When Newborn Baby Can Hear

All Babies Should Have A Hearing Screening Before They Are One Month Old

Newborn Hearing Screening and Hearing Loss in Infants

Hearing screening is easy and is not painful. In fact, babies are often asleep while being screened. It takes a very short time usually only a few minutes. Sometimes the screening is repeated while the babies are still in the hospital or shortly after they leave the hospital.

Babies who do not pass hearing screening should be tested by an audiologist. An audiologist is a person trained to test hearing. This person will do additional testing to find out if there is a hearing loss. There are many kinds of tests an audiologist can do to find out if a baby has a hearing loss, how much of a hearing loss there is, and what type it is.

Baby And Toddler Language Milestones

As your baby develops over the second half of their first year and into toddlerhood, their ability to make sounds and respond conversationally will continue to improve.

  • 8 months: Babies can now recognize groups of sounds and can distinguish word boundaries. Although they recognize these sound groups as words, they are still learning what these words mean. Babies of this age are more likely to comprehend the meaning of words related to their everyday experiences, particularly food and body parts.
  • 12 months: At this point, children are able to attach meanings to words. Once they can do that, they can begin to build a vocabulary. They also begin to mimic new words they hear.
  • 18 months: In order to communicate, children must know how to use the words they are learning. In this stage of language development, children are able to recognize the difference between nouns and verbs. Generally, the first words in a childs vocabulary are nouns.

When To Check Your Child’s Hearing

Your child’s hearing should be checked if you observe any of the following:

  • Listens to the TV or radio at higher volumes than other children
  • Sits closer to the TV when the volume is fine for others
  • Asks to have instructions repeated
  • Is easily distracted or bothered by background noise
  • Has difficulty telling sounds apart
  • Has trouble paying attention
  • Experiences speech and language, school and learning, or behavioural problems
  • Complains of difficulty hearing or blocked ears
  • Responds inappropriately to questions
  • Watches others to copy what they are doing
  • People have to raise their voice to get your child’s attention
  • Shows inconsistent response to sound
  • Watches the speaker’s face closely to figure out what the person is saying
  • Turns their head to face the sound source
  • Talks in a soft or loud voice

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Why We Screen Babies For Hearing Loss

It’s very rare that babies are born with hearing loss. But spotting hearing problems early means we can treat babies more effectively.

The vast majority of babies born in Ireland have no problems with hearing. But 1 or 2 babies in every 1,000 will be diagnosed hearing loss in one or both ears.

Identifying a hearing problem early improves the long-term outcomes for children and their development. It also means that support and information can be provided to parents at an early stage.

That’s why we screen your baby when they’re less than 1 month old.

We screen about 5,000 babies every month.

How To Prepare For Your Babys Hearing Screen

Baby Hearing Screening

To prepare your baby for the hearing screen:

  • avoid putting lotion on your babys head on the day of the screen
  • feed your baby just before the appointment
  • bring your baby sleeping or resting quietly in a car seat

When you go for the screen, dont forget to bring:

  • babys Ontario health card number
  • a blanket and other items to calm your baby
  • extra diapers and clothes

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How Newborn Hearing Screening Works

Babies can cry a lot during routine medical procedures, but rest assured, newborn hearing screenings are safe and comfortable. Many infants sleep through the entire procedure, which usually only takes a few minutes.

Heres a quick description of the two most common tests your newborn may experience:

  • Otoacoustic emissions measures your babys response to sound by placing a miniature earphone and microphone in the ear. Normal hearing triggers an echo into the ear canal, which is measured by the microphone. If your baby has hearing loss, no echo is recorded. The screening is done on each ear and a passing result confirms that the infants inner ears are receiving sounds.
  • Auditory brainstem response measures how the auditory nerve responds to sound through small electrodes placed on your babys head. This screening is a more complete test of the auditory system, and it requires small electrodes to be taped to the baby’s scalp. The screening is again done for each ear and a passing result confirms that the infants brain is receiving sound.

Your baby may have both tests together, one at a time, or the ABR only if they fail the OAE. Hospitals determine which tests they use based on costs, personnel and the number of babies born.

References: The Newborn Senses

Adam-Darque A, Grouiller F, Vasung L, Ha-Vinh Leuchter R, Pollien P, Lazeyras F, Hüppi PS. 2018. fMRI-based Neuronal Response to New Odorants in the Newborn Brain. Cereb Cortex. 28:2901-2907.

Adams RJ. 1995. Further exploration of human neonatal chromatic-achromatic discrimination. J Exp Child Psychol. 60:344-60.

Adams RJ, Courage ML, Mercer ME. 1991. Deficiencies in human neonates color vision: photoreceptoral and neural explanations. Behav Brain Res. 43:109-14.

Banks MS and Bennett PJ. 1988. Optical and photoreceptor immaturities limit the spatial and chromatic vision of human neonates. J Opt Soc Am A. 5:2059-79.

Beauchamp, G K and Pearson, P.1991. Human development and umami taste. Physiol Behav. 49:1009-12.

Beauchamp GK, Cowart BJ, Moran M. Developmental changes in salt acceptability in human infants. Dev. Psychobiology 1986 19:17-25.

Cavallini A, Fazzi E, Viviani V, Astori MG, Zaverio S, Bianchi PE, Lanzi G. 2002. Visual acuity in the first two years of life in healthy term newborns: an experience with the teller acuity cards. Funct Neurol. 17:87-92.

Clavadetscher JE, Brown AM, Ankrum C, Teller DY. 1988. Spectral sensitivity and chromatic discriminations in 3- and 7-week-old human infants. J Opt Soc Am A. 5:2093-105.

Conde-Agudelo A and Díaz-Rossello JL. 2016. Kangaroo mother care to reduce morbidity and mortality in low birthweight infants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016 Aug 23 :CD002771.

Image credits for the Newborn Senses:

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Can My Baby Taste Or Smell

Newborns can taste and smell and will favor sweet tastes over bitter ones. For example, a newborn will choose to suck on a bottle of sweetened water, but will turn away or cry if given something bitter or sour to taste. Likewise, newborns will turn toward smells they favor and turn away from bad odors.

Though sweetness is preferred, taste preferences will continue to develop during the first year of life. In fact, studies show that a mother’s diet can affect the way her breast milk tastes. These first flavors can help shape flavor preferences later on. For example, a mother who ate spicy foods while nursing is likely to have a child who grows up to favor spicy foods.

For now, breast milk or formula will fully satisfy your baby.

Doesnt Respond To Sounds Music Or Voices

Newborn Hearing Testing – WVU Medicine Health Report

Different sounds, music or people talking should always get the attention of a newborn, and why not, they have never heard these sounds before. Think how alarming it would be to be thrust into a world and hear all the sounds around for the first time. When you think about, it can be quite terrifying and overwhelming as our world is a very loud place.

A newborn should respond to these noises. If a cell phone rings, a car is honking or if people are talking loudly, there should be some reaction from the little one. Whether it means they just turn their head or they start to cry. A reaction is key. We dont recommend making loud noises to ensure that your little one can hear, but pay attention to how your baby reacts when your dog barks or a cars alarm across the street is going off.

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What Do The Results Mean

If the hearing screening shows a clear response from both of your babys ears, its unlikely that your baby has hearing loss.

Some babies need to have a second test to achieve a clear result. A refer result requires the hearing screen to be repeated within a few weeks. It doesnt necessarily mean that your baby has a hearing problem.

The initial screen result can be affected by:

  • fluid or other substances that have got into the ear canal during birth
  • temporary middle ear fluid
  • the area where the screen takes place is too noisy, or your baby is too restless

It is very hard to tell how well a young baby can hear by watching their behaviour so it is important that the hearing screen is repeated.

If your baby doesnt pass the second hearing test, they will be referred to a paediatric audiologist to test if they have a hearing problem.

The audiologist will see your baby as soon as possible if they do not pass the follow-up hearing screen in both ears. If your baby passes the hearing screen in only 1 ear, the audiologist will see your baby at about 2 to 3 months of age, or sooner if possible.

The audiologist will do a full hearing assessment. If there is a hearing problem, the tests will also show whether it’s likely to be temporary or permanent and your child will receive appropriate treatment and support.

Will My Child Be Successful In School

Like all children, children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing can develop strong academic, social, and emotional skills and succeed in school. Find out how your school system helps children with hearing loss. With your input, your childs school will develop an Individualized Education Program or Individualized Family Service Plan for your child, and you should ask if an educational audiologist is available to be part of the academic team. Explore programs outside of school that may help you and your child and talk with other parents who have already dealt with these issues. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ensures that children with hearing loss receive free, appropriate, early-intervention services from birth through the school years. Contact the U.S. Department of Education, along with resources listed in our directory of organizations.

An educator teaching a young boy.

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What Can My Baby Hear

Your newborn has been hearing sounds since way back in the womb. Mother’s heartbeat, the gurgles of her digestive system, and even the sounds of her voice and the voices of other family members are part of a baby’s world before birth.

Once your baby is born, the sounds of the outside world come in loud and clear. Your baby may startle at the unexpected bark of a dog nearby or seem soothed by the gentle whirring of the clothes dryer or the hum of the vacuum cleaner.

Notice how your newborn responds to your voice. Human voices, especially mom’s and dad’s, are a baby’s favorite “music.” Your baby already knows that this is where food, warmth, and touch come from. If your baby is crying in the bassinet, see how quickly your approaching voice quiets him or her down. See how closely your baby listens when you are talking or singing in loving tones.

Most newborns have a hearing screening before being released from the hospital . If your baby didn’t have it, or was born at home or a birthing center, it’s important to have a hearing screening within the first month of life. Most babies born with a hearing loss can be diagnosed through a hearing screening.

Is It Ok To Learn Two Languages

Keep a close watch on your baby

This has important implications. Parents of monolingual and bilingual children alike are eager for their little ones to utter the first words. Its an exciting time to learn more about what the baby is thinking. However, a common concern, especially for bilingual parents, is that their child is not learning fast enough.

We found that the bilingual babies showed an equally strong brain response to English sounds as the monolingual babies. This suggests that bilingual babies were learning English at the same rate as the monolingual babies.

Parents of bilingual children also worry that their children will not know as many words as children who are raised with one language.

To some extent, this concern is valid. Bilingual infants split their time between two languages, and thus, on average, hear fewer words in each. However, studies consistently show that bilingual children do not lag behind when both languages are considered.

Vocabulary sizes of bilingual children, when combined across both languages, have been found to be equal to or greater than those of monolingual children.

Another common concern is that bilingualism causes confusion. Part of this concern arises due to code switching, a speaking behavior in which bilinguals combine both languages.

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When To Worry About Your Baby’s Hearing

If your newborn does not respond to loud sounds with a startle reaction or never seems to react to your voice in the first months, run it by your pediatrician. Most states now require newborn screening for hearing loss, so you will know early on that your baby’s hearing is OK. However, newborn screens can miss some kinds of hearing loss — so if youre concerned about your babys hearing, bring it up with the doctor, even if the newborn screen was normal.

“Hearing impairment,” Wills L. and Wills K. in Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics: A Handbook for Primary Care. Parker S, Zuckerman B and Augustyn M . Lippincott Williams and Wilkins: 2005.

Language Development Stage : Learning Sentences

During this stage, children learn how to create sentences. That means they can put words in the correct order. For example, they learn that in English we say “I want a cookie” and “I want a chocolate cookie,” not “Want I a cookie” or “I want cookie chocolate.”

Children also learn the difference between grammatical correctness and meaning. Noam Chomsky created an example of this difference in the sentence Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Children will know that although the sentence is grammatically correct, it doesnt make sense. They know that green is a color and so it can’t be colorless and that ideas don’t sleep. However, they also know that the noun and verb structure of the sentence works.

To promote language development during this stage model good speech habits by speaking clearly, looking at them in the eye, not interrupting, and giving them a chance to talk. You can also add on to what they say to give them an idea of more complex ways to articulate their ideas and requests. Ask your child lots of questions and encourage their questions too to keep the dialog going.

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