Is Colic Calm Safe For Newborns

Colic: Is There Any Cure For A Baby’s Crying Or Just Wait It Out

Colic Calm Seeing is Believing – Baby Zahra

Colic is many times the first severe pain a baby will feel in their lives. It is usually manifested as an acute abdominal pain with intense spasmodic cramping, but since colicky babies cannot describe exactly what distresses them, it is hard for parents to know the precise cause of their distress. There are many home remedies that parents use to try to calm their children, but are any of them really proven to do the trick?

Experts believe that 1 out of every 5 babies born experience colic. Colic is usually diagnosed by the rule of threes, beginning between the third and sixth week of life, and in severe cases, lasting up to six months. Although no known cure exists, many colic remedies are available to provide fast relief during a crying outburst.

Edzard Ernst, MD, PhD, who conducted the study posted online in the journal Pediatrics states:

The advice is not to use any complementary treatment on them , because some of them are not risk free. All of them cost money.

Fennel tea is a commonly used remedy. Fennel tea is gentle enough to give to infants and is especially beneficial in treating colic. Fennel tea relaxes smooth muscles and relieves spasms in the gastrointestinal tract which makes it an effective herbal remedy for treating gas and bloating. It also helps treat constipation, soothe an upset stomach, and relieve abdominal cramps for adults.

Provide Them With A Soother/pacifier

The sucking instinct of babies is greater than any other creature on this earth. So, it is suggested that for relieving your baby from colic, provide them with a pacifier.

Due to their high sucking instinct, a pacifier will help them stay relaxed. Also, it should not go without mentioning that sucking a pacifier releases endorphins- the chemical produced by the body for relieving stress and pain. Try this effective way, and we are sure that it will work perfectly for your baby.

Can Gripe Water Help With Colic

Indeed, there isnt much scientific exploration in the effectiveness of gripe water. Instead, popularity comes from word of mouth and a history of relieved parents.

Even though theres no one set cause of colic, its believed that an upset stomach is a major indicator that your baby suffers from it. As such, the herbs involved in gripe water targets that discomfort to improve their digestive system.

There are calming herbs used in many gripe water products like peppermint and fennel. These are among many herbs recommended for gut health. It stands to reason that they calm your babys tummy, relaxing the intestines so that the pain subsides.

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When Should I Call My Child’s Healthcare Provider

Before assuming your child has colic, look for other signs of illness. These may include:

  • Not sucking or drinking a bottle well
  • Drinking less milk than usual
  • Vomiting
  • Becoming more irritable when held or touched
  • Having a strange-sounding cry
  • Having a change in breathing rate or using extra effort to breathe
  • Being more sleepy or sluggish than normal
  • Fever of 100.4°F or higher, or as directed by your child’s healthcare provider

Types Of Colic Gas Relief Drops

Colic Calm Homeopathic Gripe Water

Simethicone is the most popular. This chemical is found almost in all gas relief drops. Its an anti-foaming agent which can break up the stomachs gas bubbles and such action can eliminate pain and bloat caused by excess stomach gas. One best feature of the substance is its ability to go through the digestive system without getting absorbed by the body. Most of these gas relief drugs are considered safe and can be given to babies every two hours, without having to worry about side effects.

Theres also Gripe Water. This is a fairly simple remedy which can be easily made at home. It can contain fennel, chamomile, ginger, and some type of alcohol. If you are not sure about DIY procedures, you can always purchase gripe water products which are available commercially. Such products may contain dill, mint, ginger, sodium bicarbonate, and other types of herbs. Gripe Water is effective against colic, hiccups, diarrhea, and can calm your little ones digestive tract.

Homeopathic and natural remedies. These remedies for colic and gas pains have been with us for centuries. They have been used as pain relievers for distension, flatulence, belching, and diarrhea. The most common ingredient of homeopathic remedies is silver nitrate. Another compound is Asafoetida, a gum derived from plants, is used in reducing flatulence and constipation.

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What Are Other Solutions For Colic

If your baby has colic, there are other ways to help. If all else fails, call a friend or family member to come and help so you can take a break from your crying baby. Or if you need to lay your baby in their crib and take a break, thatâs OK too. In their crib, youâll know theyâll be safe even if they are upset. Keep in mind that there is no targeted solution for colic, but you can figure out what works for your baby.


Breastfeed or offer a bottle as your baby may be hungry or need comfort. If you use formula, talk to your doctor about switching to a different kind. If you breastfeed, some foods you eat may pass through breast milk and bother your babyâs tummy, like caffeine, dairy, soy, egg, and wheat.

You can also take breaks during feedings to burp your baby more often. If you use bottles, try different bottles that have ventilation filters, allowing less air into the milk as your baby drinks.


Babies often feel comforted by motion. Try walking around with your baby or rocking them in a rocking chair. You can even put them in the stroller and push them around, or take them for a ride around the block in your car.


Speak to your baby softly or play music that they respond to. If you have a sound machine or a white noise machine, turn it on.

Less Stimulation

When to Call Your Doctor

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How Long Does Colic Typically Last

Colic episodes can last for about 3 hours a day until your baby is about 6 weeks old then, these episodes may get shorter and last about 1 or 2 hours a day until your little one is about 3 or 4 months old.

In general, colicky crying tends to stop when your child is about 4 months old, but it can sometimes last until about 6 months of age.

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What Can You Do About Colic

It may help to see if there is a pattern to your baby’s crying. Many babies cry most in the late afternoon and evening hours. If you notice that your baby cries at certain times of day, you can try holding your baby more before those times. But during expected fussy times, limit visitors, keep noise and lights low, and touch your baby only if needed.

After crying starts, try rocking your baby in a quiet room, or take him or her out for a walk in a front-pack carrier or stroller. Some babies are soothed by riding in a car or listening to a droning sound, like a fan or a clothes dryer.

Do what you can to comfort your baby, but accept that sometimes nothing works. If you feel stressed or worn out, ask a friend or family member to give you a break. Take good care of yourself, and remember that colic will go away soon.

Soothing Your Baby With Gripe Water

Pediatrician Recommended – Colic Calm for Fast Acting Colic Relief

Crying is a babys main form of communication.

Nobody can recognize your babys cries better than you, so you may instantly know if your baby is sleepy, hungry, or needs to be cuddled.

Although crying is normal, your baby may sometimes cry excessively despite being well-fed and changed. This can indicate another problem, such as teething or colic.

A colicky baby may cry for several hours on any given day. Though it is not known what causes colic, some feel it is due to abdominal discomfort caused by gassiness.

Research suggests up to 28 percent of infants worldwide experience colic in the first few months of life. Its more common in infants under 6 weeks, and it becomes less common as the child turns 10 to 12 weeks.

By about age 4 months, most infants spontaneously outgrow colic.

Still, excessive crying and fussiness can be difficult on the infant-family relationship. Parents may seek out a solution because they worry theyre not properly caring for their child.

The good news is that there are ways to soothe your baby. Some parents believe they have successfully calmed their babies with an herbal remedy called gripe water. But gripe water carries the risk for some side effects and safety concerns.

Here, well discuss what gripe water is and if its safe. Well also discuss alternatives to gripe water for colicky babies.

If you are going to try a remedy, you want one that is safe.

There are many variations, but most formulas contain a mixture of different herbs, including:

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How Is Colic Diagnosed

The healthcare provider will ask about your childs symptoms and health history. He or she will give your child a physical exam. You may be asked questions such as:

  • How long and how often does your baby cry?
  • Have you found anything that seems to trigger the crying?
  • What comfort methods help to calm your baby, if any?

Blood tests and X-rays or other imaging tests may be done. These can help find out if your baby has other health problems.

What Is Colic Gas Relief Drops

These are orally-administered drugs that can be procured over-the-counter. Its a liquid medication used to relieve discomfort caused by gassiness, bloating, and abdominal pain that is caused by accumulated gas in the stomach and the intestines. The drops have been proven effective in alleviating excess gas symptoms in newborns, babies, and children.

Most of the gas relief drops contain the synthetic drug simethicone. Some, however, have a homeopathic liquid formula instead of simethicone. Either one can be recommended by the pediatrician. But bear in mind that not all colic gas relief drops are the same.

The simethicone drops are made mainly by mixing the components of polydimethylsiloxane and silicon dioxide. Its an over-the-counter drug that is sold under a number of brand names and is specifically used to combat gas issues. It can have a good effect on gas bubbles that form in the stomach but not the intestines.

This is the reason for the directions on its use. It should be given after feeding and before bedtime. This will prevent gas from traveling to the intestines which can cause, as many adults would know, very painful symptoms. Parents do complain about the drug. They claim that its too expensive and not convenient, while others believe its just as effective as placebos.

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Gerber Soothe Baby Probiotic Colic Drops

This product is the first one on our list because its really superb. Giving these drops to your baby will give comfort whether he is breastfeeding or drinking infant formula. Its a great solution for excessive crying, fussiness, and colic. It contains probiotics which will also help strengthen the digestive system to reduce the occurrence of colic and other issues.

The Gerber Soothe Baby Probiotic Colic Drops will help improve the good bacteria which are naturally found in the digestive system of babies . In fact, the probiotics in these drops are similar to the ones found in natural breast milk. Its clinically proven to reduce the crying time of babies who are suffering from colic in just a few days.

You can add these drops to your little ones infant formula and even breast milk. Its specially designed to relieve colic and other issues for formula-fed and breastfed babies. Its non-GMO too, which means it doesnt contain any genetically-engineered ingredients.


  • Helps ease colic to reduce the fussiness and crying that comes with it.
  • Suitable for formula-fed and breastfeeding baby.
  • Non-GMO drops which contain probiotics.


Best Homeopathic Medicine For Gas In Infant: Colic Calm Colic Medicine For Infant

Colic Calm 59ml Vitrine Baby

Next on the list, weve got yet another medicine that manages to win our hearts. Its the Colic Calm Colic Medicine For Infants and its widely considered as one of the most convenient medicines you can buy. The colic calm colic medicine for infants reduces gas and it is great for burp rags. Also, unlike commonly prescribed colic drops, colic calm homeopathic gripe water wont alter the delicate balance of your infants digestive system. This safe, gentle, natural baby colic relief medicine is free from sugar, sodium bicarbonate , simethicone, soy, dairy, wheat, gluten, animal products, herbal oils and extracts as well as artificial flavors and colors.

The medicine is manufactured in the USA in a state-of-the-art facility and contains a proprietary formula of 8 homeopathic ingredients. Finally, the colic calm colic medicine for infants works very well and it is comfortable.

Most customers found that the medicine does not cure colic, reflux or anything. And, a few say that the medicine is really great stuff to add to that it is the best one so far. Also, they strongly agree that the chiropractor also recommended a medicine dropper for administration placed in the back of mouth between cheek and gums and baby will suck on it until gone.

Top Customer Quotes:

Most importantly, the little remedies colic medicine for infants work in minutes to relieve pain from excess gas.

Top Customer Quotes:

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What Are The Benefits Of Colic Gas Relief Drops

Parents often go into distress mode when they cannot console their babies from continuous crying. The most frequent causes of such fussiness are gas and colic, and these could easily be observed. Colic is a severe, often fluctuating pain in the abdomen caused by intestinal gas or obstruction in the intestines and suffered especially by babies.

This can cause intense crying, even with healthy babies who are feeding well. The condition is most common with 2-3-week-old babies and it usually disappears when the child is between 3-4 months old. One in every five babies experiences colic or symptoms associated with colic. Its a common occurrence and should not distress parents too much. Furthermore, there is relief available.

If you want a relief for your babys colic and you are more inclined to natural sources, try using Gripe water. This is made from organic ingredients and is effective in relieving hiccups, gas, fussiness, and more. More often than not, fussiness in babies is caused by gas instead of colic.

Gas symptoms in babies generally include crying after and during feeding. Also, you may notice frequent spitting, a bloated belly, and your little one pulling the legs towards his body. The condition can be treated in several ways. Try giving your baby a warm bath or massage his tummy gently. You can also try bicycling your babys legs.

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