How To Cure Newborn Acne

Fight & Prevent Baby Acne With A Gentle Cleansing Product

Get Rid of Baby Acne Naturally | Newborn Acne Cure

Keeping baby acne under control and even getting rid of it completely can be as simple as cleaning your baby with a gentle cleansing product regularly. But you dont want to clean their delicate, sensitive skin with just any cleanser.

Its best to use one thats specially formulated for newborns. We recommend using a product that contains micellar water, like Mustelas Gentle No Rinse Cleansing Water, so it does not dry out their sensitive skin.

Best of all, Mustelas Gentle No Rinse Cleansing Water doesnt require rinsing and is great for when youre on the go!

Micellar water is composed of tiny cleansing oil molecules suspended in super-soft water. It dissolves dirt and impurities to cleanse your babys skin without stripping off its natural oils. And because Mustelas Gentle No Rinse Cleansing Water contains no parabens, phthalates, or phenoxyethanol, its safe to use on children of any age.

What Is Baby Acne And What Causes It

When your newborn baby is around 2 to 5 weeks old you may start to see small pimples on his face, usually on his cheeks, nose, eyelids, chin, and/or forehead. Baby acne is also referred to as neonatal acne and is commonâabout 3 in 10 babies get it.Experts are not exactly sure what causes baby acne, but it could be due to one of the following:

  • An inflammation caused by yeast on your baby’s skin

  • Overstimulated oil glands in your baby’s skin caused by coming into contact with hormones in the placenta during your pregnancy.

Baby acne has nothing to do with the type of acne that a teenager may experience.

Neonatal And Infantile Acne

Also known as neonatal acne, neonatal cephalic pustulosis

Whats the difference between neonatal and infantile acne?

Neonatal acne affects babies in the first 3 months of life. About 20% of healthy newborn babies may develop superficial pustules mostly on the face but also on the neck and upper trunk. There are no comedones present. Neonatal acne usually resolves without treatment.

Infantile acne is the development of comedones with papules and pustules and occasionally nodules and cysts that may lead to scarring. It may occur in children from a few months of age and may last till 2 years of age. It is more common in boys.

What causes infantile acne?

Infantile acne is thought to be a result of testosterone temporarily causing an over-activity of the skins oil glands. In susceptible children this may stimulate the development of acne.

Most children are however otherwise healthy with no hormonal problem.

The acne reaction usually subsides within 2 years.

What does infantile acne look like?

Infantile acne presents with whiteheads, blackheads, red papules and pustules, nodules and sometimes cysts that may lead to long term scarring. It most commonly affects the cheeks, chin and forehead with less frequent involvement of the body.

How is infantile acne diagnosed?

How is infantile acne treated?

Treatment is usually with topical agents such as benzoyl peroxide, retinoidcream or antibiotic gel .

What is the likely outcome of infantile acne?

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Is There Anything That May Be Mistaken For A Babys Acne

Eczema, Erythema Toxicum, and Milia are all examples of similar disorders.


A common symptom of eczema is red, itchy pimples on the face. As your infant gets older, it may also emerge on their knees and elbows. Eczema can turn yellow and crusty if it becomes infected. The condition may worse when your kid begins to move about and scuff up their knees and elbows In most cases, your doctor will be able to tell the difference between eczema and infant acne.Atopic dermatitis, the most prevalent kind of eczema, is the most frequent type of eczema.Seborrheic eczema is the most often misdiagnosed illness in infants. Seborrheic dermatitis and crib, or cradle, cap are other names for it.OTC treatments like Aquaphor and Vanicream can be used to treat eczema. The doctor may also prescribe a less potent drug.Food allergies may also be removed from your house and probiotics may be given to your infant regularly.

Erythema Toxicum

Skin ailment Erythema toxicum, which can show as a rash, little red pimples, or red blotches, is a prevalent one. You may see it on your newborns face, chest, or arms in the early days after birth.In most cases, it vanishes within a week of delivery.


Small white pimples may appear on your babys face, which are called milia. Within a few weeks of birth, they are formed when dead skin cells are trapped in small pockets of skin.Milia are unrelated to infant acne and do not need to be treated.

What Is Infantile Acne

Understanding baby acne

True infantile acne generally affects the cheeks, and sometimes the forehead and chin, of children aged six weeks to one year. It is more common in boys and is usually mild to moderate in severity. In most children it settles down within a few months.

The acne may include comedones , inflamed papules and pustules, nodules, and cysts. It may result in scarring.

Infantile acne

See more images of acne in young children.

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What Causes Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum

The exact cause is unknown. It is not due to an infection, even though pus-filled spots are often present.

Various ideas have been suggested, including the possibility that it is a normal effect of a baby’s immune system. It is not an allergic problem. It is also not related to whether the baby is breast-fed or bottle-fed.

When To See The Pediatrician About Baby Acne

Generally speaking, theres no need to see your pediatrician specifically for baby acne. If youre concerned about trying to prevent or get rid of baby acne on the face, or youre not sure whether its infant acne or something else, its never a bad idea to discuss it with babys pediatrician. It can be reassuring to find out exactly whats going on with babys skin and, in the case of baby acne, to hear directly from the doctor that its truly nothing to be concerned about.

About the experts:

Katie Pyle, DO, is a pediatrician at UCHealth Pediatric Care Clinic in Firestone, Colorado, with a clinical interest in newborn care. She earned her medical degree from Lincoln Memorial University-DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Meagan ONeill, MD, is a pediatrician with Riley Childrens Health in Indianapolis. She earned her medical degree from Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis.

Omar Baker, MD, FAAP, is an assistant clinical professor in the department of pediatrics at Columbia University and co-president of Riverside Medical Group in Northern New Jersey. He earned his medical degree from George Washington University.

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

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How To Treat Baby Acne

Simple solutions for soothing irritated skin and getting rid of your baby’s acne.

Know the cause. Hormones are the likely culprit behind baby acne, which usually shows up on the cheeks, forehead, and nose. Genetics may also be a factor.

Identify the two types. Neonatal acne generally shows up within the first three months after birth and lasts no more than a few months. Infantile acne appears between 3 and 6 months of age and goes away within a year or two.

Treat it. Wash Baby’s face daily with a gentle cleanser. If the acne is severe or you notice deep cysts, notify your pediatrician. He may prescribe a topical treatment or oral antibiotics. Also call the doc if neonatal acne lasts longer than 4 to 6 months, so he can check for a hormonal disorder.

Avoid irritation. Scrubbing the skin and using harsh cleansers are not recommended, as they can irritate Baby’s sensitive skin.

How To Use Breast Milk For Baby Acne

Baby Acne : How to Treat Baby Acne

One benefit of using your breast milk to treat baby acne is that its natural, free and, well, widely available.

As a bonus, breast milk is also gentle on a babys sensitive skin. Simply dab a little breast milk on their skin after feedings to reduce inflammation and gradually treat the acne.

You can use a clean finger to apply the breast milk, or dip a cotton ball in breast milk and then gently rub the cotton over your babys acne.

Since breast milk is gentle, you can use this natural remedy several times throughout the day until the acne clears.

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Avoiding Common Mistakes With Baby Acne

  • 1Do not use over-the-counter acne medications. Traditional acne medications that you buy in the drugstore should not be used on your baby, unless the doctor tells you otherwise. Dont buy an acne face wash with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to use on your baby to try to get rid of the acne.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • These products can damage your babys tender new skin.
  • 2Avoid irritating skin products. Try to leave the acne alone and just use mild baby soap on your babys face. Dont put any lotion or oil on the affected areas. This can irritate the skin and the acne and make it worse. XResearch source
  • If your baby has acne, you should choose skin products that are gentle. Look for products made specifically for babies with no fragrances, or designed for sensitive skin.
  • 3Refrain from popping the bumps. Though you may think it will help, you should avoid pinching the acne or popping bumps. This can cause more redness and swelling, along with causing your baby pain. A popped or pinched bump can also turn into a sore and lead to infection and scarring.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Even if your babys acne gets white pus-filled heads on them, dont pop them. Leave them alone.
  • Natural Cures For Baby Acne

    Neonatal acne, also known as baby acne, is a skin condition that affects newborns . Although baby acne is not serious and usually clears up on its own time, it can be stressful for a mother to witness her beautiful new babys face break out in these white or red bumps and pimples. Although a doctor can usually prescribe some kind of mild topical cream to help, here we explore a few more natural cures for baby acne.

  • Already renowned as a fabulously hydrating formula for your babys skin, many mothers swear by the amazing powers of coconut oil for baby acne. Stick to the organic, unrefined stuff youll only need a little bit at a time as this stuff goes a long way. All you need to do is rub a small amount of extra virgin coconut oil onto the affected area a few times a day. Coconut oil is 100% natural and chemical free and many mothers claim to see a difference in their babys skin after just a few applications. Added bonus its perfect for treating cradle cap!
  • Tried, tested and a sworn fixer according to many a mother, that natural elixir of life breast milk is a popular choice for many moms trying to help their babys condition. Considered the most natural way to treat neonatal acne, simply soak a cotton pad in some of your breast milk then gently wipe over the babys skin a few times a day. Many moms profess to seeing a difference almost immediately.
  • These natural cures for baby acne have helped many moms, and hopefully will help you as well!

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    What Else Could It Be

    People may also confuse other skin conditions, such as erythema toxicum neonatorum and chickenpox, with baby acne or eczema.

    Erythema toxicum neonatorum is a harmless skin condition that may occur within the first couple of days of life. It causes small spots and pimple of 14 mm in diameter on the arms and legs. Notably, the rash does not appear on the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet. It typically clears up by itself within 5 to 14 days.

    Chickenpox is a contagious skin disease that causes a rash of blister-like spots and pimples on the stomach, back, and face. The rash can spread across the whole body and tends to occur alongside itching, tiredness, and fever.

    Chickenpox can lead to severe complications in babies, so anyone who suspects chickenpox in a baby should take them to see a doctor immediately.

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    Baby Acne Versus Infantile Acne

    Best Way How to Get Rid Of Baby Acne on Face in Newborn ...

    Baby acne differs from infantile acne. Infantile acne is much less common and can present with open comedones or blackheads, while baby acne does not. Cysts or nodules are also sometimes seen with infantile acne and the condition can result in scarring without treatment. Infantile acne can persist until the baby is two years old.

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    Keep Your Babys Face Clean

    Wash your babys face daily with warm water. Bath time is a great time to do this. You dont even need to use anything but water, but if you want to, look for a mild soap or soap-free cleanser. Dont hesitate to ask the pediatrician for recommendations.

    Fragrance-free products are least likely to irritate your babys skin.

    Treatments Your Physician May Prescribe

    In mild cases, prescription therapy is generally unnecessary, and the lesions may resolve with gentle cleansing of the skin. The first-line treatment most physicians prescribe is 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. This is an gel that is applied to the skin it is a commonly used acne product. It is generally well tolerated but may cause dryness. The next line of therapy, in severe cases, is to add an oral antibiotic. Most infants are able to stop oral antibiotics within 18 months. Rarely, cases of acne could be made worse by a fungus, which would require a topical antifungal applied to the skin for treatment. Your baby’s pediatrician may request the help of a pediatric dermatologist for severe cases of acne. Furthermore, in severe cases or those resistant to therapy, an investigation for an underlying hormonal disorder may be warranted.

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    How Long Does Baby Acne Last

    Newborn acne can appear anytime in the first three months of babys life but usually disappears by month three, Pyle says. Infant acne can last a few weeks and disappear on its own or it may linger, Baker says. If youre consistently seeing symptoms for a few months, see your pediatrician to discuss baby acne treatment options.

    What If Baby Acne Doesnt Clear Up

    Infant Medical Care : Infant Acne Cure

    If your babys break out just wont clear, you may be mistaking another skin condition for baby acne. Below are some various skin conditions that are similar to baby acne but require their own diagnosis and set of remedies.

    • Milia: These are tiny white bumps, similar looking to whiteheads, which appear on nose, chin, and cheeks of baby. Milia can be present from birth, unlike baby acne, which sets in later. It can also occur alongside baby acne as your babys skin adjusts to life outside the womb. It is more often caused by sloughed off skin cells that get trapped in the outer layer of dermis.
    • Heat Rash: While baby acne is on the face, heat rash tends to appear where the baby is clothed, including on the chest, stomach and neck, but also on the thighs and buttocks. Heat rash looks like a reddening of the skin with lots of tiny red bumps.
    • Baby Eczema: While it can look similar to baby acne, especially when it shows up on the cheeks, its trademark look is red, patchy and scaly dry skin. It is very common in babies, and can also pop up in high-friction areas, like the folds of those tiny little elbows and knees. Eczema can be caused by diet, lifestyle, gut flora imbalance, dryness and also by genetics, if a parent suffers from eczema.
    • Infection: If the bumps spread beyond face or if baby has a fever or cold symptoms, call your pediatrician immediately as these may be signs of an infection like roseola or RSV.

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