How To Give A Sponge Bath To Newborn

First Time Giving Your Baby A Sponge Bath Well Guide You Through

How to Give a Newborn a Sponge Bath | CloudMom

Bath time with your newborn baby is one of the best ways to bond with them. As a new parent, its also a big learning curve that teaches you what your little one responds to and how to make their bath time thats best suited to them.Naturally, you may have quite a few questions swarming in your mind. But were here to quell your heebie-jeebies. So, read on to know how to give a newborn a sponge bath.

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Winter is slowly making its presence felt with the onset of the chilly air and low temperatures. For parents with a tiny life to be taken care of, winter can seem full of challenges. The body of the newborns isnt completely evolved and so, it is more difficult to adjust the core temperature of the body to deal with cold as older children and adults can. In addition, cold and dry weather brings along some common ailments and flu.

Have Everything You Need Before You Begin

Before you begin, decide where youre going to bathe your baby.

They will be happiest if its on a soft surface like a bed, but you can still place them on a hard surface, like the kitchen counter, but make sure you have them lie on a folded blanket or towel for comfort.

Its important to make sure you have everything you need right next to where youll be bathing your baby.

That way, you wont have to leave your babys side. Leaving their side, even for a short time to go get something or even turning your back for a moment may result in your baby falling.

And surprisingly, your baby will be much happier if they dont fall!

Having everything you need right next to you will also help make the bath go faster.

A faster sponge bath is usually a much happier one!

Washing you babys body should go pretty quickly. There really isnt that much surface area there to clean!

Newborn sponge bath supplies

  • Any kind of soap that is gentle or for sensitive skin
  • A bowl of warm water
  • Wet wipes just in case

Youll also want to place these items next to the sink where youll be washing their hair:

  • A comb or brush

In addition, you can set out the clothes that youll dress them in after the bath.

Ok, all set up?

Lets do it!

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Things You Should Know

  • Prepare your patient for the bath by laying them on towels, covering them with a sheet, and undressing them.
  • Clean your patient by washing the skin with one washrag and rinsing it off with another. Work in sections, blotting each area dry as you go.
  • Start the sponge bath by washing the patient’s face, hair, shoulders, arms, torso, and legs.
  • Complete the bath by washing the patient’s back, buttocks, and genitals.

Moving From Sponge Baths To Tub Baths

How to Give a Newborn a Sponge Bath

Once your babys umbilical cord stump has fallen off, and after a boys circumcision has healed, you can give your baby a tub bath. This can be a pleasurable experience for you and your baby. However, some babies may not like to be bathed, especially the first few times.

Talk softly or sing and try some bath toys if your baby protests, Dr. Orosz says.

Supplies needed for a tub bath include:

  • Baby bathtub, preferably with a bottom drain plug
  • Nonslip mat or pad
  • A bath thermometer is optional. These often have safe bath temperature ranges marked on them.

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How To Bathe A Newborn: In 7 Steps


The babys bath can be a pleasant moment, but many parents feel insecure to perform this practice, which is normal, especially in the first few days for fear of hurting or not bathing correctly.

Some precautions are very important for bathing, among them, doing it in a place with adequate temperature, using a bathtub according to the size of the baby, using products suitable for babies, not bathing immediately after feeding, among others. . It is still up to the parents to decide how many times to bathe the baby, but it is not necessary that it is every day, and every other day is enough because excess water and the products used can create skin problems. such as irritations and allergies.

Before you start bathing, it is important to choose a place with a heated temperature between 22ºC and 25ºC, gather the products that will be used, leave the towel, diaper and clothes prepared, as well as the water in the bathtub, which must be between 36ºC and 37ºC. As the baby loses a lot of heat at this time, the bath should not take more than 10 minutes.

Check out the steps that must be followed to bathe the baby:

Getting Ready For A Baby Tub Bath

Select a plastic baby tub that meets current safety standards.

  • It should have a sloped design and textured surfaces, designed to keep baby from slipping.
  • An included sling or cushion, that can keep baby from sliding, may also help.

Keep the bathroom at a comfortable 75 degrees Fahrenheit, so baby wont lose body heat too quickly.

  • You can also have a warm washcloth ready to help keep babys exposed tummy warm while in the bath.

Before placing baby in the tub, fill the baby tub with about 2 inches of warm water. This should be just enough to cover the bottom of their body.

  • Never fill the tub with baby inside!

The water should be comfortably warm not hot, so it doesnt burn baby

  • Make sure the water isnt too hot by testing it with your elbow or the inside of your wrist.

Gather all your supplies, and set them up within arms reach.

  • Youll need the same supplies you used for the sponge bath, minus the blanket and extra towel.
  • Grab a cup to rinse off baby, instead of the bowl.

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Can You Bathe Your Baby While The Umbilical Cord Stump Is Still Attached

During your babyâs first few weeks, while the umbilical cord stump is still attached, you should only give sponge baths.

A sponge bath is as simple as wrapping your baby in a towel, and wiping her with a damp washcloth and soapy water. Youâll want to do this on a comfortable surface such as a changing table. Keep your baby wrapped in the towel, bathing one part at a time.

The umbilical cord stump typically falls off in a few weeks. If it stays on longer than that, you might want to check with your babyâs healthcare provider.

Youâll want the umbilical cord stump to dry up and fall off on its own, which is why only sponge baths are recommended until that time.

When Is The Best Time Of Day To Give Your Baby A Bath

How to Give a Baby a Sponge Bath

There is no one perfect time to give your baby a bathâitâs your decision. Choose a time when youâre least likely to be interrupted and when your baby is calm.

You may like to give your baby a bath in the daytime because sheâll naturally be more alert. Or, you may give your baby a bath at nighttime as part of her bedtime routine.

If you plan to give your baby a bath after feeding her, wait a while to ensure her tummy has had a chance to settle.

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How To Give Your Newborn A Sponge Bath

Narrator: If you want to give your newborn a bath before her umbilical cord stump falls off, make it a sponge bath. You’ll clean your baby without putting her in the water.

Midwife Miriam Maldonado shows new parents how to give their newborn a sponge bath.

Midwife Miriam Maldonado: You can give the baby a bath in a flat surface like a changing table or in a baby bathtub.

Narrator: First, make sure the room is nice and warm. Then, gather all your supplies.

You’ll need:

  • cotton balls for the eyes and ears
  • cotton swabs for the umbilical stump
  • several small washcloths for the face and diaper area
  • two larger washcloths to clean and dry the body
  • a brush for cleaning the scalp, if you want
  • mild baby shampoo or soap, if you want
  • a cup for rinsing hair, if you’ll be washing it
  • a bowl or two of warm water for wetting the washcloths and washing hair, and
  • a baby towel with or without a hood.

You’ll also want a clean diaper and a change of clothes for afterward.

If you’re using a baby bath tub, place a towel over it instead of filling it with water.

If you’re using a flat surface, lay a towel down to make it comfortable. If the surface is elevated like a changing table make sure to keep one hand on or near your baby to prevent a fall.

Place your baby on the towel and undress her, but leave the diaper on for now. To keep her cozy, you can wrap her in the towel.

Start with the eyes. Wet a cotton ball in warm water and squeeze it.

Narrator: Use a fresh cotton ball for each eye.

How To Give A Happier Sponge Bath In 3 Easy Steps

Its true, most newborns dont like sponge baths, but after giving hundreds of them over the years Ive noticed that theres certain things that you can do to help make it a more pleasant experience.

What are 3 easy steps you can do to help give your baby a happier sponge bath?

1.) Gather everything you need before you begin

2.) Keep your baby warmas you go

3.) Wash your babys hair under a sink faucet

How many times youll actually have to sponge bathe your baby will depend on how long it takes for their umbilical cord stump to fall off, or if your baby has been circumcised.

The umbilical cord stump usually takes about 1-2 weeks to fall off. You shouldnt submerge your baby in a real bath before then because you want to keep the umbilical cord stump dry.

And if your baby boy has had a circumcision, youll also want to hold off on a real bath for at least 1 week while it heals. The reason? Warm water hitting a wound usually hurts.

How often should you sponge bathe your newborn?After your baby has had their first sponge bath, youll only need to give them a bath every 3-7 days. Its really up to you how often you do it. Use your best judgement. If you notice that their neck is sticky from breast milk or formula, or if their hair looks greasy, or if theyve had a huge poop blowout that went up their entire back, Id say those are good indicators that its time.

If your baby doesnt like sponge baths , it can be a stressful experience for both of you.

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What Is A Sponge Bath

A sponge bath is when you wash each part of your babys body separately, with baby laying on a towel, rather than in a tub.

Sponge baths are often recommended for newborns who still have their umbilical cord stump if theyve undergone a medical procedure and have stitches or bandages that cant get wet, or for babies who are too small or delicate for a full bath.

Traditionally, a tepid sponge bath was said to help reduce fever in babies, but this is not always the right, or only, course of action necessary.

Is It Normal For Babies To Sound Raspy

Learn How to Give a Baby a Sponge Bath

Vocal cord nodules or cysts might be considered in an infant with a persistent hoarse voice particularly if the hoarseness is present from birth. These may be congenital, where the baby is born with something affecting their vocal cords, or caused by something that grows over time, like a cyst or hemangioma.

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How To Wash Babys Scalp And Hair

Plan to wash your babys scalp or hair twice a week. To wash your babys scalp or hair, gently massage a baby shampoo into their hair, if they have any, or directly onto their scalp. Rinse it out by dabbing with a wet washcloth.

In a baby tub, you can also gently tip your babys head back and keep one hand over their forehead while you pour on some warm water. The water will spill over the sides of their head to rinse out the shampoo.

Gently washing your babys hair will not hurt a soft spot, but talk with your pediatrician if you have concerns. If your baby has cradle cap, you can gently brush your babys hair and scalp. But take care not to pick or scrape at their scalp.

How To Give A Sink Or Tub Bath


  • a baby tub or a clean sink

If you are using a sink or a plastic tub, it is helpful to line it with a towel or receiving blanket to make the surface less slippery.

Test the temperature of the water in the sink or tub on your wrist or inside of your arm before you use the water or place your baby in it. It should feel warm, not hot.

If you are placing your baby in a clean sink or tub, make sure the water covers your baby’s body up to their shoulders. This will help keep your baby warm. You can position your baby on their back, supporting their head with your arm. Or, sit your baby up, supporting their head and neck with one hand. The water may not reach your baby’s shoulders.

Hold your baby firmly. Babies are slippery when wet.

Wash your baby from where they are clean to where they are dirty. The order is:

  • eyes Use the clean edge of the washcloth to clean around each eye. Gently wipe outward starting from the corner of the eye by the nose.
  • Rinse the soap off well after you have cleaned an area.

    When the bath is over, wrap and dry your baby with a soft towel.

    Don’t use powder. It can get in your baby’s lungs and make them sick.

    Brush your baby’s hair or scalp with a soft-bristled baby brush.

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    Situating And Supervising Baby

    To place baby in the bath, gently slide them into the baby tub, feet first.

    • As you slide baby in, hold them securely.
    • One arm should provide support under their head, and that hand should grasp baby under their underarm.
    • The other arm should support baby’s bottom.

    Never leave baby alone in the bath, not even for a second.

    • There’s a high risk of drowning if baby is left unsupervised in the tub.
    • As the American Academy of Pediatrics cautions, babies can drown in as little as 1-2 inches of water.
    • And over half of bathtub deaths involve children under one year of age.

    Never leave baby in the bath with only another child watching them, either. Babies need close adult supervision in the bath.

    If you need to leave the bath area for any reason, you must take baby with you!

    Keep one hand on baby at all times during the bath — use “touch supervision” to keep them safe.

    • Ideally, use one arm to cradle babys head while you bathe them with the other hand.

    How To Give Your Baby A Bath

    How to Give your Newborn Baby a Sponge Bath on a Counter Top

    Get everything ready before you start your babyâs bath:

    • Ensure that all the supplies you need like shampoo, soap, a hooded towel, and a cup for rinsing are within armâs reachânever leave your baby unattended in the bath, so make sure you have everything you need on hand, including your babyâs fresh change of clothes

    • Make sure the room is warm before undressing your baby.

    Follow these step-by-step guidelines for bathing your baby:

  • Line a sink or baby bathtub with a towel, and fill it about 2 inches full of warm water âtest it with your elbow or the inside of your wrist to make sure itâs not too hot

  • While supporting your babyâs head with your non-dominant hand, use your other hand to guide him into the water feet first. Youâll want to do this swiftly so he doesnât get cold, and youâll want to make sure his head and most of his body are above the water level

  • Wash his body from top to bottom with clear water, and, if you prefer, a mild baby soap. Keep him warm by pouring warm water over his body using a cup. Use a soft cloth to wash his face

  • If he has hair, itâs enough to shampoo once or twice a week. When you do, massage a drop of mild baby shampoo into his scalp, even the soft spots of his head. Be careful not to get any soapsuds or shampoo in his eyesâcup your hands over his forehead when rinsing his head. If some soap or shampoo does get into his eyes, go ahead and wipe them using a cloth dampened with clear water.

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    Squeeze A Little Water Over Your Newborns Head

    You can just wipe the scalp and head with the washcloth but for some reason newborns find the sensation of trickling water over their head very soothing. To do this:

    • Hold your baby on her back along the length of your forearm, making sure her body, head and neck are well supported
    • Position her head over the sink or bath
    • With your free arm, using a washcloth, squeeze some warm water over her head so it drains into the sink/bath

    You can also give her scalp a little bit of a massage you may be concerned about touching her soft spot but theres no need underneath its pretty tough.

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