How To Choose Formula
Talk with your baby’s health care provider about what formula is best for your baby. Although there are many types of formula, most babies do well with one that is cow-milk based.
Unless your baby’s health care provider advises against it, choose a formula that is iron-fortified. This is important to prevent iron deficiency, which can slow development.
Once made up, all formula must be refrigerated. Formula should be thrown out after 24 hours if it has not been used.
The different types of formula are:
- powder. This is the least expensive. It does not need to be refrigerated until it is mixed with water. If you are going to be away from home, you may choose a brand that comes in individual packets. This option is more convenient, although more costly.
- concentrated liquid. This needs to have water added to it. It is more expensive than powder. It also must be refrigerated once the container is opened.
- ready-to-use formula. This is the most convenient and the most costly. It can be handy for the times when mixing might be difficult.
How Many Bottles Do I Need In Eight Ounce Bottles
You can make it with four. By the time your baby upgrades to more than four ounces, they might be sleeping through the night .
Babies that eat more tend to eat fewer times a day, too. This means that you wont use as many bottles. Start off with four. If you find that you need more, pick up a few extra bottles to accommodate your needs.
Remember to consider whether youll need more for daycare, the sitter, how often youll need to wash bottles, etc. when deciding whether you need more or less than four.
Sterilise All Equipment For Bottle
You must sterilise all bottle-feeding equipment until your baby is 12 months old. This is very important.Always remember:
- Steam can cause severe skin burns, so be careful when boiling or steaming equipment.
- Place all equipment out of reach of children.
- Avoid unnecessary handling of sterilised equipment and do not touch the inner surfaces of bottles or teats.
First, wash all the equipment in warm, soapy water. Use a clean bottlebrush to thoroughly remove all traces of milk, then rinse, then sterilise. You can use different sterilising methods, such as boiling, chemicals, steam or microwave steam.
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Preparing Bottles Ahead Of Time
Preparing bottles ahead of time can impact the number of bottles you want to keep on hand. For a busy parent of a newborn, it might be a good idea to prep bottles ahead of time, if possible. If you want to try to keep a bottle or two on hand for quick access, you might want to consider buying a couple of extra bottles. Even if you are breastfeeding most of the time, youre still probably going to be using bottles for when you need to leave the house without the baby or to give your partner a chance to be involved with feeding time.
Factors You Should Consider Before Making Your Decision:
1. Will you be exclusively breastfeeding, exclusively pumping/bottle-feeding or using a combination of both?
- If you are exclusively breastfeeding and need a quick fix for a date night or two, you will need only 1 or 2 bottles.
- If you are exclusively pumping , or exclusively using formula, you will need more bottles. You can start with around 6 bottles.
- If you are using a combination of nursing and bottle , you will need to consider other factors mentioned below. Generally 3-4 bottles should be enough.
2. Are you using the same bottles for pumping and feeding?
- If it is the same bottle for pumping and feeding, you will need the same brand of bottle as your pump and will not need extra for feeding. 6-8 bottles per day should be enough if you are not storing the pumped milk in the same bottles. You will need separate storage bags for storing the milk and freezing it.
- If you are using different bottles for pumping and feeding, you will need 2-3 bottles for pumping and around 6 for feeding.
3. Are you using breastmilk or formula?
- Breast Milk needs to be stored somewhere after being pumped. Formula is generally prepared as needed or once a day .
4. How many times is your baby eating per day?
- Generally newborns eat 6-8 times per day and the frequency goes down after around 6 months. You need a fresh bottle for each feed.
5. Do you mind cleaning the bottles manually?
6. Do you need 1 or 2 bottles extra for your diaper bag or will you use the same ones from your daily stash?
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How Much Should My Baby Drink
In the first few weeks, mix 2- to 3-ounce bottles for your newborn. Gradually increase this amount as you become familiar with your baby’s eating patterns and appetite. Here’s a general look at how much your baby may be eating at different stages:
- On average, a newborn drinks about 1.5-3 ounces every 2-3 hours. This amount increases as your baby grows and is able to take more at each feeding.
- At about 2 months, your baby may be taking 4-5 ounces at each feeding and the feedings may be every 3-4 hours.
- At 4 months, your baby may be taking 4-6 ounces at each feeding, depending on the frequency of feedings and his or her size.
- By 6 months, your baby may be taking 6-8 ounces every 4 to 5 hours. This also depends on whether you’ve introduced any baby food.
Bottles For Expressed Breastmilk Or Infant Formula
When buying bottles, remember that:
- You will need at least three large bottles with leak-proof caps, discs and teats.
- Plastic bottles are better, because glass breaks more easily.
- Bottles should be smooth on the inside surface , so they are easy to clean properly.
- Bottles should have clearly marked measurement guides that will not wear off over time.
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How Many Bottles Should A Newborn Have In 24 Hours
For example, a 12-pound baby would likely need 24 to 30 ounces in a 24-hour period. To determine how many ounces per bottle, divide those amounts by the number of feedings your baby takes per day. In this example, if your baby is taking 6 bottles in 24 hours, he would need approximately 4- to 5-ounce bottles.
The Number Of Bottles That You Will Need
This will depend on how often you feed your baby. You have to take note of how many times she feeds in a day. From then you will be able to determine the number of feeding bottles that you will buy for her. Usually, a baby will feed at least six times in a day.
Therefore, the least amounts of bottles that you will require will be six that is if they are reusable. There is also the option of going for the disposable ones if you dont like washing now and then when she needs a clean bottle.
The minimum number of bottles that you should therefore have is 8 since you will need at least two extra ones that you can carry around when you are on the move with your baby. The number she can use in a day may go as far 12.
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Preparing The Bottles For Twins
Youll get so good at preparing bottles that youll be able to hold one baby with one arm and make a bottle with the other.
Make sure you dont give your babies scalding hot formula or milk to drink.
The microwave is notorious for unevenly heating liquids and can give your twins an unpleasant surprise.
When we had to reheat breast milk that was stored in the freezer, wed warm a large cup of water in the microwave, then take that out and let the bag of milk sit in the water for a few minutes to warm up. This gave us a more even warming without any super-hot surprises.
For formula, we kept a pitcher of water on the counter at room temperature that we used for mixing up the formula. Room temperature water worked great and our girls did fine with it.
If we were thinking ahead, wed pre-fill powdered formula in the bottles at the beginning of the day or before bed .
When it came time to feed, we just added the right amount of water, screwed on the nipple, swirled or gave it a good shake, and then sat down to feed the twins.
How To Clean Baby Bottles
Here is some happy news! You dont need to sterilize baby bottles every time you use them. You can do this for the first few months, but as your baby grows, you only need to sanitize every few days. However, according to CDC if your baby was born prematurely, has some medical condition or is less than 3 months old, you may need to sanitize bottles daily or more often3. Consult this with your pediatrician, depending on your babys health condition.
When cleaning your babys bottles and nipples, or anything in the feeding process, use a separate tub or basin using a specific baby bottle brush. Rinse them thoroughly in warm water and let them completely air dry, do not use a towel to wipe them. The other way is to use the dishwasher with the special basket for all bottle parts.
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Does Your Baby Go To Daycare
You will need more bottles for a baby that goes to daycare than for a baby that stays home. When you pack your babys things for a day at daycare, you have to think of how many bottles to send with them. A newborn will eat about every three hours, so they could need three bottles depending on when their morning feeding takes place. While some daycares will kindly wash and sanitize any bottles than they use, this is not universal. When you pick up your baby from daycare after work or school, you may not feel like going home and washing those used bottles immediately. You are probably going to want to make sure you have enough bottles to cover two days of daycare. That will make your life a little easier.
What Are The 3 Basic Kinds Of Formula
Baby formula has all the nutrients your baby needs to grow. Ask your baby’s pediatrician which formula is best for him or her.
- Cow’s milk formula is the most common kind. Most babies drink cow’s milk formula. The cow’s milk in formula is safe and easy for your baby to digest. You can buy it with or without iron. Some babies do not have enough iron in their bodies. Your baby’s pediatrician may suggest giving your baby formula with iron until 1 year of age. Formula with iron will cause your baby’s bowel movements to be black. This is normal.
- Soy formula has a different type of carbohydrate and protein than cow’s milk formula. You may need to give your baby soy formula if he or she is allergic to cow’s milk formula. You may also need to feed your baby soy formula for a while if he or she has diarrhea. Most soy formulas have iron and cost about the same as cow’s milk formula. Your baby’s pediatrician will tell you how long you should feed your baby soy formula.
- Other formulas may be needed if your baby cannot have cow’s milk formula or soy formula. Premature babies or babies with health problems may need to drink special formula. Special formulas cost more money than soy or cow’s milk formula. Carefully follow the instructions when you mix and prepare a special formula.
The Kind Of Baby Bottles You Should Use
There is a wide range of available baby bottles. Some are made of glass while others are manufactured with plastic.
There are even some brands that market bottles that feature a plastic liner which makes these containers easier to use. They also prevent the infant from swallowing a lot of air when drinking the milk.
The plastic containers are suitable for older babies and toddlers who have learned to hold the bottle on their own. Newborns can be easily fed using glass bottles because the mother does all the handling. Otherwise, glass containers may harm your kid if they break.
Baby bottles also vary based on size. Smaller ones are good for newborns and babies up to 6 months old. Before using a bottle, you need to wash it thoroughly with hot soapy water and a special bottle brush.
Nevertheless, some bottle models can be safely cleaned in the dishwasher.
Does My Baby Need Any Supplements
Sometimes, your baby might have a deficiency in something natural which requires a multivitamin or other supplement treatment, but if this is the case, your pediatrician would have told you.
Do not give your child any vitamins or other supplements without first consulting a medical professional.
When it comes to bottles, the only real thing you need to remember is to have enough. So when youre asking yourself How many baby bottles do I need? Just know that six to eight should be enough for any situation, no matter how hungry your baby is.
What bottles did you buy, were they good, and how many bottles did you end up using? Make sure you let everyone know in the comments. We love to share our tips and tricks in this little community, and its sure to help all our other readers!
How Do I Hold My Baby During Feedings
Feeding time is a special time for you and your baby to enjoy and get to know each other. It should be a time for you to relax and to show love to your baby. Talk, smile, touch, or sing to your baby while you feed him or her.
- You may be comfortable feeding your baby while sitting in a rocking chair or an armchair. Put a pillow under your arm for support. Gently wrap your arm around your baby’s upper body, supporting his or her head with your arm. Be sure your baby’s upper body is higher than his or her lower body.
- You may need to help your baby open his or her mouth to grasp the nipple. Do this by stroking the nipple against his or her cheek near his or her mouth. To keep your baby from swallowing air, hold the bottle so that liquid fills the bottle neck and covers the nipple.
- Do not prop a bottle in your baby’s mouth or let him or her lie flat during a feeding. He or she may choke. The milk may also flow into his or her middle ear and cause an infection.
- Do not let your baby sleep with a bottle. If he or she falls asleep while drinking, the milk will pool around his or her teeth and may cause tooth decay.