Why Is My Newborn Fussy At Night

What Should I Do If My Baby Cries More When I Rock Them Fast

Why is my baby fussy at night?

At times, it can take infants a bit to realize youre doing something they like! If your baby is still yelling 30 seconds after you begin your vigorous jiggling, check your technique. Make sure your moves are fast and tiny, youre supporting your bubs head and neck, and your hands are open to allow Babys head to jiggleand dont forget the loud white noise.

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Common New Parent Sleep Mistakes And How To Fix Them

The 3 tips shared above are common new parent sleep mistakes.

There are other common mistakes that new parents often make which hurt your babys sleep.

Are you making these other common new parent mistakes, too?

If you want to learn more about how to help your baby sleep better, check out this great post here.

You can also check out this post to read more reasons that babies cry and quick solutions for helping them to settle.

The Baby May Need To Fill Up/cluster Feeding

Another reason why your baby may get fussy in the evening could be due to the need to fill up constantly.

During the first six months of a babys life, their feeding habits keep changing. You may find that at times your little one wants to feed after every three hours or more while other times he or she wants to nurse every 30 minutes to one hour.

The desire to feed more frequently than normal is called cluster feeding and usually occurs in the evening. Some of the main causes of cluster feeding include growth spurt and mothers increase in milk production.

During cluster feeding, babies want to feed more often and get all the attention of their moms for hours, which is at times not possible. The constant need to fill up may make the baby become restless and contribute to their fussiness.

The best solution for cluster feeding is to make sure you have finished all the activities in the house by at least 6 pm. This will give you ample time to sit down with your baby and nurse him/her for as long as they want without worrying about other things like preparing dinner.

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Does This Mean That Baby Needs More Milk Than I Can Provide

No. Dont give baby a bottle supplementation will only tell your body that you need LESS milk at this time, and that will not help matters. Also, keep in mind that formula fed babies experience fussy periods in the evening, too fussy evenings are common for all young babies, no matter how they are fed. The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine spells this out in their supplementary feeding guidelines:

There are common clinical situations where evaluation and breastfeeding management may be necessary, but supplementation is NOT INDICATED including The infant who is fussy at night or constantly feeding for several hours.

Why Do Babies Fuss In The Evening

Why Is Newborn So Fussy

One frequently-heard explanation for babys fussiness in the evenings is that milk volume tends to be lower in the evening due to the natural cycling of hormones throughout the day. However, Dr. Peter Hartmann, a breastfeeding researcher, has said that in the women he has studied, milk volume is not low at this time of day. Even if milk volume is lower in the evening, fat content is typically higher in the evening , so the amount of calories that baby is getting should not be significantly different. Milk flow can be slower in the evening, which may be frustrating for some babies.

Doctors often attribute evening fussiness to babys immature nervous system . However, Dr. Katherine Dettwyler states that babies in Mali, West Africa and other traditional societies dont have colic or late afternoon/evening fussiness. These babies are carried all day and usually nurse several times each hour.

Perhaps babies simply need to nurse more often at this time rather than consume more milk.

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When To Call The Doctor

Most of the time, the crying will stop when the babys comfort needs are met. Call the doctor if any of these occur:

  • Your baby cries constantly for more than 3 hours
  • The babys cry sounds different or painful to you
  • Your baby has vomiting, diarrhea or is not feeding well
  • Your baby cannot be soothed
  • You feel scared that you are tired, angry, or you might hurt the baby
  • Your baby is ill, especially if he or she has a fever of 100.4 F or more

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Why Does The Witching Hour Occur

One good way to get a better grip on this whole witching hour thing is to understand why it happens in the first place. Here are five potential causes.

#1 Overstimulation: If your baby had been overstimulated throughout the day, it can cause fussiness and irritability. Newborns can only handle so much stimulation at one time, so too much noise, or even too much light can make witching hour worse.

#2 Overtired: An overtired baby is often an unhappy baby, and at the end of the day, your little bundle of joy may be completely overtired from the events of the day. If your baby has missed a nap or two over the previous days, this can lead to exhaustion which can quickly lead to fussing at the end of the day.

#3 Stomach Discomfort: Gas or acid reflux can certainly contribute to the witching hour, and this is especially true for very young babies with immature digestive systems.

#4 Cluster Feeding: Newborns tend to cluster feed at night as a way to prepare for a longer stretch of sleep. Your baby may become fussy during the evening when they are demanding what seems like one feed right after another. Remember that this phase may be frustrating, but it is also temporary!

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Attachment Milestone : Attention And Regulation

Attention and regulation go hand-in-hand, because a baby who cant calm down wont be able to pay attention and interact with you.

Your baby has periods when they are calm , attentive , and shows interest in faces, but doesnt necessarily engage with you at this point.

You follow your babys lead. When your baby pays attention to you, you respond with gentle touch, soothing tone of voice, and playful facial expressions. When your baby looks away, you do the same.

How Long Should You Let Your Newborn Sleep Without Eating

New Born Fussy at Night: Reasons and Solution

Newborns should eat as often and as long as they want, so it may be necessary to wake your newborn if she’s sleeping too much to meet her calorie and nutrient needs. Frequent feeding is crucial for your newborns growth and development. Right after birth, babies lose up to 10 percent of their body weight and need to regain it quickly.

Keep in mind that while infants feed frequently, they usually consume tiny amounts, as little an ounce or two at a time. Portions and sleep times will both increase as your baby gets older. Heres a typical schedule for guidance:

  • Newborns: feed every two to four hours
  • 2 months: feed every three to four hours

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What Does A Fussy Baby Mean

First, lets look at some important realities.

In most situations, a fussy baby means one thing: your baby is normal. Thats right.

Take a deep breath and make yourself some calming chamomile tea if youre reading this article then you probably need it. I know, Ive been there.

Its exhausting when your baby wont stop crying, youre so tired, and everything seems just so hard.

Babies fuss for a variety of reasons depending on their age and development and for the most part, this fussiness is perfectly normal.

Its all going to be okay.

But my friends baby didnt cry like this!

Each baby has their own unique personality.

Thats right, from day one each baby has its own unique personality, likes, dislikes, and peculiarities.

Some babies are easy going, and some need more of your attention.

You may be tempted to compare your child to your friends children, or even to your own previous child, but thats not fair to you or your baby and will only cause you more stress.

Comparison is the thief of joy, and when it comes to your baby, theres so much joy to be had!

So whatever ideas you have about how your baby should behave, throw them out the window.

This child in your arms is unlike any other, and thats a good thing. Enjoy him for who he is, without expectation.

With that said, there are some common patterns and reasons why your baby might be fussy and some simple solutions to help you both get through it.

Lets have a look at 10 common culprits.

Soothing Sounds And Serene Atmosphere

Sing your favorite soft song or classic lullaby to soothe your baby and let them know youre there. If youre not much of a singer, try a white noise app for soothing sounds like ocean waves and forest sounds.

This works best in a darker room thats not too hot or cold for baby. If the singing or sounds arent working, try eliminating distractions and comfort baby in a quiet space.

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Pick Them Up And Rock Them Gently

One thing is certain: your baby needs you. Pick them up, rock them gently, talk to them softly. Put them in a baby carrier wrap the closeness to your body will make them feel safe and secure.

Then, when they have calmed down, put them back down to sleep and stay close by until they have fallen asleep.

We need to forget the idea that its best to let them cry it out so as not to spoil them too much and that sooner or later theyll stop crying and learn not to call for attention through crying.

Young babies need our love and attention to grow happy and healthy.

At this early stage, its impossible to spoil your baby: contact between mother and baby is a basic need as well as a natural instinct.

Dont expect them to settle straight away, babies often need a good cry to let off steam and tire them out.

Ways To Calm A Fussy Baby

baby fussy while feeding at night


Swaddling your baby can be a way to keep them calm, especially to get them to go to sleep. Swaddling can help your baby calm down because they feel secure, relaxed, and safe. Swaddling can feel like a hug to your little one, which is helpful as no parent can hug and comfort their baby 24 hours a day.

Hold baby in a way that allows for digestion support

One of the many reasons your little one is fussy can be gas or if your baby has colic. The way you hold your baby can be vital to calming their digestive system and allowing them to relax. Here are a few ways that holding your baby can help if they are gassy or have colic:

Holding your baby upright after feeding: Holding your baby upright after feeding is important to prevent digestion disruption. Use your Tushbaby Carrier to hold your little one upright after feeding. You can also use your Tushbaby in the feeding position by laying your baby across your body. Your body will thank you as your Tushbaby saves your back and provides your arms some much-needed relief during feedings.

For babies with Colic, bounce while holding: You can hold your baby while bouncing to provide them some much-needed relief using your Tushbaby Carrier. Having a baby with colic can be extremely difficult for parents, but your friends at Tushbaby are here to help. Read our blog on How to Help a Baby With Colic, which includes a clip on how to use your Tushbaby in the #colichold.

Walk or rock your baby

Take baby on a stroll

Avoid overfeeding

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What Causes The Baby Witching Hour

No one knows what causes these fussy periods in babies. Around 20% of babies develop colic, usually when they are 2 to 4 weeks old. Your baby may just be sensitive to stimulation and not be able to self-soothe yet. Though it’s stressful for you, colic won’t cause any long-term harm or medical problems for your baby.

Babies That Are Too Tired Can Have Trouble Sleeping

As an adult you have probably experienced times of lying in bed, exhausted, but unable to sleep. This is often tied to stress for adults, and babies can experience something similar. If your baby becomes overstimulated, you may find yourself with a very fussy baby at night.

Young babies lack the ability to self-soothe. When they receive too much stimulation, whether it is new sights, sounds or feelings, or just a schedule that doesnt allow enough downtime, they can quickly become overwhelmed. Logic may dictate that your baby would respond by happily falling asleep when put to bed, but the opposite often happens. General fussiness leads to a full-blown meltdown, and before you know it, your baby is wailing away, way past the time you felt he would be happily asleep.

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Swap Bottles For Gassy Babies

Some bottles are specifically designed to reduce the amount of air that is swallowed during feedings. If your baby is having problems with gas, try a vented, angled, or collapsible style. Make sure to hold babys head elevated at a 45-degree angle and tip the bottle downward into their mouth with the nipple full of milk, not air.

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How Sleep Training Works

Fussy One Month Old Baby at Night | CloudMom

First, dont try to sleep-train a newborn. It takes a few months before a baby has developed the ability to have regular sleeping cycles.

A baby should be 4 to 6 months old for sleep training to begin in earnest. Some of the basic rules that apply to adult sleep also apply to baby sleep: The room needs to be relatively quiet, dark and calm, and bedtime needs to be consistent.

Pacifiers are OK. So are night lights as long as theyre not too bright, and white-noise machines as long as theyre not too loud.

Now comes the biggie: What to do when the baby starts wailing.

This is where sleeping training can take several paths.

  • Cry it out. If your baby is fed, has a clean diaper and isnt showing any signs of illness, you let them cry until they fall asleep. This can be hard on parents, but it could be the quickest way for your baby to learn to sleep through the night.
  • Graduated extinction. The method isnt as alarming as the name suggests. It basically means you console your baby in the beginning but then taper that off until the baby learns how to soothe himself.
  • Chair method, or fading. Using this method, you remain seated in a chair while your baby falls asleep.

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Is Cluster Feeding A Sign Of Low Milk Supply

More frequent eating shouldnt cause worry about your milk supply. A doctor can easily tell you if your baby is getting enough milk based on their weight gain.

Tracking a young babys wet diapers can also help you tell if theyre getting enough milk. Below are the average number of wet diapers per day, based on babys age:


Tips For Dealing With Baby Witching Hour

Once youve ruled out any medical conditions that may be causing your baby to crya protein allergy or intolerance or baby reflux are two common infant ailmentsthere are some time-tested ways to soothe a fussy baby at night.

Let baby sleep. Give her the chance to get in as much shut-eye during the day, since an overtired baby has a harder time falling asleep at night.

Take baby to a quiet, dark room. By limiting stimulation when hes upset, baby will have an easier time calming down. A white noise machine or app may help too.

Re-create the womb.Swaddle baby and sway with or rock him. This will feel familiar and comforting to him.

Snuggle. Skin-to-skin contact lets baby smell youits like aromatherapy for babies!

Nurse baby as much as she wants. Because youre making milk at a slower pace late in the day, shell want to feed for longer before she feels satisfied.

Startand stick toa bedtime regimen. You can start with a bath and end with a book or lullaby. Eventually, baby will come to expect the routine and feel calmed by it.

Ask for help. Be gracious to yourselfand babyand ask for support. Tag team and make sure you and your partner are taking care of each other and each getting time apart from the baby, Bernstein says. One parent can go take a walk while the other deals with as long as he or she can handle it. After all, youre probably a lot better at calming baby when youre calm yourself.

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How Can I Calm My Baby

Every baby is different. Over time, you will learn what works best to soothe your baby. Here are some techniques you can try to calm your baby:

Swaddle your baby. Wrapping your baby in a thin blanket may help them feel secure. Your babys nurse or doctor can teach you to swaddle if you need help.

Turn on white noise. You can try a white noise machine, a fan, or a recording of a heartbeat. These sounds remind your baby of being in the womb and may calm them down.

Hold your baby in your arms on their left side or stomach. This might help with your babys digestion or help their stomach feel better. Remember to put your baby on their back in their crib if they fall asleep.

Put your baby in a sling and walk or rock them. This reminds your baby of being in the womb. It may comfort them.


Give your baby a pacifier or your finger to suck on. If its not time to eat, let your baby suck on your clean finger or a pacifier. Most babies are calmed by sucking.

Dont overfeed your baby. Try to wait at least 2 to 2.5 hours from the beginning of one feeding to the beginning of the next. Being too full can make your baby uncomfortable.

Check for food sensitivity. If youre breastfeeding, check with your pediatrician to see whether eliminating milk or caffeine from your diet will make a difference. Some babies show signs of milk protein intolerance that a doctor can identify. If youre formula feeding, you can also ask your pediatrician about changing your babys formula.


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