How Can I Help My Newborn With Gas

Try To Reduce Babys Crying

How to Help a Gassy Baby | Infant Care

When your baby cries, they may gulp in air. Unfortunately, if the crying leads to gas in their system, theyre probably going to want to cry more.

This can be a vicious cycle, so we encourage you to do work on soothing the tears. Some soothing options include using a pacifier, swaddling, rocking, and swinging.

Breastfeeding And Gas Pain

As with a formula-fed infant, breastfeeding moms should usually only consider gas a true issue if it is excessive or accompanied by other symptoms. Before restricting your diet too much when your breastfed baby has gas, consider eliminating all milk and dairy products from your diet for a week or so.

If this helps your baby’s symptoms, then they may have a milk protein intolerance , and the milk proteins from your diet that are passing into your breast milk could be causing a problem. However, that isn’t necessarily a reason to stop breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding mothers can also try avoiding a few other foods known to cause gas. Or they can try avoiding foods that seem to cause their babies to have a lot of gas.

If you have a foremilk-hindmilk imbalance , in which you time your feedings and don’t let your baby nurse until they are finished on one side, then they may have gas because they are getting too much sugary foremilk.

Your baby may have less gas if they breastfeed until they are finished on each side and receive more hindmilk, which has more fat and less sugar.

Popular Treatments For Gas In Babies


For most babies, the number one most effective treatment for gas is TIME. Babies are born with an immature digestive system, and it needs time to mature. Until this happens, baby is likely to be gassy no matter what you do. Some babies wake up around 3-4 weeks to all the new GI sensations they are feeling and get really unhappy about it. If you cannot find an apparent cause for your babys gassiness, he probably just needs a little more time to mature.

Gripe water, fennel tea or other herbal remedies

Herbal remedies have been used for gassy babies for a countless number of years. I prefer to avoid using herbal remedies for gas in young babies. Here are my reasons:

  • In a healthy baby, anything other than breastmilk is more likely to cause problems rather than solve them.
  • Giving baby substances other than breastmilk can alter the intestinal flora and reduce the protective qualities of exclusive breastfeeding, thus making baby more susceptable to illness and allergies. See Why Delay Solids? for more on this.
  • Many of these products contain mixtures of herbs or other substances, thus putting baby more at risk for adverse reactions. Some contain alcohol, so read labels very carefully.
  • Most of these products have not been tested in infants for safety or effectiveness.
  • It is more effective to look at treating the causes, rather than simply trying to treat the symptoms.

Simethicone drops

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When Should You Worry

Most of the time, infant gas is normal and treatable. But in rare cases, it can be the first sign of a more serious digestive problem, says Jenna Faircloth, PharmD, of Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center in Ohio. Contact the doctor right away if your baby:

  • Does not poop, has bloody stools, or vomits.
  • Is very fussy. If you cant get them to calm down, a doctor needs to check for a problem.
  • Has a fever. If they have a rectal temperature of 100.4 F or higher, a doctor needs to rule out infection. If they are under 3 months of age, take them to the doctor right away.

What Infant Gas Drops Are Safe And Effective

My Baby Is Struggling With Gas, How Can I Help in 2020 ...

Infant gas drops contain simethicone, which breaks up gas bubbles and is also the main ingredient in common anti-gas medications for adults. Research as to how effective they are is mixed. Still, simethicone gas drops for babies are very safe, and some parents find theyre very effective.

Want to try infant gas drops to help your gassy baby? First, talk to your pediatrician about what kind to look for and how often to give them. And follow the dosing instructions on the bottle. Most will say you can give your baby drops up to 12 times per day, or at each feeding. Some parents find its helpful to give babies gas drops right before each feed to pre-empt gas problems, but check with your doctor to be sure.

Read the label and be sure to avoid drops with sodium benzoate or benzoic acid, which can be harmful to babies in large quantities.

And if a friend or relative brings a gas treatment from another country or one that isn’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration , don’t give it to your baby unless you get approval from your pediatrician. It could contain alcohol, sugar or other potentially harmful ingredients that aren’t clearly listed on the packaging.

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Consider A Specialized Formula

While most babies can do well on a standard formula, some may need a formula that is specialized. The two options used most frequently for gastrointestinal symptoms are hydrolyzed and hypoallergenic formulas:

  • Hydrolyzed. Formulas that are hydrolyzed have proteins that are broken down into smaller fragments so that theyre easier to digest. We recommend HiPP Comfort as our go-to organic, high-quality hydrolyzed formula.
  • Hypoallergenic. Formulas that are hypoallergenic are more significant hydrolyzed and in some cases have proteins broken down into their smallest components– amino acids. We recommend HiPP HA PRE if you need a hypoallergenic formula as it is both dairy- and corn-free. This makes it a good choice for babies with extra sensitive tummies or for those with Cows Milk Protein Allergy, or CMPA.
  • As a reminder, please always check with your pediatrician before introducing or switching to a specialized formula!

    Doing Bicycle Kicks To Ease Gassy Baby

    Although choosing the right bottle nipple and giving your baby infant probiotics are good for preventing gas, some good old-fashioned bicycle kicks can help your baby during a gassy flare-up.

    To perform this move, follow these simple steps:

    • Lay your baby on a soft blanket on the floor
    • Sit in front of your baby and move your babys legs as if he was on a bicycle

    This is a great opportunity to bond with your baby, gaze into his eyes, and sing a few nursery songs.

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    How To Help A Baby Get Rid Of Gas

    • Move around. Any activity that involves torso movement will help push the gas through and provide some relief.
    • Get upright. Moving baby from a supine position to an upright position can help move things along, with the added benefit of being more comforting.
    • Belly down. Tummy time is fun and distracting and can help massage that stomach to help gas find its way out.
    • Snack time. Although not a direct fix for gas, a quick feed can help soothe baby as things work their way throughso long as there are no air bubbles in the bottle and baby is burped often.

    Another sign of trapped gas is, of course, a grumpy baby. If a baby stops smiling and is visibly uncomfortable, theres a good chance that there is something inside that needs to be released. For really little babies, though, moving the gas bubbles from inside the digestive tract to the open air is no mean feat. Their undeveloped organs are ill-equipped for pushing that air out, and their lack of motor skills make any deliberate attempt almost futile.

    Luckily, there are a few things parents can do to help ease the passage.

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    Some formula or mommy milk can also have a pain reducing effect, Palmer says.

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    Alleviating gas is about making a baby comfortable. And, if done right, it can be an extremely satisfying end to an episode of fussiness.

    How Do You Comfort A Baby With Gas In Other Ways


    Many of us with kids can attest to the power of distraction, especially if your little one is feeling a bit cranky. By using the same techniques experts recommend for calming a fussy baby, you can also help calm a gassy baby.I Here are five of our favorites.

    1. Embrace a quiet space: If your babys emotions are already running high due to a gassy belly, refocusing or moving them from a busy or loud environment to a quieter space may help. Calm begets calm, after all.

    2. Herald in playtime: To both distract and entertain your baby at the same time, try engaging them in play. Be sure to make eye contact when you talk to them, then reach for a favorite rattle or toy. Bright colors, things with black-and-white contrasts, or even showing them their own reflection can all be good distractions from gassiness, too.

    3. Repeat, repeat, repeat: Babies are creatures of habit, making a routine a welcomed comfort. Find one that works for your infant, like playing, sleeping, eating, and repeating. In the same vein, repetitive motions can be hypnotically soothing to your baby: rocking or bouncing them gently as you speak or sing softly can be a lullaby in and of itself.

    4. Pacify their innate urges: Sucking is one of the first natural instincts infants haveand its especially soothing to themso a pacifier or teething ring may help do the trick.

    Next: Learn more about infant massage in our article How To Give Your Baby a Belly Massage.

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    How To Know If Your Baby Is Uncomfortable

    First, you need to identify that the baby is indeed suffering from gas pains. All babies cry to a certain extent because it is their primary means of communication with those around them. But the cry associated with gas pains is different from a tired, hungry, or bored cry. A gas pain cry will be sharper and sound more frantic than others. You may also see the baby pulling up their legs in discomfort. With these two signs combined, you can be sure your baby is suffering from excessive gas.

    Best Formula For Gas Pain

    When faced with gas, parents of formula-fed infants may first try changing to a different formula at the first sign that their baby is having any gas pain. Though many formulas are designed and marketed for babies with gas, it is not always necessary to make the switch. These types of sensitive, gentle, and/or comfort baby formula include:

    • Enfamil Gentlease
    • Similac Sensitive
    • Similac Soy Isomil
    • Similac Total Comfort

    While changing from a milk-based, iron-fortified formula is sometimes recommended, it is necessary much less often than most parents realize. For example, congenital lactase deficiency, in which babies can’t digest the milk sugar lactose when they are born, is extremely rare.

    Older children don’t usually develop symptoms of lactose intolerance until they are between 2 and 5 years old. So changing your baby to a lactose-free formula is often unnecessary. However, your baby might temporarily need a lactose-free formula if they recently had a viral infection that caused severe diarrhea, such as rotavirus.

    Unlike lactose intolerance, newborns and infants can have true milk protein allergies. In this case, changing to a soy formula would likely seem to be a good idea. But since many of these babies can also have a soy allergy, a hypoallergenic formula such as Nutramigen or Alimentum is usually a better choice.

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    What Should I Do If Baby Is Reacting To My Breastmilk

    Contact your pediatrician

    Bring your baby in for a checkup. Youll want to rule out any other causes for her symptoms, check babys growth and weight gain, and make sure baby is not losing excessive blood if your little one experiencing bloody stool. Your doctor can also discuss the possibility of confirming the presence of an allergy with a skin prick test.

    If your child is diagnosed with a food allergy, remember to ask about reintroducing the food later. Most kids will grow out of food allergies, sometimes by their first birthday.

    Keep a food and symptom journal

    We know its hard to find time to eat in those first few months, let alone write down what made it into your mouth, but tracking your intake alongside your babys symptoms is a good way to shed light on any possible reactions.

    Just remember that foods we eat remain in our bodies for long periods of time. So while a journal can be helpful to pinpoint the onset of symptoms when you first eat the offending food, know that your babys symptoms can persist for several days or up to 2 weeks, even if you dont eat that particular food again.

    Try an elimination diet

    If you notice an adverse reaction in your baby after you eat certain foods, try removing that food from your diet and watch for improvement.

    Seek support

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    We know parenting often means sleepless nights, stressful days, and countless questions and confusion, and we want to support you in your feeding journey and beyond.

    Got A Gassy Baby 6 Tips To Relieve Infant Gas

    My Favorite Formula For Gassy Babies

    No one likes a grumpy newborn: not mom, not dad, and certainly not the baby! One of the most common sources of infant discomfort is trapped gas. While its certainly frustrating, there are several steps you can take to reduce gassiness and get your little one back to feeling good.

    Here are six tips and tricks we recommend for relieving and reducing infant gas:

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    Be Careful About Foods

    To provide your infant with gas relief, talk to their doctor about foods that may cause extra gas. Some fruit juices contain sorbitols or sugar alcohols that babies cant absorb, causing gas. The doctor will also make sure your baby is getting all the essential nutrients they need.

    If you are breastfeeding, foods youve eaten can also cause your baby to be gassy. If you give your baby formula, you can try switching brands. Some brands claim to prevent gas.

    Feed Her Before Shes Too Hungry

    If you are tracking your babys feeding times, try to stick to a schedule and feed her before you start hearing her hungry cries. That way she will be more likely to eat at a leisurely pace and not gulp down her breast milk or formula too quickly. If youre breastfeeding and your milk lets down quickly, you may need to unlatch baby for a moment and then re-latch her so she can manage your milk flow.

    Tummy woes can make for a fussy baby. Find out what you can do about hiccups, gas bubbles and colic to ease the symptoms here.

    Also Check: How Many Times A Day Should A Newborn Poop

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