Is Gripe Water Safe For Newborns

How To Give Gripe Water To A Baby

Is gripe water safe for my baby?

Dont give your baby gripe water without first reading the instructions, and only give your baby the recommended dosage.

If your baby suffers from colic, the pain may come in waves and worsen after each feeding. You can give gripe water immediately after feedings to help your baby avoid gas pain.

Gripe water typically has a pleasant taste, so some babies dont mind taking a dose. You might be tempted to mix gripe water with your babys formula or breast milk. Thats perfectly safe, but for maximum results you should give your baby gripe water by itself.

Best Gripe Water For Babies

If youve had the chat with your pediatrician and are interested in trying gripe water for baby, read the instructions carefully before offering it to your child, so you know exactly how much to give. Take a minute to also scan the ingredients, in case of an adverse reaction, and avoid formulas containing charcoal, sucrose or alcohol. Again, only purchase gripe water for babies made in the United States.

Here are a few options to check out:

How Much Does Gripe Water Cost And Where Can You Buy It In Stores Or Online

Gripe water for babies in India is available in many stores and can also be bought online.

Gripe water offers your baby great value for money as it helps them feel better and more relaxed when they are fussy or colicky and have gas pains.

It is safe to use gripe water on newborns, but it should only be used after consulting your pediatrician for dosage instructions and safety guidelines.

Gripe water can help soothe babys stomach while feeding them or when they feel discomfort due to indigestion and gas buildup in their tummy.

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Weighing The Risks And Benefits

If youre curious and want to give gripe water a try, Dr. Vann says its important to weigh the risks and benefits and talk with your pediatrician about your babys symptoms. If you have a one-month-old whos crying so much youre up all night, then he needs to be seen by a doctor, says Dr. Vann. This is one of the reasons why gripe water is not recommended for newborns.

Gripe Water For Colic

Gripe Water for Babies: Is It Safe to Give or Not?

Many families turn to gripe water in the hope of a magic cure for their colicky baby. But can gripe water help colic?

What isgripe water?

Gripe water is an over the counter liquid remedy to help aid colic in babies which usually contains a mix of herbs and sodium bicarbonate.

It can be overwhelming for parents when there is such a large range of colic remedies available. In this article, I am going to run through the most popular gripe waters and tell you what they contain and how they work to settle your crying baby.

Woodwards Gripe Water for Colic

Woodwards contains dill oil, which is claimed to settle griping tummies by soothing the muscles. It also contains sodium bicarbonate which is thought to neutralise stomach acid. However, the sodium bicarbonate can cause a chemical reaction with the stomach acid in your babys tummy. It can create more gas, making your babys colic worse. This gripe water can be administered to babies from the age of 1 month old.


Mommys Bliss

This gripe water contains fennel and ginger to settle and soothe little tummies but it also contains sodium bicarbonate. It also contains potassium sorbate as a preservative. The manufacturer recommends giving this tonic to babies from 2 weeks old.

BootsGripe Water

Boots chemist has its own gripe water, which is apple flavoured. The active ingredient is sodium bicarbonate and it contains corn syrup , amongst other E numbers. It doesnt contain any herbs or other natural ingredients.

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What Exactly Is Gripe Water

Discovered by English pharmacist William Woodward in the 1850s while treating fen fever, the original mix of alcohol, dill, bicarbonate of soda, sugar and water, was adopted by physicians to soothe fretful babies.

Today it comprises mainly of bicarbonate of soda and dill seed oil, and works by breaking down trapped air bubbles that cause wind, a common symptom associated with colic.

When To Start Giving Gripe Water To My Baby

You can start giving gripe water to a baby after they are 1 month.

However, note there are some experts who suggest that you should not give it to an infant during the first six months of life.

This is because they consider that doing this may increase the risk of introducing bacteria that causes allergies and can irritate the babys intestines.


Please make sure you speak to your paediatrician and ALWAYS read the label before giving anything to your baby.

AquaTru Water Filter

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Do *not* Use Gripe Water For Babies Until You Read This

Why is gripe water for babies?

Well we all know that crying is primarily how babies communicate.

However, although crying is normal, sometimes parents find that their baby cries too much. This is despite them being well nourished and changed.

If your baby is crying uncontrollably then it may indicate a different kind of problem such as teething or colic.

A baby with colic can cry for several hours non-stop and this can be both frustrating and scary for new parents.

The exact cause of colic is not known but some people believe it is due to abdominal discomfort from gas.

The good news is that it can be fairly easy to solve a colic problem through a herbal remedy of gripe water for babies.


Gripe water are over-the-counter products that can help relieve the symptoms of colic in babies.

Some people describe colic as being when a baby has stomach pains from gas.

Gripe water is a herbal remedy in liquid form. It is fairly safe for babies to drink and full of natural ingredients.

There are many variations, but most formulas contain a mixture of different herbs that include:

  • Ginger.
  • Lemon balm.
  • Licorice.

All of the herbs in gripe water a natural ways to help with digestion and that is why it is usually helpful in treating colic caused by gas. You should also know that gripe water can sometimes help treat the pain of teething and discomfort of hiccups.

When To Give Gripe Water To Your Baby

Gripe Water Safe For Babies? | Parenting Tip | AwwWorld

Gripe water should preferably be given only when your baby shows signs of colic, indigestion or flatulence and cant be soothed by any other means. You must avoid giving it to him on an empty stomach since the stomach lining in babies is delicate and could be affected by the alkaline sodium bicarbonate.

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Main Differences Between Gripe Water Vs Gas Drops

The main differences between Gripe Water vs Gas Drops are:

  • Gripe water is a herbal supplement, whereas gas drops are considered a medical treatment.
  • The main components of gripe water are sodium bicarbonate and herbs, whereas the primary active ingredient of gas drops is simethicone.
  • Gripe water helps soothe stomach pains by offsetting the stomach acid, whereas gas drops decrease the surface tension of tiny bubbles, which forces these small bubbles to join a bigger bubble and makes it easier for babies to pass.

Does Gripe Water Cause Any Side Effects

Gripe water side effects are not common, but in rare circumstances babies under one month may experience vomiting, Fisher says. You should also watch for any possible indications of an allergy to gripe water for babies, including diarrhea, hives and itchy skin. If you notice any of these symptoms after giving baby gripe water, call your pediatrician. Of course, any sign of anaphylaxis, such as swelling of the lips or tongue and difficulty swallowing or breathing, warrants immediate medical attention.

Generally speaking, you should avoid giving baby large quantities of any medicine, including gripe water. While there are very few commonly reported side effects, infants can get used to a sweet taste and may temporarily reject breastmilk or formula, Woods cautions. Before trying any gripe water for your infant, its a good idea to consult babys pediatrician.

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How Do You Give A Baby Gripe Water

If you buy an over-the-counter boxed brand, make sure you read the instructions carefully they can differ from brand to brand. Other than that, the box should give you clear details about how to administer gripe water to your child. The bottles usually come with their own little droppers or syringe for easy use. As you may have guessed from the ingredient list, gripe water can have a strong flavor that isnt pleasing to babies. Should your little one decide they dont like it, you can try mixing it with breast milk or formula. However, its considered most effective on its own.

To administer, its first important to note that you should never give liquids to a crying baby. Hold your baby upright and insert the syringe against the inside corner of your babys cheek. Administer slowly, allowing your baby to swallow after each application.

Watch for allergies when introducing any new foods or medication to a baby, if your baby develops hives, turns red, or acts fussy, immediately call your pediatrician for a consult.

What Do Our Mums Think About Gripe Water

Can I give my baby gripe water?

Theres plenty of chat on our forum about gripe water, and some great tips from our mums.

Ive used gripe water with my children since they were 4 weeks old and never had a problem with it. My fourth child didnt like the taste, so I used to put it into his milk, says Mummy X5.

Sunnymum22 found it useful to dip her babys dummy in it to help him settle down, and Suzanne3 says she was counting down the days until she could give it to her son.

She found it really helped ease his colic but now, she says, I only use it when I think hes suffering with severe trapped wind.

JoJoakerman found that Infacol started working for my baby straight away. After a couple of uses I saw an instant improvement as she was burping easier and appeared a lot calmer.

And Cupcakemummy has a top tip: I find Infacol and Dentinox are more preventative, but Woodwards Gripe Water is definitely the best for getting rid of wind.

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Gripe Water : What You Need To Know

Gripe Water 101: What You Need to Know

When your baby has gas buildup, colic, or abdominal discomfort it can be a very difficult time for baby and parents. Crying, lack of sleep and the overall discomfort that gas and colic bring can have parents desperate to find some relief for baby. Luckily there is Gripe Water, a tried and tested remedy for fussy babies, great for relieving discomfit caused by colic, hiccups, and other issues related to stomach discomfort.


Gripe water is a time-tested herbal supplement that helps to ease infants symptoms of gas, colic, hiccups, and fussiness. Mommys Bliss Gripe Water contains fennel seed, and ginger root, which can ease the nausea and discomfort caused by stomach gas and other colic symptoms. Mothers have used many variations of gripe water for generations, with todays products focusing on quality ingredients.


Gripe water is made with many natural ingredients to ensure it is safe for your baby, made of various mixes of herbs that make it incredibly mild for an infant digestive system. Mild enough for a babys developing digestive system, yet effective enough to bring peace and quiet to the home.

Mommys Bliss Gripe Water is made with safe & gentle ingredients and does not have gluten, alcohol, dairy, soy, or parabens.


Several issues gripe water can be used for including:


Do I Need Gripe Water

Gripe water is marketed as a remedy for gas pain and stomach problems, two extremely common issues when it comes to babies and their immature digestive systems. Its also said to help with things like hiccups and colic.

But does gripe water really work? Unfortunately, the jurys still out on that one. While many parents swear by it, the evidence behind gripe water is mostly anecdotal.

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Can I Make My Own Gripe Water

Yes, you can! Fennel water, a type of gripe water, has been used for centuries to ease the discomfort of colic in babies caused by gas and constipation. You should always consult your childs doctor, however, before you give anything new to a newborn and always be on alert for allergies. That said, you can boil some fennel seeds over a slow simmer for 10 minutes and let cool to room temperature. Strain all the seeds and follow the same procedure as gripe water when giving to the baby.

Choosing Between Gripe Water And Gas Drops

Is Gripe Water Safe for Babies ?

Choosing between gripe water and gas drops can be difficult because neither treatment has been proven to treat colic. Also, introducing any new medication to your baby could cause an allergic reaction.

It can be very baby-specific if a little ones colic will get better with gripe water or gas drops.

One way to determine what may help most is to think about babys colic symptoms. If your babys stomach seems firm and they constantly draw their legs toward their stomach to relieve built-up gas, then gas drops may be a better option. If your baby seems to respond more to soothing techniques, gripe water may be the preferred treatment choice. However, there is no evidence that one or the other will work in either case.

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Alternatives To Gripe Water

If you have a baby who is unusually fussy, has problems with digestion, or you suspect has colic, it is best to work with a pediatrician or doctor to try to find a solution. There may be an underlying medical condition, such as acid reflux or food sensitivity, that can be treated.

If your doctor has ruled out these medical issues and your baby is still extremely fussy or colicky, there are some other remedies you can try before resorting to the use of gripe water. Here are a few things that may help calm your baby:

  • Learn to swaddle your baby so they feel snug and secure
  • Cut common irritants out of your diet if you are a breastfeeding mother, including caffeine, spicy foods, and dairy
  • Ask your pediatrician for recommendations on a gentler or allergen-free formula if you are formula feeding or try a new bottle
  • Wear your baby in a sling around the house when they are fussy
  • Try using white noise or standing by a faucet with the water running
  • Rub your baby’s tummy in gentle, circular motions to help move gas
  • Apply very light pressure to your baby’s tummy or increase their tummy play time during the day
  • Bicycle your baby’s legs to see if the movement helps move gas along
  • Take a car ride, use a baby swing, or determine if another type of movement helps calm your baby
  • Try walking or dancing with your baby to see if that alleviates the fussiness
  • Learn how to give an infant massage

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