learn About Actions The Us Government Is Taking

    • The President invoked the Defense Production Act. This law puts U.S. formula manufacturers first in line to receive the resources they need to increase formula production. The President is also working with other countries to airlift formula to the U.S. through Operation Fly Formula.
    • The FDA and the U.S. Department of Justice negotiated a consent decree with Abbott Nutrition, under which Abbott Nutrition agreed to take specified corrective actions in order to start producing formula again at their Michigan facility. Abbott Nutrition has stated that it will focus on specialty formulas for people with metabolic and other needs first. FDA has also been meeting regularly with other major formula manufacturers who are working to produce more formula to meet the demand. Read more about FDAs actions.
    • The U.S. Department of Agriculture is working with states, tribal nations, and territories across the country to ensure that families who participate in WIC can use their benefits to purchase additional types of formula.

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