How To Take Fleas Off Newborn Puppies

The Problems With Fleas

Spraying get rid fleas from newborn 5 puppy part2

A tapeworm egg sac on dog feces

First of all, fleas cause skin irritation which eventually leads to itchiness. Once irritated, the skin, as a barrier, becomes damaged and more prone to developing secondary bacterial and fungal skin infections. What is more, some individuals are allergic to flea saliva. When an allergic puppy becomes infested with fleas, it develops a condition known as flea allergy dermatitis.

Additionally, fleas transmit tapeworms. Simply put, when puppies lick themselves they ingest fleas and if the fleas are infected with tapeworms, the puppies will also become infected. Once ingested, the tapeworms attach to the intestinal lining.

Due to their fast reproductive rate, one flea can easily turn into hundreds of fleas. If hundreds of fleas host on one small puppy it is likely that the pup will become anemic. Anemia in puppies is a life threatening condition.

Last but not least, Bartonella bacteria infections in dogs are linked with fleas.

From the above stated, it is safe to assume that fleas can be not just dangerous but also life-threatening for newborn puppies.

How to Remove Fleas From Newborn Puppies?

Sadly, when it comes to young puppies, getting rid of fleas can be tricky. This is because young puppies cannot handle the powerful insecticides in the anti-flea products. Namely, anti-flea medications can cause adverse side-effects if used in youngsters. Therefore, getting rid of fleas from puppies includes three important steps:

  • Keeping the puppy clean
  • Get Rid Of The Fleas In The House

    If your puppy has fleas, your home will, too. Theyll be in the puppys bedding, in the carpet, and probably in your bed. If you dont get rid of them in the house, itll only be a matter of time until they find their host and lead to further flea infestation. Heres how you can prevent that from happening:

    • Vacuum the entire house, moreso the high-traffic areas that your puppy uses. Use a vacuum with a bag to avoid having contact with the fleas you pick up. If its not possible, be very careful with the vacuums contents when emptying to prevent spreading the fleas.
    • Once vacuumed, use a steam cleaner to clean all non-washable material, like the carpet and upholstery. The combination of soap and heat is afleas enemy.
    • Wash all of the bedding and curtains, including the puppys bed and your own.Use hot water before drying them on the highest heat possible. The extreme heat will kill any fleas and their eggs.
    • Use an insecticide aerosol spray to cover the areas that may not have otherwise been accessible. Be very careful with insecticide as it can be harmful to you and the animals in the house. Keep everyone away from the area thats being sprayed until the insecticide is completely dry.

    While this process can be tedious, its the best way to rid your young puppies of their nasty pests without endangering them, leaving you with a happy and healthy pup.

    Bath Your Puppy With A Flea Shampoo

    Fleas shampoo protects puppies against fleas though these cannot help in eliminating them completely.

    If your dog only has flea dirt or minor flea bites, a combination of flea shampoo along with environment cleaning would be enough to get rid of those nasty insects.

    Flea shampoos kill bacteria in dogs skin and relieve the irritation and itching caused by those fleabites.

    You can find amazing shampoos like TropiClean in the market. Infused with the goodness of neem and citrus, TropiClean Neem and Citrus flea and tick relief shampoo cleanses out dogs coat in no time.

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    What Are The Signs That The Puppies Are Not Doing Well And What Do I Do

    Puppies should eat or sleep 90% of the time during the first two weeks of life.

    If they are crying during or after eating, they are usually becoming ill, are not receiving adequate milk, or the mothers milk has become infected .

    If they are crying during or after eating, they are usually becoming ill, are not receiving adequate milk, or the mothers milk has become infected . A newborn puppy is very susceptible to infections and can die within a few hours of becoming ill. If excessive crying occurs, the mother and entire litter should be examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

    Puppies should gain 5-10% of their body weight daily. When the mothers milk supply is inadequate to support this, supplemental feeding one to six times per day is recommended and should be performed routinely on any litter with greater than five puppies. There are several excellent commercial milk replacers available. They require no preparation other than warming. These milk replacers should be warmed to 95°to 100° before feeding. Its temperature can easily be tested on your forearm: it should be about the same temperature as your skin.

    Any milk replacer that is used should contain optimal levels of the omega-3 fatty acid, DHA , a nutrient that is important for the development of the puppies brains and eyes. Goat milk is not recommended as it is far too low in protein and fat. Supplemental feeding may be continued until the puppies are old enough to eat puppy food on their own.

    A Look At Your Puppys Future

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    Depending on the right flea medication that works best for you and your puppy, you can start to give them doses between 8-14 weeks. We are happy to help you find the right product that meets their weight and lifestyle needs. Some products are oral, others are a topical application. No matter which product you decide on, we can guarantee that its a worthwhile alternative to a flea infestation, tapeworms, or flea allergy dermatitis.

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    When To Use Flea Collars On Puppies

    Flea collars can be used at any time of the year. However, it is best to use them:

    1. In the spring and fall, when the flea population is at its highest.

    2. When he has been outside and is coming back inside.

    3. After he has been playing in the dirt or other places where fleas may be.

    4. Whenever you are going to be away from home for a long period of time.

    5. On the days when you decide to go to the groomer or vet.

    6. If your puppy has an allergy to fleas.

    7. And finally, if your puppy is old enough, he should wear a flea collar every day Its a very good feeling to know that your puppy is protected 24 hours a day without the hassle of having to apply flea treatment every day.

    Fleas In The Backyard

    Just because you cant see them doesnt mean theyre not there. If your dog has a case of the fleas, there is a very good chance theyre lurking in the darkest, moistest areas of your backyard too. When it comes to outdoor flea remedies natural methods are always the best, and here are our top tips for treating fleas in the backyard.

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    Organically Get Rid Of Fleas On Newborn Puppies

    As anti-fleas products can cause serious health complications for newborn puppies, an organic or natural way is the only way to eliminate fleas on newborn puppies. Down below, we have mentioned an organic way to get rid of fleas on newborn puppies.

    Anti-Fleas Combs

    The most commonly known method to get rid of fleas is using a fleas comb. It is organic and safe, and effective in getting rid of adult fleas, eggs, and larvae. Follow the following steps to use this method properly:

    Step 1: Gather Supplies

  • Any Essential oil
  • Step 2: Give Your Newborn Puppy A Warm Bath

    • Get a small bowl or use the sink and fill it up with a half or one-liter of lukewarm water.
    • Add mild dishwashing soap and a few drops of tea-tree essential oil in the lukewarm water.
    • Before using the water on your newborn puppy, carefully check the temperature with your finger or hand.
    • If you feel the temperature is right, carefully grab your newborn puppy and thoroughly wet the puppy from neck to downwards.
    • When your puppy is fully wet, use the organic shampoo for puppies and rub it thoroughly all over the puppys body.
    • Especially target the puppys belly, neck, tail, and ears where fleas usually hide. After enough lather is gathered, thoroughly rinse your puppy with lukewarm water.

    Step 3: Dry your Puppy

    Step 4: Use the Fleas Comb

    Repeat this process every time you bathe your cute little fellow.

    Ask The Vet: How To Get Rid Of Fleas From Newborn Puppies

    Spraying get rid fleas from newborn 5 puppy part1

    How to get rid of fleas from newborn puppies? The flea is the most common external parasite in dogs. Although fleas prefer dog blood, they are quite happy feeding off humans, too and the presence of fleas causing bites around the ankles is certainly not an unpopular feature in the home. These ubiquitous little creatures are without doubt the single most common cause of medical skin conditions in dogs and, canine skin problems account for more visits to the vet than any other single condition.

    A puppy covered in flea dirt

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    How To Get Rid Of Fleas

    Since the 1980s, pharmaceutical companies have developed many new chemical treatments for controlling or preventing fleas. These medications are much more effective than the old flea collars. Based on how they act, those treatments can be divided in several categories:

    • Insect growth regulators available as collars, spot-on products and pills
    • Insect development inhibitors available as pills and oral liquids
    • Neurotransmitter inhibitors available as spot-on products and sprays
    • Naturally occurring neurotoxins available as spot-on products, sprays and shampoos
    • Monoamine oxidase inhibitor available as collar
    • Cell growth inhibitor available as shampoo.

    The above listed treatment and prevention options are efficient for adult dogs but what about puppies? More precisely speaking, what about newborn puppies? Are there any safe ways of getting rid of fleas from newborn puppies? Fortunately, the answer is yes. However, before explaining how to get rid of fleas from newborn puppies, lets see why fleas are dangerous.

    Its Best To Wash Your Puppys Bedding Weekly Wash Everything Separately Including Blankets Sheets Pillows Toys Rugs Etc

    If your dog only has flea dirt or minor flea bites, a combination of flea shampoo along with environment cleaning would be enough to get rid of those nasty insects. Do not forget to be gentle and give your newborn puppy your utmost care and love. Keep his sleeping spot, bedding and rugs clean by regular washing and have a flea collar on him.

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    I Have Heard Of Milk Fever What Exactly Is It

    Eclampsia, or milk fever, is a depletion of calcium from the mother due to heavy milk production. It generally occurs when the puppies are three to five weeks old and most often to mothers with large litters. The mother typically has muscle spasms resulting in rigid legs, spastic movements, and heavy panting. This condition can be fatal in 30-60 minutes, so a veterinarian should be consulted immediately.

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    Puppies that get fleas have a high risk of developing anemia because of their small size. Anemia is chronic blood loss thats often caused by fleas and hookworms in puppies. A puppies gums should be pink, if theyre pale or white its likely your puppy is anemic. Other symptoms of anemia are listlessness and a cold body temperature.

    Since fleas can consume 15 times their own body weight in blood, they can cause anemia or a significant amount of blood loss over time. This is especially problematic in young puppies, where an inadequate number of red blood cells can be life-threatening to some dogs. Signs of parasitic anemia include pale gums, cold body temperature and listlessness. APSCA

    Puppies are at an increased risk of developing anemia when they get fleas. If you suspect your puppy has fleas a trip to the vet is highly recommended to keep the infestation under control. It doesnt take long for a young dog or puppy to suffer severe damage from a flea infestation if you suspect your puppy has fleas take him to the vet immediately.

    Puppies that get fleas have an increased risk of developing Anemia, which can be a life threatening condition. A trip to your veterinarian is recommended if you suspect your puppy has fleas.

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    Make A Homemade Flea Shampoo

    Back in the day, people had old-fashioned treatments before the advent of commercial products. It was a common practice to use essential oils to repel unwanted parasites. For instance, if you wish to keep your home non-toxic but dont have fleas or ticks infesting your pets, you can use essential oils to help in that particular problem.

    Youll find a lot of commercial flea shampoos in the market, but some may be unsafe for puppies under four weeks old. You dont have to use harsh chemicals to eliminate fleas and ticks. Some of these products are not environmentally friendly and are not particularly safe for your pup. So, if youre the type of dog owner who loves to wash a puppy more than once a month or so, maybe its time to reduce your pups bath time. While cleaning your dogs fur is a good practice, you should also know that you run the risk of drying out your dogs coat if you wash them frequently.

    One excellent solution for this is the use of homemade dog shampoo with essential oils. These natural and homemade dog shampoos are not that hard to make and are not as complicated. Most of its ingredients are easy to acquire, some are readily available in your homes, such as baking soda. Since these are very quick and easy to make, you can try making a new DIY shampoo for your canine pal.

    How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Puppies

    Fleas on puppies are a common problem, and there are many ways to get rid of them. Some owners use collars and soft chews, others use shampoo and topical anti-parasitic solutions, while others prefer only natural ways and homemade remedies. However, none of the above methods is 100% safe or guaranteed to work.

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    Control The Water Temperature

    The puppy will not struggle to keep its head out of the water if the water temperature is slightly warm, and it should be no more than a few inches deep.

    2 Dawn dish soap can be added.

    Some dogs are sensitive to essential oils, so we recommend avoiding them. A solution of a small amount of Dawn dishwashing liquid to a large cup of water is what we recommend. Dawn dishwashing liquid kills fleas on contact and is sensitive to skin.

    3 Get the puppy wet.

    As you gently lower the puppy into the water, hold it and support it. The puppy should be petted. When it is completely wet, remove the puppy and put it on a towel.

    4 The Fleas need to be combed out.

    Use a flea comb to remove the fleas from the puppys fur. The comb will catch the fleas and hold them until you dunk them in the Dawn dishwashing liquid, which will kill them. Continue to comb the puppy until you get rid of all the fleas.

    5 The puppies should be dry.

    Puppies should be kept on the carpetless floor until they are dry. The bedding can be returned if the baking soda removed the fleas.

    Clean Your Puppys Bedding

    Spraying get rid fleas from newborn 5 puppy part4

    Its best to wash your puppys bedding weekly Wash everything separately, including blankets, sheets, pillows, toys, rugs, etc. To prevent spreading disease, dont let your puppy sleep on dirty bedding. Keep your puppy clean and healthy by washing her regularly.

    Use a vacuum cleaner to suck up loose hair around your house: vacuum floors, carpets, couches, beds, and more.

    Be careful not to pull too hard on the cord, though. Pull gently instead. If necessary, ask someone else to assist you.

    Keep your puppy out of areas where she could pick up dirt Fleas love dark places like cracks between walls and underneath furniture. So its essential to remove any clutter near your puppys sleeping quarters. Additionally, it would be beneficial if you vacuumed every few days.

    Make sure to change your puppys bedding frequently. Change your puppys bedding often because fleas prefer warm environments. It may take several changes over time to eliminate them.

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    Brush Your Puppy Hair With Fine

    Flea combs are different from regular dog combs. These combs are designed specifically to effectively remove fleas, nits, larvae, pupae, ticks, or eggs from the dogs skin.

    Flea combs eliminate fleas or ticks without further irritating your dogs skin which may already feel sore to touch because of fleabites.

    If your dog is not letting you brush his hair with a hard comb, I recommend you try the Safari flea removal grooming comb to treat fleas and ticks effectively.

    Made up of rubber, this comb feels soft against the dogs skin while efficiently disposing of all the dirt, debris, or fleas that may hide under your fur babys coat.

    Spray An Apple Cider Vinegar Solution On Your Pet

    Apple cider vinegar canât kill fleas, but it can help to repel them. Fleas donât like the smell or taste of it, so theyâre likely to avoid your pet if they have it on their fur. Dilute apple cider vinegar in water and add it to a spray bottle. If your pet doesnât enjoy getting sprayed, dip a brush in the mixture and get it into their fur with a grooming session.

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