How To Give A Milk Bath For Newborn Baby

How Do You Keep Your Baby From Slipping In The Bath


Is there anything more slippery than a squirming baby in a bathtub? I dont think so. Maybe if they had baby oil on them

The purpose of a milk bath is to soothe and help your baby. So you dont want her to get hurt while taking it. Keep your wiggly little baby safe and upright by putting a folded towel in the bottom of the tub for her to sit on during her bath.

Pro tip: a white towel will blend right in, which is a good thing if you plan to take milk bath pictures.

How To Make A Milk Baby Bath + All The Benefits

Breast milk is full of valuable nutrients for your baby. Babies who are breastfed receive almost innumerable benefits concerning healthy growth and development. But many moms dont realize that you can use breastmilk externally as well. Breast milk baths can help to treat and prevent cradle cap, eczema, diaper rash and moisturize your babys skin. Read on for how to add a little liquid gold to your babys bath.

How To Make An Oatmeal Bath For Babies

Learn the benefits of a homemade oatmeal bath for eczema, rashes, and other baby skin conditions, plus the right way to make an oatmeal bath at home that is both safe and soothing.

Babies may be known for having perfectly smooth skin, but even little ones can suffer from acne, eczema, and rashes. When skin irritation strikes, think twice before rushing out to buy an arsenal of expensive creams and potions. A homemade oatmeal bath could be all you need to get their skin back in baby-soft shape.

Giving your infant an oatmeal bath is a common recommendation given by Tanya Altmann, M.D., founder and pediatrician at Calabasas Pediatrics in California. “I find that when parents call me and say their baby has a bad rash and they scream and don’t want to take a bath, I will have them give an oatmeal bath,” Dr. Altmann says. “It’s soothing so the warm water doesn’t bother the baby, and they can clean the area before putting on the needed medicated creams to treat the condition.”

Once you have your oatmeal prepared, here are the steps for making an oatmeal bath for baby:

  • Fill the tub with warm water. Make sure it’s not too hot, as that can be drying to baby’s skin.
  • Place baby into the bath and gently splash them with the water, allowing them to soak for 10-15 minutes if possible.
  • Also Check: When Do You First Bathe A Newborn

    Throw In Some Milk Bath Accessories

    Bath pictures are lovely, but theyre so much cuter if you float some colorful extras in the water with your baby. You can go the playful route with toys. Add some health-boosting herbs. Make it beautiful with flowers. Or make a hungry baby happy with cereal. Really, the sky is the limit for what you can add to the bath.

    Here are some add-in ideas for what to put in your babys milk bath:

    • fresh-cut flowers
    • cereal
    • balls especially if theyre glittery or colorful
    • Oreos
    • oatmeal
    • A blend of any of the above. Fruit and flowers look especially nice together.

    Use Flowers For Decorations

    Christmas Milk Bath Baby

    A floral accent gives a beautiful look to baby milk bath photography. Since we are talking about baby milk bath photography tips, you have to keep everything natural. So I would suggest you to use real flowers instead of the artificial ones. The disadvantage of using fake flowers is that the artificial flowers might get sink due to their weights whereas the real flowers will be floating in the tub. The real flower also gives you a fragrance which the baby would enjoy and the milk bath photography would be amazing to do.

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    Tips For Safety And Proper Bathing Technique For Your Newborn Include:

    • Use a sink or an infant tub. You can place a clean towel into the sink to prevent slipping. Hard plastic infant tubs are usually equipped with a textured surface to prevent slipping as well.
    • Keep a hand on your baby at all times. Place all of your bathing supplies within reach, so you never have to remove one hand from your newborn.
    • Check and double-check the temperature of the water. The basin or sink that you are bathing your baby in should have no more than 2 to 4 inches of warm water. The water should be between 90 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Check to make sure that your water heater doesnt heat your water over 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Keep your baby warm. Dont undress your baby until the water is ready and place them into the water immediately after undressing. Use the washcloth or your hand to pour warm water on your newborns body throughout their bath to keep them warm.
    • Be gentle. Gently wash your babys body without scrubbing. Watch for the soft spots on their scalp. Try to keep the soap suds out of their eyes.
    • Make it fun. Newborns wont use bath toys often, but you can talk or sing to your baby while bathing to keep them happy.
    • Dry your baby off as soon as they get out of the water. Use a dry, soft towel to pat your newborns skin dry. If you want, you can use a bit of fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturizing baby lotion after the bath to help prevent dry skin and eczema.

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    Watch The Water Temperature

    Look after for the water temperature while doing milk bath photography is a must. If you get too hot, the flowers will start to wither and your model will flush with heat. If the water is too cold goose bumps will cover your model and she will not going to enjoy it. And most importantly while doing milk bath photography, the water will remain warm at least 20-30 minutes. Its especially while doing with the babies.

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    Benefits Of Bath For Babies

    Bathing your babies has many benefits, apart from just cleanup and super cute photos for Instagram! They strengthen the bond between the baby and the parent. Feeling your gentle touch and hearing your voice will let your precious one knows that he or she is cared for and loved.

    A bathing routine is also known to calm fussy babies and induce sleep. Try out infant massage or just cuddle with the baby during the bath, and eventually, you will find out what works best for you. If the umbilical cord is still in place, avoid bathing babies in the bathtub. Instead, use a washcloth to clean up the baby gently.

    Benefits Of A Milk Bath For Baby

    Giving our NEWBORN BABY a BREAST MILK BATH!!! (It Worked!)

    There is tons of anecdotal evidence and even some studies proving that breast milk if effective at treating a variety of skin irritations and ailments. One of the best ways to use it is directly in the bathtub. Here are 5 ways that a breast milk bath may benefit your baby:

    1. Treating Eczema, Psoriasis, and Cradle Cap

    Breast milk for eczema? You betcha. Its estimated that about 50% of infants are affected by eczema in the first years of their lives, and many moms swear by a breast milk bath to reduce the symptoms of eczema as well as psoriasis and cradle cap. Breast milk is so effective at reducing dry and itchy symptoms that one woman even claimed to have healed her babies eczema by having them bathe in her breast milk. Now, its even being proven! A 2015 study showed that breast milk was found to be equally as effective as hydrocortisone 1% in treating mild to moderate eczema.

    2. Clearing Acne

    A breast milk bath can even help treat acne! Lauric acid, which is abundant in breast milk, has antibacterial properties that can fight off acne. It promotes faster healing and keeps the area free from bacteria and infection. It can also help in diminishing spots and discoloration on the skin.

    3. Hydrating Dry Skin

    Remember all of those acids I mentioned ? Theyre incredibly hydrating! Bathing baby in breast milk can help heal dry skin, lighten skin spots, and minimize inflammation.

    4. Healing Minor Burns, Cuts, and Insect bites

    5. Soothing Diaper Rash

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    Babys First Bath: When Should It Happen

    If you give birth in a hospital, nurses will probably bathe your baby within a few hours of delivery. However, the World Health Organization recommends waiting 24 hours for your newborns first bath. WHO claims this delay regulates blood sugar and body temperature, promotes bonding, improves breastfeeding success, and keeps Babys skin from drying out.

    Your baby wont be ready for the infant tub until the umbilical cord stump falls off . This usually takes about two weeks or longer. In the meantime, youll be giving your newborn a sponge bath.

    Have Everything You Need Before You Begin

    Before you begin, decide where you’re going to bathe your baby.

    They will be happiest if it’s on a soft surface like a bed, but you can still place them on a hard surface, like the kitchen counter, but make sure you have them lie on a folded blanket or towel for comfort.

    It’s important to make sure you have everything you need right next to where you’ll be bathing your baby.

    That way, you won’t have to leave your baby’s side. Leaving their side, even for a short time to go get something or even turning your back for a moment may result in your baby falling.

    And surprisingly, your baby will be much happier if they don’t fall!

    Having everything you need right next to you will also help make the bath go faster.

    A faster sponge bath is usually a much happier one!

    Washing you baby’s body should go pretty quickly. There really isn’t that much surface area there to clean!

    Newborn sponge bath supplies

    • Any kind of soap that is gentle or for sensitive skin
    • A bowl of warm water
    • A diaper
    • Wet wipes just in case

    You’ll also want to place these items next to the sink where you’ll be washing their hair:

    • Baby shampoo
    • A comb or brush
    • A washcloth

    In addition, you can set out the clothes that you’ll dress them in after the bath.

    Ok, all set up?

    Let’s do it!

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    Do I Need A Newborn Feeding Schedule

    The good news is that this frequent feeding helps initiate and build your milk supply.7 So the more your baby feeds, the more milk youll make. Therefore you shouldnt worry about planning a newborn feeding schedule as this may reduce his opportunities to feed. Just concentrate on breastfeeding when your baby gives you hunger cues,8 such as:

    • stirring from his sleep
    • turning his head when he feels something on his cheek
    • poking his tongue out
    • trying to eat his hand
    • getting grizzly
    • starting to whine
    • crying

    Crying is a late sign of hunger, so if in doubt offer your baby your breast. It can be harder to breastfeed your baby once he has started crying, especially at this early stage when youre both still learning. As he gets older, hes likely to feed faster and less often, so breastfeeding should start to feel more manageable.

    Breast Milk Lotion Recipe

    Newborn Baby Milk Bath Photoshoot
    • 3 oz grapeseed or coconut oil
    • 1 tbsp beeswax
    • Few drops of Vitamin E oil
    • 3 oz fresh breast milk, at room temperature
    • a couple of drops of an essential oil


    Heat the oil and beeswax together slowly until the beeswax has just melted .

    Add the Vitamin E oil.

    Slowly pour in the breast milk while whisking the oil mixture rapidly to emulsify. The mixture should thicken a bit.

    Leave to cool before transferring to storage container. The lotion will continue to thicken as it cools.

    Store in a dark place at room temperature. Beeswax reacts to light, and will discolor over time with exposure.

    Do not freeze.

    Lotion can be used for up to 3 months.

    Note: Using coconut oil may be slightly more beneficial, but it also comes out harder, since coconut oil is solid at room temperature. Grapeseed oil produces a more traditional lotion texture and feel.

    Note: Please use only your own breast milk, as other women’s milk may pass on bacteria that your baby may not have been exposed to yet, like strep or staph

    **reminder: if your baby has eczema related to dairy allergy, do not use lotion from breast milk that contains dairy!**

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    When And How To Give A Newborn A Bath

    Today, midwifery educator Aliza is sharing information about a common topic, which is when and how to give a newborn a bath!

    One of the most common questions that I get when I am on shift in the postnatal ward is, When can my baby have his/her first bath?. Well mama, this blog will tell you all of the ins and outs about baby baths – the when, how and where we should bathe our bubs.

    Research shows there are benefits in delaying the first bath by 24-48 hours as your baby isnt dirty! They are actually covered in all of your wonderful flora and bacterium from birth. Having this on their skin is great as it begins to boost their immune system, just like your colostrum. Your baby is colonised with all of the GOOD bacteria through your birth canal when its born. This kickstarts their immunity in a very specialised way, with antibodies and organisms transferred straight from Mama to baby. This allows your baby to smell you, even when they are outside of your tummy.

    Another thing you might notice is that your baby is covered in vernix following birth. Vernix is the thick, white paste that babies are covered in when they are born

    Do you know that amazing newborn smell? Well that amazing newborn scent is actually from vernix!

    Some babys who have mothers that have certain medical conditions such as Hepatitis B and HIV will require a bath as soon as possible. Consult your midwife or pediatrician if you have any questions about this.

    Breast Milk Bath Health Benefits

    Breast milk bath for babies benefits

    Recently, studies show that breast milk bath has gained significant importance. Some of the notable benefits of breast milk bath are as follows:

    1. Moisturizes Dry Skin and Reduces Itching

    Breast milk contains saturated fatty acids like palmitic acid, lauric acid, oleic acid, etc. that are excellent moisturizers. These fatty acids are also found as ingredients of top skin moisturizing products. These fatty acids present in breast milk help moisturize dry skin and make it smooth and glowing. Some other fatty acids, like vaccenic acid and linoleic acid, help reduce itching and inflammation. These fatty acids nourish the babys skin from the outside.

    2. Heals Acne and Spots

    Some babies suffer from acne breakouts due to the presence of their mothers hormones in their blood. The fatty acids found in breast milk like lauric acid possess antibacterial properties and can be used to fight against acne. These fatty acids even help in reducing spots and discoloration of the skin.

    3. Soothes Nappy Rash and Skin Irritation

    Inflammation may arise on the babys skin due to the accumulation of waste products in the babys nappy. The white blood cells and antibodies present in breast milk help in smoothing a diaper rash and event prevent skin irritation.

    4. Treating Eczema and Psoriasis

    5. Healing Minor Burns, Cuts and Insect Bites

    6. Treating Sunburn

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