How Is Colic Treated
There are many tips for helping to soothe and deal with a colicky baby. Know that this is a common problem for new babies. Talk with your child’s healthcare provider to find out more about colic and what you can do.
If your baby is bottle-fed, it may help to use a curved bottle. This lets you hold your baby in an upright position.
To reduce the amount of air your baby swallows during feeding, burp your baby often. Using a bottle with a collapsible bag or liner may also help.
Learning how to understand your baby’s cry can help in dealing with colic. It takes some time for parents and babies to get used to each other. Also remember that its normal for babies to cry for a certain amount of time every day.
What works for one baby may not work for another. Other suggestions to try include:
If your baby is bottle-fed and these methods dont work, your childs healthcare provider may recommend a 1-week trial of a non-milk-based formula.
If you breastfeed your baby, the provider may suggest that you avoid foods that are likely to cause an allergic reaction. This means that you should not have milk, eggs, nuts, or wheat for a period of time.
Dealing with a colicky baby is stressful. It may help to let someone care for your baby from time to time. Ask an adult family member, friend, or a responsible babysitter. Its important to take a break. Taking care of yourself and reducing your stress level may help your baby as well.
Avoid Cheese During Pregnancy
Moreover, the same study found a link between the perinatal consumption of cheese by the mother and the development of colic in her baby .
Note that the term perinatal is related to the time immediately before and after birth. Accordingly, it seems that it does not only pay off to avoid cheese during the weeks right before pregnancy, but also during the weeks after birth.
Please note that it is unclear why the consumption of cheese by a mother would lead to colic in babies. However, if there is the slightest chance that it helps avoiding colic in babies, why not giving it a try?
My First Baby Had Colic Will No2 Also Suffer
The good news is that no two babies are the same. If your first baby was colicky, your second will be different and often this means less colicky.
Also, as an experienced mum, you will be more likely to read the warning signs next time. This means youll find it easier to deal with, especially if you follow the steps above.
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Foods That Cause Colic In Babies
Most of the foods that are known to cause gas in adults will most likely also induce colic in babies. The gas inducing elements sip to the baby through the breast milk, causing production of gas and subsequently colic. Here are some of the foods to avoid to reduce the symptoms of colic in your baby.
How Is Colic Diagnosed
The healthcare provider will ask about your childs symptoms and health history. He or she will give your child a physical exam. You may be asked questions such as:
- How long and how often does your baby cry?
- Have you found anything that seems to trigger the crying?
- What comfort methods help to calm your baby, if any?
Blood tests and X-rays or other imaging tests may be done. These can help find out if your baby has other health problems.
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When Should I Call My Child’s Healthcare Provider
Before assuming your child has colic, look for other signs of illness. These may include:
- Not sucking or drinking a bottle well
- Drinking less milk than usual
- Vomiting
- Becoming more irritable when held or touched
- Having a strange-sounding cry
- Having a change in breathing rate or using extra effort to breathe
- Being more sleepy or sluggish than normal
- Fever of 100.4°F or higher, or as directed by your child’s healthcare provider
Know When And How To Take A Break
- Hearing your baby continuously cry can be incredibly stressful. It can cause feelings of inadequacy, guilt, anxiety and frustration, so its very important to know your limits. The most common trigger for abusive head trauma is a crying baby, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. If you need to blow off some steam, Dr. Donner recommends to first place your baby in a safe location, such as a crib. Put on headphones, call a friend, scroll your phone, have a snack and just breathe. Crying is not harmful to infants, even for an extended period of timeexperts note that its perfectly safe to let your baby cry while you take a break.
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Huge Variety And Selection
The online platforms around the world are growing exponentially in size, and that applies to the selection of products as well. As they get more popular, more and more brands sign up to sell their products on online platforms.
They have a wide range of products across many categories, divided and organized well. This helps you find exactly what you are looking for easily. You may even get software-generated recommendations for products you may need. This includes bottles to prevent colic and many more.
Having a huge variety means that you can assess your preferences and choices. You can choose from a range of alternatives before purchasing. This is often not the case in most physical stores, where there is a limitation to the number of brands.
How To Soothe Colic In Babies
In addition to frustration and exhaustion, you may have feelings of inadequacy and guilt as you try in vain to soothe your fussy baby. So while staying calm is easier said than done, these strategies may help ease the strain until colic passes.
Just give each a fair shot before you switch to another . Talk to your doctor for tips and possible causes of your baby’s colic too.
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When To See Your Healthcare Provider
If your babyâs crying persists and nothing seems to help, it could be time to visit your babyâs healthcare provider. He will be able to determine whether your little one has colic or pinpoint another medical condition.
Also, if your baby still shows signs of colic once heâs more than half a year old, speak to your babyâs healthcare provider to find out if there is an underlying cause.
Seek immediate medical attention if your baby
is sleepier than usual for a baby .
What Is Gas In Babies
Baby gas is when your babys stomach is inflated with air due to digestion that is still developing or when the baby has swallowed a lot of air while feeding. Gas can cause a baby to bloat, experience pain, and be irritant.
It is important to note that gas is a natural product of the bacteria that line the digestive tract and babies swallow air when feeding. Since babies suck in air while feeding, its important to burp your baby during and after feeding to relieve some of the gas.
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Supporting A Pregnant Woman To Avoid Baby Colic
Side Note: What was the study all about?
The same was found for happiness in a mothers relationship. In other words, the happier a mother in her relationship during pregnancy, the lower the risk of her baby to develop colic.
Finally, the more the partner gets involved with newborn care, the lower the risk of the baby to develop colic. But this is obviously a post-pregnancy matter. I just mention it for your information.
Breastfeeding Care To Prevent Baby Colic
Breastfeeding in noisy places can cause tension and restlessness in the baby, making colic attacks worse. Therefore, choosing quiet places to breastfeed is a way to prevent or minimize the effects of colic.
During breastfeeding, the baby can also swallow air when sucking breast milk, or also when feeding with bottles, increasing gas and aggravating colic. To prevent symptoms, after a feed, the mother should place the newborn in a position to burp . As for babies who use bottles, there are some specific types to avoid air suction.
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Foods To Avoid To Prevent Colic
Almost every child suffers from colic and every mother wishes there was a way they could do keep it away. Colic in babies is the stuff that motherhood nightmares are made of. While it may seem like its beyond our control, there are foods to avoid to prevent colic.
Babies who are exclusively breastfeeding may develop colic for many reasons. But the foods you eat have a direct relation to how gassy your baby gets. Some babies seem to not be bothered at all by colic and pass this stage uneventfully. However, some other babies may suffer from colic for weeks or even months until their little tummies eventually adjust to their feeding.
Colic is not only distressing for the baby, but its also a very harassing for the mother. Beyond the pain of seeing your baby in distress, colicky babies have a harder time falling asleep and when they do, their sleep is interrupted by pain spasms. This vicious cycle is one of the courses of post-partum fatigue and perpetual eye bags.
For the new moms and moms-to-be whod like to know how to dietary deal with this not-so-little menace, youll find this piece very helpful.
Tips For Parents On Coping With Colic
Though it can safely be said that even hours and hours of daily crying doesn’t seem to hurt a baby, it certainly does leave its mark on parents. Listening to a baby’s screams can be heartbreaking, upsetting and anxiety-provoking and can take a physical and emotional toll.
To cope with colicky crying that just won’t quit, try the following:
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Must Avoid Food To Prevent Colic In Breastfeed Babies
If your child suffers from colic, it could be possible that the food you eat is causing him or her the pain and misery. Yes, that is correct. What breastfeeding mothers eat play a great role in not just causing colic but also in improving the childs health and immunity. Read on for more details on what you should eat in order to reduce colic in your baby.
Read More: 11 Natural Remedies for Calming a Colic Baby
What Is The Definition Of Colic
Colic is the word used to describe a condition when a healthy baby cries for more than three hours per day, more than three days per week, for three or more weeks, and is hard to console or comfort.
With a colicky baby, the bouts of crying typically intensify and last as the day goes on, and can worsen in the evening, typically between 6 pm and midnight.
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How To Deal With A Colicky Baby
Try settling your little one by using this pre-bed routine.
1. Dont bath him before bedtime as he may be too overstimulated to deal with the extra stimulation of bathtime then. Instead, bathe him in the morning until the colic abates.
2. Swaddle him firmly as swaddling really helps to settle little ones.
3. Feed him the last feed of the day in the dark.
4. Burp him briefly 5 mins at the most- if a burp does not come up, leave it and dont chase those winds
5. Put him down to sleep after his feed and burping.
6. If he starts to fuss, hold your hand on him and let him wriggle and fuss a little NOT crying, just fussing. Often if you avoid fiddling with him, lifting and burping him further, he is more likely to settle.
7. If he cries, lift him and feed once more a cluster feed before bed.
8. Follow steps 2-6 again.
9. If he is really crying, lift him up and place him in a sling to walk around with him until he falls asleep. A sling creates a womb space for soothing newborns.
Diet Changes For Infant Colic
Review question
Do colicky infants show an improvement when breastfeeding mothers follow a low-allergen diet, or when formula-fed infants are fed a special formula?
Infantile colic is a common problem afflicting otherwise healthy infants in the first three months of life. It is characterised by episodes of inconsolable crying lasting for longer than three hours per day, for more than three days a week, for at least three weeks.
It can be very distressing for parents.
Dietary changes, such as removing cows’ milk from a breastfeeding mother’s diet or switching formula-fed babies to a special soy-based formula, might reduce the symptoms of colic.
Study characteristics
We found 15 randomised controlled trials, a type of study in which participants are randomly assigned to one of two or more treatment groups, involving a total of 1121 babies with colic. The evidence is current to July 2018.
Infants were less than three months of age.
Key results
Most studies reported data on a combination of outcomes: duration of crying, number of responders in each group after treatment , or frequency of crying episodes. We present these findings below. No study reported on parental or family quality of life, infant sleep or parental satisfaction. Six studies reported that there were no side effects as a result of the dietary changes.
Low-allergen diet
Hydrolysed formula milk
Lactase enzyme supplementation
Fennel, chamomile and lemon balm extract
Soy protein-based formula
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If You Suspect Overstimulation:
- Respond. Crying is a baby’s only way of communicating his needs. But it’s also his only way of wielding any control at all over a vast and bewildering new environment: He cries, you come running to his side powerful stuff when you’re otherwise completely powerless. In fact, studies show that responding promptly to your baby’s cries will reduce his crying in the long run.
- Excise excitement. Limit visitors and avoid exposing your baby to new experiences in stimulating environments, particularly in the late afternoon and early evening. Watch how your baby responds to certain stimuli and steer clear of any that seem to offend.
- Create calm. Trying to make your baby’s environment peaceful might help him relax. Dim the lights, speak or sing in soothing tones and keep other noise and distractions to a minimum.
Does Your Baby Have Colic
All babies have periods of crying and fussing. Its considered colic when the crying goes on for more than three hours a day for more than three days a week. The crying is often accompanied by burping and other signs of gas, which may be because the baby is swallowing air when they cry.
When parents come to her about a crying baby who isnt easily consoled, Dr. Bonita asks questions and examines the baby to rule out health problems. If the baby is eating well and growing, has no vomiting or diarrhea, and follows a pattern of extended crying in the evening it is probably colic.
Colic typically starts when babies are about 3 weeks old, with extended periods of crying in the evening, between 6 p.m. and midnight. The long crying spells usually end when the baby is about 3 months old, though some babies continue to have crying spells until they are 6 months old.
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