How To Bathe A Newborn Baby Girl

When Will Your Baby Be Ready For His First Tub Bath

How To Bathe a Newborn | BabyCenter

After your babyâs umbilical cord stump falls off, you can transition from sponge baths to actual baths in a sink or a baby bathtub.

His first bath in a tub should be gentle and quick however, you might need to go back to sponge baths if your baby fusses a lot and simply doesnât like this new activity.

Bathing In A Tub: Baby Bath Water Temperature And More

After their umbilical cord stump falls off, you can give a baby a bath in a bathtub. Follow these steps to bathe your infant safely in a bathtub:

Fill the baby tub with a little water. Its best to use an infant tub manufactured on or after October 2, 2017, so that it meets the most recent safety requirements. You can place the tub in your regular bathtub or sink, depending on the model.

After their umbilical cord stump falls off, you can give a baby a bath in a tub.

Start by filling the tub with cold water, then add hot water to bring it to the desired temperature. Generally, two or three inches of warm water in the tub is enough. Always check the baby bath water temperature using your wrist or elbow before placing an infant into the tub. If you have a bath thermometer, the baby bath temperature should be about 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Undress the baby and immediately put them into the filled bathtub to keep them warm and comfortable.

Using one hand, support the babys head. Use the other hand to place them feetfirst into the bathtub. Always keep their neck and head above the water.

Use only mild, pH-neutral baby soap with no additives to give a baby a bath.

Gently pour or splash warm water over the baby to keep them warm in the bathtub.

Rinse the infant thoroughly using cups of warm water. Wipe them clean with a washcloth. Then, carefully lift them out of the bathtub by supporting their head and neck with one hand and their bottom with the other.

Do You Use Soap For A Newborn Sponge Bath

Soap is only necessary for very sweaty areas or around the diaper area where cream has accumulated and become tricky to remove. The UK and Australia recommend against using soap for the first month. So use your judgment to decide which will irritate your delicate newborns skin the least: a touch of baby soap might be more gentle than the scrubbing you might need to do to give baby a good clean.

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Delayed Bathing Also Improves Bonding And Breastfeeding Success

Time post-delivery should be spent encouraging that first breastfeed and as much skin-to-skin as possible. Both help mother-baby bonding and get breastfeeding off to a good start.

So dont rush your newborns first bath theres no harm in waiting several days, even a week after delivery a thorough clean of the diaper area and any spills and messes from the other end, will be perfectly good enough and allow that vernix to do its job.

So, the full answer to when should newborns get their first bath, is between 24 hours and 7 days after delivery.

When Does My Baby Need Their First Bath

Tips for safe bathing

After finally bringing home your little bundle, you may be wondering exactly when they will need their first bath. A recent trend has been to wait 24-48 hours to wash newborns due to the growing evidence which suggests that putting off bath time can benefit both the baby and the parents.

Given that most newborns dont get too dirty, some parents will wait between 10 days and three weeks to give their first sponge bath . If you still arent sure, be sure to ask your doctor how long they recommend waiting.

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Surround Baby With Softness And Warmth

First, undress the baby in a warm, draft-free room. Quickly wrap her in a large cotton receiving blanket that has been gently warmed in the dryer, then cuddle and rock her until she feels content and happy.

Next, make sure her bath water is comfortably warm. Test the temperature using a wrist or elbow. Lower the baby into the bath, making sure she is still wrapped snugly inside the receiving blanket. The feeling of soft cloth wrapped around her body will make her feel secure, and the water will warm her as it seeps through the blanket to her skin.

Leave The Receiving Blanket Wrapped Around Baby During Her Bath

Loosen the blanket slightly around her upper body, using one corner of the fabric as a washcloth. Using tear-free soap, gently clean her head, neck, face, and arms. Keep the corner of the blanket warm by frequently dunking it into the bath water.

After washing her upper body, make the blanket snug around her shoulders again, then loosen the fabric around her lower body and continue bathing her in the same way until she is completely clean.

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Cleaning Your Sons Penis

Gently wash your babys penis and scrotum with warm water and a cotton ball. Dry your babys penis and scrotum by patting gently with a soft towel.

You need to clean only theoutside of your sons foreskin. You can clean inside the foreskin when it easily pulls back on its own, which usually happens when your boy is 2-3 years old. Sometimes it might not happen until puberty.

Its common for a milky white substance to gather under the foreskin. This is made of dead skin cells and natural secretions. Its nothing to worry about.

If your son is circumcised, moisten the front of his nappy with petroleum jelly or pawpaw cream. This will stop your babys penis from sticking to the nappy until it has healed. Circumcision for non-medical reasons isnt recommended.

Circumcision And Umbilical Cord Care

HOW TO BATHE A NEWBORN AT HOME | Newborn Bathing Hacks | Taylor Lindsay

Immediately after circumcision, the tip of the penis is usually covered with gauze coated with petroleum jelly to keep the wound from sticking to the diaper. Gently wipe the tip clean with warm water after a diaper change, then apply petroleum jelly to the tip so it doesn’t stick to the diaper. Redness or irritation of the penis should heal within a few days, but if the redness or swelling increases or if pus-filled blisters form, infection may be present and you should call your baby’s doctor immediately.

Umbilical cord care in newborns is also important. Some doctors suggest swabbing the area with rubbing alcohol until the cord stump dries up and falls off, usually in 10 days to 3 weeks, but others recommend leaving the area alone. Talk to your child’s doctor to see what he or she prefers.

An infant’s navel area shouldn’t be submerged in water until the cord stump falls off and the area is healed. Until it falls off, the cord stump will change color from yellow to brown or black this is normal. Call your doctor if the navel area looks red or if a foul odor or discharge develops.

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Some Recommended Creams For Moisturizing Your Newborn Post Sponge Bath

Again, just like when choosing baby soap, avoid perfumed lotions and creams and avoid nasties such as phthalates, parabens, dyes and other chemicals. So try:

  • petroleum jelly recommended by pediatric dermatologists above lotions and moisturizers designed specifically for babies according to this article from Web MD
  • lanolin-based creams, such as this nipple cream its 100% natural and extremely moisturizing so also ideal for your newborns dry skin .

When Is The Best Time Of Day To Bathe Your Newborn

There is no one perfect time to give your baby a bath â itâs your decision. Choose a time when youâre least likely to be interrupted and you arenât in a hurry.As a general rule, youâll find bathing your newborn is usually easiest when he or she is wide awake and content.Itâs best not to bathe your newborn baby when he or she is tired or hungry. If you plan to give your baby a bath after feeding, wait a while to give your childâs tummy a chance to settle.When your infantâs a little older , you might like to schedule bath times for the evening as part of his or her bedtime routine.

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Additional Safety Considerations For Baby Bath Time

You no doubt want to make bath time for your baby as safe and enjoyable as possible. To do this, consider taking the following safety precautions:

  • Lower your water heater temperature. Be sure to avoid accidentally scalding your baby with water that is too hot. Set your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit so that the water isnt dangerously hot.
  • Buy a non-skid mat. Place a non-skid mat by the bathtub to prevent slipping. Even if you arent bathing with your newborn, they will eventually transition to the tub anyway.
  • Learn child CPR. It never hurts to learn child CPR. Children can drown in as little as 1 inch of water. On a similar note, keep the toilet lid and shower doors shut when not in use.
  • Never leave your baby alone. Never walk away while your baby is in the tub or on a flat counter, even for a second. Place the baby in a safe and secure bassinet before emptying the bath water.
  • Cover the tub spout. Nothing ruins bath time like a painful bonk to the head. Bath spouts can be sharp enough to make your babys head bleed, so be sure to cover the tub spout and any other sharp objects such as protruding shower doors.
  • Keep electric appliances away from the tub. Store electronics away so that a baby or toddler cant grab them and pull them near the tub.

Feeding And Burping Your Baby

Babies taking a bath (40 photos)

Whether feeding your newborn by breast or a bottle, you may be stumped as to how often to do so. Generally, it’s recommended that babies be fed on demand whenever they seem hungry. Your baby may cue you by crying, putting fingers in his or her mouth, or making sucking noises.

A newborn baby needs to be fed every 2 to 3 hours. If you’re breastfeeding, give your baby the chance to nurse about 1015 minutes at each breast. If you’re formula-feeding, your baby will most likely take about 23 ounces at each feeding.

Some newborns may need to be awakened every few hours to make sure they get enough to eat. Call your baby’s doctor if you need to wake your newborn often or if your baby doesn’t seem interested in eating or sucking.

If you’re formula-feeding, you can easily monitor if your baby is getting enough to eat, but if you’re breastfeeding, it can be a little trickier. If your baby seems satisfied, produces about six wet diapers and several stools a day, sleeps well, and is gaining weight regularly, then he or she is probably eating enough.

Another good way to tell if your baby is getting milk is to notice if your breasts feel full before feeding your baby and less full after feeding. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about your child’s growth or feeding schedule.

If your baby tends to be gassy, has gastroesophageal reflux, or seems fussy during feeding, try burping your little one after every ounce during bottle-feeding or every 5 minutes during breastfeeding.


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Cutting Your Baby’s Nails

Some babies are born with long nails and it’s important to cut them in case they scratch themselves. You can buy special baby nail clippers or small, round-ended safety scissors. If you find the idea of cutting your baby’s nails too nerve-wracking, you could try filing them down with a fine emery board instead.

How To Give A Baby A Bath

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Giving your baby a bath is a great way to bond with your child and to make sure he or she is clean and cared for. A regular bath may help prevent “Cradle Cap” also. The most important thing is to make sure you never leave your baby unattended. Other than that, you have to get all of your materials in order and get ready to safely and carefully clean your child.

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Tips When Bathing Your Baby

Here are some useful tips you should keep in mind:

  • If you have a boy with circumcision, make sure you follow the doctors advice to bathe him properly.
  • Take off your watch and jewelry as well as wash your hands before bathing your baby.
  • To help your baby enjoy bath time, you can try placing your hand gently or a warm wet washcloth on their chest and tummy. This can help your baby feel safe and secure in the bath.
  • Put your phone away or turn it off. Youll be less likely to get distracted.
  • Put every supply you need within reach.
  • You can use mild baby soap or baby wash while bathing your newborn. Avoid using regular soap because it can be too harsh and can dry out your babys delicate skin.
  • Position the bath somewhere stable and at a height where you can comfortably hold your baby.
  • Never leave your baby alone in a bath, not even for a moment.

Topping And Tailing: Washing Your Baby Without A Bath

Newborn Care: How To Bathe a Newborn Baby

Instead of giving your baby a daily bath, sometimes itâs enough to just âtop and tailâ your newborn â this just means giving the face, neck, hands and bottom a quick clean.You also might prefer topping and tailing to a âproperâ bath in the first few days after your baby is born, until you feel more confident about handling your newborn and looking after the umbilical cord stump.Although you might sometimes hear this referred to as a sponge bath, you donât need a sponge for topping and tailing your baby. Cotton wool is far better from a hygiene perspective, because youâll need a fresh piece for each part of your babyâs body that you clean.Before getting started, youâll need

  • a bowl of warm water

  • a towel

  • clean clothes.

Hereâs how to top and tail your newborn:

  • Hold your baby in your lap or on a changing mat, in just a vest and nappy, and wrap him or her in the towel.

  • Dunk a piece of the cotton wool in the water , and gently wipe around your babyâs eyes. Start at the nose and move outwards. Use a new piece of cotton wool for each eye.

  • Take another piece of cotton wool and use it to wipe around the ears, but not inside them.

  • Use the same technique to wash the rest of your babyâs face, neck and hands.

  • Dry your babyâs skin gently, but thoroughly â taking care to dry in all the creases â and put the clean nappy on.

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