How To Feed Newborn Kittens Without Mother

What Do Kittens Eat Besides Milk

Feeding newborn kittens without mom cat

Kittens are born with a particular enzyme in their stomach called lactase, which allows them to digest the milk that their mother produces. This enzyme is not present in adult cats, so they cannot digest milk after weaning. Thus, feeding newborn kittens without their mothers milk is not possible. Kittens should be fed specially formulated kitten food that contains the nutrients they need and can digest.

When your kittens are 3 to 4 weeks old, you can start weaning them without difficulty. Although this is a slow process, so practice time will be required:

  • Kitten formula can be offered in a saucer.
  • Gradually you can add canned food with kitten formula in a saucer
  • You can gradually increase the canned food in the saucer and reduce the kitten formula.

Special attention should also be paid to the digestion process of cats. Also, offer the cat a bowl of fresh water during this time so that it can stay hydrated.

You can feed your kitten several ways, but one of the best ways to feed newborn kittens is with an eyedropper. Carefully measure a teaspoon of warm milk replacement formula and place it into the dropper. Hold the kitten firmly and gently place the tip of its mouth onto the droppers opening.

What To Feed A Newborn Kitten

Mother cats milk is an ideal food for a newborn kitten. But, for orphan kittens, you should arrange milk replacer which if best substitute of mothers feed, and it is produced specially as per kittens notorious needs. Dont try kinds of milk such as cows or goats milk naturally. It will cause gas trouble in the little one. If you cant find any best kittens drink in your area. Or, if you are looking for what to feed a newborn kitten in the case of emergency? You can try cows milk with adding plenty of water to make it work. Keep in mind it isnt healthy and permanent solution. A kitten needs to depend on milk for 4-6 weeks. After 4-6 weeks, kittens can start dry kitten food. Before that, dont give any dry or canned food.

Can I Put Water In A Syringe To Give My Cat

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It is not recommended to put water in a syringe to give to your cat as it can cause choking and aspirate the water into their lungs. It is best to give your cat small amounts of water from a bowl or cup.

When cats are thirsty, a syringe can be given to them to help them drink. If your cat does not like drinking from bowls, you can make this method work. Its also less likely to spill the liquid on the cats face than pouring it down its throat. It is also much less dangerous to do so. Dehydration is a common medical condition among cats. When used excessively, these cats can develop a condition known as nursing kitten toxicity. If your cat has a UTI, you should read my article How to Get Your Cat to Drink More Water for Urinary Tract Infections.

The amount of water a cat consumes determines its thirst, in addition to the type of diet it consumes. The thumb rule states that an adult cat should drink 60 ml of water per kilogram of body weight. If your kitten is 5 kg and weighs less than that, you should ensure that she drinks 300 ml of water each day.

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Do Newborn Kittens Need Special Bedding

You can use a simple box with soft blankets to contain the kitten. For warmth, I would suggest using a warm water bottle wrapped in a towel. Simply put it between two blankets that line the entire box. I would discourage people from using a heating pad, because its easier for the kitten to overheat that way.

What To Do If You Find A Newborn Kitten

What To Feed A Baby Cat Without Mother

OOTC EditorThis article is now outdated. An updated version of this information can be found at

During kitten season, its not unusual to discover a nest of unattended kittens or a single kitten seemingly abandoned by his/her mother.

by Valerie Sicignano, NYC Feral Cat Initiative

During high kitten season in the spring and summer, its not unusual to discover a nest of unattended kittens or a single kitten seemingly abandoned by the mother. You want to help, right? Before jumping to the rescue, consider these recommendations.

First: Wait & Watch

You might have come across the kittens while their mother is off searching for food, or is in the process of moving them to a different location. Try to determine if the mother is coming back for them, or if they are truly orphaned.

To do this, stand far away from the kittens 35 feet or more. If you stand too close, the mom will not approach her kittens. You might need to go away completely before the mother cat will return to attend to the kittens. It might be several hours before the mother cat returns until she no longer senses the presence of humans hovering near her litter.

The mother cat offers her kittens best chance for survival, so wait and watch as long as you can. The best food for the kittens is their mothers milk. Remove the kittens only if they are in immediate, grave danger.

If the mother cat returns

If the mother cat does not return

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Keeping A Kitten Clean

As a pet owner, you are probably wondering how to keep a kitten clean without its mother. It is important to understand that kittens require a mother cats care to stay healthy. Mothers teach kittens how to clean themselves, but they need time to grow up before they can do so on their own. Nevertheless, you can still help your kitten stay clean by introducing the grooming process to him. It is important to remember that kittens have a weakened immune system, and strict hygiene protocols are essential.

The first step is to give your kitten a bath. The mother cat spends a lot of time grooming her kittens, which is one of the reasons why they are clean. Keep your kitten warm and fresh at all times. Also, dont forget to disinfect the litter box, especially if it was previously shared with a cat. You can also use flea powder, mixed with talcum powder. You should mix talcum powder with 2.5 percent carbaryl powder to keep your kittens body free from fleas.

If your kitten is prone to diarrhea or constipation, you should take it to a vet immediately. Make sure the kitten drinks plenty of water to keep their body hydrated throughout the day. If the water is too wet, the kitten might try to escape, so keep your eyes peeled and keep an eye out for these symptoms. If your kitten is not drinking enough water, give it a little mineral oil or dilute the formula. If diarrhea is the only problem, add some probiotics to help prevent it.

Can You Feed A Baby Kitten With A Syringe

Yes, you can feed a baby kitten with a syringe. You will need to get a kitten nursing kit, which includes a syringe, from a pet store or vet. The syringe should be filled with kitten formula, and the kitten should be held in your lap or on a table while you feed it.

A kitten or cats food habits can be affected by a variety of factors. Sometimes it is due to age, while other times it is due to surgery or illness. A syringe feeding of her or assistance feeding her can help you ensure that she is well fed. You must prepare the cat food you will be giving your cat. Kitten food should be more digestible for them so that they can digest it easily. Mature cats may benefit from having a watered-down version of their wet food. A cat can be fed alone or with the assistance of an assistant or family member.

When your cat is sick and has not eaten her meals, it is best to syringe-feed her. If the patient is too weak to consume food after surgery or recovering from an injury. As soon as you begin feeding, keep paper towels handy because the process will become chaotic.

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Keeping A Kitten Warm

If you are a pet owner, you might be wondering how to keep a kitten warm without a mom. Luckily, there are several easy ways to keep a kitten warm. You can wrap a towel around a heating pad or purchase a kitten bed. However, you should never attempt to heat a kitten by submerging it in warm water. This can result in the kitten becoming very cold.

A warm place to cuddle and sleep in is important for a newly-born kitten. Keep the room temperature between 25 and 27 degC. Another simple way to keep a kitten warm is to use a heating pad with an unheated side. The heat of the pad will warm up the kittens body without overheating it. If you cannot afford to purchase a heating pad, you can always use a towel.

If the cat is not coming back immediately, kittens can survive a few hours without food or milk. But the most important thing is to keep the kitten warm. A cats milk is the best food for a baby, so the best way to keep a kitten warm is to use the cats milk. If you do not have a mother at home, you can also buy a kitten milk replacer.

How Do You Make Your Own Kitten Formula

Mom cat gently wakes up a newborn kitten to feed him

A variety of recipes for homemade kitten formula exist, but if you can purchase a kitten milk replacement from the pet store to use, that is ideal. For times when store-bought milk replacement is not an option, find a recipe for which you have all the ingredients, until you can get some milk replacement formula. A homemade kitten replacement formula should not be used beyond 24 hours .

The following formulas are from The Cornell Book of Cats by the Cornell School of Veterinary Medicine:

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How Do You Force A Bottle Feed A Kitten

The kitten should form a u-shape with her tongue, hold onto the bottle and drink the formula. You can ensure that she eats properly by putting a finger on her throat. Make sure that when you squeeze the bottle into the mouth of a kitten, it is not too strong. Allow the kitten to suckle at her own pace.

How Much To Feed Newborn Kittens

You’ll need to know the weight of the kittens in order to determine how much to feed.

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How Do I Keep A Newborn Kitten Warm

Kittens should be kept in a cat carrier wrapped in a few layers of towels. Using a heating pad or heat disc for pets alongside a soft fleece blanket can also help keep them warm. Ensure that the carrier is large enough for your kitten to move away from the heater when they want to.

It is very important to keep your cat carrier in a safe, warm room away from other pets. Itâs helpful to go and check on your kitten throughout the day. If your kitten feels cold, you need to warm them up as soon as possible.

Can You Give Kittens Water


Cats do not handle dehydration well. Water is essential for all cats and kittens in order for their bodies to operate properly.

Water aids digestion, eliminates feces, and prevents crystals from developing in a cats urine. It can also help to keep tissues and joints moist.

Cats can obtain a lot of their water requirements from canned wet food, but they should always have access to lots of fresh, clean drinking water.

Water, on the other hand, is as important to a cats life as it is to humans. Water accounts for 60-70 percent of their body weight.

Despite the fact that it is beneficial for them, many cats dislike drinking water, particularly if it is still or standing water. This distaste for water might result in a dehydrated cat, so keep an eye on your cats water consumption.

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When Should I Take Kittens To The Veterinarian

Overall, its a good idea to keep in touch with your veterinarian during the first four weeks of the kittens life so they can help you monitor their progress and answer any questions that may arise. Your veterinarian will most likely see them once, but they may request more check-ups depending on the progress you report along the way.

Kittens Need To Be Taught How To Clean And Groom Themselves

Only recently did I begin seeing Pepper groom himself at random times, but Ive not been able to capture it on camera yet. And yes, its just as adorable as you would imagine.

Otherwise, the cleaning up is left to me, and I use gentle pet wipes on his face after feeding, and on his bottom after he pees or poops. Apparently, if you dont clean a kitten up well, it can get rashes around its mouth or something called urine or fecal scalding on its bottom and legs.

To comfort a kitten, you can use a clean toothbrush to gently comb their head and body to mimic a mother cats grooming, which also teaches them the habit as they grow.

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How To Feed Neonatal Kittens

Use kitten bottles, and try to get the elongated nipples if theyre available because they are easier to use. You may have to make your own holes in the nipple with a sterilized pin or razor be sure you do this correctly so that the KMR drips out slowly when the bottle is turned upside down.

If you notice the kitten is having a hard time getting the milk to come out of the bottle, the pinhole on the nipple may need to be larger alternately, if the kitten is having a hard time keeping up with the amount of milk coming out, consider changing the nipple to one with a smaller hole. And cleanliness is key, so sterilize the bottles and wash your hands before and after each feeding.

Hold or place kittens on their stomachs and tilt the bottle so less air gets in. Do not feed kittens on their backs. Always warm the KRM and test it on your wrist to be sure it is warm but not hot, like you would do with an infant.

Remember, do not feed chilled kittens. Follow the guidelines on the formula label for how much to use, but they will usually stop eating when theyre full.

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Can Newborn Kittens Survive Without Their Mom

What & How to Feed Kittens age 4 to 6 Weeks old

The orphans of an orphan cat less than four weeks old will be unable to survive without their mother, and they will need to be bottle fed every day. If you have discovered a newborn kitten, your instinct will usually be to leave it alone with its mother and her family, which is usually the best option.

A kittens ability to survive for more than 12 hours is jeopardized if its mother does not provide adequate milk. When a mother cat dies during childbirth, her kittens should be well cared for. It is recommended that cats nurse their kittens for at least six weeks after they are born. A newborn kitten cannot survive for more than a few hours without food. A kittens health is as fragile as that of a human baby and it will not survive for an extended period of time without certain nutrients. A mother cats milk contains nutrients, which aid in the immune systems functioning. A kitten that does not have a mother may feel lonely and have a desire to be taken care of by a human.

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What Are Some Special Handling Techniques To Keep Them Healthy And Safe

In the first four weeks of their life, minimize the number of people who handle the kitten. During that time, they have not yet built up their immune systems, and they are prone to illnesses and infections. Be sure to wash your hands before and after each time you handle them.

Avoid allowing the kitten to interact with other animals even other cats. You never know how another animal will treat a small kitten, and neonatal cats are fragile in this stage of life.

If you have more than one kitten from the same litter, you can definitely keep them in the same box. They can help keep each other warm. If they are from different litters, you can still keep them in the same box, unless they are radically different ages or sizes. Also, dont mix sick and healthy kittens.

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