How To Take Care Of A Newborn
This article was co-authored by Jami Yaeger. Jami Yaeger is a Parenting Specialist, Doula, and the Owner of AustinBorn, an online community offering comprehensive and modern education to growing families. With 10 years of experience, Jami specializes in whole family support for pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and parenting. Jami earned her BA in Theatre Performance from San Diego State University and earned her Certification as a Lactation Education Counselor from the University of California, San Diego. She is a Certified Infant and Child CPR Instructor, Birth and Postpartum Doula, and Childbirth Educator.There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 15 testimonials and 88% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 588,593 times.
So you’ve brought home your little bundle of joy — now what? Though taking care of your newborn can be one of the most special and rewarding experiences of your life, you may feel at a loss for what to do and will need to give your child constant attention and care. To take care of a newborn, you need to know how to give your baby the rest, sustenance and care that s/he needs — as well as a healthy dose of love and affection.
Massage And Give Some Warm Compress
Sometimes your breasts mightengorged or have a blocked ducts. This is all normal thing will face after you gave birth to a baby. However, they are something you can do that can really help you to relieve all the pain and uncomfortable. A good massage on your breast will help you to unblock all the blocked ducts, but do not try to simply massage, it will be better if you learn from a professional as massage in a wrong way might cause other porblem to your body. Besides, having a warm heating pad can help you to solve these problems and give you the best experience on breastfeeding.
Taking Care Of A Newborn Is Both The Simplest And Most Difficult Thing You Have Probably Ever Done In Your Life Learn About Your Baby’s Basic Needs And Get Simple Tips For Those First Few Months
Taking care of a newborn is both the simplest and most difficult thing you have probably ever done in your life. Here is this little bundle of humanity whose only method of communicating is crying and screaming. He is entirely dependent on you and your partner for everything. The sense of responsibility, particularly after years of being responsible only for yourself, can be overwhelming. So here’s your first bit of advice: Breathe. And the second: Relax. Your baby knows when you’re uptight and anxious. You transfer that anxiety to him and then he can’t relax! First, know that your baby will sleep much of the time. Newborns generally sleep up to 20 hours a day the first few weeks. Unfortunately, it may not be in large chunks! That’s because they also need to eat quite often. Their tummies are tiny and their nutritional needs enormous. If it feels like you spend every hour of every day with your breast or a bottle in your baby’s mouth, that’s not unusual.
The most common reason for Baby’s crying is hunger. Not hungry? Check the diaper. If that’s not the problem, try swaddling herwrapping her tightly in a receiving blanket. Newborns are used to the tight confines of the womb being out in the world and having their arms and legs flapping around can be scary. Holding her and walking around, “wearing” her in a sling or front pack, or, if all else fails, putting her in the car seat for a drive are other time- and parent-tested options to soothe a crying child.
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How To Hold Your Baby
Baby care after birth invariably involves bathing your baby, which is one of the biggest challenges for a new mom. Learn how to bathe a baby and make sure you have all of the bathing supplies ready before she arrives so you dont have to miss out on a moment with your new little one. Go for a gentle cleanser formulated for babies, like JOHNSON’S® Baby TOP-TO-TOE® Wash. If your baby has more hair, you might try a gentle shampoo, like JOHNSON’S® Baby Shampoo. Dont be afraid to gently wash the soft spot on your baby’s head.
Circumcision And Umbilical Cord Care
Immediately after circumcision, the tip of the penis is usually covered with gauze coated with petroleum jelly to keep the wound from sticking to the diaper. Gently wipe the tip clean with warm water after a diaper change, then apply petroleum jelly to the tip so it doesn’t stick to the diaper. Redness or irritation of the penis should heal within a few days, but if the redness or swelling increases or if pus-filled blisters form, infection may be present and you should call your baby’s doctor immediately.
Umbilical cord care in newborns is also important. Some doctors suggest swabbing the area with rubbing alcohol until the cord stump dries up and falls off, usually in 10 days to 3 weeks, but others recommend leaving the area alone. Talk to your child’s doctor to see what he or she prefers.
An infant’s navel area shouldn’t be submerged in water until the cord stump falls off and the area is healed. Until it falls off, the cord stump will change color from yellow to brown or black this is normal. Call your doctor if the navel area looks red or if a foul odor or discharge develops.
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Its Ok To Ask For Help
Weve mentioned it before, but this tip bears repeating. It really does take a village to raise a child. If you have willing family and friends, allow them to come to your aid. Even if you dont want a lot of people coming into close contact with your baby, take them up on offers to bring meals, run the vacuum and fold your laundry. If you dont live near trusted family or friends, it may not be possible to have help with some of the day-to-day things like cooking or cleaning, so consider signing up for a meal service or hiring someone to tidy your home. There is no shame in admitting you cant do everything. And besides, handing off the everyday chores to spend time with your child is a decision no one will ever regret.
If you are struggling with excessive crying, breastfeeding or postpartum depression, it is also essential to ask for help from a trusted professional. Your doctor, your childs pediatrician, a lactation consultant or a qualified counselor can all be good options for helping you through this difficult phase.
When To Call Your Doctor
If your baby has any of the following symptoms, let your pediatrician know right away, as they could be a sign of an infection or another problem:
- Persistent bleeding or more than a quarter-sized spot of blood on his diaper
- Redness that gets worse three to five days after circumcision
- Yellow discharge lasting more than a week
- Foul-smelling drainage
- Crusty, fluid-filled sores
- Not urinating or dribbling urine within eight hours after circumcision
Once your babys circumcision is fully healed, youre home-free. Continue to keep his penis clean by wiping away any stool that gets on it. Plus, make sure you gently wipe the groove under the head of your babys penis at diaper changes and in the tub. Not only will you be keeping him clean, youll be teaching him good personal hygiene.
From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.
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How To Tell If Your Baby Is Seriously Ill
It can be difficult to tell when a baby is seriously ill. Above all, it’s important to trust your instincts.
You know your baby better than anyone else, so you’ll know if their appearance or behaviour is worrying.
See does your child have a serious illness? for a checklist of “red alert” symptoms that should always be treated as serious.
Adopting A Baby Squirrel For Care
Being afraid of humans is a partly instinctual, partly learned behavior for squirrels. Baby squirrels who can walk but are alone, will often overcome their fear and approach humans. They’ve even been known to follow people home or climb up a person’s leg. It’s an interesting, immensely heartwarming phenomenon, but it also shows how desperate the baby is. If they are willing to approach you for possible help, they have apparently been left alone for some time. Although mobile at six weeks old, a squirrel relies upon and stays with its mother until it is about 12 weeks old.
Younger babies cannot even begin to walk or gather food for themselves. Most of the time, the babies that you find will be newborns who haven’t yet opened their eyes. Baby squirrels are docile enough that there is little danger of them biting you. They will generally accept you picking them up, handling them, and feeding them. If you have the time, caring for a baby squirrel can be an exceedingly rewarding experience.
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Helping Your Baby Sleep
It’s normal for new babies to only sleep for 2 to 3 hours at a time through the night, as well as during the day.
One reason is that newborn babies are not tuned into day and night yet.
Babies also grow quickly in the early months and they have very small stomachs. This means they need to feed little and often.
As your baby grows, they’ll gradually start to need fewer night feeds and will sleep for longer at night.
Take Care Of Yourself First
Taking care of yourself is crucial, especially when youve got a newborn! Youll need to take care of your babys needs first and foremost. Make sure that other aspects of your life are on the back burner for now because taking care of yourself is extremely important.
Its easy to get caught up in all the day-to-day things that go with having a new baby at home. However, it can be just as easy to neglect to care for yourself too during this time which may lead to stress or anxiety later.
Make sure youre eating well, getting enough sleep , exercising regularly, staying hydrated, and doing activities outside.
Make it a priority to take care of yourself first because you will be exhausted both physically and mentally. In addition, youll need your strength when caring for an infant.
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Whether Youre Breastfeeding Or Using Formula Feed Your Baby Frequently
If a mom is breastfeeding the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends doing so for at least six months her body will usually start producing breast milk within three days of birth. Before that, her breasts will produce a thick, yellow nutrient-filled liquid called colostrum.
At first, a nursing mother might have to work to ensure that her baby correctly latches, or fastens onto her breast, in order to eat. If youre having trouble establishing a good latch or getting your baby to eat, talk to a certified lactation consultant most hospitals and birthing centers have at least one on staff. You can also find a private lactation consultant via the United States Lactation Consultant Association.
No matter whether youre breastfeeding or formula feeding, newborns should be fed every one to three hours, so that they eat eight to 12 times in 24 hours. Frequent meals help newborns regain weight that they may have lost after birth. As your baby grows, she will gradually be able to eat more at each feeding and eat fewer times each day and night.
Dont fret if your baby doesnt burp after a feeding. Babies will burp if and when they need to, said Dr. Diane Cicatello, M.D., a developmental and behavioral pediatrician and vice chair of pediatrics at CareMount Medical in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Mixing In The Kitten Food
After she’s readily drinking the milk replacement from the bowl, you will be mixing the milk replacement with some high-quality kitten food. Innova kitten food is excellent, palatable kitten food. After it’s properly mixed, it should have the consistency of oatmeal. Over the next few weeks, you will gradually reduce the amount of liquid to the mixture. You will be adding more and more cat food. Around the 5 to 6-week mark, the kitten will be eating food only very slightly moistened and you will be able to leave it out for her to free feed. By week 8 to 10, the kitten will be completely done with the addition of milk replacement.
Word to the Wise
Kittens love to play in their food bowls! All three of my kittens would walk, rub, and roll in it. It’s just part of the process for them. You’ll be cleaning them up quite a lot.
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Do Baby Ducklings Make Good Pets
Ducks that are raised as domesticated pets are keen on human interaction. They are gentle creatures and amusing to watch.
Ducks are intelligent creatures even if they dont always like being held. They are quite clean, although their pen needs to be cleaned frequently to stop it from smelling.
A duck needs the companionship of at least one other duck, but they do enjoy living in a small flock for the most part. Remember that there are plenty of different breeds, and their preferences can change between them. For the most part, to be truly happy, a duck needs a mate they are lovers, not fighters.
Ducks can learn how to do tricks, enjoy playing with toys, and recognize the people whom they feel the most comfortable around.
Ducklings need to stay with their mother ducks until they are about 2 months old and have their full-fledged adult feathers. That is when they are capable of flying away and making their own way in this big, beautiful world.
Feeding And Burping Your Baby
Whether feeding your newborn by breast or a bottle, you may be stumped as to how often to do so. Generally, it’s recommended that babies be fed on demand whenever they seem hungry. Your baby may cue you by crying, putting fingers in his or her mouth, or making sucking noises.
A newborn baby needs to be fed every 2 to 3 hours. If you’re breastfeeding, give your baby the chance to nurse about 1015 minutes at each breast. If you’re formula-feeding, your baby will most likely take about 23 ounces at each feeding.
Some newborns may need to be awakened every few hours to make sure they get enough to eat. Call your baby’s doctor if you need to wake your newborn often or if your baby doesn’t seem interested in eating or sucking.
If you’re formula-feeding, you can easily monitor if your baby is getting enough to eat, but if you’re breastfeeding, it can be a little trickier. If your baby seems satisfied, produces about six wet diapers and several stools a day, sleeps well, and is gaining weight regularly, then he or she is probably eating enough.
Another good way to tell if your baby is getting milk is to notice if your breasts feel full before feeding your baby and less full after feeding. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about your child’s growth or feeding schedule.
If your baby tends to be gassy, has gastroesophageal reflux, or seems fussy during feeding, try burping your little one after every ounce during bottle-feeding or every 5 minutes during breastfeeding.
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