How To Get Rid Of Cradle Cap On Newborn

What Is Cradle Cap


Cradle cap is the common term for infantile seborrheic dermatitis, a noninfectious skin condition that is very common in infants, typically beginning in the first weeks of life and then gradually going away after a few weeks or months. Most commonly, cradle cap causes crusty or oily patches on a babys scalp, hence the name.

Seborrheic dermatitis can also be found around a babys ears or eyebrows, on eyelids, in armpits and other creases like the groin. The skin patches can either be dry and flaky similar to dandruff or oily, thick, and yellowish or brown. The name seborrheic dermatitis comes from the fact that the condition occurs where there are the greatest number of oil-producing sebaceous glands on the body.

Cradle Cap Shampoo #: Apple Cider Vinegar Elixir

Apple cider vinegar is a miracle worker for so many things, and cradle cap is no different. Its probiotic and antifungal to help balance out the scalp naturally.

  • 2 TB raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup filtered water
  • Pour the mixture over babys scalp, making sure that none gets in their eyes.
  • Massage the scalp for a few minutes.
  • Let the vinegar mixture sit for 10 minutes. Rinse with water.
  • Vaseline Or Petroleum Jelly

    Regarding to natural ways on how to get rid of cradle cap, Vaseline is very useful in treating this problem. It is reckoned as the simplest and most convenient method for relieving cradle cap. You just need apply a small amount of Vaseline onto the babys scalp. Wait for overnight. That way, the scales will be picked off with the help of a soft toothed comb.

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    How Cradle Cap Is Treated

    Most cases of cradle cap are mild, and they’re usually easy to treat on your own with home remedies like shampooing and brushing. When that’s not sufficient, over-the-counter medications may be enough to reduce flaking on a baby’s scalp.

    However, some babies can have more extensive cradle cap with thick scaling. In these instances, cradle cap treatment will likely require prescription medication.

    The good news is that, no matter it looks like, cradle cap is almost always a harmless condition. The goals of treatment are simply to improve the look of the skin and ease any dryness and itchiness.

    This article explains the various treatments for cradle cap, including these and alternative treatments. You’ll also learn when to call the doctor and what the outlook is for babies with cradle cap.

    Apply Baby Oil Before Brushing

    How To Get Rid Of Cradle Cap

    If brushing your babys scalp with a soft brush doesnt seem to be working, try adding a drop or two of baby oil before you start brushing. Then, while you brush, youll also be working the baby oil into your childs scalp for a boost of healing and prevention. Remember to be gentle so you dont further damage your babys sensitive skin.

    The great thing about baby oil is that its multi-purpose! Use it to give your baby a soothing massage, take off your makeup, pull band-aids off, and remove price tag stickers. We told you its useful! Check out our article with 17 Ingenious Ways To Use Baby Oil.

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    Use A Gentle Baby Shampoo

    Its tempting to think that cradle cap is a sign of skin irritation and that you shouldnt wash babys hair or face as frequently. However, the reverse is true.

    Cradle cap is thought to be caused by overactive oil glands. So, leaving your babys face and hair unwashed will slow recovery.

    Use a mild, tear-free, and baby-safe body wash or shampoo on the affected area, whether its the eyebrows, forehead, or scalp.

    How Can You Tell Cradle Cap Apart From Other Conditions

    In some cases, you might not be sure whether your baby has cradle cap or a different skin condition. This is especially true if the cradle cap is occurring somewhere besides your babys head, where it most commonly appears. So how can cradle cap be identified?

    Cradle cap is just one type of rash that your little one might develop, but it has a few distinguishing features. First, cradle cap often creates small patches of crusty skin that feel hard and rough to the touch. These patches may be raised from your babys body in little clumps. And, of course, cradle cap is most likely to form on your babys head, face, and neck.

    Other skin conditions, like dry skin or eczema, are different from cradle cap is several ways. Both dry skin and eczema typically result in dry, flaky skin that will rub off easily. Cradle cap, on the other hand, is characterized by a buildup of dead skin cells that are stuck to your little ones skin.

    In addition, dry skin and eczema are more likely to be found anywhere on your babys body, as opposed to just their head, neck, and face. Finally, cradle cap will feel slightly oily, although rough at the same time, whereas dry skin and eczema will ordinarily feel tender and dry.

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    Dont Make This Cradle Cap Mistake

    Many parents think they should apply oil to their babys scalp as a preventative remedythey get fooled by its dry appearance and think oil will help. But since excess oil is the cause, thats one of the worst things to do. So, once you get rid of cradle cap, think of it like starting from a clean slatethat youll want to keep clean. Wash your infants hair and face regularly to keep excess oil from building up.

    And buck up your courage to gently, yet thoroughly, clean around the eyebrows and sensitive soft spot!

    How To Get Rid Of Cradle Cap With Coconut Oil

    How to Get Rid of Cradle Cap using the Baby Frida!

    Cradle cap is very common in babies and can be hard to get rid of. Find out how you can use coconut oil to get rid of cradle cap for your baby.

    So far, out of my 5 children, all 5 of them have experienced cradle cap at one time or another. Cradle cap can be very annoying and essentially looks like dandruff in their hair. Though it isnt usually harmful in any way, moms want to get rid of it.

    I remember when my first child got cradle cap, I was worried and very bothered by it. Fast forward a few years and several kids later, I know exactly what to do when I see it and how to get rid of it for good.

    My method is safe for sensitive baby skin and is all-natural. It is easy to do and you only need one ingredient coconut oil.

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    Cradle Cap Shampoo #: Iodine Aloe Gel

    Aloe is soothing to the skin, but one study also found that this natural remedy improved dandruff symptoms by a whopping 58 percent. For this recipe, you can get a small aloe vera plant or a large aloe vera leaf from the health food store. Kroger and Whole Foods usually sell aloe leaves like this.

    • Aloe vera leaf
    • 1-2 drops nascent iodine
    • Unscented Castile soap
  • Cut a small portion of the leaf and extract 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Add 1-2 drops of nascent iodine and apply to babys scalp.
  • Leave on for at least 20 minutes.
  • Wash out with Castile soap.
  • Cradle Capon Your Babys Bum

    In some cases, cradle cap might even extend to your babys bottom. You might mistake it for diaper rash, and its best to treat it the same way: Keep the skin clean and dry, use plain water or mild wipes, and apply a gentle diaper cream or lotion. But since so many things can cause a diaper rash, its best to ask your doctor.

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    Care Advice For Cradle Cap

  • What You Should Know About Cradle Cap:
  • Cradle cap is a common skin condition of newborns.
  • It’s caused by overactive oil glands in the scalp.
  • It’s harmless and will go away on its own. But it takes time.
  • Here is some care advice that should help.
  • Shampoo Daily:
  • Wash the hair with an anti-dandruff shampoo . Do this twice a week. No prescription is needed. Note: The daily use of anti-dandruff shampoo isn’t approved until after 2 years old. But, using it twice a week is fine.
  • On the other days, wash the hair with baby shampoo.
  • Scalp Massage:
  • While the hair is lathered, massage the scalp with a soft brush. You can also use a rough washcloth or your fingers for 5 minutes. Don’t worry about hurting the soft spot.
  • Baby Oil:
  • If the scalp has thick crusts , put some baby oil on the scalp. Do this for 15 minutes before shampooing to soften the crusts.
  • Wash all the oil off, however, or it may worsen the cradle cap.
  • Do not use olive oil.
  • Cradle cap lotions for loosening up the scales are also available without a prescription. Apply the lotion 15 minutes before shampooing.
  • Steroid Cream:
  • If the rash on the scalp is red and irritated, use 1% hydrocortisone cream. An example is Cortaid. No prescription is needed.
  • Put this on once a day.
  • After 1 hour, wash it off with soap and water.
  • Do this for 7 days or less.
  • Expected Course:
  • Cradle cap will eventually go away on its own between 6 and 12 months of age. Usually, it doesn’t cause any symptoms .
  • Return to Child Care:
  • How To Get Rid Of Cradle Cap

    How To Get Rid Of Cradle Cap In Toddlers

    While cradle cap typically goes away on its own over the course of a few weeks or months, many parents prefer to treat the condition so it clears up sooner.

    The following treatment approaches are all proven methods for getting rid of the condition without the use of harmful chemicals or prescription medications.

    1. Wash your Babys Scalp Every Day

    This is one of the best strategies for removing excess oils produced by your babys skin and loosening the scales so they shed more quickly. One caveat: If your baby is prone to sensitive skin, consider washing their scalp every other day to reduce the risk of irritation.

    Because shampoos and washes with harsh chemicals can cause more irritation , its a good idea to choose a gentle product.

    Our plant-based Castile Baby Wash is perfect for this. It uses safe, botanical ingredients to keep your baby clean and their skin nourished.

    Once youve applied the shampoo or wash of your choosing, use a soft-bristled brush to gently exfoliate your babys scalp. Then rinse their scalp thoroughly so product residue doesnt stick around.

    2. Follow Each Washing with a Brushing

    Once your babys scalp is clean, gently brush or comb their hair and scalp using a soft brush. This will further encourage the scales to fall off.

    3. Amp up the Moisture

    In many cases, its helpful to apply a moisturizing product to your babys scalp post-shampoo. This helps keep the skin hydrated, which can reduce irritation and flakiness.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Cradle Cap

    Cradle cap is recognisable by the large, greasy, yellow or brown scales that appear on your baby’s scalp. These scales will eventually start to flake and may make the affected skin appear red. Sometimes the hair may also come away with the flakes. Cradle cap is not a serious condition and should not cause your child any problems or irritation. However, it is important not to scratch or pick at the cradle cap, in case an infection develops.

    It usually starts on the scalp and can sometimes spread behind the ears. The patches may appear on other parts of your babys body, such as the nappy area , the nose, armpits or backs of the knees. When it appears on a part of the body other than the scalp, it is called by its medical term seborrhoeic dermatitis.

    What To Avoid When Treating Cradle Cap

    Always keep in mind that your babys skin is incredibly sensitive, so when considering your options for how to get rid of cradle cap, its important to avoid using harsh or potentially toxic chemicals.

    We understand that reading the ingredient list on a bottle of lotion or baby gel can be pretty overwhelming! To help simplify things, here are four ingredients you should avoid when purchasing baby products. This goes for any babys delicate skin, but especially if your little one has cradle cap!

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    Brush Your Babys Scalp

    To remove scale build-up, gently brush or massage your babys scalp with a baby brush or comb.Its a good idea to brush out the scales, roughly 30 to 60 minutes after youve applied shampoo or oil to give it time to sink in, says Orkin. Avoid scratching or picking at the scales because it can make the condition worse.

    When To See A Doctor

    How to Get Rid of Cradle Cap in Newborn

    It’s important to know when you should go straight to seeing a doctor versus trying to treat cradle cap on your own. It’s possible that your baby may need a prescription medication right off the bat.

    It’s also possible that they may have an additional health concern that needs addressing.

    Even those who were checked out by a healthcare provider may need to return for an evaluationand perhaps a treatment changeif certain signs and symptoms arise.

    Make an appointment with a healthcare provider if your baby has:

    • A raw rash behind the ears
    • Spreading beyond the scalp
    • Symptoms lasting past age 1
    • Is less than a month old and has blisters or pimples
    • Looks or acts sick
    • Has a fever

    Babies with widespread seborrheic dermatitis and other symptoms, such as failure to thrive or chronic diarrhea, may have other conditions. These include Leiner’s disease and Langerhans cell histiocytosis X, both of which are rare.

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    Is Cradle Cap Painful Or Contagious

    Many parents are concerned that their little one is experiencing pain from cradle cap or that they will spread the condition to other children. Well, weve got good news! Cradle cap is neither painful nor contagious.

    As we mentioned above, common cases of cradle cap are not much different from dandruff. This means that most of the time, your baby isnt feeling any pain as a result of cradle cap. However, in severe cases, cradle cap may cause serious discomfort. If your little ones skin seems inflamed or infected, see a pediatrician right away.

    While medical professionals arent exactly sure what causes cradle cap , it is definitely not contagious. Theres no need to worry about your little one spreading cradle cap to siblings, playmates, or other children they come into contact with.

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