How To Choose Bottles And Nipples
You will find many kinds of bottles and nipples at the store. Try several kinds and see what you and your baby like best.
Bottles are made of glass or plastic. When choosing a bottle, consider:
- Glass bottles last longer but may become a problem when a child is old enough to drop or throw one.
- When choosing or reusing plastic bottles:
- Choose bottles that are made from non-polycarbonate plastic.
- Look for plastics that have the numbers 1, 2 or 5 in the recycling triangle.
- Look for plastics that are labeled “BPA-free.” Studies are suggesting that a potentially harmful chemical has been found in clear polycarbonate plastic. This is hard plastic that is usually clear.
Nipples come in several shapes and sizes. They can be made of silicon or latex. Consider the following:
Is Baby Drinking Too Much Or Too Little Expressed Milk
Keep in mind that the amount of milk that baby takes at a particular feeding will vary, just as the amount of food and drink that an adult takes throughout the day will vary. Baby will probably not drink the same amount of milk at each feeding. Watch babys cues instead of simply encouraging baby to finish the bottle.
If your baby is taking substantially more than the average amounts, consider the possibility that baby is being given too much milk while you are away. Things that can contribute to overfeeding include:
If baby is taking significantly less expressed milk than the average, it could be that baby is reverse-cycling, where baby takes just enough milk to take the edge off his hunger, then waits for mom to return to get the bulk of his calories. Baby will typically nurse more often and/or longer than usual once mom returns. Some mothers encourage reverse cycling so they wont need to pump as much milk. Reverse cycling is common for breastfed babies, especially those just starting out with the bottle.
If your baby is reverse cycling, here are a few tips:
Giving Baby The Bottle
Make yourself comfortable and cuddle your baby close to you, holding baby gently but firmly. Its better for your baby to be on a slight incline so any air bubbles rise to the top, making burping easier.
Put the teat against your babys lips. Your baby will open their mouth and start to suck. Keep the neck of the bottle at an angle so its filled with formula or milk.
When your baby stops sucking strongly or when about half of the formula or breastmilk has gone, gently remove the bottle and see whether baby wants to burp. Once youve tried burping your baby, you can offer the bottle again.
Its a good idea to change the direction your baby is facing for part of the feed or at different feeds. This helps to stimulate your babys senses equally.
Holding, cuddling and talking to your baby during feeding will help baby develop and grow. Its also a great opportunity to bond with your baby.
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When Do I Start Timing Feeds
Every baby is different and their appetites vary massively, so it can be normal for them to take more or fewer feeds than the guide above suggests. Your baby won’t always wake at an exact time after their previous feed is finished. If youre able to, try and time your babys feeds from the moment you start until the beginning of the next feed . So if you feed your baby at 12 noon and they go back to sleep at 1pm, expect to feed them again at about 4pm. If your baby does follow a routine of feeding every three hours, youre going to be very busy, particularly in the early months!
Other Ways Of Estimating Milk Intake
There are various ways of estimating the amount of milk intake related to the weight of the baby and the age of the baby, based upon formula intakeresearch has shown that after the early weeks these methods overestimate the amount of milk that baby actually needs. These are the estimates that we used for breastfed babies for years, with the caveat that most breastfed babies dont take as much expressed milk as estimated by these methods. Current research tells us that breastmilk intake is quite constant after the first month and does not appreciably increase with age or weight, so the current findings are validating what moms and lactation counselors have observed all along.
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Newborns Stomach Size In The First Few Days
At birth on day one, the volume of the newborns stomach is barely 5-7 ml. It increases to 20-25 ml by the middle of the 1st week and 45-60 ml by the 1st week. In the first month, the baby can consume 80-150 ml of milk, and it gradually increases as the child grows. There is variation in stomach capacity according to the birth weight and subsequent weight gain over a period of time.
Starter Or First Formula
There is a variety of starter formulas based on cows milk protein . Formula based on soy or goat’s milk is also available. These formulas are suitable for babies from birth to 12 months.
Read the label carefully because:
- formulas developed for toddlers as well as pregnant women can look very similar, so check the label carefully to ensure your baby gets a formula that is safe and appropriate for their age.
- the label may list a number of additions such as LCPUFAs , probiotics or prebiotics. These ingredients are added because they are found naturally in breastmilk.
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How Many Millilitres Of Milk Does A Newborn Need Per Day
WHO and UNICEF recommend newborn baby feeding on demand. This means there is no specific limit on newborns milk consumption per day. Feed your baby whenever and how much ever times the baby wants. Babies show signs and give you cues when they are full and do not wish to be fed further. The table below serves as a general guide to how much milk a baby needs per day. As newborn milk intake is highly variable, this is just a rough guide.
Newborn Milk Intake Chart: How Much ml of Milk Should a Newborn Drink as Per the Present Weight
Weight In Grams |
1280 |
Storing And Transporting Formula Milk
Powdered formula milk isnât sterile, so only make up a feed just before using it and throw away any formula thatâs left over after a feed.
If you need to feed your baby while youâre out and about, it helps to take
the amount of formula powder you need for a feed, measured out into a small, clean and dry, airtight container
a clean vacuum flask containing just-boiled tap water
an empty, sterilised feeding bottle with the teat, retaining ring and cap.
When you need to make up a feed, follow the steps above. Donât forget to cool the formula and check the temperature on the inside of your wrist before feeding it to your baby.
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Which Baby Formula Is Best
The formula aisle at the supermarket can be quite overwhelming, and it can be hard to know which will work best for your baby.
In New Zealand, the manufacturing of infant formula is governed by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand . There are strict regulations, and all formula for sale in New Zealand will be good quality, with all the nutrients your baby needs.
Heres some information about the kinds of formula you can buy.
How Much Formula Should You Feed Your Baby By Age
Your cutie will be taking in more formula at each feeding, anywhere from 3 to 7 ounces, depending on her age. Her stomach capacity has increased, too, which means she’ll likely stretch out the time between feedings.
In general, heres what you can expect:
- 2-month-olds will usually drink 3 to 6 ounces of formula every three to four hours. That adds up to 18 to 32 ounces of formula in around eight feedings total in a 24-hour period.
- 3-month-olds will generally drink 4 to 6 ounces of formula around every four hours. That adds up to 24 to 36 ounces of formula in around six feedings total in a 24-hour period.
- 4-month-olds will often drink 5 to 7 ounces of formula every four to five hours. That adds up to 24 to 32 ounces of formula in four to six feedings total in a 24-hour period.
- 5-month-olds will typically drink 6 to 8 ounces of formula around five times per day. That adds up to 24 to 36 ounces of formula total in a 24-hour period.
- 6-month-olds will usually drink 6 to 8 ounces of formula four to five times per day. That adds up to 24 to 32 ounces of formula total in a 24-hour period.
Have a serious sipper who consistently seems to want more than that? Discuss it with your doctor. The upper daily intake formula intake for babies 6 months and younger is 32 to 36 ounces per 24-hour period, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics .
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Do Not Use Leftover Formula
Use a fresh bottle for every feed. Throw away any leftover formula or expressed breastmilk following the feed. Never give your baby leftovers. They can grow bacteria that may make your baby ill.Do not add other food, such as baby rice cereal, to the milk. If you think your baby needs more food than recommended, talk to your maternal and child health nurse.
How Often Should You Feed Your Newborn Baby
In the early days when the quantity of milk produced is less, the baby will feed every 1 hour. As the child grows, the quantity of milk intake per feed increases and the number of feeds per day decreases. So, how much milk a newborn should drink during each feed depends on how frequent the feeding is. On average, a baby feeds 8-12 times per day. As mentioned above, look for the feeding cues and you will know it is breastfeeding time for your newborn.
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How Much Do Formula
Theres no set number of feeds your baby should have in a day. All babies are different, and they each drink different amounts at each feed. Just feed them whenever theyre hungry.
Formula tins provide a guide on how much formula infants need for their age, but its only a guide and might not suit your baby.
An adequate fluid intake by infants will result in six or more very wet nappies a day. In older infants and toddlers, clear or light-coloured urine indicates a sufficient fluid intake.
How To Use The Baby Formula Calculator
If you’re still asking yourself how much milk should a baby drink, our calculator has got you covered. It will count the amount of infant formula that your child should drink per whole day , based on their age and weight, and also provide you with suggestions of the volume of one portion and the frequency of feeding. Let’s see how it works!
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How Much Should A Premature Baby Eat At Home
Feeding premature babies can be challenging, both in the neonatal intensive care unit and at home. Preemie health problems can interrupt early feedings, and even older preemies might not be strong enough to take in the amount of milk needed for good growth. Here’s what parents need to know about feeding preemies as well as some tips for encouraging your baby to eat.
Signs Baby Is Eating Enough
When it comes to newborns, how often you should feed baby depends on how much milk your newborn wants. Keep an eye out for signs you have a hungry babylike if they wake up and start rooting, or suckling or moving their mouthpreferably before they start fussing or crying. Pay attention to babys cues even while you feed. Youll know theyre still hungry if theyre actively suckling and audibly swallowing. When baby stops suckling, relaxes their hands and has that sleepy, relaxed milk-drunk look, youll know theyve eaten enough.
Checking babys diaper can also give you a clue as to whether baby is eating enough: A wet diaper every three to four hours is a good sign. Stools can be more variable: Some babies poop every time they eat, others just once a day.
But at the end of the day, how baby is acting and growing are the most important , Trachtenberg says. By measuring babys weight gain, your pediatrician will be able to tell if your child is thriving. Babies usually gain about half an ounce to two ounces per day for the first three months, says Meryl Newman-Cedar, MD, a New York City-based pediatrician and clinical instructor of pediatrics at Weill-Cornell Medical Center. But keep in mind that the big picture is more important than any single weigh-in. In general, you want to see babys height and weight basically follow their own growth curve, she says.
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Thinking About Feeding Your Baby
When youre pregnant, its good to think about how you want to feed your baby once they’re born.
For some mums there are many things to consider, like your cultural beliefs, personal circumstances, and your own physical and mental wellbeing.
Talk to your partner, family/whnau, and your midwife or maternity carer about it, and have a plan so they know how they can help you
If you want to breastfeed and youre having trouble, call PlunketLine any time on .