What To Do If My Baby Using Breast As A Pacifier
Another common problem when your baby doesnt take pacifiers is looking for an alternative. It can be a finger, toy, or even your breast. It is hurting and uncomfortable for every mom, soonly the one solution, in this case, can be getting baby to take pacifier. You can try MAM or Avent Pacifier, which imitate your breast relief.
How To Get Child To Take A Pacifier
With many benefits of a pacifier for baby, there are several tips that parents follow to get their little one to like it. Follow these tips and you never say My baby wont take a pacifier
- Do not force a child. It will only backfire and make him hate a binky even more. If your child is showing resistance, stop there and try at a different time. Sometimes if the baby sucks finger instead of a binky, it is alright to leave him to it. Reintroduce the dummy at night or when the little one drifts off to sleep.
- Try offering at the end of a feeding session. When a newborn has slowed down sucking the nipple, you can slowly replace it with the dummy. If he is already full and sleepy, he may not identify the difference.
- Try a binky with some breast milk smeared on it. It might kindle his interest of actually trying to suck on it rather than blatantly refusing it.
- If he doesnt want a binky, give a few days gap after many failed attempts. Try again when the child is tired and sleepy. When not to give an infant, a binky matters more than when to give a baby pacifier. Avoid using it when an infant is cranky, especially if he has still not gotten used to it. Offering it during the critical periods can be reserved for later on when the child accepts his soother readily.
- If nothing else seems to work, try a different one. Shape or the material difference can go a long way in influencing the effectiveness of your trial.
Childrens Book About Pacifier Weaning
Childrens books are great tools for difficult parenting situations. When we read with our kids about certain situations, our children realize that they arent the only ones who have to go through a change like this. Bea Gives Up her Pacifier is an excellent book to read with your toddler about the weaning process and show her that theres nothing to be afraid of.
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Offer Paci At The End Of A Feeding Session
An excellent technique to attempt when the baby wont take pacifier is to offer it at the end of a feeding session when your little one is feeling sated and sleepy.
If you are breastfeeding, for example, simply replace your boob with a paci. Most new moms find this strategy to be very effective as the baby is content and well-fed, and less likely to protest.
Why Should You Introduce A Pacifier
Babies learn to suck as an instinct that encourages feeding. They feel a need to suck, giving babies comfort when they have something to suck on, such as a pacifier. Sucking on a pacifier will teach the baby to self-soothe during moments of high anxiety, decreasing the number of tears at those times. It can also help the baby sleep through the night and prevent crying spurts in babies. This can make it tempting to rely on the pacifier as a soothing technique at every tantrum, but save the pacifier for between meals.
Another benefit of pacifiers for babies is that babies who suck on pacifiers reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome by up to 50%. While rare, SIDS forces parents to suffer from the unthinkable, and many parents will do anything to reduce the possibility of it happening to their child. While difficult to prove causation, the correlation is enough to convince many new parents to rely on the device.
Finally, pacifiers can prevent the baby from sucking on their fingers, leading to even worse dental problems than sucking on the pacifier. Therefore, when the baby eventually stops using the pacifier, you will need to carefully watch your child to ensure they dont substitute a pacifier for sucking on digits.
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Should Breastfed Babies Avoid The Pacifier
You might wonder why any parent would give their child a pacifier if it means theres a risk of interfering with breastfeeding. There are a number of drawbacks to pacifier use.
- Cut down on the chance of SIDS: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is one of the biggest fears many parents have. Although experts arent sure why it works, babies who suck on pacifiers while they are sleeping have less risk of dying from SIDS .
- Gives them a way to self-soothe: Babies can struggle to handle their emotions, but its a skill theyll eventually have to learn to master. Pacifiers can help them calm down, which means it will help you calm down as well.
- Lets them indulge in their love of sucking: As all parents know, babies love to suck. It doesnt matter on what it can be their own fingers or a pacifier.
Final Words On How To Get Your Baby To Take A Pacifier
I hope you enjoyed this piece as much as I enjoyed writing it. Despite being a mother with two kids who have used pacifiers for so long, researching for this article opened my eyes to many new things.
Indeed, as mothers and caregivers, we must continue to learn and broaden our scope to enable us provide the utmost care, love, and support for our babies without endangering their lives.
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When To Give Your Baby A Pacifier
Babies have an individual decision when it comes to pacifiers. There are some who will accept the pacifier from the first day it was introduced to them, while others will continuously refuse the pacifiers.
It is best to offer a baby a pacifier when the baby is relaxed.
We should introduce the pacifier after the baby has established a breastfeeding pattern and your nursing routine is well underway. This is why it is often advised to introduce the pacifier after a month.
What To Consider When Buying A Pacifier For A Baby
When shopping for a pacifier, you should consider the following:
1. Material: When shopping for a pacifier, it is best to consider buying those made of silicone or rubber, as against latex. This is because babies are often allergic to latex.
2. Size: You need to check out the size of the pacifier that fits your baby. If you buy a pacifier that is too big, it may cause bruises for the child. A small pacifier may cause a choking hazard as it may fit into the babys mouth and get swallowed.
3. Color: It is best to buy a pacifier that has an attractive color so as to arouse the curiosity of the child. Your baby is more likely to accept a pacifier if he/she is attracted by the color.
4. Cost: Pacifiers are naturally not expensive, so be careful not to be ripped off when buying a pacifier.
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Tips For Weaning Pacifier Use
Use patience-stretching and magic breathing every day to help him learn to calm his worries and delay his desireswithout sucking.
Encourage him to use other loveys like a blankie, teddy or one of your silky scarves.
Gossip to his stuffed animals about how he went all morning without the pacifier.
Tell fairy tales about a bunny who said goodbye to his binky but had a magic teddy that made him feel happy every time he hugged it.
Limit pacifier use to certain situations like sleep or stressful times when your tot needs calming.
Establish a couple of pacifier-free times during the day. Start with 30 minutesafter a nap is a good time. I recommend you use a timer so your child doesnt keep bugging you to have it.
Dont say youre giving the paci to another baby. That may create jealousy every time he sees a baby with another paci!
Discuss together when to give the binky away. You might choose a special day, like his birthday .
Make sure theres something in it for him! Your tot will have an easier time separating from his old friend if he gets something in exchange .
Put fun stickers around the bye-bye paci, hello day on a calendar. Give him a red pen to cross off each day as you count down to the day.
Be positive, but dont get too excited. Some kids suddenly balk and decide theyre not ready yet. And you dont want to make your child feel like a failure or make him think that hes let you down.
Is The Pacifier Really Okay For Nursing Babies
If youre concerned about breastfeeding success or nipple confusion with pacifier use, I have good news for you! Research demonstrates that nursing moms who are allowed to offer a pacifier are equally successful with breastfeeding. True scientific research dispels the myth of nipple confusion and shows that limiting pacifiers does not increase breastfeeding success. In studies, limiting pacifier use actually resulted in decreased rates of exclusive breastfeeding.
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Pros And Cons Of Using A Pacifier
The decision to let your child use a pacifier or not depends on you. Do what your parental instincts tell you and theres very little chance that youd go wrong. However, you also have to realize that there are pros and cons to using pacifiers. Its important to know what they are before making a decision to avoid having regrets later on.
Pros Of Using A Pacifier
- They are soothing as we have already mentioned, babies have a sucking reflex which helps them to self-soothe. Pacifiers use this reflex to help baby settle.
- They may help to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome SIDS is one of the scariest things that you will come across as a parent. While nobody knows exactly the cause of SIDS, studies have shown that the use of a pacifier in babies may lower the risk of SIDS occurring.
- They offer a distraction whether you need to take babys attention away from something like a shot, or as a means to put baby to sleep when they are fighting against it, a pacifier can help to provide the distraction that just might stop their fight
- They may relieve discomfort during travel for those who have been on an aeroplane, or on a car trip that has gone over a mountain, you may recall the uneasy feeling of your ears needing to pop. While for adults, this can be remedied by yawning, newborns do not have this reflex, meaning they may become quite uncomfortable during trips. The act of sucking on a pacifier can help to reduce this discomfort.
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How To Keep Pacifier In Newborn Mouth
Are you wondering whether you should start using the pacifier? Or your little ones pacifier usually falls off in his mouth while asleep? This makes you start thinking about how to keep pacifier in newborn mouth. Well, youve come to the right place.
A pacifier can be an important part of every new parents arsenal. It helps soothe your baby, and a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics and published in a 2005 issue of Pediatrics found that pacifiers may reduce the danger of sudden infant death syndrome in infants.
Although, all babies will not take to a pacifier easily. If your baby tends to spit it out, dont worry we have this simple trick to get your baby take a pacifier.
Best For Breastfed Babies: Evenflo Feeding Balance Pacifier
With accurate shape and flexibility, we found the Evenflo Feeding Balance pacifier to be one of the best pacifiers for breastfed babies between newborn and 6 months old. According to the brand, the pacifier has a cylindrical shape that is designed to mimic the tongue shape that baby has while nursing.
This similarity will help reduce nipple confusion, allowing you to effectively establish breastfeeding without having to wait too long to introduce the pacifier . We also love that these silicone pacifiers are one piece, making them easy to clean and less likely to fall apart.
The Philips Avent Soothie is the one youll schlep home with you from the hospital after the babys born and theres a reason for thatnot only are these excellent soothers for babies but theyre made from medical-grade BPA-free silicone.
These top-rated orthodontic pacifiers come in packs of two, are very reasonably priced, and can be purchased in multiple colors. Theyre durable, easy to handle, and easy to clean, too. The nipple is shaped similarly to the breast, which reduces nipple confusion.
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What To Do If The Baby Refuses A Pacifier
Dont force it. Its OK even if the baby isnt interested in it. Instead, be a little sneaky. Try the bait and switch technique. The baby will associate the pacifier with feed or breasts. After feeding, replace the breast with the pacifier in a quick motion. This tactic can really come in handy. But, if you need to take the game to the next level, then reverse psychology can do the trick. A sharp mind can calm the reluctant little munchkin and get them to take the pacifier. Reverse psychology triggers the natural instinct of the baby. After doing the bait and switch, pull the pacifier gently out of the babys mouth, as if you are trying to steal it.
- Tip: Have a couple of different pacifiers at hand. The baby can grow accustomed to a single color, shape, or style of a pacifier. They can either love it or reject it. We recommend purchasing a couple of different designs to see what makes the happiest baby.
Are Pacifiers Bad For My Baby’s Teeth
Yes – eventually. Thumb sucking and pacifiers can cause teeth to become crooked and actually change the shape of your child’s mouth. The American Dental Association says it’s best to get rid of pacifiers by the time your child is 4 years old, if not sooner. This will help your child’s teeth and jaw muscles develop normally.
The ADA recommends pacifiers over thumb sucking because it is easier for parents to discontinue their use when the time comes. However, the ADA also cautions parents against cleaning baby pacifiers by putting them in your own mouth because that can transfer cavity-causing germs to your child. Tooth decay can begin as soon as the baby’s first teeth come in, usually around 6 months.
If your baby chews on her pacifier, throw it away. Chewing could cause tiny pieces to break off and create a choking hazard. Chewing on the pacifier instead of sucking on it may be a sign your baby is ready to wean off of pacifiers.
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