How Much Milk Does A Newborn Kitten Need

For How Long Do Kittens Need Milk From Their Mother

âï¸? How much and how often should I feed a newborn kitten?

During a kittens early weeks, they will be receiving their only nutrition from their mother. Their mothers milk is specifically made to fit their dietary needs and is the perfect food for them during this time.

Usually, kittens will need their mothers milk for a minimum of 4 weeks.

However, all kittens need to be weaned eventually. Mother cats will usually handle this themselves by making themselves less available for feeding. They wont spend as much time around their kittens and may even act aggressively toward them if they try to nurse too much.

That said, sometimes humans need to intervene. Sometimes the mother cat is not around. Other times, the mother cat may not seem to have much interest in weaning.

Either way, it can be helpful to know a general timeline.

Feral Mom Returns Do Not Fear

Leave the family outside, and provide food, water, and shelter. The mother will likely move the kittens, do not worry. If she knows this is a safe place with a stable food source, shell return with them. If you are able to commit, the kittens should be taken away from their mom when theyre able to eat on their own . When you bring them inside, handle them often to get them used to human socialization. The kittens should be fixed and adopted out around 8-10 weeks of age. If you cannot foster and socialize the kittens, leave the kittens outside! Dont socialize a kitten that you cannot place they will learn survival skills from their mother that will give them their best chance at outdoor survival as a feral cat.

How To Warm Milk

  • From frozen: thaw in refrigerator overnight or run under cool running water
  • Refrigerated milk or thawed milk: run under warm running water or immerse in a pan of warm water. Mix/swirl the bottle and test the milk on your wrist to make sure it is not too hot.
  • Never microwave formula or breast milk. Microwaves can have uneven heating, causing some areas of the bottle and milk to be so hot it could burn your baby. It could also cause the loss of the beneficial properties of breast milk.

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Can You Give Kittens Soy Milk Or Almond Milk

Because kittens have such sensitive stomachs, it is important to avoid feeding kittens other milks as well, such soy milk, almond milk or any of the other nut milks. Nut milks and soy milk do not provide the appropriate balance of amino acids needed for cats because cats are obligate carnivores and must eat animal products or they will become malnourished.

Enjoy Mealtimes With Your Baby

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Mealtimes are a time to be together and communicate. Just as adults and children enjoy talking with each other at mealtimes, so do babies. Hold your baby close to your body, facing you, when feeding. This should be an enjoyable and social experience for you both.Take the bottle away as soon as your baby has had enough.Do not put your baby to bed with a bottle, to feed alone. This is dangerous because your baby may choke. Also, older children who are regularly fed this way are more likely to get middle-ear infections and tooth decay.

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Feeding Kittens From 0 To 3

Nutrition is health. You should choose special kitten formula milk. Remember that any other type of milk may well not cover 100% of their requirements.

For example, cows milk has a low energy content, and doesnt cover their need for calcium, phosphorous, fats or proteins. It contains only 27% raw protein, compared with the 40% contained in cats milk, and furthermore can give the kittens diarrhoea.

Heres some advice on correct nutrition:

  • Choose a teat for the feeding bottle in accordance with the size for your kitten. Syringes should only be used in emergencies, as the kittens could choke on them.
  • At first theyll need to be fed every 2-4 hours . The milk should be at a temperature of 35-38 Celsius . Theyll drink small quantities as their stomachs are tiny, and they quickly become full. As they grow, the time between feeds will lengthen, as theyll be able to consume more milk each time.
  • Position your kitten as if hes breastfeeding with his mother: on a flat surface, lying against her belly with his head raised. In this way youre simulating a normal breastfeeding position. Hold the bottle horizontally, or tilt it slightly with the teat facing downwards.

Homemade Kitten Milk Formula Recipes

And How to Bottle Feed a Newborn Kitten

Homemade kitten milk formulas are essential for kittens that won’t suck, or when there is no lactating mother cat available for the kitten. Kitten supplement formulasometimes referred to as “kitty glop” among breeders, or as “cat milk substitute”is often used with orphaned kittens, but can also be used with hungry newborn kittens.

Under normal circumstances, kittens are cared for and fed by their mothers. Their mother’s milk provides them with all the nutrition they need for the first month of their lives, but difficulties may arise that make a mother cat’s milk unavailable.

  • The mother cat may not survive giving birth.
  • The mother cat, if an outdoor or indoor/outdoor cat, may be killed by a car or outside animal.
  • The mother cat may abandon her entire litter.
  • The litter may be too large for the mother to handle on her own.
  • The mother may reject one or more kittens because they are too small or weak.
  • The mother may be sick and/or have postnatal issues.

Unless it is manually fed by a human, the kitten may die from a lack of nutrients and care. These homemade formulas give the necessary nutrients for them to survive their early days and properly develop over time.

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How Long Should Kittens Eat Kitten Food

Most experts suggest that you keep on feeding your kitten the kitten food until their first birthday celebration. This is not a hard and fast rule, though. Depending on your cats health and breed, you might have to switch to adult cat food during the 8th month, and for big cats like Norwegian Forest Cat, you might have to wait for as long as their second birthday.

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How To Feed Newborn Kittens Commercial Milk Replacer

How To Make Homemade Kitten Milk Replacer

This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 11,706 times.

Kittens are very vulnerable in the first weeks after birth and are at their healthiest when raised by a mother. If their mother is not available, it is best to find a foster mother who will feed them. However, with constant, vigilant care, you can keep orphaned kittens going with nutrient rich commercial milk replacements.

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Do Not Try To Overfeed Your Newborn Kitten

As kittens will be adjusting to the volume of milk that youre giving them every day. It may be okay to increase the amount of kitten milk replacer in order to reduce the number of feedings per day.

But please be very careful because exceeding the amount of milk in your newborn kittens feedings per day can most definitely cause some problems if not done correctly.

Overfeeding your newborn kitten can lead to multiple medical issues. Here are a few to look out for if you feel like you have accidentally overfed your newborn kitten:

  • Gas build up in the stomach and intestines

It may seem desirable to overfeed your kitten before you go to sleep so that you can get some more shut-eye throughout the night.

Please dont do this.

A newborn kittens stomach can only take so much and you will be doing more harm than good.

Although kittens will stop feeding when they feel full. Even newborns! Do not try to force-feed your kitten even more than they are willing to drink.

How Do You Feed A Newborn Kitten

If you need to bottle feed a kitten, you’ll need to use special baby bottles. Tiny baby bottles with tiny nipples for kittens can be purchased online or in pet stores. These bottles typically hold small amounts of formula so they are easy to handle while also holding a small kitten. If you can’t find a tiny baby bottle, you can also try using a syringe without the needle, especially if the kitten won’t take the bottle readily. Oral syringes can usually be purchased from a pharmacy and used for this purpose.

Heat your homemade or store-bought formula until it is warm and test a few drops of milk on your wrist first. It should feel just a little warm or even cool, not too warm or hot. It is not recommended to use a microwave. Most people put the formula in the bottle or syringe and then place the bottle or syringe into a bowl of hot water to heat it up. Once the formula passes the skin temperature test, you are ready to feed the kitten. Keep the kitten in a natural feeding position on its belly and offer warm formula every three to four hours until the kitten begins to wean to solid food. Kittens should eat about 8 mL of formula per ounce of body weight a day. This means that if the kitten weighs 4 ounces, they should eat about 32 mL of formula in total within a day, so you can give 8 mL of formula every 4 hours.

If constipation occurs, add one drop of vegetable oil to each kitten’s formula, no more than once daily, until the problem is resolved.

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What To Do When Your Newborn Kitten Is Not Drinking Enough Milk

Never rush your newborn kitten! Newborn kittens sometimes do not know what to do at first. If you are bottle-feeding a newborn kitten that you just acquired, be patient!

Give it a couple of tries, if you are getting impatient slow down and take a deep breath or give you and the kitten some needed space by walking out of the room for a minute and then try again.

Research actually shows that the suckling reflux is the strongest right when they wake up from sleeping. So try feeding right after they wake up to encourage the natural way they would eat from their mother.

Do not take the newborn kitten away from their nice warm bed. Feed them right there where they are cozy and feel most comfortable.

As a newborn kitten caretaker, you might want to take them out of their comfortable bed and put them on a cold table or your lap to feed them. But, its just not natural for them.

Make sure you try feeding them in their nice warm bed you provided for them where they feel the most comfortable and secure.

you can also use a stuffed animal for your newborn kitten to make them feel more at home, think of it as a stand-in for a mama cat. Warm and cozy snuggled up next to mama.

This will naturally increase their suckling reflex and desire to drink from their mothers nipples.

Try swaddling your newborn kitten. Just like a human newborn, kittens have reflexes and jolts from their limbs too.

Your newborn kitten is just not getting any milk out of it.

What Do I Do If A Kitten Gets Diarrhoea

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Diarrhoea is a serious condition. It may be caused by overfeeding, giving too concentrated a solution of milk replacer, or result from infection . Treatment must be swift as dehydration can then develop very rapidly, followed by collapse and death soon afterwards.

Mild cases respond well to dilution of the milk 1:1 with boiled water, which should be given until the diarrhoea stops. Severe cases should be given no milk at all. Instead, they should be given 510% glucose, glucosesaline, or isotonic electrolyte solution , all of which can be obtained from a veterinarian. These solutions should be given until the diarrhoea stops milk diluted 1:1 with water, and finally, full strength milk can be resumed 1224 hours later.

If kittens become collapsed and dehydrated they need immediate veterinary attention if they are to survive. Kittens in a collapsed state become chilled very rapidly. They will usually be given subcutaneous fluids by the veterinarian.

Once they have been warmed up and given fluid therapy they must be allowed to recover quietly. Feeding can only be begun once the kitten is warm and able to suck. Stomach tubing is not helpful here, since when a kitten is cold and collapsed its intestines stop functioning, so stomach contents can be easily regurgitated, and then aspirated into the lungs.

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What Do I Do If A Kitten Becomes Constipated

Constipation is a very common problem in hand reared kittens, due to the difficulty in stimulating defecation sufficiently frequently. Normal faeces have the consistency of toothpaste. If the faeces become very hard, making the kitten strain excessively, or if a kitten does not pass any motions for 23 days, small doses of liquid paraffin or Katalax should be given . Severe cases require veterinary attention.

What Types Of Milk Can Cats Drink

If you want to treat your feline friend to some milk, the best option is to buy special cat milk from the pet store or the supermarket. These products usually contain a lot less lactose or are completely lactose-free, so they reduce the likelihood of cats getting sick from drinking milk. However, the fat content is still high, so you should only offer special cat milk as an occasional treat and in small quantity.

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What Supplies You Need To Feed Your Newborn Kitten

Motherless Newborn kittens require a special kitten milk replacer . Please do not try to feed your newborn kitten just any kind of milk. The last thing you want to do is feed your newborn kitten the wrong thing.

You cannot feed your newborn kitten any dairy product you have on hand or in the fridge.

It is very dangerous to do this, please do not feed your newborn kitten something their little stomachs will not be able to properly digest.

Never ever feed your newborn kitten:

  • or any other dairy alternatives

Week One Feeding Schedule


A kitten typically weighs about 3 to 3.7 oz. at birth but will gain weight rapidly from nursing. For the first several weeks of life, a newborn kitten will depend entirely on its mother to provide it with food. Its eyes and ears are sealed shut when it’s born, so it will rely on the pheromones its mother gives off to find milk and warmth. Most kittens do just fine without human intervention, but if a kitten needs to be bottle-fed, either because the mother cat is absent, ill, or rejects the kitten, you’ll want to weigh the kitten regularly to make sure its weight reflects a healthy and normal growth rate of a kitten.

A kitten will nurse for about 45 minutes at a time every 2 to 3 hours for the first week of life. The rest of the time will be spent sleeping. Kittens that are bottle-fed should consume about a tablespoon, or 15 ml, of special kitten formula at each feeding. This is very time consuming for someone who is bottle-feeding a newborn kitten, so if at all possible, you will want to try to keep the kitten with its mother or a surrogate lactating cat who can nurse it.

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Choose The Right Kitten Formula And Bottle

Motherless neonatal kittens have sensitive systems that require a special kitten formulanot just any dairy product you have in the fridge. Kitten formula is formulated to provide a proper balance of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and a caloric pattern that mimics the content of a mother cats milk. This product comes as a liquid or powder mix, which you can pick up at the nearest pet supply store, feed store, or online retailer. Never feed a kitten cows milk, human baby formula, milk alternatives, or at-home recipes, as these can cause illness and death.

While picking up your kitten formula, you will also want to pick up a kitten bottle and perhaps an extra set of rubber nipples for feeding. If the nipple on your bottle does not come pre-cut, cut a small hole in the nipple on a diagonal angle, being mindful that the hole is not too big or too small. This is important because it will determine the flow of the formula while the kitten is nursing. To ensure proper flow, test the hole by turning the bottle upside down. The formula should slowly drip one drop at a time if the hole is the correct size. If it flowing too slowly, enlarge the hole too quickly and youll have to try again with a new nipple.

I Have Heard That Kittens Cannot Urinate Or Pass Motions Without Assistance Is This True

It is necessary to stimulate kittens of less than two weeks old to urinate and defecate as they cannot do this without stimulation from the mother cat. The voiding reflex by which urine and faeces are released, is normally initiated by the mother licking the kittens anogenital region . Where the mother is not available, urination and defecation must be maintained by the human carer for approximately four weeks or until the kitten is independent. It is quite normal for a distressed cry to be heard when the kitten needs to pass faeces, which should cease afterwards It may be useful to use fragrance-free wet wipes for newborn babies and soft tissue. Stimulate the ano-genital area gently both before and after feeding, as they feed better with empty bladder/bowels.

From three weeks of age, the reflex should begin to be triggered while the kitten is placed on the litter tray. Leaving a small amount of soiled litter within the tray will serve as a reminder to the kittens of where to perform.

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