How To Take Care Of Newborn Baby Girl

Changing Your Newborns Nappy

How to care for your newborn baby

Changing your babys nappy for the first time is a major milestone. Some parents use disposable and others use washable nappies. But whichever you use, youll soon know how to put on a nappy. After all, young babies might need nappy changes about 10 to 12 times each day .

Take a look at our guide to see whether your baby is feeding well and producing enough wet and soiled nappies. Youll soon know how to check that your baby is doing a healthy amount of poo and wee.

Immediate Care For The Newborn

Health assessments of the new baby start right away. One of the first checks is the Apgar test. The Apgar test is a scoring system to evaluate the condition of the newborn at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth. The healthcare provider or midwife and nurses will evaluate these signs and give a point value:

  • Activity muscle tone

  • Appearance skin color

  • Respiration

A score of 7 to 10 is considered normal. A score of 4 to 6 may mean that the baby needs some rescue breathing measures and careful monitoring. A score of 3 or below means that the baby needs rescue breathing and lifesaving techniques.

Remember This Is Normal

During a time when you were hoping to enjoy a very peaceful and smooth transition, life can feel very chaotic for everyone in the family.

I remember feeling like there was nothing I could do to keep everyone happy all the time. But the hard parenting truth is this: its not our job to make our kids happy. It is our job to meet their healthy needs for experience, power and connection and to offer the most unconditional love.

Outside of that, we can try to control and manage and never see the results we truly want. Happiness comes from within the child once their needs are met.

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Keeping Your Baby Warm

Your baby needs to be kept warm, especially outdoors . But its also important to make sure they dont get too hot or overheat.

A good rule of thumb is to give your baby one extra layer of clothing than what youre wearing . For example, if youre in a t-shirt and jumper, dress them in a vest, sleepsuit and cardigan or jumper.

Remember to remove extra clothing when you come in from outside or go into a warm car, bus or train.

Providing Warmth For The Newborn

Newborn Baby Care  A Guide for New Babys Parents

A newborn baby is wet from the amniotic fluid and can easily become cold. Drying the baby and using warm blankets and heat lamps can help prevent heat loss. Often a knitted hat is placed on the baby’s head. Placing a baby skin-to-skin on your chest or abdomen also helps to keep the baby warm. This early skin-to-skin contact also reduces crying, improves your interaction with your baby, and helps you to breastfeed successfully.

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When Your Baby Is Awake Bond With Her Calm Her And Do Tummy Time

One of the best ways to bond with your baby when shes awake is through skin-to-skin contact resting your bare-chested baby on your bare chest, for example. Studies have shown that babies who experience skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth are more likely to be breastfed, are breastfed for longer and have healthier responses on heart and breathing tests. Shu also suggested talking to your baby regularly and, since babies are nearsighted, getting your face up close to her so she can see you better.

When your baby gets fussy, consider using some or all of the five Ss swaddle, side or stomach position , shush, swing and suck which were first suggested by pediatrician Harvey Karp, M.D., author of The Happiest Baby on the Block. If you want to introduce a pacifier to give your baby something to suck on, its best to wait until after he has learned how to nurse or drink well from a bottle, Shu said.

Dont forget about tummy time, which is really important for gross motor development, head control and neck strength, Mattke said. To do tummy time, place your awake baby on her stomach on a stable soft surface two to three times a day for three to five minutes. Engage with your baby on the floor to keep her entertained. You can also do tummy time on your chest if your baby prefers that, Mattke added.

Your 1 Month Old Babys Development

While most babies actually lose weight in the first week of life babies start gaining weight quickly in the second and third weeks of life. Your baby is probably gaining a half-ounce to an ounce per day.

One-month-old baby boys are typically 8.8 pounds to 10.8 pounds in weight. On average, boys are between 20.9 inches to 22 inches in height at four weeks.

Baby girls are a bit smaller at the one-month mark, with average weights ranging from 8.4 pounds to 10.1 pounds and average heights between 20.5 inches to 21.7 inches .

Its important to note that these are just averages. Babies, just like adults, have a wide distribution of weights and heights. Theres absolutely no reason to worry if your 1 month old baby is a little bigger or smaller than the figures weve stated here.

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Newborn Baby Bootcamp: Taking Care Of A Newborn

Every new mom and new dad needs some help. Here’s everything you need to know about sleeping, breastfeeding, crying and more to get through those first few weeks with a new baby.

You’ve no doubt been dreaming about your baby for months: what he’ll look like, whether he’ll be laid-back like his dad or a Type A like you. But chances are, if it’s your first child, you don’t know much about taking care of a newborn.

Well, we’ve been there, and we’re here for you, with everything you need to know to care for your baby in those exciting but often frustrating first weeks. Let’s get started!

How To Take Care Of A Newborn Baby In Winter

Newborn Care: How To Bathe a Newborn Baby

How to take care of a newborn baby in winter is a most common questions for new moms. Having a child is a blessing! If you are expecting a baby then you are one of the luckiest person in the world. But newborn baby care is always a tough job. Because you cant actually know what to do unless its here.

And this task gets highly challenging if its winter specially for the first timers. Freezing days of winter can cause additional tension in the family. In this newborn baby care guide, youll know 5 very important points to take care of a newborn baby in winter.

But if you take precautions and preparations, winter can be a good weather for your newborn baby care also. Here are 5 important ways that you can do to take care of your baby in winter :

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When Should I Take My Baby For A First Doctors Visit

A health care provider should check your baby within the first 48-72 hours of leaving the hospital or at any point if you feel your baby isnt well.

If your baby was born preterm, you will develop a plan for follow-up care with your health care team before your baby leaves the hospital. They will also make sure you recognize the early signs or symptoms of any problems.

At the first visit your health care provider will:

  • Weigh your baby and measure their length and head circumference, if this was not done in hospital.
  • Check on how feeding is going for you and your baby.
  • Do a physical health exam.
  • Ask how the family is adjusting to the new baby.
  • Complete any screening tests not done at the hospital.

This visit doesnt have to be with your regular paediatrician or family doctor. The exam can be done by the doctor at the hospital where you gave birth, your midwife or a public health nurse. And it might be at home, in the office or in a hospital clinic. If your baby doesnt see their regular doctor at this visit, it will happen soon after.

Keeping Your Newborn Healthy

  • 1Give your baby “tummy time” every day. Since your baby spends so much of its time on its back, it’s important to also give your baby time to stay on his tummy so that he develops both mentally and physically and strengthens his arms, head, and neck. Some doctors say babies should get 15-20 minutes of tummy time a day, while others say that you should just place your baby on his tummy for 5 minutes during different parts of the day as he develops.
  • You can start with tummy time as soon as a week after the baby is born, once the umbilical cord falls off.
  • To make tummy time fun, get level with your baby. Make eye contact, tickle your baby, and play around.
  • Tummy time is hard work, and some babies will be resistant to it. Don’t be surprised — or give in — if this happens.
  • 2Care for your newborn’s umbilical cord stump. Your baby’s umbilical cord stump should fall off within the first two weeks after they’re born. It will change in color from a yellowish green to brown and black as it dries and falls off on its own. It’s important to care for it properly before it falls off to avoid infection. Here’s what you should do:XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Keep it clean. Clean it with plain water and dry it with a clean and absorbent cloth. Make sure to wash your hands before you handle it. Stick to giving your baby sponge baths until it falls off.
  • Your baby also may just need to be burped.
  • Don’t Miss: When Should You Bathe Newborn

    Challenge #: Toddler Acts Like A Baby

    Once kids reach the toddler years, we often hear parents start using phrases like Cmon, youre a big boy! when toddlers try and act like a baby.

    Unfortunately, many parents find that this doesnt gain cooperation from the toddler, nor end the power struggle. And heres why:

    Toddlers experience overwhelming feelings when a newborn is introduced to the family. They see the person they love most in the whole wide world shifting their attention to a new, seemingly more important little person.

    In an attempt to re-gain your love and attention, a toddler may act like a baby. Possibly on the floor of the grocery store, while youre checking out. Not that I have personal experience.

    Your toddler needs your help to process. An easy way to do this is tolightbulb momentallow your child to act like a baby during a safe and convenient time.

    Set aside 15-30 minutes to play with your toddler when your spouse is around or your newborn is napping and allow your toddler to act like a baby. Make a game out of it. Rock him, feeding him, coddle himjust like he is a baby for 15-30 minutes.

    Theres a good chance this little play session will be enough to fill his connection tank, help him process, and encourage him to act more like a big boy in public.

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    Out And About With Baby


    26. Enlist backup. Make your first journey to a big, public place with a veteran parent. “Having my sister with me for support kept me from becoming flustered the first time I went shopping with my newborn,” says Suzanne Zook, a mom in Denver.

    27. If you’re on your own,“stick to places likely to welcome a baby, such as story hour at a library or bookstore,” suggests Christin Gauss, a mom in Fishers, Indiana.

    28. “Keep your diaper bag packed,” says Fran Bowen, a mom in Brooklyn. There’s nothing worse than finally getting the baby ready, only to find that you’re not.

    29. Stash a spare. Holland Brown, a mom in Long Beach, California, always keeps a change of adult clothes in her diaper bag. “You don’t want to get stuck walking around with an adorable baby but mustard-colored poop all over you.”

    30. Finally, embrace the chaos. “Keep your plans simple and be prepared to abandon them at any time,” says Margi Weeks, a mom in Tarrytown, New York.

    If nothing else, remember that everyone makes it through, and so will you. Soon enough you’ll be rewarded with your baby’s first smile, and that will help make up for all the initial craziness.

    Heather Swain is a mother and writer in Brooklyn, New York. Her novel is Luscious Lemon.

    American Baby

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    Genital Hygiene For Babies

    Its important to keep your babys genitals clean. This will help prevent infections and keep your baby healthy.

    To clean your babys genitals, you can use warm water and a cotton ball. If you want to, you could add a small amount of mild cleanser with a built-in moisturiser to the water. Make sure to wash all cleanser off your babys genitals.

    You can clean your babys genitals when changing their nappy and at bath times.

    Avoid using talcum powder anywhere on your baby, including around babys genitals. Talcum powder has fine particles that your baby can breathe in. You should also avoid cornstarch-based baby powder. It can make rashes worse.

    Your 1 Month Old Babys Motor Skills

    At this point, your little bundle of joy doesnt have the muscle strength to move around much. Your baby has basic reflexes, like the Moro reflex and the startle reflex, as well as the ability to suckle. Your little one should also be able to flail their arms and legs a bit.

    If you place a single finger in the palm of your babys hand, they may close their fist around it. And while your 1 month old baby doesnt have the strength to hold up their head yet, you may notice them turning their head to the side when lying on their back.

    A great way to help your babys muscles develop is to give them plenty of tummy time. This is essentially placing your baby on their stomach and letting them get used to lying in this position. Tummy time will strengthen your little ones arms, shoulders, neck, and back muscles.

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    Challenge #: Toddler Regresses In Sleep Potty Training Mealtime

    This goes back to challenge #3 when your toddler acts like a baby, which you could also view as regression.

    Your toddler is looking for confident leadership more than ever. Kids test boundaries, looking for you to show them what the rules are. During a very chaotic time in their lives, they want to know that youve got this!

    Help your toddler sleep:

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