How To Take Newborn Baby

Dont Be Too Hard On Yourself

How to care for your newborn baby

Your life will change significantly when you bring your newborn home. You might have less time to cook, clean, shop for groceries, do laundry, or many of the other normal things that typically fit into your routine. In the first days you spend at home with your child, there will be many memorable moments.

Your newborn will be small, but you can go on walks, nap when they do, and do other simple activities. Fresh air is good for you and your baby, and exercise is great for your physical and mental health. Sleep will be in short supply once you bring your newborn home, so its wise to take every chance you get to rest.

Sleep When Your Baby Sleeps And Start A Bedtime Routine

Babies under the age of 1 should always be put to sleep on their backs never on their sides or stomachs because back sleep minimizes the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. After the American Academy of Pediatrics began recommending that babies be put to sleep on their backs, the incidence of SIDS dropped by more than half.

At first, newborns sleep a lot about 16 to 17 hours a day but that sleep is broken up every hour or two by periods of wakefulness. In the early weeks, your baby will mostly wake just long enough to be fed and changed, said Massachusetts-based certified pediatric sleep consultant Arielle Greenleaf. Since your baby will also be awake for short periods throughout the night, which will inevitably disrupt your sleep, in order to stay well rested, you should absolutely sleep when your baby sleeps, she said.

Its also fine to let your baby fuss for a few minutes at night if shes not hungry or soiled you dont have to rock or hold her constantly. Let them see if they can naturally fall asleep on their own, said Dr. Angela Mattke, M.D., a pediatrician at the Mayo Clinic Childrens Center in Rochester, Minn.

When To Begin Bathing Your Newborn

Many new moms arent sure when to begin bathing their newborns. The World Health Organization recommends waiting at least 24 hours after your babys birth to give them their first bath. There are several reasons for this.

First and foremost, your baby has just left the comfort of your tummy and will get cold easily. Youll want to give your loved one some time to adjust to life outside the womb.

Experts believe that 24 to 48 hours is plenty of time to allow your infant to regulate their body temperature. The risk of hypothermia drops considerably after the 24-hour mark.

Second, your newborn will likely have a coat of vernix on their skin when you bring them home from the hospital. Vernix shouldnt be washed off intentionally, as it provides several important benefits to your baby.

For instance, vernix has antibacterial properties and keeps your baby healthy. It also protects their delicate skin as they become accustomed to dry air. Its best to let the vernix fall off your little ones body naturally, which will happen in the first week or two of life.

To sum up, its safe to begin bathing your newborn 24 hours after birth. Or if you prefer, you can wait 48 hours. Whatever you choose, just be sure to start with sponge baths.

The American Association of Pediatrics recommends waiting for your newborns umbilical cord stump to fall off before submerging them in water. This normally happens sometime between one and three weeks after birth.

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Keeping Your Baby Safe

One of the greatest dangers to newborn babies outside in Australia is the sun. Try to keep them in the shade at all times. Cover the pram with a cloth and make sure air can still get through. Alternatively, you could use the prams canopy top or an umbrella to create shade. Minimise use of sunscreen in babies younger than 6 months. If your baby has to be in the sun, apply sunscreen to those small areas of skin not covered by wraps, clothing and a hat.

You should also try to protect your baby from people who are sick, because babies immune systems are not fully developed. Immunisation will help protect them. However, whooping cough is very dangerous for newborn babies because they are usually not immune for at least the first few months of life and sometimes longer. Take your baby to the doctor if you suspect they have come into contact with someone who has whooping cough.

immunisation service)

When A Baby Has Trouble After Birth

10 Useful Tips for Taking Care of a Newborn Baby

All the baby’s body systems must work together in a new way after birth. Sometimes a baby has trouble making the transition. Health assessments such as the Apgar test done right after birth can help find out if a baby is doing well or having problems.

If there are signs the baby is not doing well, treatment can be given right in the delivery room. The healthcare provider or midwife and other members of the healthcare team work together to help the baby clear excess fluid and start breathing.

Babies who may have trouble at birth include those born prematurely, those born with a difficult delivery, or those born with a birth defect. Fortunately, special care is available for these babies. Newborn babies who need intensive medical care are often admitted into a special area of the hospital called the neonatal intensive care unit . The NICU combines advanced technology and trained health staff to give special care to the tiniest patients. NICUs may also have intermediate or continuing care areas for babies who are not as sick, but need special nursing care. Some hospitals don’t have a NICU. Babies may need to be transferred to another hospital.

Also Check: How To Treat Newborn Congestion

What Is A Sponge Bath And How Does It Compare With Other Types Of Baths

Sponge baths are a great option when your baby isnt ready for a regular tub filled with warm water and shiny bubbles.

During a sponge bath, just like during a regular bath, you give your baby an all-over wash and rinse. But there are two differences:

  • Your baby lies on a towel instead of in a tub.
  • You wash and rinse one section of their body at a time.

Umbilical Cord Stump Care

An important aspect of newborn baby care in the 1st month is caring for the umbilical cord stump. Give bath 2-6 hours after birth with lukewarm water in a healthy newborn. Keep the navel area clean and dry. Keep the babys diaper folded down so that the stump can dry. Disinfect your hands before handling the navel area. To clean, use a damp cloth and dry with a clean, absorbent cloth. Look out for signs of infection in the cord-stump area. If there is redness, swelling, smelly discharge or pus, and bleeding in the navel area, take the baby to a paediatrician.

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When Should You Avoid Taking Your Newborn Out Entirely

There are some times when youll want to think twice before loading baby into their car seat or stroller. You may wish to stay inside your home if:

  • Extreme weather conditions are occurring. Mail carriers may brave wind, snow, sleet, and hail, but your newborn should avoid extreme temperatures and being outside in bad air quality whenever possible.
  • Your child has a medical condition. If your newborn has special medical needs that leave them particularly susceptible to germs, youll want to consult with their doctor before taking them out and about.
  • Its peak sunlight hours. The middle of the day can be an especially hard time to find shade and protect your babys skin. For this reason, you may wish to avoid excessive time outside when the sun is at its strongest.

If you do need to go outside with baby for any reason, especially in warmer weather and for longer periods of time, be sure to bring plenty of breast milk or formula to keep them hydrated.

Time To Show Some Extra Love To Your Babys Skin

Caring For Your Newborn

Handle your newborns skin with a lot of love. In addition to the tips mentioned above, make sure the new outfits of your little munchkin are clean and washed and you make them wear loose clothes to prevent prickly heat rashes. Refrain from using baby powders which may result in respiratory distress and chemical detergents or chemical-laden baby products that are often known to lead to allergic reactions.

Your baby deserves every bit of pampering you can offer and a soothing massage with your own hands is not just good for the babys skin, but it also fosters a healthy bond between the two of you. Go ahead and do your best to gift smooth and happy skin to the apple of your eye!

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How To Wash Babys Scalp And Hair

Plan to wash your babys scalp or hair twice a week. To wash your babys scalp or hair, gently massage a baby shampoo into their hair, if they have any, or directly onto their scalp. Rinse it out by dabbing with a wet washcloth.

In a baby tub, you can also gently tip your babys head back and keep one hand over their forehead while you pour on some warm water. The water will spill over the sides of their head to rinse out the shampoo.

Gently washing your babys hair will not hurt a soft spot, but talk with your pediatrician if you have concerns. If your baby has cradle cap, you can gently brush your babys hair and scalp. But take care not to pick or scrape at their scalp.

Mammy Could You Change My Diaper

That reminds me of diapers which are nettle on the babys skin, as disposable and other modern fabric diapers are perfect to prevent the babys skin from urine and poop.

However, if your baby has a diaper rash, diaper ointments might be helpful as this contains zinc that conserves the babys skin.

Though, for the safety of the baby, I would advise you to get through the following link concerning the babys safety, toxic chemicals in the babys diaper.

According to Matt Thompson, Calmoseptine is an ideal product, though, you are free to choose other products. Diaper rashes are normal until they develop soreness as yeast could be one of the reasons, why diaper rashes are not curing.

In that case, contact your doctor.

Also check:Best Diaper Rash Cream.

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Tips And Ideas For Preparing Your Newborn For The Photo Session

First of all find a professional photographer and plan ahead carefully!Before the original photoshoot, you should take any time to discuss your plans and ideas with the cameraman for the newborn photography concourse.

While planning for the newborn photoshoot, parents often examine online and come with their ideas, which are often attractive and fun. However, the photographer might advise about understanding and promoting those ideas and some facts and information. This might be about posing, props, shooting form, or anything correlated to the session itself. The parents should always verify the photographers quality and work to ensure that they give what they demand.

Some photographers do more representations, some prefer posed scenes, some lifestyle images, and all of those methods should be discussed in advance. Also, always remember that every newborn photographer will first consider the babys safety and then the essence and creativity.

How To Take A Newborns Temperature

how to take newborn photos at home {DIY baby photoshoot}

Your best bet is to use a digital thermometer. These can be bought inexpensively in any supermarket or pharmacy and can be used to take rectal or axillary temperature readings.

Taking a rectal temperature gives the most accurate reading of body temperature in infants and young children. However, if the thought of doing this makes you squeamish, taking an axillary temperature is the next best choice.

Be aware that temperature strips, which are placed on someone’s forehead for a reading, have been found to be poor indicators of true body temperature, especially in infants and children, and should be avoided. The digital thermometer is best for temperature taking at home.

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Bedding And Sleep Needs

Whatever bed you choose for your newborn , it is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics that your baby sleep in the same room with you for the first 6-12 months of life. In addition, bumpers, blankets, pillows, and soft toys are no longer recommended in baby beds. Talk about going minimalistic!

How To Bathe Your Baby

Bathtime is a chance for you and your baby to have fun, play and interact. A bath 2 to 3 times a week is enough to keep your baby clean.

Your midwife or public health nurse will show you how to bathe your baby for the first time. You can ask to see it done once or twice before you try.

You can wash your baby in the main bath or in the sink, or in their own small baby bath.

You can also give your baby a top and tail clean instead of a bath. Or you could have them in the bath with you.

Watch a video on how to bathe your baby

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When bathing your baby, take the following steps:

  • Get the room ready and warm before you start babies can get cold quickly.
  • Gather everything you need before you start the bath this includes towels, cotton wool, clean nappy and clothes.
  • Fill the basin, bath, baby bath or sink until it has 8cm to 10cm or so of water in it. The water should be just high enough to cover your babys tummy.
  • Make sure the bath water is the right temperature about 36 degrees Celsius.
  • Undress your baby and remove their nappy.
  • Wash your babys face and bottom before you put them in the bath.
  • Hold your babys head over the basin and wash their hair.
  • Lower your baby slowly into the water so they do not feel as though they are falling.
  • Place your other hand under their bottom.
  • After youve bathed them, slip your free arm back under their bottom.
  • Recommended Reading: How To Lay A Newborn Down

    Dont Kiss Your Newborn If You Have A Cold Sore

    The urge to kiss your babys chubby cheeks and nose will be strong, but if you have a cold sore, resisting that urge might save your babys life. Cold sores, also called oral herpes, are caused by the HSV-1 virus, which can cause brain damage or death in newborns their immune systems are not strong enough to fight the virus.

    An HSV-1 outbreak starts forming even before a cold sore appears. So, if you feel the familiar tingling that typically comes before a cold sore forms, or if you had a cold sore recently, refrain from kissing the baby until the outbreak has fully cleared. Firmly remind anyone else who will be handling your baby to follow the same guidelines.

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    Helping Your Baby Sleep

    How to Get a Newborn Sitting Up for Photography : Photography Techniques

    It’s normal for new babies to only sleep for 2 to 3 hours at a time through the night, as well as during the day.

    One reason is that newborn babies are not tuned into day and night yet.

    Babies also grow quickly in the early months and they have very small stomachs. This means they need to feed little and often.

    As your baby grows, they’ll gradually start to need fewer night feeds and will sleep for longer at night.

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    Getting Help After The Birth

    Consider getting help during this time, which can be very hectic and overwhelming. While in the hospital, talk to the experts around you. Many hospitals have feeding specialists or lactation consultants who can help you get started nursing or bottle-feeding. Nurses also are a great resource to show you how to hold, burp, change, and care for your baby.

    For in-home help, you might want to hire a baby nurse, postpartum doula, or a responsible neighborhood teen to help you for a short time after the birth. Your doctor or the hospital can help you find information about in-home help, and might make a referral to home health agencies.

    Relatives and friends often want to help too. Even if you disagree on certain things, dont dismiss their experience. But if you dont feel up to having guests or you have other concerns, dont feel guilty about placing restrictions on visitors.

    Providing Warmth For The Newborn

    A newborn baby is wet from the amniotic fluid and can easily become cold. Drying the baby and using warm blankets and heat lamps can help prevent heat loss. Often a knitted hat is placed on the baby’s head. Placing a baby skin-to-skin on your chest or abdomen also helps to keep the baby warm. This early skin-to-skin contact also reduces crying, improves your interaction with your baby, and helps you to breastfeed successfully.

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    Get Photos With Parents And Siblings

    After you capture the photos of the newborn, dont forget to take photos of the baby with parents and siblings. Even if youre the mom taking photos, prop your phone on a shelf or tripod, put it on selfie mode, and use the 3-10 second delay before pressing the shoot button. Here is a link to an inexpensive phone tripod that I purchased on Amazon.. definitely worth it! Even though you may not feel like being in the photos, your little one will love seeing mommy & baby photos when theyre older. Get your partner to join as well. As far as sibling photos, safety is the top priority. You want to take into account how mature the siblings are and if they can safely hold the newborn. There are poses you can use that are very safe, even if the sibling is an energetic toddler.

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