How To Care For Newborn Circumcision

Benefits Of Partial Circumcision

Newborn Care Video
  • âPhimosis, where the foreskin is so tight that it doesnât retract from the head of the penis
  • âBalanitis, or inflammation around the head of the penis
  • âPosthitis, or inflammation of the foreskin
  • âBalanoposthitis, which is the inflammation of both the foreskin and the head of the penis
  • Lesions, which may be cancerous, pre-cancerous, viral, or warty

Benefits of circumcision include lower chances of things like:

  • âSexually transmitted diseases
  • âUrinary tract infections
  • âPenis cancer

What If There Is Bleeding

A small amount of blood on the gauze or diaper is almost always present and is normal. If you see blood soaking the diaper or making a spot greater in size than your two thumbs, you should seek medical attention. If an area begins to bleed when you are changing the diaper, hold direct pressure with gauze on the site for 5 minutes. This should stop the bleeding but if it does not do so, you should continue holding pressure on the area and seek medical attention.

Potential Risks Of Circumcision

Circumcision is a painful procedure.

Problems resulting from the surgery are usually minor. Although serious complications are very rare, they do occur. These can include:

  • Too much bleeding or infection in the area.
  • Too much skin removed.
  • Side effects from the method or medicine used for pain relief.

The risk of complications is lower in young babies than in older children. To minimize the risks, the procedure should be done by a trained and experienced practitioner using a sterile technique. Someone should follow up with you in the days after the procedure to make sure that bleeding has not increased.

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Why Should I Consider Circumcision For My Baby

  • Prevention of urinary tract infections in infants

  • Prevention of penile cancer in adult men

  • Reduced risk of developing certain sexually transmitted diseases

  • Reduced risk of developing cervical cancer in female sexual partners

The prevention of urinary tract infections in infants is the most widelyaccepted benefit for the procedure.

Gomco Or Sheldon Clamp Circumcision

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Three or four times a day, you will need to clean the area with warm water. Soap is not necessary. If you were given a peri-bottle at the hospital this is an excellent way to apply the water. Try to avoid getting the umbilical stump wet while cleaning.

At each diaper change, you will want to apply a small amount of petroleum jelly. Make sure that the petroleum jelly is pure, without perfumes or other additives. If your doctor sent you home with an antibiotic ointment you will want to use this as directed.

It takes about 10 days for the scab over an incision to fall off. After the scab or plastibell falls off, no further care is needed outside of normal good hygiene.

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If You Decide To Have Your Baby Boy Circumcised

In Canada, most circumcisions are done by medical practitioners or skilled traditional providers.

Talk to your babys health care provider about the issues involved in circumcision:

  • Cost: Circumcisions for non-medical reasons are not covered by any provincial and territorial health plans.
  • Possible complications, such as the ones described above.
  • Newborn babies feel pain. The practitioner performing the circumcision should use some type of local anesthetic, given by a needle in the area where the circumcision is done.
  • Additional methods of relieving pain include sucking on a pacifier dipped in a sugar solution, topical anesthetic cream and acetaminophen.
  • Anesthetics do carry risks and the needle can cause bruising or swelling. Creams may cause redness or swelling.
  • Contraindications : Sometimes, babies have health problems. which increase the risk of complications after circumcision.
  • A Note About Sex And Gender

    Sex and gender exist on spectrums. This article will use the terms male, female, or both to refer to sex assigned at birth. .

    Traditionally, people have chosen to circumcise male babies for cultural or religious reasons. It can also treat medical conditions that affect the foreskin, such as phimosis.

    Male circumcision is a common procedure in the United States, although statistics show that it is declining in newborn babies. According to a 2021 study , 80.5% of American males aged 1459 years and an estimated 58.3% of newborn babies are circumcised.

    FGM, which some refer to as female circumcision, is not equivalent to male circumcision. Where male circumcision removes a tissue that is not vital to male health, FGM can involve the removal of several important tissues that affect urination, sexual health, and childbirth. This includes the:

    Sometimes, FGM also involves narrowing the vaginal opening.

    People typically perform FGM on female children and adolescents up to the age of 15. The

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    Baby Boy Circumcision Rates

    Globally, circumcision is not a popular choice. Firm statistics on worldwide circumcision rates don’t exist, but in 2007, the World Health Organization estimated that 30% of men are circumcised. It’s most common in North Africa, West Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia.

    In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says 58.3 percent of boys were circumcised in 2010, the most recent year for which figures are available. Hospital discharge data shows that circumcision rates vary significantly by region. In 2010, 71 percent of boys in the Midwest were circumcised 66.3 percent in the Northeast 58.4 percent in the South but only 40.2 percent in the West.

    “The regional differences may be due to varying rates among ethnic groups,” says Mary Jones, an NCHS spokeswoman. “Low circumcision rates in the West may be caused, in part, by increased births among Hispanics. Studies have shown that Hispanics are less likely to opt for circumcision than other whites or blacks.”

    How Much Does Baby Circumcision Cost

    Caring for Your Newborn – Boys Town Pediatrics

    If a doctor performs circumcision for medical reasons, an insurance plan will likely cover the bill. However, if a person elects to circumcise their child for other reasons, they may not have insurance coverage. While many insurers may cover the procedure, not all do.

    Without insurance, on average, the procedure costs $247. Additionally, note that some hospitals may charge up to several thousands of dollars for circumcision.

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    The Healing Process After Circumcision

    Healing is usually rapid and occurs in several stages. Remember that a circumcision is like any other cut. There are many factors that influence healing but most importantly, every child heals differently.

    First, the cut edge seals and bleeding ceases within minutes, hours, or even over the course of an entire day. The area just behind the glans will become swollen. Sometimes parents mistake this for a blister. In fact, this is NORMAL and will subside within a week or two.

    In the first two days, there may be an off-white or yellowish, patchy appearance or discoloration of the glans. These patches are a type of scab and are associated with normal healing. After a few days the area where the skin was cut may look green and yellow. This is NOT pus or infection. It is part of the normal healing process and it can took this color for up to two weeks after the circumcision. Some physicians are not familiar with this healing process and may mistake this for infection. Please follow up with our doctors if you are concerned.

    Bathing Baby After Circumcision

    Its totally fine to bathe your baby following circumcision.

    There will likely be some redness, swelling, and slight bleeding or oozing for a few days following circumcision. This can be hard for you as a parent to see, but its perfectly normal.

    Most newborns recover fully from circumcision within 710 days.

    If the circumcision was performed using the Plastibell method, the ring should fall off within 57 days on its own. Call your babys doctor if the ring hasnt fallen off within two weeks.

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    When Should I Be Concerned

    If you see any of the following signs, seek medical help:

    • Active or excessive bleeding, or oozing of blood
    • Over 101 degrees Fahrenheit
    • Over 102 degrees Fahrenheit

    If you have any further questions or concern, call our urology nurse at 832-822-3164. In case of emergency, or after hours, call 832-822-3160 to reach the provider on-call.

    Delayed Circumcision After Hospital Discharge

    How to Care for Your Newly Circumcised Baby

    Circumcision is not done if the baby’s condition is not stable. If, for example, the baby is very jaundiced and is being treated with phototherapy, circumcision may be postponed until the problem is resolved. If circumcision is delayed, it may be done at 3-4 months of age by a urologist. Talk to your baby’s healthcare provider to make these arrangements.

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    What Happens During A Circumcision

    Circumcision is usually done by a doctor at a clinic, in the hospital, or at an outpatient surgery centre. During the procedure:

    • The baby is placed on a firm surface. Velcro straps are wrapped around the baby’s arms and legs to keep him very still.
    • The surgical area is often numbed with a local anesthetic while the baby stays awake. If your baby is age 1 month or older, he or she may need general anesthesia. Talk with your doctor about the best way to control pain in your child.
    • The foreskin is removed using a sterile scalpel or scissors.

    What Happens After The Procedure

    After the circumcision, you will need to take steps to care for your babyspenis until it heals. This includes cleaning the area with plain water atleast once daily, and whenever the area becomes dirty after a bowelmovement. Allow the area to dry, and then apply petroleum jelly liberallyto prevent irritation.

    If a device called a Plastibell was used, it should fall off within 10 to12 days. Tell your healthcare provider if this doesnt happen within thattime frame.

    Also call your healthcare provider about any of the following:

    • The wound doesnt stop bleeding.

    • Your baby doesnt urinate 6 to 8 hours after the procedure.

    • The redness or swelling doesnt improve after 3 days or gets worse.

    • Your baby develops a fever of 100.4°F or higher.

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    What To Know About Re

    About the experts:

    Denise Scott, MD, is a pediatrician with JustAnswer and a pediatric endocrinologist based in Oklahoma with over 20 years of experience. She received her medical degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch and completed her residency at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, with a fellowship at the National Institutes of Health.

    Natalya Vernovsky, MD, is an Illinois-based pediatrician and expert with JustAnswer. She has over 20 years of experience and received her medical degree from Rush University Medical Center.

    Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

    Plus, more from The Bump:

    Circumcision Of Baby Boys: Information For Parents

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    The Canadian Paediatric Society does not recommend routine circumcision of every newborn boy.

    Parents who decide to circumcise their newborn boys often do so for religious, social or cultural reasons. If you are trying to make a decision about circumcision, talk to your babys health care provider. Ask for up-to-date information about the potential medical benefits and risks of circumcision.

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    How Circumcision Is Done

    Babies are typically awake during the circumcision, but because theyre given a local anesthetic such as a numbing cream or an anesthetic injection they wont feel very much. Your child may also be given a pacifier dipped in sugar water , which can help soothe him.

    If you have any questions about the procedure, including what types of pain control medication your baby will receive, ask the doctor. You can also ask to be in the room while the circumcision is done.

    When To Call A Doctor

    if after circumcision:

    • Your baby has a fever.
    • Your baby bleeds more than the doctor said to expect or has a bloodstained area larger than the size of a quarter on a diaper or on the circumcision site dressing.
    • Your baby is very fussy or cranky, has a high-pitched cry, or refuses to eat.
    • Your baby has not passed urine within 12 hours after the circumcision was completed.

    If a plastic ring was used for the circumcision, call your doctor if the ring has not fallen off after 10 to 12 days.

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    How To Clean A Circumcision

    This article was co-authored by Laura Marusinec, MD. Dr. Marusinec is a board certified Pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, where she is on the Clinical Practice Council. She received her M.D. from the Medical College of Wisconsin School of Medicine in 1995 and completed her residency at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Pediatrics in 1998. She is a member of the American Medical Writers Association and the Society for Pediatric Urgent Care.There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 91% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 130,657 times.

    Though it is a routine procedure, a circumcision requires proper care and cleaning to heal properly. When caring for a newly circumcised newborn, clean the area after every diaper change, keep the area dry, wash the wound gently, let it air dry, dress the wound with gauze and vaseline, and do frequent diaper changes. When caring for an adult circumcision, soak the wound 48 hours after the procedure to remove the initial bandage, change the dressing every day or two, shower carefully, and keep it dry. Watch for possible signs of infection like persistent redness, swelling, bleeding, and yellow discharge, as well as sores or difficulty urinating.

    When Should Male Babies Get Circumcised

    Pin by Amber Brandt on Lakyn

    Males can undergo circumcision at any time in their lives. Some parents and caregivers choose to let the child decide for themselves when they are old enough, and there is no time limit on when this can happen.

    However, for those who want their baby to undergo circumcision while still young, doing so early has several advantages:

    • Anesthesia: The older the child is, the more likely they will need general anesthesia, meaning they will be unconscious during the procedure. By contrast, infant circumcision only requires local anesthesia.
    • Lower risk of complications: While complications of circumcision are generally rare, they are more likely to occur in older children than in infants.
    • Less psychological impact: Toddlers and older children are more likely to remember undergoing circumcision, which could be stressful or potentially traumatic.

    For those who want circumcision for their baby, doctors may perform the procedure at the bedside or at another location shortly after birth. If someone plans this while still pregnant, then circumcision will typically occur within 12 days after birth.

    However, in some situations, a doctor may recommend delaying circumcision or not performing one at all. This could happen if:

    • there is a family history of bleeding disorders
    • the baby is born very early
    • the baby has a congenital condition

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    Things To Look Out For During Recovery

    A fever may also be a sign of infection. Any fever in a newborn requires a trip to the doctor right away.

    Infections in newborns should always be treated with caution, even if they turn out to be minor. Its best to call your babys doctor if you notice any of these signs in the days following a circumcision.

    Also call your babys doctor right away if you notice that your baby isnt having wet diapers, is having fewer wet diapers, or seems to cry when he pees.

    How Do I Prepare For The Procedure

    • Because circumcision is often done 1 to 2 days after birth, youll want to make the decision well before your baby is born.

    • Make sure your healthcare provider fully explains the procedure, so you are comfortable with it.

    • If your baby is born prematurely or has other medical concerns, he may not be circumcised until he is ready to leave the hospital.

    • Not everyone uses anesthetic for a circumcision. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends it.

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    Post Circumcision Concerns And Questions

    We understand that parents will sometimes have concerns and questions in the days after a baby boys circumcision.

    Please see the detail below for information on how to care for your baby post-circumcision, and do not hesitate to contact us with any concerns that you feel require the doctors attention.

    If you have not already done so, please see our Parent Counselling Video before the procedure.

    The video describes how to prepare for the circumcision, what to expect at the clinic, and includes our aftercare instructions.

    Our staff is always available to answer your questions.

    We will review aftercare instructions with you as well.

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    What Problems Can Occur If Your Son Is Circumcised

    Baby Care

    Problems from circumcision are not common. If they occur, they are usually minor. The most common circumcision problems are:

    • Blockage of the opening of the urethra .
    • Infection of the circumcision site.

    More serious problems are rare. They include damage to the opening of the urethra, heavy bleeding that requires stitches, severe infection, and scarring.

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