What Temperature For A Newborn Bath

Tips To Keep Your Baby Warm While Bathing

Newborn Baby Bath Temperature
  • Ensure that the bathroom or room where youre bathing your infant is warm before you begin.
  • You can use a space heater if needed to warm up a cool bathroom.
  • It is advisable to bathe your baby in a smaller room thats enclosed, rather than a large open area like the living room.
  • It is recommended to keep all doors and windows closed to avoid drafts.
  • After giving your infant a bath, wrap the little one immediately in a soft fluffy towel and cover the head with a hood.
  • Pat the infant dry before dressing them. You can use baby wipes to clean the corner of the eyes and the neck areas. It is advisable to choose the ones that are devoid of artificial fragrances, paraben and preservatives like phenoxyethanol.

Temperatures Suitable For A Hot Water Bath

Hot bathing water for the elderly should not exceed 42 degrees Celsius . If the elderly is renowned for impaired temperature perception and lives alone, his/her thermostat should get adjusted to slightly below 42 degrees Celsius . Same should get done to the elderly who responds quickly on contact with hot water. Burns may not result from water at this level, but it can affect the body in various ways. How fast one gets out of the water, and how long he/she has been in the water gets to determine the intensity of the damage done.

Blood vessels found on the skins surface dilate when in contact with hot water. As a result, blood flows from the bodys internal organs towards the skins surface. The body reacts this way as its way of dispelling excess heat to maintain the normal temperature level. But this excess blood flow is not good. Together with the subsequent compensatory mechanisms, it causes cardiovascular strain.

To the elderly, the heart starts working harder at 39 degrees Celsius , and it can result in a lot of problems. Now that you are aware of the right temperature for a hot bath, you may wonder if cold water is ideal for bathing. Continue reading to grasp some knowledge. You may also add essential oils for a relaxing bath.

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How To Bathe A Newborn Baby

Bathtime is an important time, as 1. Like many activities in these early weeks and months, its an opportunity to strengthen the bond between you and your baby1.

When that first bath time comes, theres a lot for parents to consider, from what products you need to use to the perfect bath temperature and depth. However, for your newborns first bath, its best to stick to a few tried and tested tips, including:

  • Check your baby is awake, and the room youre using is warm1
  • Your babys bath should be around 37 and 38C2 make sure you mix the water well to avoid hot patches1
  • Fill the bath with two to three inches of water this is usually deep enough for a newborn3
  • Ask someone else to fetch anything you forget so you can always stay with your baby4
  • Use one hand to support your babys head and neck while you bathe them5
  • Start with their face and gradually move down the rest of their body5
  • Keep bathtime short and always bathe your baby in a warm room so they retain their body heat6

If youre bathing your newborn while their umbilical cord stump is still attached its best to avoid getting it wet7. Sponge bathing may be the best method for keeping your little one clean in their first couple of weeks.

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What Happens If The Bath Water Is Too Hot Or Too Cold

There are serious implications to bathing the newborn with bath water that is either too hot or too cold. A bath that is too hot can scold the newborns skin leading to compromised skin integrity . The basin should be filled with water that feels warm, not hot, to the inside of the bathers wrist or elbow. A thermometer can be placed in the bath to check water temperature, if desired. The water heater on the faucet can also be set to a maximum of 48.8°C for added precaution. Bath water that is too cold can cause a significant drop in the newborns body temperature. In the event of hypothermia, which is a temperature of less than 35 °C , the newborn will experience cold stress. Cold stress is a condition in which heat loss exceeds the newborns ability to produce heat through non-shivering thermoneogenesis, and core body temperature cannot be sustained. Signs and symptoms include lethargy, muscle weakness, weight loss, restlessness, increased breathing rate, difficulty breathing and pale skin color. Prolonged cold stress will cause hypoxia , hypoglycemia , and possible heart damage.


  • Bath water that is too hot will scald the newborns skin
  • Bath water that is too cold will cause cold sress, a condition than can lead to hypoxia and hypoglycemia
  • Signs of cold stress include lethargy, pale skin color, difficulty breathing, and restlessness

How To Give Your Newborn A Bath

2020 Newborn Baby Bath Water Thermometer Cartoon Bear Shape Baby Shower ...

Your baby, who you carried in your tummy for nine months and whose birth you and your partner waited for excitedly, finally opens his/her eyes to the world. While your baby is getting used to life, you will learn new things too.

One of these is your baby’s first bath. When you give your baby, who has a soft and delicate body, his or her first bath, it is quite normal to feel uncomfortable, but you dont need be worried.

In baby care, regular baths are important for newborn babies, and a certain method should be followed. Therefore, in our first article in Moms Land, we will talk about the tips that will help you to give your baby his or her first bath.

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Answers To The Post Test

1) The basin should be filled with water that feels warm, not hot, to the inside of the bathers wrist or elbow. A thermometer can be placed in the bath to check water temperature, if desired.2) Use a mild liquid cleanser.3) Bathing should occur 2-3 times per week until the newborn is crawling.4) FALSE: For safety reasons, the basin should be filled with about two inches of water so that most of the newborns body and face are well above the water level.5) Cold6) Bath water temperature should be maintained between 37 – 37.5 °C 7) The bath should last approximately 5-10 minutes.

Is Water Enough For My Babys Bath

For the first month, plain water is recommended for your babys skin5. After this, you should start to use a gentle cleanser, as water doesn’t remove the fat-soluble impurities left behind under nappies and clothes. If they remain, they can cause the delicate skin barrier to break down. And hard water alone can actually dry your babys skin11.

A gentle baby specific cleanser like JOHNSON’S® TOP-TO-TOE® Wash is recommended to help cleanse effectively because it:

Removes impurities including fats and oils

Provides mild and gentle newborn care

Is suitable for use from day 1

Is formulated to minimise the risk of allergies

Is pH skin neutral

Discover our full range of baby skin and hair products to find the perfect one for your newborn.

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Topping And Tailing Tips

  • Hold your baby on your knee or lay them on a changing mat. Take off all their clothes, apart from their vest and nappy, and wrap them in a towel.
  • Dip the cotton wool in the water and wipe gently around your baby’s eyes from the nose outward, using a fresh piece of cotton wool for each eye. This is so that you don’t transfer any stickiness or infection from one eye to another.
  • Use a fresh piece of cotton wool to clean around your baby’s ears, but not inside them. Never use cotton buds to clean inside your baby’s ears. Wash the rest of your baby’s face, neck and hands in the same way and dry them gently with the towel.
  • Take off the nappy and wash your baby’s bottom and genital area with fresh cotton wool and warm water. Dry very carefully, including between the skin folds, and put on a clean nappy.
  • It will help your baby to relax if you keep talking while you wash them. The more they hear your voice, the more they’ll get used to listening to you and start to understand what you’re saying.

How Should A Newborn Bath Be

How To: Bath Your Baby

Every baby is different: she/he may not like water at all, or she/he may turn bath time into a game and make your work difficult with her movements. This is extremely natural. Your baby will eventually get used to bath time. You certainly shouldnt panic as parents.

When bathing a newborn baby, one of the most important points to consider is the umbilical cord, which should not get wet. In the first three weeks after birth, the umbilical cord will normally drop if not, your newborn babys bath should be done using a cloth or sponge soaked in warm water, with the baby on a soft surface. In this instance, you should wash your baby’s body section by section.

A small amount of bath soap and shampoo may be used in your babys bath, but should not be applied to your baby’s body directly. Ensure bath soap is dissolved in the water, and use a cloth or sponge to wash your babys skin and hair.

In the newborn bath, the water temperature is also very important. Water should be around the body temperature of 3637 degrees and room temperature should be around 2425 degrees.

Wipe your baby’s mouth, chin, neck and genitals often with soap-free wet wipes or a cloth or sponge. These parts of the babys body are the parts which easily get dirty.

Ensure that you rinse your babys skin and her body parts where folds form because any soap remaining on the babys skin can cause irritation.

Once your baby’s umbilical cord has fallen, you can bathe him/her in a tub lined with a soft towel.

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When To Give Newborns A Bath And How Often

You may start to bathe your baby soon after they are born however, its better to wait until theyre at least 24 hours old. Doctors advise giving your newborn up to three baths per week for reasonable amounts of time. Bathing your baby more frequently than that, especially with soap, may make their skin dry. In between baths, Its fine to clean their genitals using cotton pads and warm water.

Wondering when to give newborns a bath during the day? You can give a baby a bath at any time. Make sure you have enough time to be attentive and relaxed and limit chances of interruption. For the best possible experience, avoid bathing a baby when they are hungry or immediately after feeding them.

If your newborn likes bathing, a bath can be a relaxing part of their bedtime routine.

Check Your Water Boiler Temperature

Most modern water boilers/heaters can be set, so the hot water that runs from the boiler to your taps never gets too hot.

Unrestricted, the water that comes through the hot taps in your home can be as high as 140°F .

As an added safety measure when you have young kids in the home, consider adjusting your boiler to reduce the maximum hot water temperature available from your taps.

This is a helpful tip when youre trying to get babys bath temperature just right, but it will pay dividends when you have a curious toddler who is able to turn the taps on and off by themselves.

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Washing And Bathing Your Baby

You don’t need to bathe your baby every day. You may prefer to wash their face, neck, hands and bottom instead. This is often called “topping and tailing”.

Choose a time when your baby is awake and content. Make sure the room is warm. Get everything ready beforehand. You’ll need a bowl of warm water, a towel, cotton wool, a fresh nappy and, if necessary, clean clothes.

What Is The Safest Bath Temperature For Infants

Lovely Bear Baby Bath Water Thermometer Tub Kids Bath Temperature Water ...

Image: Shutterstock

The safest and most preferred bath temperature for newborns and infants is around 98.6° to 100° F . Bathing your child in water higher than the ideal temperature can burn their sensitive skin and even lead to dry skin. On the other hand, bathing them in cold water can cause chills.

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Does Bathing Help To Reduce A Babys Fever

Our mothers and grandmothers commonly used bathing as a way to bring down a childs fever.

When fever-reducing medicine is not at hand, a lukewarm bath or sponge bath doesnt harm a baby, and it may bring down the babys temperature. Bear in mind that if the water is too cold, it may have the opposite effect. The baby will start to shiver and, as we mentioned before, cause the temperature to rise instead of bringing it down.

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How Often Do Babies Need Baths

In your babys first year, they may only need about three baths a week. This is usually frequent enough if you wash the diaper area thoroughly every time you change your baby.

Bathing once a day or every other day is also OK, but any more frequently than that could dry out your babys skin. Thats especially the case if you use soap or other baby wash.

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How Can I Check The Bath Temperature For My Baby

Before you put your baby into their bath, always check the water temperature beforehand.

You can do this by dipping your elbow into the water. Dont use your hand because it can cope with higher temperatures and isn’t as sensitive. Mix the water well so there are no hot patches. Your baby’s bath temperature should feel neither warmer nor cooler than your elbow.

For extra reassurance and greater accuracy, you can use a bath thermometer to ensure the ideal temperature for your babys bath every time.

Bath water can cool down fast, so try to wash your little one quickly while it’s still at a comfortable temperature. If the water does cool too much before theyre ready to get out, you can take your baby out of the water and keep them warmly wrapped up in a towel. Empty out the cooled water, top it back up to temperature and resume your babys bath time.

How Do You Prevent Hypothermia During The Bath

How to Bathe a Newborn

Once the newborn is placed in the bath tub, further interventions can be employed to prevent heat loss during the bath. Newborns lose body heat through several mechanisms but the one that is most pertinent during the newborn bath is heat loss through evaporation as water dries from the body surface. For safety reasons, the basin should be filled with about two inches of water so that most of the newborns body and face are well above the water level, but water can be poured over the newborns body frequently to keep the newborn warm or a wash cloth can be placed over the newborns abdomen and chest to limit exposure to ambient air. The recommended bath length is five to ten minutes. This is plenty of time to thoroughly clean the newborn without leaving them exposed in the water for too long, as the water will rapidly cool. Following the bath, the newborn should immediately be covered, pat dry, and dressed because the newborn is extremely vulnerable to heat loss at this time.


  • Water can be poured over the newborns body frequently
  • A wash cloth can be placed over the newborns abdomen and chest to limit exposure to room air

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How To Wash Babys Scalp And Hair

Plan to wash your babys scalp or hair twice a week. To wash your babys scalp or hair, gently massage a baby shampoo into their hair, if they have any, or directly onto their scalp. Rinse it out by dabbing with a wet washcloth.

In a baby tub, you can also gently tip your babys head back and keep one hand over their forehead while you pour on some warm water. The water will spill over the sides of their head to rinse out the shampoo.

Gently washing your babys hair will not hurt a soft spot, but talk with your pediatrician if you have concerns. If your baby has cradle cap, you can gently brush your babys hair and scalp. But take care not to pick or scrape at their scalp.

How Much Water Should You Fill The Tub With

Whether youre using your bathtub, a baby bathtub, or a sink, keep the water level at a minimum to ensure your little ones safety. A common recommendation is about two inches of water. Some research indicates that having enough water to cover your babys shoulders helps keep them warm and calm. You might also consider periodically pouring water over your babys body to keep them warm during bath time.

No matter how much water you use, its important to keep a secure yet comfortable hold on your baby throughout their splish-splash time. And never leave your baby alone in the tub not even for a split second. Babies can quickly drown in as little as one inch of water.

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