How To Pump And Breastfeed Newborn

How To Reach And Maintain Full Milk Production

Breastfeeding Pumping Routine – How I Pump 34 oz/1000 ml A Day

If youre pumping because your baby is preterm or too sick to breastfeed, or because you have chosen to exclusively pump, follow these tips to reach and maintain full milk production. Pumping often to drain the breast completely sends a signal to the body to produce more milk. The more often you drain your breasts the more milk they will make.

From Birth to Day 4

  • If you can, start pumping within six hours after birth.
  • Use a multi-user pump to initiate and maintain milk supply.
  • Expect to pump just a little colostrum at first.
  • As soon as possible, pump 8-10 times every 24 hours. This is how many times each day your baby would typically feed from the breast. In most cases, the more times each day you pump, the more milk you make. The reverse is true, too. Pumping fewer times will produce less milk.
  • Double pump this saves time and may boost production more quickly.
  • Pump at least 10-20 minutes, until your milk comes in on Day 3 or 4. Then, hand express any remaining milk. Remove and place the breast flange under your breast to collect the milk you hand express.
  • To help establish milk supply, pump at least twice between 1 to 6am. In early morning hours milk- making hormone levels increase and taking advantage of this will increase your milk production.

From Day 4 to Full Production

When your milk increases from drops to ounces on about day 4, make these changes:

Maintaining Full Milk Production

Increasing Milk Production

Weaning From the Pump

How Do I Know How Exactly Much Pumped Milk I Need To Send To Daycare Or Leave For My Baby Every Day

Ive developed a PDF that does this for you! Simply answer a few questions and youll know how much milk youre aiming for each day, how many times you need to pump, and how much milk youre aiming for at each pump session.

This gives you a great starting point and allows you to tweak the numbers as time goes on and your pumping needs change.

Please dont copy or distribute in any way this worksheet if for your use only. Lactation professionals can contact me for bulk/licensing options.

Tailor The Length Of Your Pumping Sessions

Once your supply is established , you can start tailoring how many minutes you need to pump for, which can save you valuable time. Some mothers need to pump longer than others due to their number of let downs, which determine how often and how long milk flows.4,15 Whats really amazing is that while every mum has a unique flow pattern, yours will be the same each time you pump as well as when you breastfeed.16

So how can you tell what your pattern is? Pick a time when you normally pump your highest volume of milk and watch while you pump, noting when jets of milk start coming from your nipple, or when milk drips into the container over the course of the session.

A mum who only has let downs early in a session will have removed most of her milk within eight to 10 minutes, and pumping any longer wont reward her with more milk. Conversely, a mum who has many or late let downs may need to pump for 15 minutes or longer to drain her breast thoroughly.15

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How To Thaw Breast Milk

The safest way to thaw your breast milk is to shift the milk from the freezer to the fridge and let it sit there overnight. You can also fill a bowl with warm water and let the frozen milk bottle or bag stay in it to slowly thaw.

Never microwave the frozen milk as its radio waves can destroy some of the important nutrients found in breast milk. Furthermore, radio waves can make the milk too hot that might burn your babys mouth.

Do not boil the breast milk or put it on stove to thaw. This will not only make the milk lose its precious nutritive properties, it could end up being too hot for the baby.

Once you have thawed the breast milk, make sure your baby fishes it up the same day. Put the leftover thawed milk in the fridge and use it within 24 hours.

The thawed breast milk may or may not smell a little different from the fresh breast milk due to an enzyme known as lipase. If your baby is not too keen on drinking the thawed milk, hold your baby close to your skin when feeding him/her. You can also talk to your doctor to discuss ways to neutralize this enzyme so the milk does not smell funny to your baby.

The reward for all your breastfeeding and pumping is when you thaw the frozen milk. It’s like you can get the milk anytime you want to give it to your baby.

How To Start Pumping


A good quality electric breast pump may be your best strategy for efficiently removing milk during the workday. Contact a lactation consultant or your local hospital, WIC program, or public health department to learn where to buy or rent a good pump. Electric pumps that allow you to express milk from both breasts at the same time reduce pumping time. Most health insurance plans will cover the cost of a breast pump. Check with your insurance company for details.

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On Day 4 Manage Engorgement And Expect Changes In Babys Bowel Movements

Around this time, you might experience rapid hormonal shifts, including crying for no reason, or difficulty sleeping, eating or making decisions. This is known as postpartum blues, and commonly resolves within one to two weeks after birth. If it doesnt resolve, you might have postpartum depression and you should discuss it with your doctor.

Where Can I Pump At Work

If you’re pumping at work, find a discreet place where you feel comfortable.

Many companies offer their employees pumping and nursing areas. If yours doesn’t, ask your supervisor or the human resources department about an office or other private area that might be suitable. Employers are required by law to provide an appropriate area for employees to pump breast milk and reasonable time to do so.

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How To Store Your Breast Milk

If youre pumping and storing your breast milk for future use, here are some tips!

  • Keep bag ounces low: Once you thaw your milk, you cant refreeze it. So, keep the number of ounces in each storage bag low and aligned with how much baby needs per feeding. We recommend 4 ounces or less.

  • Date your milk storage bags: Youll want to use the older bags of milk first. Make it easy by labeling your storage bags with the date using a permanent marker. Then, store your milk bags with the date facing towards you in a freezer-safe container for easy grab-and-go.

  • Dont combine freshly expressed milk with frozen milk: Place freshly pumped milk into the fridge to chill before placing it into a freezer bag. Only combine milk when pumped on the same day, and never add liquid milk to frozen milk to prevent premature warming. This prevents the new milk from thawing the frozen.

  • Willow is a quiet, wearable breast pump that makes pumping easy for all mamas. Its the perfect way to ensure seamless pumping for you and your baby. To learn more about Willow, visit us.

    How To Successfully Combine Pumping With Breastfeeding

    Breastfeeding A Newborn! Routine, Tips, Tricks, And Momcozy S12 Breast Pump Review

    Having a proper pumping and nursing schedule will help you make sure that your baby doesnt go hungry. Breastfeeding basically works on demand and supply. The more you breastfeed your little one, the more you will make breast milk. The same will happen even when you pump. The more you pump, the more milk will your breasts produce. If youre not able to breastfeed your baby, you should always pump as it will prevent your breasts from becoming swollen and engorged.

    However, if you are nursing but planning to return to work, combining pumping with breastfeeding can be your best bet as it will help you meet your babys nutritional requirements! Follow these tips for successful pumping and breastfeeding.

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    Top Three Reasons Moms Combine Breastfeeding And Pumping

  • Having enough milk is a common concern of new breastfeeding moms is. So it comes as no surprise that keeping up their milk supply was stated as the most common reason for pumping .
  • Another frequently cited reason women express their breast milk is so that someone else can feed their baby .
  • Working moms who want to continue to breastfeed make up another large percentage of moms who combine breastfeeding and pumping.
  • Relax And Stay Hydrated

    Try to relax listen to music, sing, meditate, and do anything that makes you happy. Whatever it is, distracting yourself will work wonders and ensure you have a more pleasant pumping experience. Also, drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. Water, warm water, juices, and milk can help you stay hydrated. However, avoid drinking caffeine as it can lead to irritability or disrupt your babys sleep pattern.

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    Pumping And Family Planning

    When it comes to the prevention of pregnancy, exclusive pumping is not the same as exclusive breastfeeding. The lactational amenorrhea method of birth control may work during the first six months of exclusive breastfeeding, but it is not considered effective with pumping.

    Therefore, if you do not wish to become pregnant again right away, you and your partner should use another form of contraception. Be sure to let your doctor know that you are exclusively pumping, though. Some types of birth control contain estrogen, which can cause a decrease in milk supply.

    A Note About Exclusive Pumping:


    There are occasions that arise which may prevent a mom from being able to nurse her baby. A mother who has a baby who cannot or will not latch, for whatever reason, may assume there is no choice but for her to use infant formula. There is another option however, and one that doesnt seem to get the support or acknowledgment it deserves exclusively pumping, also known as EPing.

    In most cases, a mother who has made the decision to exclusively pump has not done so lightly. She is aware of the irreplaceable benefits of her milk, and she wants her baby to have the best, so the most logical conclusion for her is to pump and provide her milk to baby by bottle.

    Sadly, many will tell mom that this is crazy idea, and itll never work youll run out of milk or will say you simply will not be able to keep up. Without the support and information she needs, a mom may simply give up.

    Those who dont give up often are faced with other issues to overcome. They often feel like they are in a class by themselves, excluded from the usual groups of moms who typically form into support groups either for breastfeeding mothers, or for formula feeding mothers.

    They may feel they must explain why they are bottle feeding breastmilk even to their health care providers who often ask.. breast or bottle assuming bottle is formula.

    Here are some tips and information regarding exclusive pumping:

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    Pumping: Ways To Express Your Milk By Hand Or Pump

    Ways to express your milk by hand or pump


    You use your hand to squeeze and press on your breast to remove milk.

    • Requires practice, skill, and coordination.
    • Gets easier with practice and can be as fast as pumping.
    • Good if you are not often away from your baby or you need an option that is always with you. But all moms should learn how to hand express in case of emergency.


    You use your hand and wrist to operate a hand-held device to pump the milk.

    • Requires practice, skill, and coordination.
    • Useful for occasional pumping if you are away from your baby only once in a while.
    • May put you at higher risk of breast infection.

    $30 to $50*

    Runs on battery or plugs into an electrical outlet.

    • Can be easier for some moms.
    • Can pump one breast at a time or both breasts at the same time.
    • Double pumping may collect more milk in less time, which is helpful if you are going back to work or school full-time.
    • Need a place to clean and store the equipment between uses.
    • Electric pumps require batteries or a place to plug in.

    $150 to over $250*

    * You can rent an electric pump from a lactation consultant at a local hospital or from a breastfeeding organization. This type of pump works well for creating a milk supply when a new baby can’t feed at the breast. Mothers who have struggled with other pumping methods may find that these pumps work well for them.

    Breastfeeding Is Recommended For All Newborn Babies But Not All Mothers Choose To Do It Dr Sheri Puffer Is An Ob


    Reasons some mothers choose not to breastfeed

    One, they don’t feel like they’re making enough milk. There’s a lack of education about the first couple of days. There is something called colostrum that comes out, which is very important for the baby. Its drops full of nutrients and disease-fighting antibodies. The infant’s tummy is so tiny that it’s all the baby really needs, and they’ll feed more often, and that’s just how it’s meant to be. The more the baby nurses or that you pump, the more that tells your body to make milk and the milk comes in.

    Physical discomfort and latching issues

    It’s very different having a baby nurse and sometimes their family hasn’t done this before, and so they don’t have support from home or know anybody that’s breastfed.

    At Texas Health Resources, every patient sees a lactation consultant while in the hospital. It’s very important for education and allowing people this newness of How do you do this? How does this baby latch without hurting me?

    Some women say they don’t always get that kind of support in the hospital or after.

    The culture of breastfeeding

    The culture of breastfeeding has really changed in the United States. The common use of formula in the 1960s was seen as a women’s way to go to work, and they weren’t tied down to breastfeeding a baby because breastfeeding a baby takes a lot of work, a lot of time and energy. If you’re breastfeeding a baby, you are the one who has to be with that baby all the time.

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    How Can You Make The Most Of Your Pumping Schedule

    We wont sugarcoat it: Pumping can be a challenge. After all, once youve mastered latching, nursing at the breast is often easier than pumping.

    Snuggling a baby in close releases feel-good hormones, including those that help you produce milk and let down. But there are ways to make pumping work well for you too.

    Tips for successful pumping:

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