When To See A Doctor
Anytime your instincts tell you that something might be wrong with your baby, its a good time to check in with your doctor, even if you are not sure what might be wrong. That said, there are some instances where a baby who is crying and also exhibiting other symptoms, should be seen by a doctor promptly.
- You have a baby who is under three months with a fever
- Your baby has been injured or you suspect that they might be
- Your babys soft spot is swollen
- Your babys scrotum or groin is swollen
- Your baby refuses to eat for more than 8 hours
- Your baby is vomiting
- Your baby seems ill or has any signs of illness
- Your baby has been crying for more than two hours in a row
What Colic Looks And Sounds Like
Parents of babies with colic often say that the babies look like they are angry or in pain, have gas, or are trying to go to the bathroom without success. Other characteristics of a baby with colic:
- Higher pitched, more frantic crying
- Sudden crying, starting out of nowhere, and for no apparent reason
- Rigid or stiff body, often with clenched fists
- Bent legs and stomach may feel hard
Notice Your Babys Tells
There are other, subtler, cues that offer a peek into what your baby needs, and reading these can prevent crying spells.
A few are clear, like rubbing their eyes or yawning when theyre tired.
Others are less obvious, such as averting their gaze when theyve had enough stimulation. Watch your baby closely their body movements, positions, facial expressions, and vocal sounds at various times of day to learn these cues.
Remember, every baby is unique. Just because your first baby sucked on their hand when they were hungry doesnt mean your second one will. Instead, this action may say, I need to calm down.
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When To Call The Doctor
If your baby’s crying is incessant, no doubt you’ve already had several powwows with your pediatrician. “Even though colic is normal, it’s not something you should keep quiet about, because there will be babies who do have something else,” says Larry Scherzer, M.D., assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington.
Apart from fussiness, additional red flags that could indicate a more serious medical condition include frequent vomiting, fever, loose or bloody stools, poor weight gain and feeding, eczema, and lethargy. Keep a diary that tracks how often your baby cries, sleeps, eats, and poops and pees. Any difficulties with feeding or spitting up may help you discover if there’s a pattern to the crying.
Evaluate Your Own Emotional State
When your baby cries for hours on end, it is natural to feel responsible. Often, though, blaming yourself can get in the way of your ability to be calm, present, and responsive to your baby. The relationship with your baby is a partnership, so your emotions will make a difference to how your baby reacts. If you are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, angry, anxious, or detached, your baby may have trouble calming down.
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Causes Of Unexplained Crying
- Hungry Baby. The most common reason babies cry is because they are hungry. They stop crying at the onset of feeding. By the end of the feeding, they are happy.
- Sleepy Baby. The second reason babies cry is they need sleep. They need their parent to put them in a comfortable position. It may be swaddled and on their back. Then they fuss a little and fall asleep.
- Fed Too Much. Some babies cry because of a bloated stomach from overfeeding. Unlike gas, too much milk can cause discomfort that lasts a short time.
- Caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause increased crying and trouble falling asleep. Breastfeeding mothers need to limit their caffeine intake.
- Clothing. Being too hot or too cold can make a baby cry. So can clothing that is too tight.
- Dirty Diaper. Stool is very irritating to the skin. If not cleaned off, it can cause pain and burning.
- Colic. Colic is the main cause of recurrent crying during the early months. All babies have some normal fussy crying every day. When this occurs over 3 hours per day, it’s called colic. When they are not crying, they are happy.
- Pain . Painful causes include an earache, mouth ulcers, or a raw diaper rash. An ulcer on tip of penis may also cause pain and crying. These babies cry a lot and are not happy when they are not crying. They need to see a doctor to make a diagnosis. Fever in this age group is serious until proven otherwise. Shaken baby syndrome is a concern.
Coping With A Crying Colicky Or Unresponsive Baby
You already know that no two babies are alike, but this reality may still hit you hard when you hear other parents talking about how easy their babies are or how their newborn sleeps peacefully through the night. Try to avoid comparisons and specific expectations, as they can create negative feelingsespecially if you have a very challenging baby. Give yourself a break if you are having feelings you didnt expect. It may take a bit of time to get in sync with your baby, but the extra work will be worth it!
For stressful situationswhen your baby wont stop crying or wont respond to you, and when you are feeling frustrated, tired, and angryyou need to develop some strategies for taking care of yourself. When youre calm and centered, youll be better able to figure out whats going on with your child and soothe his or her cries.
Recognize your limits. Pay attention to internal warning signs when you are feeling overwhelmed. The sooner you spot your personal limits, the easier it is to plan aheadfor extra help, a break, an excursion outside, or a quick pep talk from a friend or loved one. These small steps to prepare will help you get in the best frame of mind to care for your baby.
Remember that time is on your side. For most babies, crying peaks at six weeks and then gradually eases off. There is an end to the crying on the horizon! You may have to put in a little extra work right now and be very patient, but things will get better.
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Why Is My Baby Crying So Much
You can find lots of information on causes of excessive crying and how to soothe your baby on our website. From coping with a crying baby to colic to reflux.
If your babys cry doesnt sound like their normal cry, or they have other symptoms, this could be a sign they are ill. Contact your GP or NHS 111 if you are concerned that your baby is unwell.
How To Know When To Seek Help
Sometimes no matter how much swaddling or swinging you provide, the crying wont cease. Many parents are concerned that excessive crying could be harmful for the baby. Dr. Bristol assures parents this is not the case.
Assuming there are no medical issues, there is no harm in a babys excessive crying, he says. They may get a hoarse voice, but they will eventually get tired and stop crying. Your baby may also get a little gassy from swallowing air while crying, but thats OK. If your baby wont stop crying, youre not a bad parent for letting them cry it out. But this is easier said than done.
That said, there are times youll want to consult your pediatrician.
If your babys crying is accompanied by fever, vomiting or diarrhea, or you feel like they might be injured, you should bring them to see a doctor, Dr. Bristol says. If everything seems normal and your baby is still inconsolable, you can still turn to your pediatrician for help. Doctors can provide other techniques or remedies you may not have tried.
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Is This Really Normal
If you feel like your baby cries a lot, for a long time, and you find it hard to soothe them, youre far from alone. In fact, between a third and a fifth of babies cry for long stretches, without an obvious reason, during the first three to four months of age .
Long stretches of crying can start when your little one is around two weeks old and continue until they reach three to four months. Inconsolable crying that can last up to five hours a day is a perfectly normal stage of development called the period of PURPLE crying. PURPLE is not about the colour its short for: Peak of crying Unexpected Resists soothing Pain-like face Long lasting and Evening .
Should I Let My Baby Cry Themself To Sleep
As parents, its natural to want to protect our children from harm and soothe them when theyre upset. Depending on your approach, it may feel cruel or harsh to let your child cry it out, while others may be comfortable doing so.
If its your first, you may be going in to check on them every ten seconds, and if its your fourth, 10 minutes may not seem like much. There are many different sleep training techniques ranging from a more gentle to a more firm approach, and there are benefits to each. You know your childs needs, and the right method will depend on whats best for you both.
Need more info? Learn how to gentle sleep train your baby using proven strategies.
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It Is Scattered Throughout The Day
If they are lucky, and their infant only cries for one hour when it reaches its peak, then they may not have noticed the gradual increase before it goes down. Crying is the one method of communication a newborn infant has. And sometimes babies cry even if they’re not sick, hungry, frustrated, or need a diaper change. Huge for his age, cries a lot, doesn’t want to b held. Under 1 year, i believe you should touch them a lot and make sure their needs are always met so they feel safe and secure. Well, maybe most guys would admit that there’s this stage called toddlerhood, but y’all don’t seem to differentiate between one stage of early childhood to another, and it would help you if you knew a bit about child development in order to determine if it’s okay to let that baby cry for however long you think it should be cyring. The crying increases and peaks at 2 to 3 hours daily by 6 weeks, after which it decreases . Occasional stress and depression will have no impact on the growth and development of your baby. As long as they are happy and content when they are not crying, this is normal. Colic happens to a lot of newborns. Inconsolable crying that can last up to five hours a day is a perfectly normal stage of development called the period of purple crying. Mine did a 180 from super colicky baby to happy easier baby at 7 weeks. Crying is part of life with a new baby.
What If My Baby Won’t Stop Crying
Dont panic.
There are lots of things you can try to distract and soothe them using touch and sounds.
Sometimes no matter what you try though, nothing seems to work. And just know that this is ok. Lots of babies go through a period of crying, usually peaking at around 7 weeks.
The best thing you can do is keep calm chances are any periods of constant crying will soon pass. If its getting to you, make sure baby is in a safe position and take a few moments away to take a breather.
If you are concerned that your baby might be unwell or if youre struggling to cope with the crying, then speak to your health visitor or GP right away.
Visit the NHS website for more information on crying.
If youre struggling to cope with your baby crying, Cry-sis run a helpline for support with crying babies on 08451 228 669.
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Offer Your Kid A Little Area
That said, heres what I imply: if your infant or young child is pushing away from you during the nap time or bedtime regimen, there is no damage in putting your child down, running away a little, and simply providing your little one a break.
If your young child is older, you may want to try leaving the room for a couple of minutes, and then returning to attempt again later on.
Pay Attention To Your Babys Signals
The whole world comes to your baby through their senses, and every baby has different sensory needs, which is why one baby might love to be held and another doesnt or one baby will cry because of a wet diaper and another will ignore it and continue to play happily.
Get to know your babys preferences by engaging all of your senses as you try to figure out what your baby needs. Try being especially attentive to:
Changes in mood. Do your babys mood changes seem to coincide with environment changes, the time of day, or in relation to food or naps? For example, if your baby is cranky in the late morning, watch to see if they are sending signals that youre missinglike an isolated yawn or eye rubbing.
Reactions to different situations and environments. Babies often send signals that we as adults just dont notice. Your baby might get overstimulated if too many people are around or become especially upset about schedule changes.
Differences in your babys cries. At first all cries will sound the same, but, gradually, you will hear how the Im hungry cry is very different from the Im tired cry. Notice noise level, pitch and intensity of the cry, as well as your babys body language and facial expressions. An arched back, a scrunched-up face, eyes tightly closed to shut out the light, fists curled up, rubbing eyes, hyperactive or frenetic movementall of these signs communicate something specific about your babys emotional and physical state.
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Institute A Nap Regimen If You Havent Currently
A number of you no doubt have a solid bedtime routine in place however great deals of moms and dads overlook the nap routine!
In our experience, a nap time regimen can really assist a child or young child go from full-on playing and fun to falling asleep.
If your infant is combating sleep at nap time, and you presume its since shes having problem transitioning from playtime to nap time, then attempt a soothing nap regimen.
Simply make sure to keep it on the short side 1 story and a quick lullaby is fantastic.