How To Care For A Newborn

Dont Let Your Newborn Sleep Through The Night

How to care for your newborn baby

This seems counterintuitive, but it’s not recommended for newborns to sleep through the night. During both the day and night, your new baby might only sleep for two or three hours at a time. This is normal! Your baby had no schedule in the womb, so they are starting to learn the difference between day and night.

Your new child also has a very small stomach and should eat every few hours. While their stomach is so little and their body is working hard to grow, eating often is extremely important. With time your baby will sleep for longer periods of time. During this initial stage, you should wake your baby for frequent night feedings.

What To Expect After A Circumcision

Circumcision is a surgical procedure involving the removal of the foreskin, the fold of skin at the tip of the penis. Circumcisions are performed by a wide variety of health care providers, including pediatricians, obstetricians, family medicine practitioners, and others. When performed on a newborn, circumcision often occurs shortly after birth while the baby is still in the hospital.

There are several methods of circumcision around the world, but all techniques work by interrupting blood circulation to the foreskin immediately before it is surgically removed. The entire procedure is brief and takes only about 10 minutes from beginning to end.

Its important to be aware of the best practices to follow during the immediate and later periods after a babys circumcision. Although the health care provider will apply an anesthetic agent to the penis, its normal for the baby to be a little upset or unsettled after their circumcision.

Although the appearance of the penis can be upsetting for parents during the recovery period, its perfectly normal for the area of the circumcision to be reddened or bruised while it heals. You may also notice any combination of the following signs:

Try And Soak Up Every Moment

Parenting is a challenge and youll have good days and bad where it can feel like a whirlwind of feeding, changing nappies and not enough sleep. Newborns are hard work but this phase wont last for long. Before you know it, your baby will be sitting up, talking, running around then off to kindy/kiniktene! So stop and appreciate these early days and the small moments, even amidst the chaos. If youre sharing the parenting journey with a partner, dont forget to support one another and keep a sense of humour wherever possible!

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Navigating A Toxic Culture With Your Daughter

As a pediatrician, Dr. Meg Meeker has seen thousands of girls come through her office through the years. They struggle with eating issues, sexual identity, social mediaand many other challenges in this toxic culture. Dr. Meeker will encourage parents to invest love and time in their daughters and develop their character to give them the best opportunity for a bright future, all rooted in a spiritual foundation. The discussion also includes healthy feminism vs. toxic feminism

Soaring Temperatures Can Lead To More Preterm And Stillbirths But Experts Say Awareness Of The Risk Of Heat During Pregnancy Is Low With More Research Needed Into Impacts On The World’s Most Vulnerable Women

Caring for Your Newborn Baby: New Parent

Soaring temperatures can lead to more preterm and stillbirths. But experts say awareness of the risk of heat during pregnancy is low, with more research needed into impacts on the worlds most vulnerable women.The heatwave that swept across South Asia in April could not have come at a worse time for Babita Baswal. At nine months pregnant, the 32-year-old struggled with nausea and fatigue, as temperatures in Delhi soared to highs of 49 degrees Celsius .

After a particularly violent bout of vomiting, Baswal checked herself in to Safdarjung Hospital, where she was diagnosed with extreme dehydration.

Dr. Ana, an obstetrician at the hospital who focuses on high-risk pregnancies, says that in recent weeks, many of the pregnant women in the maternity unit have been facing similar issues.

Most of them are dehydrated, theyre sweating, theyre tachycardic, she says, a reference to how they have a heart rate of over 100 beats per minute. But they dont complain because in our scenario its such a common thing.

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Heatwaves in India are indeed a common occurrence, but this year the staggering temperatures came earlier than usual, hitting record-breaking highs well before summer. Northwest and central India experienced their hottest April in 122 years, according to the Indian Meteorological Department.

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Whos Work Includes: Monitoring And Data Guidelines Quality Of Care And Research

Monitoring and data

  • Working with countries and partners to implement the Every Newborn: An action plan to end preventable deaths adopted in May 2014 in the framework of the UN Secretary-Generals Global Strategy for Womens, Childrens and Adolescents’ Health
  • Working with countries to strengthen the availability and quality of data on routine health care for babies
  • Coordinating the development of indicators at national and subnational level to assess coverage of key indicators for essential newborn care

Mothers And Sons: Being A Godly Influence

Rhonda Stoppe describes her early motherhood challenges of raising a son, which was intimidating to her. She found help through group of older women mentors. She urges moms to see their role as ministry in shaping sons to be good and godly men. Rhonda outlines several practical suggestions to moms about spiritual training, how to communicate with boys, and supporting the father-son relationship as a wife.

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Dont Be Too Hard On Yourself

Your life will change significantly when you bring your newborn home. You might have less time to cook, clean, shop for groceries, do laundry, or many of the other normal things that typically fit into your routine. In the first days you spend at home with your child, there will be many memorable moments.

Your newborn will be small, but you can go on walks, nap when they do, and do other simple activities. Fresh air is good for you and your baby, and exercise is great for your physical and mental health. Sleep will be in short supply once you bring your newborn home, so it’s wise to take every chance you get to rest.

Know When To Get Additional Help

Caring For Your Newborn

More than half of newborn mothers experience post-partum blues, which arent helped by hormonal mood swings and lack of sleep. While these usually resolve a few weeks after the birth, if they persist and you feel like you cant cope, talk to your GP or other healthcare professional right away to get the support you need.

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Whether Youre Breastfeeding Or Using Formula Feed Your Baby Frequently

If a mom is breastfeeding the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends doing so for at least six months her body will usually start producing breast milk within three days of birth. Before that, her breasts will produce a thick, yellow nutrient-filled liquid called colostrum.

At first, a nursing mother might have to work to ensure that her baby correctly latches, or fastens onto her breast, in order to eat. If youre having trouble establishing a good latch or getting your baby to eat, talk to a certified lactation consultant most hospitals and birthing centers have at least one on staff. You can also find a private lactation consultant via the United States Lactation Consultant Association.

No matter whether youre breastfeeding or formula feeding, newborns should be fed every one to three hours, so that they eat eight to 12 times in 24 hours. Frequent meals help newborns regain weight that they may have lost after birth. As your baby grows, she will gradually be able to eat more at each feeding and eat fewer times each day and night.

Dont fret if your baby doesnt burp after a feeding. Babies will burp if and when they need to, said Dr. Diane Cicatello, M.D., a developmental and behavioral pediatrician and vice chair of pediatrics at CareMount Medical in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Newborn Baby Bootcamp: Taking Care Of A Newborn

Every new mom and new dad needs some help. Here’s everything you need to know about sleeping, breastfeeding, crying and more to get through those first few weeks with a new baby.

You’ve no doubt been dreaming about your baby for months: what he’ll look like, whether he’ll be laid-back like his dad or a Type A like you. But chances are, if it’s your first child, you don’t know much about taking care of a newborn.

Well, we’ve been there, and we’re here for you, with everything you need to know to care for your baby in those exciting but often frustrating first weeks. Let’s get started!

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Getting Started In The Hospital

If You Choose to Breastfeed, Start ASAP

Even if the baby doesn’t actually latch on, you can squeeze the yellowish colostrumthe precursor to real breast milk that’s packed with immune-boosting nutrientsdirectly into his mouth.

Stall the Visitors

Family and friends will want to visit as soon as possible, but you may want to keep them at bay for a bit so that you and your partner can spend time alone with your baby. Because a newborn is usually alert and receptive immediately after birth, it’s the perfect time to bond, so look him in the eyes and talk to him. He knows your voice from being in your body and may find it soothing.

Dress Your Baby Right

A cute going-home outfit is irresistible, but remember that babies cannot regulate their body temperature until they’re about 6 months old. So dress your newborn carefully. Generally, he should wear the same amount of clothing as you, indoors or outdoors. Don’t overbundle himsweating can cause him to become chilled. Layers are a good way to go.

Holding Your Newborn Baby Safely

29 Ways to Soothe a Fussy Baby (with printable checklist

Newborn babies often like to be cuddled and need to be held in a safe way that supports their head. Mums should be encouraged to have skintoskin contact with their babies as soon as possible after the birth .

Your baby might be happy snuggled against your chest, where they can hear your heartbeat. They will also enjoy being cradled or supported in your arms or with their head resting against your shoulder.

Some newborn babies like to be swaddled and there is some evidence to suggest swaddling calms infants and helps them sleep . See our article about swaddling and how to safely swaddle your baby for more info.

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What To Do When You’re Not Okay

Life can be pretty stressful. Between work, relationships, and other obligations, the pressure builds, and we lose sight of who we are. Counselor Debra Fileta helps you better understand your emotions, assess your mental, physical, and spiritual health, and intentionally pursue a path to wellbeing. In dealing with anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, Debra understands the importance of self-examination as well as the benefits of seeking professional help. She offers biblically-based advice, tools, and encouragement to help you get on a path toward healing and wholeness.

How To Treat Diarrhoea In A Newborn Fawn

Diarrhea is the most common health issue that can happen to the infant deer. It can be proved fatal if not cured. Normally, the fecal droppings of fawn should be separate and firm. If you notice the green stool with a thin consistency, it may be the indication of gastroenteritis infection caused by some bacteria or virus. This condition can cause dehydration and the energy level of baby deer drops quickly.

Below mentioned steps can help you in curing indigestion in a newborn fawn.

  • Make sure to give plenty of water to the young deer to retain body fluids.
  • Baby deer have a habit of suckling each others butts, it can also cause diarrhea. You can stop this by spraying vinegar at their buts after every defecation.
  • Add half of the milk replacer and half electrolyte solution to fulfill the need of lost nutrients in the body.
  • You can give 1_2 tbsp of Pepto Bismol, after every feeding until the stool consistency becomes thicker.
  • You can give one tablespoon of yogurt along with pureed pumpkin in the bottle to maintain healthy bacteria in the gut.
  • If diarrhea doesnt stop, it can be an indication of coccidiosis, contact your vet, and follow his guidelines.

Note: The mentioned medicines should only be given unless or otherwise prescribed by a qualified vet.

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What Kind Of Home Does My Baby Duckling Need

Before you adopt ducklings, you should ensure that you have a home ready for them when you bring them to your house or farm. A duckling needs about 24 hours after they have hatched from their shells to get used to the new world that they have found themselves in. After that, you should move them to a brooder.

A brooder is a well-insulated box that will help keep the ducklings warm. Until ducklings start to grow their full feathers in, they have trouble regulating their temperature. If they get too cold, they will quickly die.

You can use a plastic storage container, a strong cardboard box, a wooden box, or even a glass aquarium large enough for the ducklings to wander around in as an effective brooding box.

The box needs to be ventilated so they can still breathe but not so that cold air can get in. The top should have plenty of holes, but dont put too many holes on the side of the brooding box.

Line the bottom of the box with wood shavings or towels, something grippy and textured. Like many newborn creatures, ducklings are quite wobbly little quackers for the first few weeks of their lives.

Install a brooding lamp on the side of their box pointing down into the box. It is best to put it on the side instead of centering it, since it will give them space to cool off on the other end. Use a 100-watt bulb for very young ducklings. As they age, you can decrease the heat by lifting the lamp farther away from the edge of the box.

Newborn Care Week How To Care For A Newborn Baby

Caring For Your Newborn: Promoting Infant Development and Addressing Common Questions

As new parents, we are sure its pretty exciting and yet challenging to handle your bundle of joy. Knowing how to take care of your little one can be insightful. Read on to know more.

Every year in the week between 15 and 21st November, India celebrates the Newborn Care Week. Why is this week necessary? Its because the first 28 days of your newborns life are very vulnerable the neonatal phase has the highest child mortality rate. Similarly, this stage also sets the foundation for your childs health. The care and effort you put into the babys health at this stage will decide how strong he/she will be as an adult.

That is why throughout the newborn care week, efforts are made to educate parents on how to look after their infants. Read on to know the major challenges to a babys health and what you can do to avoid them.

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