Why Are Newborns More Fussy At Night

Breastfeeding More Than Just Milk

Why is my baby fussy at night?

Breastfeeding provides babies with much more than just milk. A frazzled baby seeks the breast because the rhythm of sucking, the closeness and security of being held, and the feel and smell of his mothers body help him to feel safe and calm.

Most babies like to feed more often in the evening. Milk flow might be a bit slower than it is first thing in the morning, but this isnt a problem it means that babies can do lots of calming, soothing sucking at the breast without getting uncomfortably full. If your baby cries when you offer the breast yet again, it wont be because the breast suddenly doesnt work! Its much more likely that theyve just had enough for the moment. The signals for Im hungry are very similar to Im bored/tired/sad/uncomfortable/need a cuddle. Your baby still needs help, they just dont want the breast again right now.

You can find some ideas below of other ways to soothe a frazzled baby. If youre not sure what your baby wants, try offering the breast first, but if it seems to make things worse, try something else, and offer again when they are calmer.

What Is Fussiness In Babies

Thereâs no standard definition or single example of a âfussy babyâ because each child’s temperament is unique. What you might think of as fussy is likely different from the way other parents may describe the behavior. But in the context of decoding your babyâs nighttime cues, a fussy baby usually means a baby that cries and is hard to console. Because babies canât yet use words, their crying, fussiness, or irritability can be a way to express what’s going on or inform you that they need something.

The Witching Hour: What To Do When Your Baby Gets Fussy

You may know it well: early evening is approaching, and your baby starts to fuss. The witching hour is a periodusually between 5 and 11 p.m.when many babies get cranky and irritable, and may be difficult, if not impossible, to soothe.

Evening fussiness typically resolves on its own between 4 and 6 months. At that point, your baby will likely respond well to a consistent bedtime and stay awake for longer stretches during the day.

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What Colic Looks And Sounds Like

Parents of babies with colic often say that the babies look like they are angry or in pain, have gas, or are trying to go to the bathroom without success. Other characteristics of a baby with colic:

  • Higher pitched, more frantic crying
  • Sudden crying, starting out of nowhere, and for no apparent reason
  • Rigid or stiff body, often with clenched fists
  • Bent legs and stomach may feel hard

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Calming A Crying Baby: Why Babies Cry At Night

The Witching Hour: Fussy Baby at Night

IN THIS ARTICLE New parents often wish they had a magic baby cry decoder–especially to figure out why babies cry at night. Learn about the different causes of crying, and get tips on how to stop a crying baby today.

Newborns cry a lotbut they sleep even more. Most newborns sleep about eight to nine hours during the day and another eight hours at night, though not all at once. Your baby probably wont sleep through the night until shes at least three months old. Some babies dont sleep through the night until six months or older. So it stands to reason that lots of crying starts up when you thought she was sleeping peacefullyor when you’re trying to sleep.

Crying is your babys primary way of sending you a message. Babies cry at night to signal that they are in need of your help. Whats she trying to tell you when she wakes up wailing or cries in her sleep? Here are the main reasons why babies cry at night, and what to try when you’re wondering how to stop a crying baby.

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More Tips For Calming Fussy Newborns Who Wont Sleep

If vigorous rocking and white noise dont soothe your baby, you can try some of the below tips for calming fussy newbornsand preventing nighttime fussing in the first place:

Why Do Babies Cry In Their Sleep

Babies cry to communicate their needs, and hunger is probably the most common one, especially in newborns who nurse or take a bottle every few hours.Trusted SourceAmerican Academy of PediatricsResponding to Your Babys CriesSee All Sources But if your little one has recently been fed, she might be wailing for another reason, including:

  • Stomach upset. Babies are born without fully developed digestive systems, and it takes some time for them to get used to milk or formula.
  • Nightmares. Older babies are starting to develop their imaginations, a phase thats filled with excitement but can also lead to bad dreams and crying at night.

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Limit The Length Of Her Afternoon/evening Naps If They Are Very Long

Yes, this means wake a sleeping baby! This is one of the few times in the life of a newborn when we would ever recommend doing this! When you wake your baby from a long, late nap you want to be sure to put her back down for another nap OR for her night sleep within your typical awake time of no more than two hours. Be very wary of people who encourage you to force your baby to stay awake for long periods in the late afternoon or evening to make your baby sleep better at night. A recent study has shown this to actually be dangerous to your baby. Instead of improving sleep, this practice of extended awake periods actually raises your babys threshold for self-arousal. In other words, if your baby needed to wake herself in the night as a safety mechanism or SIDS prevention, it would now be harder for your baby to do it. So, when trying to solve day/night confusion you may limit long naps in the evening by waking your baby, but continue to stick to a short wakeful interval between naps.

Why Is My Baby So Fussy At Night

Cluster Feeding and Tips to Calming a Fussy Newborn | Dr. Amna Husain

If youâre a sleep-deprived parent, rest assured that youâre not the only one asking yourself this question! Babies cry during the day and at nightâitâs a factâbut that doesnât make it any easier when your little one seems extra fussy and hard to console before bedtime. The good news is that thereâs almost always a reason babies cry and/or appear fussy, including at night.Among the most common reasons babies become fussy at night or during the day are the following:

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Consider Your Own Stress Level

Ever noticed how a fussy baby can suddenly calm down when someone else holds them? Yup, babies can read the emotions of their caregivers. If youre frazzled, your baby will be fretful if youre calm, your baby will relax. Take some deep breaths. Meditate for a bit if you can.

Lesson 101 of witching hour is to remind yourself that you are the best parent for this baby and that you can do it.

Techniques For Getting Through This Time

For the most part, getting through the witching hour with your baby is about finding ways to soothe your baby, and also figuring out how you as a parent can cope with the fussiness.

The Academy of American Pediatrics recommends soothing techniques such as swaddling, rocking and walking your baby in your arms or in a baby carrier, and using calming sounds, such as white noise machines. Babies are soothed by sucking, too, so offering a pacifier, allowing your baby to suck on their fingers, or offering the breast, can be helpful, too.

If you think an upset tummy might be contributing to your babys fussiness, you might consider talking to your pediatrician about changing the type of formula you are feeding your baby, as some babies are sensitive to formula made with cows milk or soy. If you are breastfeeding, you might consider eliminating ingredients like cow milk, soy, egg whites, and any processed foods, that could be triggering sensitivities in your infant.

Youve got to take care of yourself, too. Caring for a fussy baby can take its toll on your mental health. Try to stay as calm as possible, Dr. Haas reminds. Sometimes babies can pick up on your stress and become even more fussy, she explains.

Whenever possible, get help caring for your baby. Parenting is not something we are meant to do alone, and when you are dealing with a fussy baby, having another parent or caretaker to take over sometimes can be immensely helpful.

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Baby Fussy Or Cranky At Night

There are many problems that children face when they are just born or even later than that. It is fun to plan a child but extremely difficult to look after it once it is finally out for good. Children have a whole bunch of problems that very few parents are able to comprehend. When it is time for a newborn to come in your home you could think of a whole lot of new events happening around the place. Sometimes babies are fussy at night. Their crying and yelling could be a result of so many things which few parents comprehend, and many dont.

Common causes of fussy cranky infant

The major reason why babies often fussy or cranky and yell at night is hunger. Yes, it is true that when babies are hungry they just cannot stop yelling and screaming so as to be able to tell their parents that they are hungry. Hence the best thing to boil down to when your baby begins to cry in the middle of the night is that he is hungry.

There could be yet another reason behind the shouting and yelling of your little one in the middle of the night is stomach ache or gas. This is one of the common reasons behind the crying and yelling of little babies. They often feel hungry at odd hours ending up being fed in the bargain falling prey to bad stomach aches. Stomach aches could be extremely tormenting for little ones and parents should keep medicine at home with doctors consultation, those best suits to your child.

Dealing with fussy baby

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Ensure Your Baby Is Sleeping Safely

Fussy, restless baby &  tried everything? I

Following recommendations from the AAP is the most important step you can take. Sure, you would like your baby to sleep as much as possible, but making sure they are safe is the top priority. Among the AAPs recommendations are:

  • Babies should sleep on their back until they are 1.
  • Babies should sleep on a firm surface, such as a mattress with a fitted sheet, that is free of bedding or other soft objects.
  • Parents and caregivers should avoid exposing babies to any smoke.
  • Caregivers should always avoid alcohol, sedating medications and illicit drug use while caring for an infant.
  • Parents can consider using a pacifier at nighttime or nap time, which has shown a protective effect against sudden infant death syndrome . Pacifiers should not attach to clothing or hang around your babys neck.

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If Your Baby Seems To Have Gas You May Want To:

  • Spend extra time burping baby. If your baby doesnt burp after a few minutes of trying, its OK to move on and try something else!
  • Bicycle their legs in the air. This technique is also useful if your baby is constipated.
  • Try over-the-counter options. Before you consider gripe water or gas drops, discuss options with your babys doctor first.
  • Choose slow-flow bottle nipples. By adjusting the nipple flow, less air may enter your babys digestive system with their milk.
  • Change your babys formula. Before giving up on a beloved formula brand, you can also consider trying the same formula in a ready-made formula version, which might lead to less gas than the powdered kind.
  • Experiment with your diet. If your breastfed baby is showing signs of gas discomfort and youve tried other solutions to no avail, it may be time to consider eliminating certain foods from your diet.

Your Newborn Is Crying Because They Are Tired

In most cases, excessive wailing means your baby is tired and needs to settle a little before they are able to fall asleep.

During the first few weeks of life, babies are overloaded with stimulation, a sensation which they are not used to nor know how to manage. They cry to release tension and because they need to feel calm and comforted before they are able to settle.

Help making their surroundings calmer, by keeping lighting and noise low, and staying close by until they fall asleep. You dont need to hold them, just comforting or stroking them whilst they are in the crib is enough.

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How To Calm A Fussy Baby At Night

Once you can identify the reason behind your babyâs fussiness, you’ll be better equipped to respond. But knowing how to calm a fussy baby at night tends to be more about prevention rather than just reaction. If you look at your babyâs nighttime fussiness by general groupings of symptoms , there are a few tactics that can help you calm and maybe even prevent your childâs fussiness.

When To Seek Help

Why Babies Cry at Night & How to Soothe Them

Its important to go to your babys recommended checkups or wellness visits so the doctor can keep track of growth and development. These visits are more frequent when your baby is first born, when tracking weight gain is vital.

Your doctor will tell you if they suspect your baby isnt getting enough milk or if they arent gaining enough weight. More frequent feedings, fussiness, or breasts not feeling full dont necessarily mean your baby isnt getting enough milk.

Always call your pediatrician if your baby seems very sick, lethargic, or has trouble breathing.

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Common Reasons Why Your Newborn Wont Sleep

If youâre struggling to sort out why your infant wonât close their eyes, it can be due to an array of issues, not because they enjoy seeing you pull your hair out. Your child needs zzzâs just as much as you, and itâs usually due to feelings of frustration caused by an issue that can often be helped. Below we discuss what you can do.

What Should I Do If My Baby Cries More When I Rock Them Fast

At times, it can take infants a bit to realize youre doing something they like! If your baby is still yelling 30 seconds after you begin your vigorous jiggling, check your technique. Make sure your moves are fast and tiny, youre supporting your bubs head and neck, and your hands are open to allow Babys head to jiggleand dont forget the loud white noise.

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Try Not To Stress Too Much About Bad Habits Magic Windows Of Wakefulness Or Beating Yourself Up For Making The Wrong Decisions

Yes, sleep is important for health and immune function, for mental and emotional wellbeing, for learning and attention spans, and even for romantic relationships and marriage but as long as your baby is getting sleep, and you are making sleep safety decisions from an informed point of view its all good! Okay? We promise! Its all good! Even if you arent getting good sleep right now for any number of reasons , sleep deprivation can be reversed and you have lots of time to solve any problems.


As long as you are loving and bonding with your new little baby, nursing or feeding frequently, and keeping him or her as rested as you can , there are few rights and wrongs when it comes to sleep. Sure, sure well talk about the science of newborn sleep, reasonable expectations, things to watch for, developing a great foundation for good sleep, things to try, and patterns to try to avoid BUT, the bottom line is your baby needs sleep! So if the crib or bassinet isnt working at the moment, strap on the soft carrier, soothe with some recreational nursing or sucking, start bouncing on the yoga ball and spend a few minutes reading this blog out loud to your newborn it just might put him or her to sleep!




Soothing Sounds And Serene Atmosphere

5 best tips to calm a fussy baby (for happier moments!)

Sing your favorite soft song or classic lullaby to soothe your baby and let them know youre there. If youre not much of a singer, try a white noise app for soothing sounds like ocean waves and forest sounds.

This works best in a darker room thats not too hot or cold for baby. If the singing or sounds arent working, try eliminating distractions and comfort baby in a quiet space.

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