Fever In A Young Baby
If your infant is 2 months or younger and has a rectal temperature of 100.4 degrees F. or higher, he could be sicker than he seems.
Young babies usually don’t show a lot of symptoms, but they can quickly develop a serious bacterial infection because their immune system is still immature, says Sue Hubbard, MD, a pediatrician in Dallas. Parents often assume their baby just has a cold, but colds usually don’t cause a fever at this age. A doctor will see an infant with a fever as soon as possible, but if it’s the middle of the night, your pediatrician may send you to the ER.
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Colds And Other Respiratory Infections
Upper respiratory infections like colds are run-of-the-mill for kids, who get up to eight of them a year. Typically they’re viral and they last about 10 days, Guiot says.
Kids may run a fever for the first 3 days. “Then the fever starts going away and that clear nasal discharge is going to become thick, green, and yellow. That just means those infection-fighting cells are called in to fight. It doesn’t mean it’s a bacterial infection,” she says.
A fever that lasts longer than 3 days or symptoms that get worse need a look from your pediatrician. Your child may have gotten an ear infection or other bacterial illness.
If at any point your child has to work harder to breathe, call the doctor right away. You’ll notice your child’s nostrils flare or their ribs suck in with each breath. They may make a funny noise or wheeze when they try to breathe.
A bluish color around the lips or nails means your child isn’t getting enough oxygen. Call 911 right away.
Care Advice For Newborns Without Signs Of Illness
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When Should I Look For A Pediatrician
Start looking for pediatricians while you’re still pregnantpreferably between 28 and 34 weeks along. “It’s important to have a pediatrician you’ve already met and respect, because you have enough going on after the baby is born,” says Evaline Alessandrini, M.D., a pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Theres also another benefit of finding a pediatrician early: Dr. Alessandrini’s recent study, which she co-authored, found that babies who see the same doctor for their first 6 months are up to twice as likely to receive important health tests before they turn 2. Sticking with the same doctor also prevents wasted time on things like going over whether immunizations are up to date,” she says. “If you have a continuing relationship with a doctor, you have the time and comfort to go deeper.”
Making The Decision: What Factors Should You Consider
Some parents simply have a gut feeling about the best pediatrician others weigh the pros and cons of each person. The following factors should also rank high on your list of priorities.
Does the doctor share your views? The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be breastfed exclusively for 6 months, then be given breast milk along with solids until at least his first year. Doctors vary on how much they press the issue likewise, there are opposing sides to the circumcision debate. If you have strong feelings either way, make sure your doctor agrees with your viewor at least respects it.
Does the doctor match your other criteria? Other factors may seem superficial but can still affect your rapport. For instance, some people prefer a young female pediatrician, but others want a grandfatherly type. Some parents will only select a doctor with parenting experience, since they appreciate the extra empathy and hands-on experience that comes from being a mom or dad. The most important thing: Do you and this doctor click?
Does the office run smoothly? From this initial prenatal visit, you can evaluate how the office works. In the waiting room, chat up other parents and ask what they like and dislike about the practice. Also check out the area: Are there books, toys, or a TV to distract children? Do the receptionists seem on top of internal and external communications?
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Heres When To Get Help For Your Babys Temperature And Other Signs And Symptoms
- your baby is younger than three months old and they have a temperature of 38C or higher
- your baby is three to six months old and has a temperature of 39C or higher
- your child has a fever that has gone on for longer than five days
- they have a high temperature yet their feed and hands are cold, or ibuprofen or paracetamol dont reduce their temperature
- their breathing is rapid, throaty or difficult, or theyre panting
- you think your baby may be dehydrated read about the signs of dehydration here
- your baby has other signs of being unwell, such as being off colour , refusing to feed and theyre under eight weeks, green vomit, or drowsiness and confusion
- they are crying non-stop, they have a high-pitched or unusual sound when crying, or the cry doesn’t sound like their normal cry
- you are worried about your baby – trust your instincts if you think they could be seriously ill
- youre concerned about your baby, theyre not eating and theyre not themselves
- your baby’s health is getting worse or you have concerns about looking after them at home.
Taking Care Of Your Baby
Make sure your baby gets plenty of liquids so she does not get dehydrated.
- Keep breastfeeding your baby if you are nursing. Breastfeeding helps prevent diarrhea, and your baby will recover quicker.
- If you are using formula, make it full strength unless your health care provider gives you different advice.
If your baby still seems thirsty after or between feedings, talk to your provider about giving your baby Pedialyte or Infalyte. Your provider may recommend these extra liquids that contain electrolytes.
- Try giving your baby 1 ounce of Pedialyte or Infalyte, every 30 to 60 minutes. Do not water down Pedialyte or Infalyte. Do not give sports drinks to young infants.
- Try giving your baby a Pedialyte popsicle.
If your baby throws up, give them only a little bit of liquid at a time. Start with as little as 1 teaspoon of liquid every 10 to 15 minutes. Do not give your baby solid foods when she is vomiting.
DO NOT give your baby ant-diarrhea medicine unless your provider says it is OK.
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How To Know If Your Newborn Is Sick
During your babys first year, youll make many trips to the pediatricians office. Most of these visits are routine, but there may be times when your baby needs immediate medical attention. Before your baby is born, be sure to find out your doctors office hours, on-call hours and how to deal with an after hour emergency. This will make it easier to manage if an issue comes up.
Questions about minor problems such as a small cough, occasional diarrhea and fussiness can usually wait until normal office hours, but if your baby is acting unusual, dont hesitate to call your doctor immediately. Its very important to get medical advice from your doctor because something as simple as diarrhea can turn into a dangerous condition.
Before calling your doctor, make sure to have a pen and paper to write down any instructions he or she might give. When you call, have the following information on hand:
- Your babys immunization records.
- The names and doses of any medicationsprescription and over-the-counteryour baby takes.
- Any medical problems your baby may have.
- His or her temperature.
What Will Happen During My Newborns First Doctor Appointment
Before your first appointment, you may be asked to fill out some forms online or by mail about your babys health and development, as well as how you are feeling and adjusting to life with a new baby.
As for what happens during the visit, there are several routine steps your nurse and doctor will take steps that youll get familiar with as you continue to bring your baby in for wellness checks.
For starters, the nurse will collect any additional forms you filled out and ask you some questions, including if you have any questions or concerns youd like to talk with the doctor about. Theyll also measure your babys length, head circumference and weight. To make sure they get the most accurate weight measurement, theyll likely ask for baby to be naked.
Soon after, the doctor will come in and go over babys growth chart with you to make sure your little ones weight gain and development are on track. Theyll also ask you questions about your babys sleeping and feeding schedule, including how often they poop and pee each day, to track healthy digestion.
Next the doctor will do a gentle head-to-toe examination to check babys general health and look for any signs of problems or developmental issues. Some of the things theyll be doing include:
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Signs Of Illness In Newborns
- Excessive drowsiness can be hard to spot in a newborn since most sleep so much. But if you suspect your infant is sleepier than normal or less active, call your doctor. Sometimes this could mean there is an infection present in a babys system.
- Eye problems can be caused by blockage of one or both tear ducts. Normally the ducts open on their own before too long, but sometimes they remain clogged, which can cause mucus-like tearing of the eyes. The white discharge can crust up on a babys eyes, making it difficult to open them, and the blockage can lead to infection. If you suspect an eye infection, such as pink-eye , call your babys doctor immediately. If your baby has an infection, the doctor will need to examine him or her and may prescribe special drops and a special method of cleaning your babys eyes with sterile water.
- Fever in a newborn should be reported to your doctor right away.
- Extreme floppiness or jitters in a baby could be a sign of underlying problems. Report them to your doctor immediately.
- A runny nose can make it difficult for a baby to breathe, especially when hes feeding. You can help ease your babys discomfort by using a rubber bulb aspirator to gently suction mucus from his nose. Be sure to call your doctor even a common cold can be dangerous for a newborn.
Pediatrician Or Family Physician: What’s The Difference
Most pediatricians and the nurses and physician assistants in their practices see children and teens up to age 21. Pediatric training focuses on treating children from birth until adulthood. Family physicians take care of patients of all ages, from kids to seniors.
Both have the same years of training, but pediatricians specialize in children. This give them in-depth understanding of children’s health needs, like behavioral issues and how to care for a child’s growing, developing body.
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Do I Have To Choose A Pediatrician Can My Child See A Different Health Care Provider
A pediatrician is not the only health care provider trained to see babies, children, and adolescents. Some parents prefer a general practitioner, family physician or chiropractor. The same parents might visit a pediatrician only if their child experiences a serious medical problem or complication.
Want to Know More?
Serious Symptoms In Baby: When To Call Your Pediatrician
It can be very scary becoming a new parent, and not every little cough or rash is a problem. But how can you make sure to tell the difference between what’s serious, and requires an immediate call or visit to the hospital or pediatrician’s office, and what can wait until your babys next checkup?
Here are seven serious symptoms in babies that you should never ignore:
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When It Can Wait Until Morning
In these four situations, you can let your pediatrician sleep through the night:
Fever in a child who’s 3 or older: Fever is not a disease, it’s a symptom — and contrary to what some people have heard, it won’t cause brain damage. “If your older child has a temperature of 104 degrees F., that doesn’t mean he’s any sicker than if it’s 102 degrees F.,” says Dr. Sue Hubbard. Only call if your child is very lethargic — he won’t give you a smile or even watch his favorite video.
A little blood in poop: If your child’s been constipated, he can get a small anal tear that bleeds. This is also common in babies who’ve just started solids, says Dr. Brown.
Goopy or crusty eyes: Pinkeye is particularly common when your child has a cold. Make an appointment for the next day, says Dr. Brown. Kids under the age of 2 may also get crusty eyes when they have an ear infection, but it’s still okay to wait until the morning to call the doctor.
An itchy rash: It could be hives , eczema , or contact dermatitis .
Parents Magazine
Pediatrician Credentials You Need To Know
When searching for a pediatrician, look for these key designations attached to his/her name.
Board certified: A pediatrician has completed medical school as well as a three-year residency in pediatrics. A board-certified pediatrician has also passed a series of rigorous exams, which he’ll routinely retake.
AAP member: Check to see if a potential doctor belongs to the American Academy of Pediatrics, which indicates that he adheres to the organization’s guidelines and standards.
FAAP listing: These four letters mean that a doctor belongs to the AAP and is board certified.
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When Should You Call Your Pediatrician
Knowing how to recognize when your child is sick and needs medical attention is important, both to get your child help when they need it and to prevent unnecessary visits to the doctor or emergency room. Most parents call their pediatrician when their child has a high fever. However, it is important to keep in mind that a fever is not the only sign of a serious illness.
Whether or not your child has a fever, if they are very irritable , confused, lethargic , have difficulty breathing, or have a rapid or weak pulse, it’s time to call the doctor.
Other reasons to call your child’s pediatrician: They are refusing to eat or drink they are limping or refusing to use one of their arms or legs they have a fever with no other symptoms for more than one or two days, or they have specific complaints like a severe headache, ear pain, burning with urination, etc.
If a child has a fever along with cough, cold or flu symptoms, but is able to drink enough to stay hydrated, is breathing normally, and is alert, you do not need to call your pediatrician. If the fever and viral symptoms last four or five days, then check with your child’s doctor.