Is Infant Formula Safe For Newborns

Tips For Mixing Infant Formula

Safely Preparing Infant Formula for your Baby
  • Tap water in Toronto is safe to use.
  • Use approved end-of-tap water filter to remove lead if you have lead pipes or alternatively you can use bottled spring water. Call 416-338-7600 for more information
  • Do not use carbonated, distilled or mineral water.
  • Always boil the water.
  • Do not use kettles that shut off before the water has boiled for 2 minutes.
  • Always sterilize equipment.
  • Use glass bottles if possible.
  • Read the directions on the label and measure carefully. It could harm your baby if you add too little or too much water.

Homemade Baby Formula Coconut Milk

Interestingly, coconut milk is also used by some mothers in place of breast milk. Coconut milk has a high content of lauric acid that helps protect against infections and bacteria. It is also a rich source of niacin, iron, and copper. However, it is always advisable to consult a pediatrician first before giving your baby coconut milk.

What Should Parents Look For When Buying A Vitamin D Supplement

A single vitamin D3 supplement in a liquid format is recommended for infants. Other vitamin D products such as vitamin D2 or a multivitamin are not suggested.

Vitamin D supplements are sold over-the-counter in pharmacies and some grocery stores. Some families may qualify for subsidized supplements. For example, First Nations or Inuit people may be eligible to receive vitamin supplements through the Non-Insured Health Benefits Program.

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Preparing Safe Water For Formula

From birth until your baby is at least 6 months old, all water used for formula should be boiled and cooled to room temperature on the day you use it. Make sure you leave enough time for the boiled water to cool to room temperature before its needed.

1) Boil enough water to last the day.

  • If you use an electric jug, boil a full jug until it turns off.
  • If you use a stove top kettle, boil until it makes a loud whistle.
  • If you are boiling water in a pot on the stove, let the water come to a rolling boil for 1 minute.

Pour boiled water into a sterilised container, cover and leave to cool to room temperature until it no longer feels warm. Store out of direct sunlight. Keep for up to 24 hours throw it away after that.

If you live in a city or a town

From 6 months of age you can use cold water straight from the tap to make formula. Run the tap for 1015 seconds before you collect the water.

If you use bore or tank water

Bore water and tank water should be boiled until your baby is 18 months old. If your water comes from a private supply , have it tested for any contaminants that could harm you and your baby. If testing shows water is high in nitrates, it is not suitable for preparing infant formula.

Bottled water

Bottled water is not recommended as it is not sterile. Like tap water, bottled water needs to be boiled then allowed to cool before it is used to prepare formula.

Should Parents Be Concerned About Offering Infants Foods That Are Considered Common Allergens

Good Start Protect Infant Formula

Delaying the introduction of priority food allergens is not currently recommended as a way to prevent food allergies, including for infants at risk for atopy . Common food allergens that are a source of iron, such as fish and whole eggs, can be introduced at about six months of age.

Note: Health care providers should deal with cases where there is a family history of food allergy on an individual basis.

Note: All nuts, as well as seeds or fish with whole bones are choking hazards. Never feed whole nuts, seeds, thick spreads or spoons of nut butter, or fish with whole bones to infants. Instruct parents on age appropriate ways to introduce these foods to minimize risk.

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How Much Formula Does My Baby Need

The number of feeds and the amount of formula taken at each feed varies between infants and over time. The formula can will give general guidelines about how much formula your baby may need.

Babies are usually fed on demand, so learn your babys hunger signs. Some sleepy newborn babies may need waking up to feed. If you are worried because your baby is sleepy and hard to feed, talk to your midwife, doctor or nurse.

In hot weather or if your baby is sick, they may need extra feeds.

Breastfeeding Vs Formula: Health Benefits

Look at the bigger picture when deciding whether to give your baby breast milk or formula. Breast milk isnt just a food. It has an important protective function, reduces your babys likelihood of diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, ear infections, colds and flu, and thrush1416 and halves his risk of sudden infant death syndrome .17

You may have heard that breastfeeding your baby improves his chances of doing well at school,18 but did you know its been linked to better behaviour,19eyesight20 and teeth alignment21 too? Your breastfed baby also has less risk of becoming obese, and his lifelong chances of getting type 1 and 2 diabetes,22,23 and certain cancers24,25 will be lower. Read more about breastfeeding benefits for babies.

Breastfeeding also burns up to 500 calories a day,26 which may help you lose weight more quickly after the birth. And the longer you breastfeed, the lower your own risk of developing breast,27uterine28 and ovarian cancers,29 heart disease,30 and type 2 diabetes.22 Read more about breastfeeding benefits for mums.

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Summary Of The International Code Of Marketing Of Breast

This Code seeks to protect and promote breastfeeding by ensuring the ethical marketing of breastmilk substitutes by industry.

  • No advertising of these products to the public.
  • No free samples of these products to mothers.
  • No promotion of artificial feeding products in health care facilities, including the distribution of free or low-cost supplies.
  • No company representatives to advise mothers.
  • No gifts or personal samples to health workers.
  • No words or pictures idealizing artificial feeding, including pictures of infants on the labels of products.
  • Information to health workers should be scientific and factual.
  • All information on artificial infant feeding, including the labels, should explain the benefits of breastfeeding, and the cost and hazards associated with artificial feeding.
  • Unsuitable products, such as sweetened condensed milk, should not be promoted for babies.
  • All products would be of a high quality and take account of the climatic and storage conditions of the country where they are used.

Breastfeeding Committee for Canada

Can Breastfeeding Mothers Take A Vitamin D Supplement Instead Of Giving It To The Infant

How to Prepare Powdered Infant Formula

Current guidelines advise women of childbearing age to take a daily multivitamin, which provides between 5 and 20 µg of vitamin D. This level of supplementation is unlikely to sufficiently increase the concentration of vitamin D in a mother’s breastmilk to meet the infant’s needs . A small number of studies have investigated the efficacy of supplementing breastfeeding mothers with high doses of vitamin D to prevent rickets in their infants . However, more research is needed on this approach before making a change to practice recommendations.

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Feed Your Baby Safely

Powdered infant formula is not sterile, which means it may contain low levels of bacteria. These bacteria very rarely cause illness in babies when the formula is prepared and stored correctly.

Always follow the manufacturers instructions when preparing infant formula and the instructions in this booklet to safely:

  • clean feeding equipment
  • Bottles with straight sides and wide necks are the easiest to clean.
  • Glass bottles are easier to clean than plastic but break more easily.


Choose teats that match your babys age.

  • Newborn babies one hole in the tip of the teat gives a slow flow that is easier to manage.
  • Older babies more than one hole gives a faster flow.

Formula should drip from the teat at about one drop per second when tipped. There are a range of teats available. Talk to your health professional or pharmacist about which type of teat is best for your baby.

Similac Tummicare One Infant Formula Recall

  • Date Recalled: August 14, 2019
  • Company Name: Abbott Laboratories
  • Reasons For Recall: The company voluntarily recalled these products due to differences in the preparation scoop size and the label instructions.
  • The product itself is safe to consume. But incorrect formula preparation using the scoop might not provide enough nutrients to support normal growth.
  • Affected Products: Batch no. 03518QU, with a manufacturing date of March 2019 and expiration date of March 2022
  • Return or Refund Processing: This recall only affected products sold in the Philippines. Affected consumers were told to contact, 1800-10-995-1555 , or 995-1555 .

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Infant Formula Preparation And Storage

Download and print a handout on how to prepare and store powdered infant formula, available in English and Spanish.

Download and print a handout on how to prepare and store powdered infant formula, available in English and Spanish.

Carefully read and follow the instructions on the infant formula container. These steps will help you know how to prepare and store your infants formula correctly. Preparing your infants formula according to the instructions is important.

Here are additional pointers to keep in mind when preparing and storing your infants formula.

Whats In Formula Milk

PART I: Baby

Ingredients vary by brand and country, but typical baby formula milk is made of processed skimmed cows milk with added emulsifiers and stabilisers to help the oils and water mix when you make up the feed. It may also contain:

  • lactose and/or other sugars such as corn syrup, fructose or maltodextrin
  • plant-based oils, such as palm, rapeseed, coconut, sunflower and soybean oil
  • fatty acids, usually derived from fish oil
  • vitamins and minerals from plant and animal sources
  • a couple of enzymes and amino acids
  • probiotics

NB Different types of baby formula, such as goats milk, hypoallergenic and soya formulas, may have a different mix of ingredients.

Scientists have shown there are more than 1,000 proteins in breast milk12 and the best formula companies are looking at increasing just one or other of them, explains Professor Hartmann. Whats more, people have only just been able to synthesise some of the many oligosaccharides found in breast milk. So copying a couple of proteins and oligosaccharides is not going to get you breast milk!

As far as cows milk is concerned, excess protein has to be added to bring the number of amino acids up to the level that baby needs, he continues. But that excess protein will be metabolised and broken down into components that can be converted into fat.

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Things To Consider When Deciding How To Feed Your Baby

If you have not decided how you will feed your baby, its important to discuss this with your midwife, doctor or nurse first. The list below has things to consider before you decide.

  • Breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby.
  • The cost of infant formula and feeding equipment on your household budget.
  • The time involved in preparing formula compared to the convenience of breastfeeding.
  • Giving infant formula to a breastfed baby will reduce your breast milk supply.
  • If you decide not to breastfeed or to stop breastfeeding, it is possible to restart but it will be difficult.
  • For some women, establishing breastfeeding is more difficult than for others, but with the right support, most mothers can breastfeed.

Healthy eating while breastfeeding is important, but if you are worried about the quality of your diet, dont let that stop you from breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is still the best option for your baby see Eating for Healthy Breastfeeding Women , available at

Preparing A Formula Feed

Formula should be made up fresh for each feed. Harmful bacteria can grow in prepared formula, and the longer the formula is kept before use, the greater the risk of your baby getting sick. If you are taking your babys formula feed out with you, see Feeding your baby away from home.

Always read the formula labels carefully and follow the manufacturers instructions.

  • Check the use-by date located on the base of the formula can. If you have formula that is past its use-by date, throw it out.
  • Make sure you have a clean surface on which to prepare the formula feed.
  • Wash and dry your hands before opening the formula can.
  • Always put the plastic lid back on the can after use.
  • Store the formula can in a cool, dry place . Use within 4 weeks of opening.

Should I Be Drinking Tap Water While Pregnant

First and foremost, when assessing whether tap water can hurt the baby, remember that staying sufficiently hydrated during your pregnancy should be one of your utmost priorities. Hydration allows the body to perform all functions more smoothly, including brain functions, kidney functions and digestive functions, which in turn provides a healthier environment for your little one to grow and thrive. Many women turn to bottled water their pregnancy to avoid the various chemicals and contaminants found in their municipal tap water supplies. This leads to destruction of the environment as the bottles are put into landfills once they are discarded, and in many instances are actually leaching other contaminants into the water because of the plastics they are stored in. As were sure you know by now there are thousands chemicals and contaminants found in almost every tap water supply across the world and some of these might have an affect on the development of your child.

When It Becomes Crucial To Feed Your Baby Through Bottle

Choosing Baby Formula

No matter how much lactation experts recommend breastfeeding, in certain circumstances, bottle feeding becomes essential.

  • The medical condition of the mother and the scare of passing the disease to the baby through breastfeeding.
  • When the baby is unable to latch on properly, or the latch-on pain is unbearable.
  • When a mother’s diet is poor, the mother has to use certain medicines that can affect the baby’s feed.
  • When there isn’t enough supply of milk.
  • When your baby is born immaturely and has to stay in the NICU.

How To Tell When Your Baby Is Hungry

It can be hard to know for sure when a baby is hungry or if there is something else causing them to fuss. Sometimes you won’t know for sure that they’re hungry until they’re offered a bottle.

Most babies usually cry when they are hungry. Placing the teat of the bottle in their mouth will calm them and they will start sucking.

Try to position your baby in your arms as you would if you were breastfeeding. Hold them close, look into their eyes and be sensitive to their cues or signals.

They suck and swallow in a coordinated way. They may look as if they’re concentrating on feeding, their hands are clenched and their whole body looks like it’s focused on sucking. As they fill up, their hands relax and their body becomes more relaxed.

Breastfed babies regulate their own milk intake. They suck when they’re hungry and stop sucking when they’re full. In comparison, formula-fed babies aren’t as much in control of how much milk they drink this is managed by the person offering the bottle.

When your baby has had enough, they will usually pull away from the teat to let you know they are full.

Sometimes you may notice that their sucking slows down and they have longer pauses between sucks.

Other ways your baby might show you they have had enough could be milk starting to pool in their mouth or they may vomit or ‘spill’ some milk.

Some babies might fuss after having a feed or might go to sleep.

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