Can I Switch My Newborns Formula

Other Drinks Your Toddler Can Drink After They Turn 1

When can I switch my baby from soy formula to whole milk?

Now that your kiddo has more autonomy and some new words in their vocabulary its likely that, before long, theyll be asking for other drinks besides milk.

So can you occasionally give in to the requests for juice or a sip of your soda? Best not to.

Juice can be used medicinally to treat constipation, often a concern during this time as the child adapts to cows milk, says Lvova. Other than that, skip the sweet drinks. Juice for pleasure or hydration isnt encouraged because of its sugar content in the absence of other nutrition.

The AAP concurs, saying, the best choice beverages are really simple: plain water and milk.

Being Fussy After A Feeding

Babies are known for being fussy at times, but this is usually due to them being hungry, needing a diaper change or needing to get some shut-eye. Family Doctor reports that if your little one is being extremely fussy after a feeding it could be because of their formula.

Their fussiness can be due to the fact theyre eating something that does not agree with their body and theyre in pain. And since your little one cant tell you when their bellies hurt, theyre going to show you how theyre feeling by being fussy.

The Right Formula For Your Baby

With all those choices, how can you figure out whats best for your child?

Begin by asking your babys pediatrician for recommendations. You may also have a chance to sample a wide range of baby formulas, as moms often go home from the hospital with free baby formula or coupons.

No matter which baby formula you start with, it helps to know that all formulas made in the United States meet strict FDA guidelines for nutrition, so your infant will probably do just fine on any of them. Whichever baby formula you choose, be sure to check its expiration date and dont buy damaged cans or bottles.

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They’re Experiencing Fatigue Or Weakness

A clear sign that youre going to need to switch your babys formula is if theyre experiencing fatigue or weakness. Web MD reports that a baby who is experiencing fatigue or weakness is not going to have any energy when theyre up, will sleep longer than they usually do, and can even be hard to wake up for a feeding.

Your little one is going to need to have a formula that is going to keep them alert when theyre awake. If you see that the formula youre giving your baby is not keeping them up or alert at times, then you need to change it.

Formula Facts: Whats In It For Baby

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The three forms of formula — powders, concentrates, and ready-to-use — are based on different ingredients:

Milk-based baby formulas

Made with cows milk, vegetable oils , vitamins, and minerals — and usually iron-fortified — milk-based formulas are appropriate for healthy, full-term babies.

Soy-based baby formulas

Made with soy protein, vegetable oils, corn syrup and/or sucrose , and sometimes iron, these formulas are good for babies with lactose intolerance who cant take milk-based formulas, or those who have allergies to the whole protein in cows milk or are on a vegetarian-based diet. Soy infant formulas arent recommended for low-birth-weight or preterm babies. Keep in mind that there may be some cross reactivity between soy and milk formulas, especially if the baby is allergic to milk-based formulas.

Specialty baby formulas

This is a big category, comprising a range of products — infant formulas for low-birth-weight babies, low-sodium formulas for babies who need a restricted salt intake, and formulas thickened with rice starch for babies with reflux.


“Predigested,” or hydrolyzed protein formulas, are made for babies who cant tolerate or have allergies to the whole proteins in cows milk and milk-based formulas. Others are for babies with medical conditions that keep their bodies from processing certain proteins or fats.

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Changing Baby Formula Gradually

Some parents and pediatricians prefer changing formulas gradually over a few days to slowly introduce the new formula. This is fine as long as your baby doesnt have a medical reason for needing a new formula right away. This can also be a good way to change formulas if there is a reason to worry about side effects so the transition is slow and allows more time to watch out for any problems.10

Your babys healthcare provider can help you decide exactly how to do this, but the process usually involves making a bottle with a small amount of the new formula and a larger amount of the old formula at first and then, over time, increasing the amount of new formula and .10

Just like changing formula immediately, you want to keep an eye on your baby and note any changes with the new formula. Although its unlikely, if they have any symptoms that concern you be sure to call your babys healthcare provider.

Formula Feeding Myth #: You Cant Make A Straight Switch From Regular Formula To Specialty Formula

Theres no need to gradually mix in a new formula with your babys current formula. Both regular and specialty formulas have the nutrients babies need to support their growth and development. It may take two to three weeks to find out if the new formula helps. Unless you notice distressing indicators like vomiting, diarrhea, or blood in the stool immediately, be patient and keep at it! If you have any concerns, you can always talk to your pediatrician, or call our Live Help line for information .

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When Dealing With Bottle Refusal Be Patient

Rarely, a breastfed baby will prove shockingly tenacious in refusing to take milk from a bottle. If after trying all of the above techniques your baby is still rejecting the bottle, or if your baby begins refusing the bottle after taking it previously, you can also try:

Distracting the baby. Try giving the bottle when your baby is calm and a little distracted, for example, by offering a bottle while taking a walk outside.

Heating things up. Try warming the milk and the bottle nipple, to make the experience more similar to feeding at your breast.

Offering a taste. Using a syringe, try dribbling a little milk into your babys mouth and then giving her the bottle. This helps trigger her drive to suck on the bottle.

Using music as a feeding cue. Rosenfeld recommended playing the same music while nursing and bottle feeding. This cues your baby that its time to eat.

If your baby is 6 months or older, try circumventing the bottle and weaning directly onto a cup.

Feeding Your Baby Formula: Before You Start

Can switching formula cause my baby to have eczema?

Human milk is the only food your baby needs for the first 6 months of life. After 6 months continue to offer human milk, along with solid foods, until your child is two years of age or older.

Parents may give their baby infant formula for a variety of reasons. Store-bought infant formula made from cows milk is recommended for most formula fed babies. Offer infant formula until your baby is 9 to 12 months of age.

Soy-based infant formulas are only recommended for babies with a medical condition called galactosemia or for babies who do not drink dairy for religious or cultural reasons.

Do not feed home-made infant formula, cows milk or other animal milk to your baby. They are not safe and do not give your baby the complete nutrition they need to grow and develop.

If you have questions or concerns about feeding your baby, contact your health care provider, a public health nurse or a lactation consultant. You can also call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 to speak with a registered nurse or registered dietitian.

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How Often Should I Feed My Baby

Most babies feed at least 8 times in 24 hours in the first few months of life. Time may vary between feeds. It is normal for babies to feed during the night. Your baby may drink different amounts at each feed and this can change from day to day. It is important to watch for your babys signs of hunger and fullness.

Feed your baby when you notice early signs of hunger. Your baby will show you they are hungry by doing any of these things:

  • Bringing their hands to their mouth
  • Opening their mouth, yawning or making lip smacking sounds
  • Turning their head toward the person holding them, often with their mouth open
  • Making fists over their chest or belly

Does Formula Choice Affect The Baby’s Bowel Movements

Actually, it does. The Hyams study found that there is some correlation between diet and stool. Breast-fed babies and babies taking elemental formulas tend to have the most watery stools. These babies also had the most stools. Babies fed soy-based formulas have the firmest stools. Babies taking lactose-containing formulas tend to be somewhere in between.

However, babies are supposed to have this variation in stool. Fortunately, loose stools don’t necessarily mean diarrhea less frequent or firm stools don’t necessarily mean an infant has constipation. So, babies rarely have true constipation or diarrhea because of the formula. Please don’t switch just to “regulate” your baby’s stools — chances are they are supposed to look the way they do! If you aren’t sure if your baby’s stools are normal, ask us.

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Why Babies Need Formula Rather Than Cows Milk

All baby formula has added vitamins, minerals and fats that babies need, which they cant get from straight cows milk.

Also, babies cant digest cows milk as completely or easily as breastmilk or formula. The protein level in cows milk is too high for babies, so some is taken out for infant formula.

For these reasons, you shouldnt give cows milk to your baby as the main milk drink until your baby is over 12 months old.

Babies under 12 months of age should not have:

  • normal cows milk as a main drink
  • skim, evaporated, powdered or sweetened condensed milk
  • dairy alternatives like soy, rice, almond or coconut milk.

For most healthy full-term babies, breastmilk or cows milk-based baby formulas are recommended until 12 months of age. If youre thinking of feeding your baby something other than breastmilk or cows milk-based formula, talk to your paediatrician, GP or child and family health nurse first.

When To Switch Formulas

Formula Feeding

Its always important to consult with babys pediatrician when you feel that you need to switch babys formula. If a milk allergy or significant intolerance is suspected, soy formula is often bypassed for a partially hydrolyzed formula or occasionally a different form or brand.8 Severe allergies are dealt with using hypoallergenic formulas.

How do I switch baby formulas?

When transitioning your baby from one formula to another due to an allergy, intolerance, or medical condition, an immediate switch is usually recommended . Confirm the appropriate formula transition timing and switch with your babys pediatrician.

In the absence of an allergy, intolerance or medical condition that would warrant switching formulas immediately, some parents choose to transition between formulas slowly.

If you decide on the slower course, use the guide below and transition to the next step every 1-2 days. Assuming baby takes 4 oz of formula:

  • 3 oz current formula, 1 oz new formula
  • 2 oz current formula, 1 oz new formula
  • 1 oz current formula, 3 oz new formula
  • 4 oz new formula

Know whats normal and Wait for results

In the end, its important to recognize whats normal and whats a red flag regarding babys digestion. Before considering a formula switch, double-check to make sure you are preparing the formula properly and that you are following babys hunger and fullness cues.

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Understand That Bottle Feeding And Breastfeeding Place Different Demands On Your Baby

To breastfeed effectively, babies must open their mouth wide, latch on to the breast and then coordinate a suck, swallow and breath sequence. Bottle feeding, by contrast, provides a continuous flow of milk instead of working to extract the milk, babies only need to pause the flow of milk in order to breathe.

Because of these differences, some babies will develop a strong preference for the bottle or, less often, for the breast.

Nipple confusion. Women sometimes receive dire warnings that artificial nipples, including pacifiers, can lead to nipple confusion or an inability to latch on to the breast and effectively extract milk.

these concerns can cause significant stress for new mothers who are struggling with breastfeeding, Dr. Chad Hayes, M.D., a pediatrician practicing in Charleston, S.C., wrote on his blog.

For example, La Leche League, a nonprofit focused on breastfeeding advocacy, warns that many mothers have noticed a change in her babys sucking patterns after introducing a bottle or a dummy . Her baby may struggle and cry, find it difficult to latch on, or simply nurse ineffectively at the breast.

Flow preference. While true nipple confusion is rare, a more common cause of a baby fussing at the breast or refusing to latch is flow preference.

Do Not Force Your Baby To Bottle Feed

If your baby refuses the bottle at first, do not force him to drink. Wait and try again later, an hour or two after their next feeding.Some studies have linked early overfeeding with an increased risk of later obesity.

For most healthy, full-term infants, parents can look to their baby rather than the clock for hunger cues, according to a webpage from the American Academy of Pediatrics. This is called feeding on demand, or responsive feeding.

When bottle feeding, watch for signs your baby has had enough: turning away, pushing away the bottle, spitting out milk, chewing on the nipple, gagging or falling asleep.

Unlike breast milk, leftover formula in a bottle your baby has drunk from cannot be saved. Check out this A.A.P. guide to safely preparing formula.

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Is Whole Milk As Nutritious As Formula

Despite their apparent similarities, formula and cows milk do have notable nutritional differences. Dairy milk contains more protein and certain minerals than formula. On the other hand, formula is fortified with iron and vitamin C in the appropriate amounts for infants.

However, now that your baby is eating solid food, their diet can fill in any nutrition gaps left by transitioning off formula.

At this point, both formula and milk are just a part of babys overall healthy eating, which can now include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meats, legumes, and additional dairy products besides milk.

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