How Are Newborns Supposed To Sleep

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Baby sleep: Tips for newborns
  • Newborns generally sleep 12 to 16 hours in a 24-hour period and do not know the difference between day and night.
  • Newborns need regular feeding, so they usually sleep in short periods.
  • Newborns sleep in short bursts, known as sleep cycles which are usually around 20 to 50 minutes long.
  • In the first three months of life, babies cry a lot it is their main way of communicating.
  • From approximately two weeks to three to four months of age, newborns go through a stage of increased crying, which will be at its worst at 6 to 8 weeks of age.

When Should I Seek A Doctor’s Help

Contact your healthcare provider if:

  • Your baby seems to be extremely fussy/irritable or cannot be soothed he/she may have a medical problem such as colic or reflux .
  • Your baby appears to have a breathing problem.
  • Your baby has a difficult time being awakened from sleep.
  • Your baby is uninterested in feeding or persistently shies away from activity.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 03/17/2020.


  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sudden Unexpected Infant Death and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Accessed 3/23/2020.
  • National Sleep Foundation. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sleep. Accessed 3/23/2020.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Pediatrics: Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2016 Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment. November 2016, 138. Accessed 3/23/2020.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Safe Sleep. Accessed 3/23/2020.
  • American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Sleep Education. Healthy Sleep Habits. Accessed 3/23/2020.

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Where Should Our Newborn Sleep

Your newborn can sleep in a bassinet or a crib. This can be located in a parents room, a siblings room or in the newborns own room. Its important that you have your baby sleep in a safe place. Your baby should not sleep in your bed with you. This is dangerous because of the risk of suffocation, strangulation and sudden infant death syndrome .

You can bring the baby into your bed for feedings, but should return the baby to a crib as soon as you are done. Many experts recommend feeding your child while in a chair to avoid any injury that can happen while sleeping in a bed with the baby. Room-sharing with your baby is recommended, but not bed-sharing.

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Day Baby Sleep Schedule

Baby sleep chart by – Age ~ No. of Naps ~ Nap Spacing ~ Day Sleep Notes ~ Approx Total Day Sleep

0 – 4 Months ~ On Demand ~ 45-120 mins awake time between naps. Nap irregularity in frequency and duration is common ~ No schedule yet, keep baby rested. Avoid over tiredness and long stretches of wakefulness. Dont be afraid to soothe your baby s/he needs sleep! Single sleep cycle naps are common in the second half of this phase. ~ Many babies will sleep 15-16 hours in 24 hours during first 2-3 months, then decreases to more like 14-15 hours +/- by 3-4 months.

4 – 6 Months ~ 4 down to 3 ~ 4 months single sleep cycle are still normal. By 5-6 months, babies are capable of lengthening naps. 2-2 ½ hours awake time between naps. On 3 nap pattern, third nap is shortest . ~ Schedule is emerging. Prioritise your babys naps, paying attention to sleep location and environment now. Start your day at a regular time , work towards three nap a day pattern with longer wake times between the naps by 6 months. ~ 3 – 4.5 hours.

6 – 9 Months ~ 3 down to 2 ~ 3 nap schedule: 2-2 ½ hours between naps 2 nap pattern: Ladder schedule. Approx. 2-3-4 hours between each sleep session starting with morning wake. ~ Schedule is solidifying, keep bed/wake times regular. With three good naps, night sleep may condense . When naps transition from 3 to 2, night sleep increases and ladder style schedule of increasing stretches of wakefulness after each nap. ~ 3 – 4 hours.

Important Things To Remember

Understanding the impacts of each and every sleeping position â estontorise
  • You should always place your baby on their back to sleep and not on their front or side
  • Sleeping a baby on their front or side greatly increases the chance of SIDS
  • It is important that you always put your baby on their back as part of their regular sleep routine the chance of SIDS is particularly high for babies who are sometimes placed on their front or side

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Pillows And Extra Bedding

Pillows are not necessary for babies they increase the risk of sudden death because they can cover the baby’s face or cause overheating. Older babies can climb on them and get out of the cot.

As a general rule, don’t introduce a pillow until your child starts to sleep in a bed.

Don’t leave toys or stuffed animals in the cot with a sleeping child.

What If My Baby Won’t Sleep In A Crib

Sometimes babies just dont want to transition from Mom or Dads cozy arms into their own crib, no matter how cute it looks.

If thats the case, blur the lines between you and the baby bed. Try calming him down in your arms until he’s drowsy, then gently place him directly onto the bed without losing skin-to-skin contact.

A little massage or patting should help him nod off too. Make sure the temperature in your baby’s room is comfortably warm. Dim the lights and put on a white noise machine or fan to drown out ambient sounds.

Swaddling baby or putting him into a sleep sack before placing him in the crib may make him feel extra secure and, hopefully, encourage him to fall asleep in his bed.

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Sleeping On The Couch With A Newborn In Your Arms Is Really Dangerous

We get it, falling asleep on the sofa with an infant curled up on your chest is one of the best feelings in the world. Many an exhausted new mom has nodded off for a bit while her sleeping baby is sprawled across her lap or nestled up all warm and cozy on a breastfeeding pillow. But according to the American Academy of Pediatrics , this kind of co-sleepingon a couch or armchairis a serious newborn sleep mistake. Its way more dangerous than co-sleeping in a bed, due to the risk of dropping or smothering the baby. If youre going to nap or sleep with your infant, opt for bed-sharing. And if youre going to co-sleep or bed-share, watch this video to make sure youre doing it safely.

How Much Should A Newborn Baby Sleep

Baby Sleep Guide from Newborn to 6 Months | CloudMom

Newborns require up to 18 hours of sleep during each 24-hour period. Most newborn babies sleep an average of 16 to 17 hours, however.

Unlike children and adults who generally sleep through the night in large, uninterrupted blocks of time, infants sleep in many short spurts throughout the day and night. Sleeping sporadically allows an infant to receive frequent feedings and the external stimulation needed for brain development.

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How Much Do Premature Babies Sleep

Preterm infants can spend up to 90% of each day asleep. Although most infants younger than three months old tend to sleep between 16 and 17 hours per day, parents of preterm infants should expect their baby to sleep longer. Preterm infants are also more likely to act drowsy rather than alert when they are not sleeping.

Parents of preterm babies shouldn’t compare their baby’s sleeping habits to those of full-term babies. Instead, they should discuss their specific circumstances with a doctor if they have concerns.

Is It Safer To Swaddle My Baby For Sleep

Many parents are told to swaddle their newborns for sleeping. Although swaddling is safer than using a blanket , if a baby is swaddled at an older age than what is recommended, there is still a danger the swaddled baby will roll onto their stomach and be trapped face-down. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies always sleep face-up. Swaddling can also lead to overheating if it is combined with dressing the baby in several layers.

If you do choose to swaddle your baby, always place them on their back and leave room in the swaddle for their hips and knees to move. You should stop swaddling your baby before they start trying to roll over, which happens around the 3-month mark at the earliest.

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Why Does My Baby Keep Waking Up At Night

We know it’s exhausting for new parents but night waking is completely normal for babies. Especially in the early months.

Most babies actually cant sleep through the night especially those younger than three months old . But by the time they’re about three months old, they might manage to sleep for about five hours during the night .

Newborn babies sleep for around two to four hours at a time . Babies are lighter sleepers than adults so theyll wake more easily. Theyve also got tiny tummies so they need to feed often too .

As they get a bit bigger though, youll notice that their sleep time will decrease to around 15 hours . Theyll also hurrah start sleeping for longer stretches at night .

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Sleep promotes health in people of all ages, especially newborns. In fact, sleep is so crucial to infant development that babies spend the majority of their time engaged in it.

To new parents, the ins and outs of newborn sleep might feel like a mystery. Fortunately, understanding the best newborn sleep schedule can help you rest assured that your baby is receiving much-needed, developmentally appropriate sleep.

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Newborn Sleep Patterns: A Survival Guide

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As every parent knows, the world of newborn sleep is exotic and strange.

Babies rack up lots of sleep overall, averaging 16-18 hours a day during the first two weeks.

Yet they awaken frequently, and rarely sleep more than 4 hours at a stretch, even at night. Their internal clocks arent yet synchronized with the external, 24-hour day.

Its a recipe for exhaustion, but understanding the science of sleep can help you cope, and avoid mistakes that can delay your childs development of more mature sleep rhythms.

In this article, youll learn about

  • fundamental differences between newborn sleep and adult sleep
  • circadian rhythms, and how you can help your baby get in sync with the natural day
  • sleep cycles in the newborn, and how to work around them
  • tips for preventing newborns from waking up and
  • advice for improving your own sleep.

Throughout, I focus on babies under four weeks of age. For information about older infants, see my article on opens in a new windowbaby sleep patterns.

How Much Do Newborns Sleep

For the first couple of months, newborns cant decipher between day and night because they haven’t developed their own circadian rhythms of melatonin production, says Kim West, aka “The Sleep Lady” and author of The Sleep Lady’s Good Night, Sleep Tight.

Your baby will likely sleep a total of 16-18 hours during their first weekabout half during the night and half spread out over four daytime naps. From 2 weeks to 2 months of age, theyll sleep an average of 15.5 to 17 hours total, broken down by about 8.5 to 10 hours at night and six to seven hours during the day spread out over three to four naps. During the third month, babies need an average of 15 hours of sleep, with 10 hours at night and five hours spread out over three daytime naps.

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Your Baby’s Sleeping Position

Always put your baby to sleep on their back with their feet touching the end of the cot.

Do not let your baby sleep while lying on their tummy. Babies who sleep on their tummies have a higher risk of cot death. You can give your baby some tummy time when they are awake.

If your baby always lies with their head in the same position they might develop a flat head. This is called plagiocephaly.

You can help prevent this when putting your baby down to sleep on their back. When they are lying flat, you can alternate their head position so that sometimes they face left and sometimes they face right.

Is It Normal For Babies To Take Naps

Safe Sleep for Babies: Learn How

It is very common for babies to nap and obtain a meaningful portion of their total sleep during the day. Newborns often nap for at least 3-4 hours during the day, and though total nap time decreases as they get older, its typically for infants to continue to nap for 2-3 hours or more each day.

This napping is not just normal but also beneficial. Research has found that frequent naps allow infants to consolidate specific memories. In addition, naps enable a more generalized memory that is important for learning and brain development.

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When Do Newborns Start Sleeping More

Newborns start sleeping more at night around 4 months old.

However, once your baby has reached a certain weight, your paediatrician will give you the go-ahead to let your baby sleep for longer periods between feeds.

It is important to remember that newborns do not have a sense of night and day and as their tummies cannot take on a huge amount of milk at one time, your newborn baby will and should, wake frequently to be fed both night and day.

Each feed is usually followed by a short period of being awake depending on the amount of stimulation around.

In order to encourage your newborn to sleep more at night, you should keep nighttime feeds low key.

Establishing Routine With A Newborn

Newborn babies will sleep on and off throughout the day and night. It can be helpful to have a pattern, but you can always change the routine to suit your needs. For example, you could try waking your baby for a feed just before you go to bed in the hope that you’ll get a long sleep before they wake up again.

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