How To Give Gripe Water To Newborn

How Does Gripe Water Work

How to Give Gripe Water To Your Baby

The original gripe water, first used by nannies and moms in England in the 1850s, contained alcohol which people used to think relaxed babies.

Today, experts don’t fully understand how gripe water might help soothe tummy troubles, but it’s thought that ingredients like dill, fennel and ginger can help with gas relief and stomach discomfort.

If you’d like to give it a try, get the green light from your baby’s pediatrician first to make sure that he or she is on board with giving gripe water.

If you get the doctor’s approval, consider using gripe water only as a backup when other gas relief methods like abdominal massage, tummy time or leg bicycling don’t seem to make your baby more comfortable.

You should also have your doctor confirm that the brand you’re using is okay, the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate gripe water products. Check the packaging for specific dosing instructions and ask the pediatrician about how much and how often to give it to your baby. The general limit is four doses a day, but only under the care of your practitioner.

If your doctor says gripe water is fine for your baby and it seems to work, you should stop using it by the time your little one is 4 to 6 months old, when gassiness typically becomes less of an issue.

Safely Treats Acid Reflux

Sodium bicarbonate is one of the active ingredients used in manufacturing gripe water. It is a known neutralizer of stomach acid. Presence of sodium bicarbonate in gripe water works as an effective relief for babies with reflux. It is also a fast way to treat your infant if he or she is suffering from acid reflux

Which Gripe Water Is Best For Newborns

If you search for gripe water, you might also find links for infant gas drops.

The active ingredient in these is usually simethicone, an anti-foaming agent.

This is supposed to calm down the gas bubbles in your babys digestive system.

If youre positive your babys problem is gas, gas drops, such as those from the Little Remedies brand, might be the best bet.

Otherwise, most other gripe waters are fairly similar, so you can go with a brand you like or one your pediatrician recommends.

Mommys Bliss gripe water is a popular option.

A gassy baby is no fun! It might help you to know that so many other mamas have been in your shoes and can offer comfort and advice.

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We dont have to do this alone.

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When Should I Give Gripe Water To My Baby

Mommys Bliss Gripe Water should be given as needed and not as a preventive measure. We suggest that you wait until your baby is two weeks old and over seven pounds before administering our Gripe Water. For all other infants and children, give Gripe Water at the first signs of discomfort. Most babies will need the product after feedings, when they get gassy from eating too fast or from gulping in air while feeding. It is a good idea to wait 30 minutes after a feeding to administer Gripe Water, as this allows time for food to digest. If a baby is not able to complete a feeding due to gas, he or she may need Gripe Water prior to feeding. By administering the product at different times, you will learn what works best for your baby.

For gas we also recommend using our fast-acting Gas Relief Drops, which can safely be used on their own or in combination with Gripe Water. Get the 411 on Gas Drops here!

Think you might have a colicky baby? Find helpful tips in our Colic Survival Guide.

Does Gripe Water Cause Any Side Effects

Gripe Water for Newborns and Babies

Gripe water side effects are not common, but in rare circumstances babies under one month may experience vomiting, Fisher says. You should also watch for any possible indications of an allergy to gripe water for babies, including diarrhea, hives and itchy skin. If you notice any of these symptoms after giving baby gripe water, call your pediatrician. Of course, any sign of anaphylaxis, such as swelling of the lips or tongue and difficulty swallowing or breathing, warrants immediate medical attention.

Generally speaking, you should avoid giving baby large quantities of any medicine, including gripe water. While there are very few commonly reported side effects, infants can get used to a sweet taste and may temporarily reject breastmilk or formula, Woods cautions. Before trying any gripe water for your infant, its a good idea to consult babys pediatrician.

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When To Visit A Newborn Baby

New mamas have varying opinions on whether or not to invite loved ones to visit them at the hospital following the birth of their baby. Some prefer to rest, recover and wait until they return home to accept visitors, while others enjoy a visit with close family and friends at the hospital right after baby arrives.

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How Do You Give A Baby Gripe Water

If you buy an over-the-counter boxed brand, make sure you read the instructions carefully they can differ from brand to brand. Other than that, the box should give you clear details about how to administer gripe water to your child. The bottles usually come with their own little droppers or syringe for easy use. As you may have guessed from the ingredient list, gripe water can have a strong flavor that isnt pleasing to babies. Should your little one decide they dont like it, you can try mixing it with breast milk or formula. However, its considered most effective on its own.

To administer, its first important to note that you should never give liquids to a crying baby. Hold your baby upright and insert the syringe against the inside corner of your babys cheek. Administer slowly, allowing your baby to swallow after each application.

Watch for allergies when introducing any new foods or medication to a baby, if your baby develops hives, turns red, or acts fussy, immediately call your pediatrician for a consult.

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Can I Mix Gripe Water With Formula

Gripe water has the maximum effect when given itself, so do not mix it with formula or breast milk. Most gripe waters have a pleasant, sweet taste and are liked by babies.

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Does Gripe Water Work

How to Administer Colic Calm® Gripe Water

No study has proven that gripe water works for any of its intended purposes. In fact, all of the studies that have been done have shown that gripe water does not seem to be effective at all. For instance, a study done in India showed that there was no difference in the amount of crying between two groups of babies.

The group of babies that received gripe water cried just as much and for just as long as the babies who did not.

The study also found that mothers and caregivers reported more vomiting and constipation in the infants who received the gripe water. Although that study doesn’t necessarily prove that gripe water causes more vomiting and constipation it is an indication that gripe water doesn’t seem to help those babies either.

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How To Use Gripe Water

So, you have considered your options and weighed the pros and cons. If you have decided that gripe water is something you would like to try for your baby, here is how to use it:

1. Consult with your pediatrician and make sure they are comfortable with you administering gripe water to your baby.

2. Review brands and the ingredients included and select the one you are most comfortable with. The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends avoiding versions of gripe water that contain sugar or alcohol and any from outside the United States.16

3. Read the package insert and instructions.

4. Although the gripe water dose may seem small, gripe water is best administered after breastmilk feeding or formula so your babys tiny tummy does not fill up on non-nutritive liquid before a feed.

5. Draw up the recommended amount into a syringe. Serving size ranges from half a teaspoon to two teaspoons depending on the age and size of your baby.

6. Do not dilute gripe water or mix it with anything, such as water or milk.

7. Wait until your baby is calm and not crying before attempting to administer gripe water.

8. Administer it in tiny drops via a syringe or dropper directed at the babys inner cheek, and take your time and give gripe water slowly over a few minutes. Do not point the syringe toward the tongue or back of the throat, as this may cause gagging or choking. Alternatively, you can use a bottle nipple for the baby to suck the gripe water through.

Can I Make My Own Gripe Water

Yes, you can! Fennel water, a type of gripe water, has been used for centuries to ease the discomfort of colic in babies caused by gas and constipation. You should always consult your childs doctor, however, before you give anything new to a newborn and always be on alert for allergies. That said, you can boil some fennel seeds over a slow simmer for 10 minutes and let cool to room temperature. Strain all the seeds and follow the same procedure as gripe water when giving to the baby.

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Is The Consumption Of Gripe Water Safe For Babies#

There is not enough evidence regarding the safety of gripe water on babies. You may have to check the specific ingredients in a bottle of gripe water to determine if it is safe for your baby.

Sugar: The sweet taste brought by sugar could calm a crying baby . While some sugar may not harm the babys dental health, excess sugar exposure may interfere with teething and cause premature tooth decay .

Sodium bicarbonate: Excess consumption of sodium bicarbonate may increase the bloods pH level and cause a condition called alkalosis . It may also cause milk-alkali syndrome in babies . This condition is characterized by metabolic alkalosis, hypercalcemia , and renal failure . Also, sodium bicarbonate should not be administered to children below 12 years of age unless prescribed by a doctor .

Herbs: The herbs in gripe water may relieve colic in babies. Fennel seed oil, a common herb in gripe water, has shown to reduce colic in infants. However, more research is needed to assess its efficacy . Some gripe water brands include chamomile, which may be contaminated with the spores of Clostridium botulinum bacteria .

Other ingredients: Some gripe water brands may include common allergens such as dairy, gluten, soy, parabens, and vegetable carbons. Although not all babies may show hypersensitivity to these ingredients, a few may.

Is Gripe Water Safe To Use From Birth

Wellements Organic Baby Gripe Water

Its very important that you check the ingredients of the gripe water you are looking to purchase: because it is not classified as a medication, its manufacture is not regulated in the same way and therefore ingredients may vary from brand to brand.

Obviously any brands that still include a percentage of alcohol, however small, are not safe for babies, and you should also seek out varieties without sugar.

Until the age of six months, your baby only needs either breast milk or formula milk of a combination of the two.

Its also important to remember that, until the age of six months, your baby only needs either breast milk or formula milk supplements such as gripe water should be given sparingly.

And, according to Kanani, gripe water is not suitable for newborns. Gripe water should not be given to babies under the age of one month, he says. Also, do not give gripe water to your child if they are allergic or intolerant to the ingredients, or if they have kidney problems.

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What Are Other Solutions For Colic

If your baby has colic, there are other ways to help. If all else fails, call a friend or family member to come and help so you can take a break from your crying baby. Or if you need to lay your baby in their crib and take a break, thats OK too. In their crib, youll know theyll be safe even if they are upset. Keep in mind that there is no targeted solution for colic, but you can figure out what works for your baby.


Breastfeed or offer a bottle as your baby may be hungry or need comfort. If you use formula, talk to your doctor about switching to a different kind. If you breastfeed, some foods you eat may pass through breast milk and bother your babys tummy, like caffeine, dairy, soy, egg, and wheat.

You can also take breaks during feedings to burp your baby more often. If you use bottles, try different bottles that have ventilation filters, allowing less air into the milk as your baby drinks.


Babies often feel comforted by motion. Try walking around with your baby or rocking them in a rocking chair. You can even put them in the stroller and push them around, or take them for a ride around the block in your car.


Speak to your baby softly or play music that they respond to. If you have a sound machine or a white noise machine, turn it on.

Less Stimulation

When to Call Your Doctor

Colic Diagnosis: An Essential Prerequisite For Gripe Water

Bear in mind, though, that you must first consult with a medical professional to know for sure that it is indeed colic that is giving you and your baby all that trouble.

Oftentimes, symptoms of an unrelated condition can masquerade as colic discomfort, and it is therefore imperative that you secure a proper diagnosis before starting any treatment.

The doctor will evaluate your babys symptoms and condition to rule out hunger, pain, fatigue, illness, constipation, or an infection before establishing a colic diagnosis.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common condition in infancy that can be the cause of your babys discomfort. It is not uncommon for parents to mistake GERD for colic or vice versa, as both conditions share quite a few common symptoms.

Babies with reflux usually have more discomfort that tends to get particularly aggravated with each feeding. Consequently, they lose their appetite and refuse feeds. GERD is also characterized by frequent spit-ups or vomiting as well as hampered sleep. All of this together can take a serious toll on your babys development, rendering him/her undernourished and underweight.

If, however, the baby is meeting the healthy growth markers without any visible signs of digestive distress, a case of colic may be suspected.

Once a conclusive diagnosis for colic has been reached, the doctor will determine the adequacy, dosage, and method of using gripe water to manage the condition.

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When To Introduce Gripe Water

Gripe water can be safely given to the baby as early as one month after birth. Since milk is the main food of the tiny infant, flatulence, gastric trouble, and bloating are common. The babys digestive system is still developing and doesnt have enough good bacteria that can streamline digestion. Gripe water is a unique herbal preparation effective in treating these tummy ailments.

Due to the presence of ingredients such as soda bicarbonate and artificial sweeteners, many doctors do not recommend giving gripe water to babies. But, if you want to give this to your little one, strictly stick to the dosage and instructions mentioned on the pack. You can also consult your pediatrician on the right dose you can safely give to your baby.

Drops such as colicaid are another alternative parents can consider for their babies who are struggling with colic. These medicated drops can be given after consulting your pediatrician who will advise you when you can give it and how much dosage is ideal.

What Is Gripe Water#

Basic Baby Care : How to Make Gripe Water

Gripe water is an over-the-counter herbal dietary supplement available for over a century . It was created in the 1800s to treat malaria fever. Later, its uses diversified to soothing common problems in babies such as colic, teething pain, hiccups, and other tummy troubles. The initial formulation contained alcohol. Currently, alcohol-based gripe water is discontinued due to the adverse effects of alcohol on babies .These days, most gripe water brands use sodium bicarbonate, sugar, and a few herbs such as dill seed oil, peppermint, fennel, chamomile, or ginger . They may also contain other artificial flavors .It may be noted that gripe water is not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration since it is marketed as an herbal supplement and not a medicine . Hence, caution is advised before introducing your baby to gripe water.

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Can Babies Be Given Gripe Water

In this article:

The sound of a baby cooing and gurgling can be like music to your ears. However, there are also days when your little bundle of joy exhibits prolonged episodes of cry-screaming without any apparent reason.

Its perfectly normal for infants to break into a boohoo every now and then, and you can almost always settle them down with a little caressing care. Unless someone develops an app that could verbalize baby sounds into coherent speech, parents and caregivers will just have to brave through such outbursts.

Crying is usually your babys way to convey hunger, tiredness, sleep deprivation, or a need for a diaper change. However, if you have checked all the usual suspects off the list and still your baby continues to cry, theres a reason to believe that it might be colic.

You can tell its colic if your baby cries for several hours on end such that no degree of rocking, burping, and singing can get your little one to calm down.

Colic is just as hard on the parents as it is for the babies. Watching your little one bawl endlessly without having any idea as to what may be causing it can drive any parent up the wall.

Pushed to the brink of desperation, parents have no option but to try every trick in the parental book to comfort their cranky and colicky baby.

If all else fails, you still have recourse to an old-timey home remedy intended to soothe excessive fussiness and gas pains in babies: gripe water.

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