How Do I Take Care Of My Newborns Umbilical Cord
It is important to keep the cord clean in order to prevent infection. Bathing the cord in water does not increase the rate of infection or make the cord take longer to fall off. Allow the cord to dry naturally. Allow the cord to dry naturally. There is no need to apply topical substances such as alcohol.
When To Call A Doctor
- Pus that is around the base of the cord and smells bad.
- Red, tender skin around the base of the cord.
- Your baby crying when you touch the cord or the skin around it.
- Fever.
Also call your baby’s doctor if you notice any other problems with the umbilical cord area, such as:
- A moist, red lump on your baby’s navel that lasts for more than 2 weeks after the umbilical cord has fallen off. This may be a piece of extra tissue called an umbilical granuloma. Your baby’s doctor can treat this minor problem.
- Bulging tissue around the navel, usually noticed after the umbilical cord falls off. This may be an umbilical hernia, which usually goes away on its own. But it should be watched by a doctor.
What Is Umbilical Granuloma
It is a moist, pinkish-red lump of tissue that forms on the belly button. You can notice it after the umbilical cord shrivels off and may remain for a few weeks. Though it will not cause any pain, there would be a fluid discharge, which results in redness and irritation in that area.
How to treat?
Your babys doctor might apply silver nitrate to the tissue. It will take around three to six visits to the doctor before the granuloma heals completely. After the treatment, you may notice a dark discharge or sometimes staining of the skin, which is temporary .
Another treatment uses a surgical thread to tie the lump at the base. The blood supply is stopped to let it dry and fall off.. In some cases an ointment might be tried first before tie or the silver nitrate. Your doctor will discuss the options with you.
None of these treatments is painful.
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What Happens When The Stump Comes Off
Its normal to see a few drops of blood in your babys diaper. But if theres a lot of blood as the cord separates, call your doctor right away.
If the cord hasnt come off after 3 weeks, be patient. Keep the area dry and make sure its not covered by your childs diaper. If it hasnt come off in 6 weeks, or you see signs of fever or infection, call your doctor.
Once the cord is gone, continue to keep the area clean and dry. You might notice a yellow, sticky fluid that oozes out. This is normal. It sometimes happens when the cord comes off. Its not pus, and its not an infection.
You might also see a scab over the navel. This is normal, too. But if your babys stomach gets red, they run a fever, or you notice a cloudy discharge, call your doctor.
Sometimes, a little scar tissue may form a red mass on the belly button. This bump is called an umbilical granuloma. If you see this and it doesnt go away in about a week, let your doctor know. Theyll apply silver nitrate to it. Itll burn the area so the tissue dries up. But remember, the cord has no nerves, so your baby wont feel it.
At some point, youll probably wonder what kind of belly button your child will have. Will it be an innie or an outie? Youll have to wait until the stump is gone to know for sure. But know that the way your babys navel will look has nothing to do with how the doctor cut the umbilical cord.
Caring For Your Babys Umbilical Cord Stump And Belly Button
After your baby is born, your midwife or doctor will clamp and then cut the umbilical cord. After it is cut, a small amount of the cord will remain attached to your babys belly button this will be about two to three centimetres long and is known as the cord stump.
Over the next seven to 14 days, the stump will get darker, dry out, shrivel and will eventually fall off. There will be a small wound remaining, which will heal and become your babys belly button. Here are some easy care tips for your childs umbilical stump before it falls off and their belly button after the stump falls off.
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What Does The Umbilical Cord Look Like
The umbilical cord is a flexible, tube-like structure that has a spongy appearance. The cord is surrounded in a jelly-like substance. After childbirth, the cord is clamped and then cut, leaving a stump behind. In about a week, the stump withers and falls off. The stump changes in color from yellowish-green to brown to black before falling off.
Babys Umbilical Cord Care Principle: Keep It Clean And Dry
Under normal circumstances, the babys umbilical cord will become smaller and smaller after it dries out. Keeping the umbilical cord dry will make it fall off faster.
Before the umbilical cord falls off, it is recommended that parents pay attention to keeping the umbilical cord clean and dry days. If there are no exceptional circumstances, there is usually no need to use disinfectant water. However, if the hygiene condition is not right, alcohol can be used for disinfection.
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Inflammation Of The Newborns Belly Button
Suppose the babys umbilical cord falls off late. In that case, the umbilical cords jelly tissue will also quickly become a place for bacteria to breed and cause inflammation in the babys umbilicus. The belly buttons inflammation will initially reveal redness and swelling of the umbilicus and surrounding tissues, with sticky or purulent discharge and a foul odor. If left untreated, it can cause cellulitis of the abdominal wall, forming abscesses and necrosis, and bacteria can invade the blood circulation along the umbilical vessels that have not yet closed, causing sepsis.
If the belly button inflammation symptoms are not very serious, parents can help the baby wipe it with 75% alcohol and keep it dry and clean.
When the skin around the babys belly button becomes red and swollen, the skin surface can feel slightly warm when touched with the hand, and purulent secretions with foul smell appear in the umbilical fossa. The baby also shows anorexia, vomiting, and fever, which means that the babys umbilicus has become septic. If there is a lot of pus, you should take your baby to the hospital every day to change the dressing and use antibacterial drugs in time under the doctors guidance. Once an abscess is formed, it should be incised and drained to avoid further deterioration of the situation.
What Do I Do With That Area Until The Umbilical Cord Stump Falls Off
The idea of caring for the umbilical cord stump can be intimidating for new parents until I tell them that their biggest job is to leave it alone! We used to recommend applying alcohol to the base of the stump, but that was found to delay the process of the cord falling off. Now it is recommended that you keep the area as clean and dry as possible.
Baby should receive only sponge baths until the stump falls off. If it does happen to get dirty, just dab it with a wet washcloth and let it air dry. And for those of you who like to pick at things, resist the urge to pull the stump or scab off, even if it is attached only by a thread!
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What Are Signs That There May Be A Problem
Most umbilical cord stumps fall off on their own without any problems. Rarely, a stump can become infected or fails to fall off on its own. Here are some reasons you should contact your babys doctor:
- Signs of infection, including redness around the base of the stump or foul-smelling discharge
- Your baby cries when that area is touched
- The area continues to bleed after the cord falls off
- The stump hasnt fallen off after three or four weeks
If you have questions or concerns, dont hesitate to reach out to your Methodist Physicians Clinic pediatrician.
Umbilical Granuloma: Minor Complication
- Definition. Small round growth in center of navel after the cord falls off. It’s red. Covered with clear mucus. Not dry like normal skin.
- How Often. 1 out of 500 newborns.
- Outcome. Usually grows in size if not treated. Can become an entry point for umbilical infections.
- Treatment. Easily treated in the doctor’s office by putting on a chemical called silver nitrate.
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How Is Umbilical Cord Inflammation Diagnosed
If you have observed conditions such as pus oozing, bleeding, redness or swelling around the umbilical cord, it is helpful to consult your doctor, as this may require immediate attention. You may even have to use antibiotics to treat your baby. For this reason, it is best to pay attention to the cleanliness of the umbilical cord from the very beginning.
Seattle Children’s Urgent Care Locations
If your childs illness or injury is life-threatening, call 911.
Treatment for Normal Navel After Cord Falls Off
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When Should I See A Doctor
- If your baby develops a fever or high temperature.
- If there is redness or streaking around the belly button and it is tender and warm to touch.
- If there is a cloudy ooze that doesnt clear up after you clean the area.
If your baby becomes sleepy, doesnt want to feed as normal, or appears to be unwell.
Promoting Nonpathogenic Colonization Of The Umbilical Cord
Promoting colonization of the umbilical cord by nonpathogenic bacteria may prevent the development of neonatal omphalitis. By allowing neonates to room-in with their mothers, one can create an environment conducive for colonization from less pathogenic bacteria acquired from the mothers flora. This type of colonization helps to reduce colonization and infection from potentially pathogenic organisms that are ubiquitous in the hospital environment. Over time, attempts to decrease bacterial colonization with topical antimicrobial agents may actually select for resistant and more pathogenic organisms .
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What Is The Umbilical Cord Stump And When Will It Fall Off
The umbilical cord delivered nutrients and oxygen to your baby in the uterus. Soon after your baby is born the cord is clamped and cut. Your baby wouldnât feel this as the umbilical cord has no nerves in it.The clamp is usually kept in place for 24 to 48 hours. It is removed once what remains of the cord has dried and no longer bleeds.Once the clamp is removed, what will remain on your little oneâs belly is a little stump. As the umbilical cord stump dries, shrivels, and hardens, it will go from a yellow colour to a brownish black.The umbilical cord stump usually falls off within a few weeks of your babyâs birth. Contact your babyâs healthcare provider if it hasn’t fallen off by the time your little one is 2 months old.In some cases, there may be an underlying cause for the umbilical cord stump not falling off, such as an infection or an immune system disorder, which your provider will investigate.After the stump falls off, the skin underneath should be healed. Sometimes, the skin may be a little raw, and a little fluid may seep out. Continue to keep your little oneâs belly button dry and clean and it should soon heal completely. Contact your healthcare provider if it hasnât healed within two weeks of the stump falling off.
When Should You Call The Doctor
Fortunately, the chances of an infected umbilical cord are very low. Only 1 out of 200 infants experience omphalitis . But doctors do suggest keeping a careful watch on your babys navel area anyway for the first few weeks after birth.
This is especially true if your baby is a preemie or has low birth weight or the cord fell off early.
You may see a red lump where the cord fell off that could be covered in clear or yellow discharge. This is known as an umbilical granuloma. If you notice this, keep the area clean and dry and let your pediatrician know. Addressing the granuloma can help to prevent infection.
Also contact your pediatrician if you see any of the following symptoms:
- red and swollen navel area
- a lump on or near the umbilical cord
- pus instead of a little clear discharge in the area
- bleeding instead of a little dried blood
- irritability, refusal to eat, or fever in your baby
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What Is An Umbilical Granuloma
An umbilical granuloma is a small nodule of firm pinkish-red tissue with persistent yellow-green drainage. This is different from an infection because it is not accompanied by swelling, redness, warmth, tenderness, or a fever. This is most often treated by cauterization which is performed by applying silver nitrate to the area to burn the tissue. There are no nerve endings in the area, so it is not painful.
Other Things To Tell Your Doctor
Sometimes, instead of completely drying out, it will form a reddish and bulging scar tissue which may be left after the cord has fallen off. This is called umbilical granuloma and may also resolve on its own at around 7 days. If the granuloma does not heal, inform your pediatrician. It may need a procedure called cauterization to be totally removed from your babys belly button.
In addition, if you notice that the umbilical cord is bulging or seem to be pushed outwards if your baby is crying, inform your doctor so that it can be properly assessed.
There is a condition called umbilical hernia, wherein a small hole from the abdominal wall fails to heal and allows the abdominal tissues to be pushed outwards if the infant is crying or exerting pressure on the abdominal muscles. Umbilical hernia often goes away on its own for around 12 to 18 months, but it is best to have it checked for proper monitoring and treatment if necessary.
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