How To Help Newborn Stuffy Nose

What Can We Do To Help Our Babys Stuffy Nose

How to Treat Nasal Congestion in Babies?
  • Increase fluids! This is the most important thing you can do, as it thins out the mucus and helps us get it OUT!
  • Suction bulb, drops or sprays. You can use saline spray or nose drops to thin the mucus, then use a bulb syringe to clear their tiny nose. A few times a day is plenty for suctioning and clearing mucus we donât want to cause extra irritation to the nasal passages. Letâs run through a brief how-to below!
  • Cool-mist humidifiers. Another way to moisten the mucus is by moistening the air!
  • Put skin protective ointment around their nostrils to help with breakdown or chapping. A very thin layer and Iâd like to emphasize around, not IN the nose.
  • Wash your handsevery time you help your love with their germs. And wash their little hands, too!
  • Ibuprofen or Tylenol for discomfort. Baby congestion medicines such as over-the-counter cough and cold or nasal sprays are not recommended in our kiddos because they havenât been proven or medically reviewed. Focus on baby congestion remedies instead! No ibuprofen for babes < 6 months old and no meds at all for babes < 3 months old just call the doc!

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Risk Factors For Baby Congestion

There are several risk factors that can increase your childs likelihood of having nasal congestion. Baby congestion is more likely to occur if you and your child live in a dry or high altitude climate. This is a very common cause of a stuffy nose dry air can irritate the nasal passage and cause congestion, and in some cases cause a sinus infection or sinusitis. If your baby was born premature they may be more prone to congestion and stuffy nose. Babies born by Caesarean section are also at a higher risk for congestion. The risk for baby congestion is increased in babies born to mothers with diabetes.

Ways To Help Your Congested Baby Breathe

One of the most common ailments that newborns face is congestion. If you have a congested baby on your hands, youre probably concerned and looking for ways to help your little one breathe better. Youre in luck! This post from the baby experts at Mustela will tell you just that.

Well start by explaining symptoms to watch for as well as what might be causing your babys congestion. Then well show you 13 easy ways to help your congested baby breathe easy.

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Run A Cool Air Humidifier

Most of us have the heat on in our homes during the winter months, and that dry air can stuff up a baby’s nose. Keeping a cool air humidifier going in their room can offer some relief and prevent stuffiness. Keep the humidifier clean to prevent fungus from growing. This is an especially useful remedy for a baby’s stuffy nose at night!

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How to Help an Infant with a Stuffy Nose Breathe Better

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, over-the-counter cough and cold medicine makers have responded to the FDA ruling that their products must not be given to children under age four by removing them from store shelves. Research has shown these products offer little benefit to young children, and can have potentially serious side effects and a high chance of overdose when mixed with other medications.

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How To Help A Toddler Blow Their Nose

In young toddlers, a nasal aspirator or Swedish snot sucker is still your best bet for removing excess mucus, Dr. Sniderman says. But have you ever tried to get a toddler to sit still, let alone sit still for mucus extraction? With a little coaching, you can help your older toddler get the hang of blowing their own nose.

Just hold a tissue over your childs nose and tell them to close their mouth and pretend to blow out birthday candles or blow bubbles with their nose, she says. It might take a few tries for your child to understand the concept, so keep practicing. And dont despair if they dont catch on right away it takes some kids longer to learn.

Some 2-year-olds can blow their nose, but some kids are much older before they can do it, Dr. Sniderman says. Its kind of a coordination thing they have to be able to close their mouth and blow out their nose.

Use saline drops and humidifiers to thin out mucus

Regardless of your childs age, if mucus is too thick to remove, Dr. Sniderman suggests using a few drops of over-the-counter saline nasal spray to help thin it out.

A humidifier can also help make mucus removal easier.

Dont forget to wash up

Whether youre still at the snot-sucker stage or your child is learning to blow their own nose, remember to wash your hands afterwards and frequently, in general.

Washing your hands is the best way to keep illness from spreading, Dr. Sniderman says.

Tips And Tricks For Clearing Your Babys Or Toddlers Nose:

1. Pump with a saline nasal spray

Most infants, babies and toddlers can have a lot of improvement with spraying saline in their noses and letting them sneeze out the boogers.

2. Suck them out with a nasal aspirator

A nasal aspirator in combination with a saline spray can work well in getting all the gunk out.

The problem, however, is that there are a lot of products out there today, but only a few that work really well. And some that are a little bit much for some parents to stomach, such as devices where you suck out boogers with your mouth. Dr. Skirko suggests a newer product that has a pump and an ergonomic design called Dr. Noze Best. Instead of using your mouth, it uses battery-powered suction to clear nasal congestion in babies and children.

Although nasal aspirators can be effective, limit how often you use them as they might cause swelling from the trauma, Dr. Skirko said. You can push up gently on the tip of your childs nose and look in with a cellphone light for thick, crusty boogers. If present, suction can help. If not, suction doesnt help swelling.

3. Try a steam session

Steam can work wonders for babies and adults when they have nasal congestion. Try steaming up the bathroom with a hot shower and sitting with your baby or toddler for a few minutes. If it gets too hot or your baby is uncomfortable, get some fresh air.

4. Elevate the crib mattress

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Remove Irritants From Your Babys Environment

As we mentioned earlier, your baby is extremely sensitive to air irritants like pollen, dirt, dust, and pet dander. An effective way to help your congested baby is to remove the obvious irritants from your babys environment.

Dust and sweep your home regularly. Leave windows closed when its windy and in the springtime when plants are blooming. If your little one seems extra sensitive, consider purchasing an air filter for your home.

Additionally, if youre looking for a way to freshen up your home, choose products that are non-irritating. These can safely be used to freshen up and perfume your babys nursery and linens.

When Should I Call The Pediatrician For A Babys Stuffy Nose

How to clear your baby’s stuffy nose

Most of the time, a common cold is to blame for a stuffy nose, but for babies who don’t just have occasional nasal congestion, or if it’s paired with other symptoms like a fever or pain, a trip to the pediatrician may be in order.

“There are many causes of nasal congestion, but if the problem is long-lasting or associated with a fever or other symptoms a consultation with a physician is a first step to rule out allergies, reflux or an upper respiratory infection,” Daniel Lewin, associate director of Sleep Medicine at Childrens National tells Romper. “Nasal congestion can also be caused by mouth breathing and can be associated with snoring. Both of these problems are signs of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and should be brought to the attention of your pediatric specialist.”

Additionally, it’s important to monitor your baby’s feedings to make sure that their nasal congestion isn’t interfering with their ability to eat, as this can also be a sign that your child’s physician needs to get involved.

“Newborns have a hard time feeding well if they cant breathe through their noses, so if you notice that your newborn is taking an unusually long time to feed or seems to be short of breath with feeds, seek care,” Hill tells Romper. “Always call if your baby is wheezing, making a grunting sound with each breath, or if you notice the skin pulling between or under the ribs or over the breastbone.”


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Wedges Under The Crib Mattress

The AAP’s safe sleep recommendations include placing your baby on their back to sleep on a firm, flat surface like a crib or a bassinet. The use of wedges or other devices is not recommended, as propping up your baby may increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome .

When To Contact Your Pediatrician

While nasal congestion due to allergens, pollutants, or mild colds will generally go away on their own within a few days, youll want to monitor your baby to ensure her condition doesnt become more serious. If you notice any of the following signs, its best to contact your pediatrician, rather than continue to treat symptoms at home:

  • If your baby is wheezing, grunting, or having trouble breathing These signs could indicate chest congestion, rather than nasal congestion, which could mean your baby is suffering from a more serious health concern, such as bronchiolitis or the flu.
  • If you noticeyourchildsnoseflaring This is a sign that means your little one is laboring for each breath and needs medical attention.
  • If symptoms become worse Worsening symptoms may also indicate a more serious illness, like a bacterial infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics.
  • If your baby develops a fever If your babys temperature reaches 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, contact your pediatrician to schedule an appointment.
  • If you notice signs of dehydration These include a dry diaper for 6 hours or more, constipation, increased fussiness, rapid breathing, a quickened heartbeat, dry mouth, and cold hands.

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How To Put Nose Drops Into The Childs Nose

  • Lay your baby on his back.
  • Put 3-4 drops into each nostril using the nose dropper. The nose drops may make the baby sneeze .
  • After giving the nose drops, hold your baby with his head back for about a minute. This will give the saline time to thin the mucus. Then, suction with the bulb syringe.
  • Do not use any other type of medicine nose drops unless prescribed by the doctor.
  • Caution: Remember to use saline drops and perform suctioning before feeding. The combination of saline and suctioning may cause vomiting. Suctioning will also make it easier for your child to breathe during his feeding.

    If you have any questions, be sure to ask your doctor or nurse.

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    What Causes Our Babys Stuffy Nose

    How can I clear my child

    As stated above, when we have a cold or something similar, our noses get inflamed. The tissues, blood vessels, and nasal polyps inside your nose become swollen with extra fluid and it creates that very âfullâ or âstuffyâ feeling. With our little babes, their noses are so tiny! So a little inflammation for us is very different compared to their tiny baby congested nose. And does it seem like your baby is more congested at night? This isnât just to spite you poor, hard working parents! Our bodies react differently to allergens at night and as much as we need gravity, it is not helpful when it comes to a babyâs stuffy nose at night. Mucus builds up and has nowhere to go, increasing nasal congestion.

    You know whatâs really common beginning at 6 months of age? The common cold. You know what else? Teething. Great, I know. Another mystery of wondering what ailment your little one is dealing with. So, do babies get stuffy noses while theyâre teething? Usually not. Teething can sometimes be related to a runny nose due to inflammation of the mouth and gums, but if what youâre seeing in your infant is nasal congestion, itâs likely the common cold. The good news is that neither of these are cause for alarm or a reason to see the pediatrician, unless other symptoms arise that weâll discuss shortly.

    Our babies can have a stuffy nose with no other symptoms but oftentimes, our babyâs stuffy nose can come with other symptoms.

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    Immediate Relief For Your Babys Nasal Congestion

    If it appears that your infant has nasal congestion and it is bothering her, you can follow this two-step process to help clear her nose. Do this every few hours, and ideally 15 to 20 minutes before a feeding or bedtime:

  • Use saline drops or spray. Two drops or sprays per nostril are enough. Avoid nose drops or sprays that have any additional medication.

  • Use a bulb syringe for clearing out any mucus. Clear your babyâs nose immediately after using the saline drops or spray. To use a bulb syringe, squeeze the bulb part first before gently inserting the syringe into your babyâs nostril. Then slowly release the bulb in order to suction out the mucus.

  • Before using the nose dropper, spray, or bulb syringe, make sure that the item has been thoroughly washed with soap and water, then rinsed with clean water, and allowed to dry completely.

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    How To Clear Baby Stuffy Nose

    There are treatment aids to clear baby stuffy nose. These include:

    Vaporizers or humidifiers: Where nose stuffiness is being caused by dry air, humidifiers and vaporizers will help moisten dry air. This will help to relieve nasal congestions. Where one has none of these, boiling water and placing it in the room where the baby is will serve the same purpose.

    When being used in the bedroom, one should ensure the moisture is not directed to the crib as the steam may end up making the blankets humid.

    Nasal Aspirators: Where the baby is too young to blow their nose, an infant nasal aspirator may be used to remove thick and sticky nasal discharge. This though only gives temporary relieve. Avoid inserting Q-tips and cotton swabs inside the babys nostrils as this may lead to long term damage.

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    Does Your Congested Baby Need To See A Doctor

    As weve already stated, having a congested baby is nothing out of the ordinary. However, there are some symptoms that may be problematic and will require a trip to see the doctor.

    If your baby shows any of the following signs, head to your pediatricians office right away.

    • Difficulty breathing, particularly trouble inhaling
    • Rattling, raspy, or wheezing noises while breathing
    • Coughing up blood or bloody mucus draining from the nose
    • Severe congestion that lasts more than four to five days

    If your little one has any of these symptoms, see a healthcare professional ASAP.

    There Are Some Treatments For Baby Coughs Colds And Blocked Noses

    How to Relieve a Baby’s Stuffy Nose
    • Make sure your baby is getting plenty of milk.
    • Your pharmacist or health visitor can explain how to use saline nose drops to help loosen dried snot and relieve a stuffy nose.
    • Use childrens paracetamol or ibuprofen only if your child under five years old has a fever or appears distressed, checking the label for age limits and conditions.

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    Baby Colds Are Generally Not A Reason To See A Gp

    If your baby is feeding, drinking, eating and breathing normally and there’s no wheezing, there isn’t usually anything to worry about. However, see your GP or call 111 if:

    • they have a high temperature or are hot and shivery
    • their cough has lasted for more than three weeks.

    If your child is having trouble breathing, go to the emergency department or contact 999 .

    If a cough lasts for a long time and is worse at night or after running around, then it could be asthma . For more information about when to call your GP about your baby, see our article here.

    What Causes A Stuffed Or Blocked Nose In A Young Baby

    Apart from womb fluid in newborns, blocked nose in babies is likely to be for the same reason as in anyone else they have a cold. Its perfectly normal for babies to have up to eight colds a year. They are more likely to get colds, as they havent built up the same immunity as adults. There are hundreds of different cold viruses and your little one doesnt yet have immunity to any of them so its no surprise that your babys runny nose is a common occurrence.

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    Newborn Stuffy Nose Treatment Or How To Treat Newborn With A Nose That Is Stuffy

    The safest way to treat a newborn with a stuffy nose is by using a nasal spray. One should lay the baby on his back and slightly tilt his head but without forcing them to. Pour two or three drops of the saline solution into each nostril. The baby may experience sneezing as a result. This helps to thin any dry mucus that may have stuck in the nasal passage.

    A bulb syringe which is also known as a nasal aspirator is another way to trea

    t stuffy or clogged nose in newborns. It helps to suck out mucus. One should go for one that is suitable for the tiny nostrils of a newborn. The way to use it is by squeezing out all air from the bulb and inserting the tip into the babys nostril. Take care not to go too far up. After this,release the pressure applied and take the syringe out. Get rid of the mucus by squeezing it on a piece of tissue. Do the same for the other nostril.This leaves the nose clear and helps to ease breathing in a newborn.

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