About Your Newborns Immune System
Babies are like a fortress with few soldiers insideinfections are kept on their skin and the lining of their mouth and nose. And, breast milk gives babies a wonderful supply of infection-fighting white blood cells that literally coat the intestines .
However, once the mean germs get inside a young babys body , they can take over and cause illnesses that are very inconvenientwaking all night because of a stuffy noseor downright seriouseven life threatening. That’s why it’s so important to give babies vaccines during the very vulnerable first months.
Here are a few ultra-practical tips to keep those germs away from your precious, new little human.
Guard Against Germ Spread
Fighting germs doesn’t technically boost immunity, but it’s a great way to reduce stress on your child’s immune system. Make sure your kids wash their hands oftenand with soap. You should pay particular attention to their hygiene before and after each meal and after playing outside, handling pets, blowing their nose, using the bathroom, and arriving home from daycare. When you’re out, carry disposable wipes for quick cleanups. To help kids get into the hand-washing habit at home, let them pick out their own colorful hand towels and soap in fun shapes and scents.
Another key germ-busting strategy: “If your child does get sick, throw out her toothbrush right away,” says Barbara Rich, D.D.S., a spokesperson for the Academy of General Dentistry. A child can’t catch the same cold or flu virus twice, but the virus can hop from toothbrush to toothbrush, infecting other family members. If it’s a bacterial infection, such as strep throat, however, your child can reinfect themselves with the same germs that got them sick in the first place. In that case, tossing the toothbrush protects both your child and the rest of your family.
Immune Boosting Foods For Kids
One of the best ways to boost and strengthen your childs immune system is to give them garlic. This amazing food contains anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Garlic stimulates the immune cells and increases antibody production. It also contains the compound sulphur which has potent antioxidant properties.
TIP: You can add garlic into your childs favourite meals such as the sauces of pasta dishes, spaghetti bolognese. You can also add it to hummus to be used as a dip for those carrot fingers.
When adding garlic into your cooked meals, always add it at the very end. This way you dont destroy too much of the immune enhancing properties.
Berries are one of the best sources of antioxidants and immune boosting nutrients. The beautiful and bright red, blue and purple colours get their pigment from the potent antioxidant called anthocyanin. They also contain vast amounts of vitamin A, as well as vitamin C, both of which bolster your childs immune system.
TIP: Add a handful of mixed berries to your childs breakfast oats or morning cereal. A delicious snack idea could be a handful of mixed berries stirred through a bowl of plain yoghurt topped with a dash of maple syrup. You can even try and mix in some flaxseed meal for added nutrition.
Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are exceptionally rich in immune boosting nutrients. One of these is iron which is important for the production of white blood cells and antibodies.
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Can A Healthy Diet Help When Youre Sick
No single food is a magic cure when youre sick but eating a healthy diet boosts your immune system, which can prevent illness and help you bounce back sooner when you do get sick.
Theres no doubt that a healthy diet improves your immunity to illness, Dr. Calabrese says. What you put in your body is important for your overall health, including your immune system.
Since your immune system is your bodys defense against invaders like the flu, it pays to feed it well. Heres a plus: The best immune-boosting foods are available at the grocery store, and theres no extreme fad dieting required.
When Do Babies Develop Their Own Immune System
Have you ever wondered why babiesso little and fragilearent born with rock-solid immune systems ready to tackle the world? When a baby is in the womb, the immune system must back down, so that baby can tolerate the mothers cells. Once baby enters the world and is no longer relying on mama to sustain him/her, their immune systems must grow and evolve from scratch.
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Serve More Fruits And Vegetables
Carrots, green beans, oranges, strawberries: They all contain carotenoids, which are immunity-boosting phytonutrients, says William Sears, M.D., author of The Family Nutrition Book. Phytonutrients may increase the body’s production of infection-fighting white blood cells and interferon, an antibody that coats cell surfaces, blocking out viruses. Studies show that a diet rich in phytonutrients can also protect against such chronic diseases as cancer and heart disease in adulthood. Try to get your child to eat five servings of fruits and veggies per day.
How Breastfeeding Helps Boost Babys Immune System
Although the immune system is weak at birth, breastfeeding plays a major role in the early development of the immune system. When baby drinks mamas milk, he/she receives:
- Helpful IgA antibodies
- T and B lymphocytes
- Helpful or good bacteria, such as bactericidal lactoferrin
All of the above are special nutrients in human milk that help to boost babys immune system.
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Ways To Boost Your Babys Immune System Naturally
As a mom, you not only have to keep yourself healthy, but you are responsible for your little ones health as well. While germs and illness are not completely avoidable, you can take preventative action by boosting the immune system to handle any incoming threats.
If your little one is still an infant, and not eating solid foods yet, make sure that you breastfeed as often as possible and that you boost your immune system. Keeping yourself healthy and strong will pass on all the right nutrients for baby to stay healthy and strong. Your infant can take powdered probiotics and vitamin D3 drops to strengthen his immune system, but talk to your pediatrician about dosage and frequency.
Nursing moms can boost their babies immune system via breastmilk by taking Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Omega 3 Fatty Acid, and Probiotics regularly. This, of course, will be paired with a whole foods diet full of leafy greens, garlic, ginger, fruits, vegetables, and all as organic as you can manage and plenty of exercise! If your little one is crawling around and eating food, continue to breastfeed as often as possible, but feel free to also boost their immune system with these 10 suggestions.
If your child is beyond the breastfeeding years, definitely start working on his immune system!
Drink Two Litres Of Water
Hydration is critically important but vastly overlooked, says Dr Walton. So many metabolic functions rely on it. Indeed, if you get dehydrated, it can change the mucus layer in your respiratory tract and your digestive tract that has antibodies that trap germs and stop them getting into your cells, Dr Macchiochi points out.
The NHS recommends six to eight glasses a day. Oh, and tea and coffee are diuretics , so they dont count.
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Eat Sourdough Bread And Other Gut
Your gut bacteria or microbiome is crucial to immunity, says Dr Macchiochi. This breaks down your food in the digestive tract and produces metabolites known as post-biotics that are helpful for our immune systems. But keeping your gut happy doesnt only involve eating fashionable fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha and kefir. These are important as they are the sources of healthy bugs, says Dr Bailey.
However, what is even more important is getting the fibre foods that feed those healthy bugs and encourage them to grow. Sourdough is one of the healthiest things you can eat for your microbiome and a great source of fermented fibre which as the best of both worlds, she explains. Look for the slow-fermented variety from artisan bakers ideally made with a more ancient grain such as spelt, or einkorn. Other gut-friendly fibres include fruit and vegetables, whole grains and legumes.
Drinks To Boost The Immune System
Diet can influence immunity.
Lately, weve been hearing a lot about ways to boost immunity through the foods and drinks we eat. While diet is not the only lifestyle factor that impacts our immune system, it plays a very powerful role, says Siera Holley, a registered dietitian nutritionist with the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. The foods and beverages we consume on a regular basis can either aid in strengthening the immune system or contribute to a weakened one.
In discussions of using food and drink to boost immunity, smoothies are often recommended. But if youre looking for a delicious, immune-system boosting drink thats not a smoothie, check out the following nine options.
Holley notes that if you want to boost immunity, sticking with the basics is a great place to start. Of all the fluids that support a healthy immune system, water is the most important and should be our primary beverage of choice. Water is essential for absorbing certain nutrients, such as vitamin C, transporting nutrients throughout the body, maintaining body temperature and eliminating toxins.
If you want to jazz up your water, Holley recommends selecting sparkling or seltzer waters that have no added sugar. Or, try experimenting with infusing water for more flavor by adding different combinations of sliced fruits, vegetables and/or herbs.
Aqua fresca
She offers the following simple recipe:
Blend on high, pour and enjoy.
Fruity chia refresher
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Build Your Childs Immune System
From the moment a child enters the world, the gut microbiome begins to develop. The first years of life are an especially critical time for growing trillions of bacteria to benefit the immune system. With a few simple steps, parents can play an important role in helping to build a child’s immune system by first building a healthy gut and laying the foundation for a lifetime of good health.
Signs Your Child Has A Weak Immune System
If it seems like your child is always catching a cold, dont panic. Kids immune systems are still developing, and because of that, they are more susceptible to colds and infections. There are many factors that influence how quickly your childs immune system develops.
That said, you may suspect your child could use some natural immune boosters for kids if s/he:
Tip: If your child has more than eight ear infections in a year, more than two severe sinus infections in a year, or is struggling to gain weight, it may be worth a trip to the pediatrician to rule out a serious, but rare, condition called Primary Immune Deficiency.
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Immune Boosters For Babies: 3 To 6 Months Old
Get the scoop on how to strengthen and boost baby immune systems with expert insights and tips.
Keeping your baby healthy is a number one priority for moms. Even though you cant always prevent them from getting sick, there are ways to help boost their immunity. In this article, well tackle everything from germs to nutrition to probiotics, giving you the knowledge to help support your little ones immune system from the very start.
How Does A Vaccine Work
Vaccines help your babys immune system to make antibodies without your baby getting the disease.
Vaccines also allow your babys immune system to make memory cells. After vaccines are given, memory cells will protect against harmful germs for a long time. For example, after your child gets the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, they develop memory cells to protect them against these diseases long after their immunization.
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Eat A Colourful Mediterranean Diet
Eating a low-carbohydrate Mediterranean diet rich in different coloured fruits and vegetables, will give you the best chance of getting the wide variety of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients your body needs to fight infection, says Dr Claire Bailey, a GP with a special interest in immunity and author of Clever Gut and Blood Sugar Diet.
The more colours you include, the more nutrients you get. Have the fruits and vegetables whole and ideally with the skin on as this contains essential fibre that feeds the healthy bugs in your digestive tract, crucial to fighting infection. Broccoli, red peppers, and blueberries are particularly recommended.
What Is The Gut Microbiome
The microbiome is an enormous collection of approximately 100 trillion microbes, or microscopic organisms that live on and in your body, and most of them are found in the gastrointestinal tract, known simply as “the gut.”
Bacteria are a class of microbes that are found in the gut. Some types of bacteria which are harmful can lead to infections and diseases while others are healthy and helpful to boost immunity, improve digestion, and even help cut down on crying time in colicky babies, among other benefits.
When theres a balance between these healthy and harmful bacteria, your babys immune system is better prepared to fight off what may come.
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The Immune System At Birth
As described above, we know that at birth, the babys immune system has the tools to make an immune response, but we also know that it has some hurdles to clear. So, what does that mean for a babys ability to respond to a potential pathogen?
First, and perhaps most importantly, it means that newborns are at increased risk of infection. In fact, about 1 of every 100 bloodstream infections occurs in young infants. And, preterm babies are at even greater risk given that they are lacking some of the protection afforded by maternal antibodies, and their immune systems did not have as much time to mature before birth. This susceptibility is one of the reasons that new parents are advised to contact their childs doctor immediately if a baby less than 2 months of age develops a fever.
Second, young infants are at greater risk for particular types of infections, particularly infections caused by what are known as encapsulated bacteria, such as Group B Streptococcus , Staphylococcus, Klebsiella species, Haemophilus influenzae type b , meningococcus, and pneumococcus.
Lets think about this from the perspective of the innate and adaptive immune responses:
Innate immunity at birth
Adaptive immunity at birth