Choose The Right Bottle For Your Baby
If youve ever browsed the feeding section of a baby store, you know that bottle options are seemingly endless.
There are bottles designed for colicky babies, gassy babies, and breastfed babies. Its daunting. The confounding truth is that some babies will take any old bottle you throw at them, while others will be far more discerning.
You might have to try a few different brands to find the one for your baby. If you have a gassy guzzler, you could go with one that uses a venting system. If youve been exclusively nursing up until now, you can try one that more readily resembles the shape and feel of mamas breast.
You may also want to pick a bottle that has fewer parts to clean and reassemble. Youll appreciate the lack of steps during that 2 a.m. feeding session.
Furthermore, start with a slow-flow nipple, and upgrade when your baby seems eager to get more milk, faster.
Feel Good About Your Choice
The A.A.P. recommends that women breastfeed exclusively for about the first six months of life, and then continue breastfeeding while giving solid foods for at least a year.
Exclusive breastfeeding for six months without additional solids or formula provides the strongest protection against gastrointestinal and respiratory infections during infancy. But partial breastfeeding does still provide some protections against diarrhea, ear infections, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and respiratory infections like pneumonia.
Note though, that this protection against infection lasts only as long as you are breastfeeding, said Dr. Kramer.
Some studies also suggest that breastfeeding can confer additional lifelong protection against obesity, eczema, asthma and allergies, as well as a slight boost in I.Q., though many of the studies showing these long-term benefits have major methodological issues, according to the A.A.P.
Women sometimes hear that just one drop of formula will change a babys microbiome the mélange of bacteria, fungi, and other microscopic bugs that line the skin and gastrointestinal system. Such changes, they are warned, may have lifelong consequences for their babies immune and metabolic health.
Some popular breastfeeding websites also warn that using formula can shorten the breastfeeding relationship.
Why Is My Baby Sometimes Sick After Feeds
It’s normal for babies to bring up a little milk during or just after a feed. This is called possetting, regurgitation or reflux.
Keep a muslin square handy just in case.
Check that the hole in your baby’s teat is not too big. Drinking milk too quickly can make your baby sick.
Do not force them to take more milk than they want during a feed. This may be distressing for your baby and can lead to overfeeding.
Sitting your baby upright on your lap after a feed may help.
If it happens a lot, or your baby is violently sick, seems to be in pain or you’re worried for any other reason, talk to your health visitor or GP.
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How Much Fluid Should A Newborn Puppy Take In A Day
The quantity of intake depends on the newborns weight. Obviously, different breeds of puppies will weigh different amounts at birth. For example, small breeds-from 75 to 350 grams medium-from 200 to 300 grams large-from 400 to 850 grams.
A general rule: feed a puppy 180 ml of fluid per kilogram of body weight. At a thousand grams in a kilogram, a medium puppy, would need between 36 and 54 gm per day. As the newborn grows and increases in weight, increase the size of the feedings. How will you know? By weighing the puppies once a day, at the same time, and increasing the fluid accordingly. There will be individual differences among the litter mates some will take a bit more at a feeding, some a bit less. If the pups show steady weight gain and normal stool, all is well. If pups develop diarrhea, back off the amount of formula or dilute with a little water. If the stool continues to be diarrhea, it may be sign of a more serious problem. Then its time to notify the vet.
What You Will Need To Bottle Feed
When it comes to bottle feeding, there are a few must-have items that you should stock up on: bottles and nipples. Learning how to introduce a bottle begins by choosing the right bottle for your baby so that he or she can feed efficiently and safely. And with so many choices of bottles and nipples, we know this decision can feel overwhelming at times.
We recommend that you choose a bottle with an anti-colic valve built into the nipple to help reduce any stomach discomfort. You should also consider a bottle that is easy to hold and that is BPA free. If you are exclusively bottle feeding your newborn, try this anti-colic baby bottle that is clinically proven to reduce fussing and discomfort. It has a flexible teat for easy latch-on, as well as a built-in anti-colic valve to make for quick and simple cleanings after feeding your little one.
And if you plan on both breastfeeding and bottle feeding, consider this natural baby bottle designed with unique comfort petals to increase softness and flexibility without nipple collapse. Its ultra-soft nipple and overall design is ideal for combination feeding.
What you need
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How To Bottle Feed A Baby
Whether youre using a bottle in addition to breastfeeding or you and baby use the bottle exclusively, certain bottle feeding techniques and positions can give you and baby a happier, healthier bottle-feeding experience. Check out the definitions and pros and cons to each, then speak with your pediatrician, lactation consultant or feeding specialist for advice before making any major changes to your feeding routines.
Bottle Feeding Techniques
Paced Feeding
Also called Paced Responsive Feeding, paced feeding is a technique that mimics breastfeeding. It encourages baby to take control of the process and recognize when they are feeling full. The goal is to help baby eat more slowly and work harder for the milk just like they would in breastfeeding. It works like this: Baby sits more upright and you tickle babys lips with the bottle. Once baby makes rooting cues, you place the nipple in babys mouth and hold the bottle horizontally. Some moms even wait to let the milk reach the nipple of the bottle so it mimics the letdown process in breastfeeding. Then, every 20 or 30 seconds, you tip the nipple towards the top of babys mouth to stop milk flow. With paced feeding, you also switch sides as you would in breastfeeding. Check out this video for more information on paced feeding.
Potential Benefits to Paced Feeding:
- Over-and-under feeding may become less of an issue
- Feeding in this position becomes easier for baby
- Helps baby develop their own understanding of satiety
Prepare Your Formula Or Breast Milk Bottle
Feeding with formula? There are three types to choose from: powder, concentrate, and ready-to-pour.
Ready-to-pour formula is the easiest option of the three. It involves no preparation and is as simple as opening and pouring it. You can purchase small, individual bottles that come with nipples, which are especially useful for those early infant feedings, or opt for larger bottles that need to be refrigerated. Either way, its fairly foolproof.
When using powder, youll need to measure out portions and mix them well with suitable water. Its important to follow the directions and use the recommend water-to-formula ratio. Using too much water can dilute the nutrients using not enough can cause dehydration. Both of these possibilities can have dangerous consequences, so use caution and care.
Similarly, concentrate formulas require a safe water source. Once again, measuring appropriately is key.
If youre breastfeeding, preparing a bottle is pretty straightforward. Just pour pumped fresh or frozen breast milk into a bottle, and warm it up . Be sure to double-check the pump date, though thawed and/or refrigerated breast milk has a short shelf life.
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Reflux Issues Can Cause Pain With Eating
Babies can get heartburn, too! When a baby has reflux, food and stomach acid flow from the tummy back into the esophagus .
Reflux causes babies to feel discomfort or pain when eating, which understandably affects feeding. Symptoms that may point to reflux issues include:
- Arching or stiffening their back when feeding
- Crying, fussing and getting red or watery eyes while feeding
- Coughing regularly during feedings or right after them
- Refusing to drink or accepting only 1 ounce of milk or less
- Falling asleep while feeding
When Baby Doesnt Finish The Bottle Or Goes To Sleep While Feeding
Dont worry if your baby doesnt finish the bottle. Babies are very good at judging how much they need, so you can let your baby decide when theyve had enough infant formula or breastmilk.
If your baby goes to sleep during a feed, put baby over your shoulder, rub their back, and stroke their head, legs and tummy. This can help to wake your baby up. A nappy change is a good way to wake your baby up if that doesnt work.
Wait until your baby is properly awake before offering the rest of the formula or breastmilk.
Always throw away any leftover infant formula or breastmilk after one hour. Storing half-empty bottles for future use is risky because they get contaminated quickly once theyve been sucked on.
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Your Baby Falls Asleep Mid
First check that shes actually asleep. She may be sucking so blissfully that she appears to have gone off to La-La Land, but in fact shes simply taking her sweet time sucking down the contents of her bottle.
If she really has nodded off, gently rouse her enough to finish off the meal. Try undressing her a little, tickling her feet, burping her, switching positions or even pausing for a diaper change.
One more thing to keep in mind: Frequent feeding fiestas could be a sign that mealtime is spilling into naptime. In that case, it might be worth adjusting your sweeties feeding schedule.
How To Get Baby To Take A Bottle
Even if youre planning to exclusively breastfeed, at some point youll likely need some pointers on how to get baby to take a bottle. I tell my clients to introduce baby to a bottle once breastfeeding has been established, which depends on each mother-baby dyad, but on average, its around one month, ODay says. Even if theyre not planning to regularly bottle-feed, doing so can give peace of mind if an emergency comes up, and can also be a way for mom to get a break.
Some babies take a bottle no problemafter all, sucking is an instinctive reflex, which is why bottle-fed babies tend to get the hang of it in the first few days of life. But other breastfed babies may initially be reluctant to take a bottle. And sometimes breastfed babies have no issue taking a bottle when theyre one month old, but if a bottle hasnt been regularly offered, by 3 or 4 months of age, theyre less happy to accept a bottle. Bottle resistance is pretty common, but luckily there are some tried-and-true tips for what to do when baby is refusing a bottle.
Offer often. Even if youre breastfeeding, ODay recommends giving baby at least one bottle a week, once breastfeeding has been established. That way its part of their routine, so theyre less likely to resist it, she says.
Let others try bottle-feeding. Some moms have success leaving the house and allowing their partner to try feeding baby a bottle. Again, try it at a time thats not babys must-feed time.
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How To Initiate The Feed
As with many things in life, feeding your baby is a learning process. You may find that bub instantly takes to the Minbie, however it may also take a few attempts. Either way its fine. Take your time, enjoy the precious moments you get to share together and know that with Minbie you are offering your little one the very best feeding experience and the closest thing to your own breast. This not only protects their technique but also gifts you the freedom of being able to safely hand over to dad without any risk to breastfeeding.
Your Baby Sleeps A Lot
If your baby sleeps a lot, you probably wonder whether you should wake her to feed. Knowing whats best isnt always easy. You can follow her routine and let her sleep if she
- Wakes up on her own to feed
- Is an active and effective feeder
- Pees at least 6 times and passes at least 3 stools a day
- Is calm and seems satisfied after feeding
- Has regained her birth weight and continues to put on weight
In this case, there is nothing to worry about. Babies each have their own routine that develops over time.
You may need to wake your baby up to feed her if she sleeps a lot.
Some babies sleep so much they may skip some feedings, especially during the first 2 to 3 weeks. This means they will have a hard time getting all the milk they need. If your baby sleeps a lot and doesnt show the signs described above, you need to stimulate her to drink more.
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How Do I Know If My Baby Is Getting Enough Infant Formula
There are certain signs that will tell you if your baby is getting enough formula needed for them. For example, their weight gain and number of wet and soiled nappies. Generally, your baby should be producing around six wet nappies a few days after birth .
Read our article Is my baby feeding well and getting enough milk? to find out more.
How To Bottle Feed A Newborn Kitten
The life of a newborn kitten depends on ample nutrition. Due to different nuances of the mother cat behavior , a kitten can be alienated. Its a serious threat to a new life. So you must take on the role of a parent and make sure your kitten gets all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the growing body.
And the bottle feeding is a must-do thing in such a case. However, not everyone knows how to feed fluffies properly. Heres a detailed guide on how to nourish your baby cat.
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How To Make Up A Baby Bottle
The first step in learning how to introduce a bottle to your baby is knowing how to make up the bottle. Before you begin to make the bottle, clean and sterilize your babys bottle either with a commercial sterilizer or with a pan and boiling water.
Once you have cleaned the bottle and the surface that you will be using, as well as your hands, follow these steps to make up a bottle: 2
1. Boil the water. If you are using a pan, ensure that the water comes to a rolling boil and is not left for more than 30 minutes after boiling.
2. Read the formula packaging instructions. If you are giving your baby formula, refer to the instructions provided on the packaging to know how much water and powder you need.
3. Add the formula and water together. Add the water to the bottle and then the specified amount of formula in the sterilized bottle and mix it thoroughly by gently shaking the bottle.
4. Immediately cool the bottle. Once you have mixed the formula and water, hold the bottle under cold running water to cool it down to feeding temperature. But ensure that the level of the cooling water is below the bottle lid to avoid contaminating the feed. You can then dry the bottle with a towel after you have cooled it.
5. Check the temperature. Drip a little formula onto the inside of your wrist to check the temperature. The liquid should be lukewarm and if it is not, simply run it under some more cold water until it has reached the desired temperature.