Can I Breastfeed And Formula Feed My Newborn

When Should I Use A Breast Pump


Many women find the convenience of a breast pump to be an invaluable aid in breastfeeding. Basically, breast pumps allow the nursing mother to expel breast milk at times when she is not available to nurse the breastfed baby.

There are different types of breast pumps. Large, dual-action pumps are typically used in the hospital setting and may be rented for home use. The options for personal use and purchase include automatic models that are comparable to hospital-grade pumps, small electric or battery-operated units that double- or single-pump, and one-handed manual pumps.

Breast pumps may be useful for working mothers who wish to provide a supply of breast milk for their newborn and keep up their own milk production. Sometimes, women must stop breastfeeding on a temporary basis due to an infection or need to take certain medications. In these cases, use of a breast pump can keep milk production active during the breastfeeding hiatus.

Rigid Schedules For Breastfeeding Babies What About Formula

The main thing about schedules for breastfeeding or formula-feeding babies is that I want to tell you today that a schedule is only as rigid as you make it. Just because you set your alarm for 6:30 a.m. does not mean you dont hit snooze 23 a few times does it? Just because you tell your friend you want to meet for lunch at 12 doesnt mean you cant call her and tell her youre starving and ask if you can meet at 11:45, instead, right? So, the first thing about schedules for any baby, not just breastfeeding babies, is that you do not have to be married to the clock to the point you are running a boot camp.

How rigid you make your schedule generally depends on your particular personality. I am, personally, a Type-A personality . A Type-A personality is generally much more conscious of the time on the clock and, being an INTJ, I generally need to know what time it is at all times . Basically, I am a planner. I like to know roughly what I am doing every day and this includes on vacation . I honestly cant help it.

So, when I birthed a highly unpredictable, inconsistent baby, this essentially drove me a little crazy. BUT, he was also unable to get on a schedule until he was older . I just had to deal and like many things you imagine go differently in your head before you actually have a baby, I had to adjust my thinking.

How To Formula Feed A Breastfed Baby

  • When introducing your baby to formula after breastfeeding, it may be best to do so gradually, if possible.
  • Try to switch one feeding at a time and give formula for only that feed for a few days. Then you can repeat with another one if needed, and so on.8
  • Have someone else feed your baby with formula. Sometimes when babies smell mom, all they want is breast milk. If youre having this problem getting your baby to take a formula bottle, see if having someone else give the bottle does the trick.9
  • Ensure that you still use your breast pump to pump out breastmilk and avoid engorgement of the breast, which occurs when your breast is full of milk, but its not being used up at the same rate its being produced.10

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How Long Should I Breastfeed My Baby

Your baby needs breast milk and/or formula for the first 6 months of life. This means feeding your baby only breast milk and/or formula and no other foods or liquids during that time. After 6 months, you can begin introducing new foods to your baby while you continue breastfeeding and/or formula feeding, up until your baby turns 1. And you can keep breastfeeding after your babys first birthday for as long as you and your baby would like.

Can You Mix Breastfeeding And Formula Feeding

Breastfeeding vs Formula Feeding

Theres no denying that the benefits of breast milk are plentiful. A mothers milk evolves to meet babys changing nutritional needs, offers antibodies that protect from infection, and may even reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

Whats more, breastfeeding is good for a new parent, too. It can speed up the recovery process, help fight postpartum depression, and reduce the risk of certain cancers.

both recommend exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a childs life, parents know that this isnt always possible or practical.

This uncompromising expectation can eventually lead to breastfeeding burnout and cause moms to prematurely quit.

In fact, one small study has shown that using early limited formula in combination with breastfeeding for newborns who were losing weight while still in the hospital had no negative impacts on breastfeeding and actually reduced rates of hospital readmission.

So yes, exclusive breastfeeding is the ideal but if your reality suggests that it isnt possible, formula boasts the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, and protein an infant requires to survive and thrive.

Formula can offer an option that meets nutritional needs while also allowing for breastfeeding parents to address and adapt to their own needs.

When it comes to breastfeeding, it doesnt have to be an all-or-nothing experience.

Formula takes more work and time for little tummies to digest, so they often need less than youd expect.

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Baby Wont Take The Bottle

Uh-oh, its the scenario you feared: Your baby refuses the bottle altogether. Before you panic, try to keep your cool with a few troubleshooting techniques:

  • Wait longer between feedings to increase babys hunger .
  • Have your partner or another caretaker do the feeding.
  • Offer the bottle at a time of day when baby is usually in a good mood.
  • Dribble a little breast milk on the nipple of the bottle.
  • Experiment with different temperatures of formula , as well as different bottles and nipples.

Breastfeeding Information And Support

It may seem like breastfeeding is natural and it should “come naturally.” However, it can take a lot of work, especially in the beginning. . Here are some places to find support while breastfeeding:

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What Effect Will Combining Breastfeeding And Formula Feeding Have

Your baby will enjoy the benefits of breastmilk, even if youre not exclusively breastfeeding. For instance, they will still gain some of the antibodies that will protect them against infection .

One thing to consider is that breastmilk supply is generally driven by frequent, effective breastfeeding. This means feeding your baby as often as they show they need to by responding to their feeding cues .

Giving your baby formula can affect your milk supply, especially when you first start breastfeeding. It means your baby breastfeeds less often so your body produces less milk .

The NHS suggest that it can take up to six weeks to successfully establish breastfeeding . It’s often recommended to wait until feeding is firmly established before introducing a bottle .

There is limited evidence that babies experience nipple confusion from bottle use , as it requires a different type of sucking action from breastfeeding. However, if your baby is older, beyond the newborn stage, you can usually maintain your breastmilk supply alongside formula feeding, as long as you breastfeed every day. Much older babies from eight or nine months can breastfeed just a handful of times a day, and there is still a supply.

Very well-established breastfeeding, with a baby of a year or so or more, can continue with as few as one or two feeds in 24 hours .

If your baby is over six months they can use a beaker or cup rather than a bottle .

Is It Possible To Breastfeed While Pregnant

Is it okay to breastfeed my newborn and give them formula at the same time?

While breastfeeding typically is associated with a decrease in fertility, it is possible to become pregnant while breastfeeding, and breastfeeding does not provide 100% effective birth control. For most women, it is safe to continue breastfeeding if they desire, provided they ensure that they are receiving adequate nutrition and fluid intake. While breast milk from a pregnant mother is still nutritionally strong, the hormonal changes of pregnancy will result in some changes in the content of the breast milk and the way the breast milk tastes.

Some women who have had premature labor in previous pregnancies may be advised to stop breastfeeding if they become pregnant. This is because the stimulation of the nipples that occurs during breastfeeding may trigger contractions of the uterus. In a woman prone to preterm labor, these weak uterine contractions might increase her risk of developing preterm labor. Both pregnancy and breastfeeding place high demands on the body in terms of nutritional support and rest. Other women may be advised to stop breastfeeding during pregnancy if their nutritional status is poor or if they are suffering from extreme fatigue due to the pregnancy. These decisions should be made with advice from the mother’s doctor.

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When And How To Introduce Formula

If you want to supplement with formula, but its not because of a medical reason, experts do recommend that you breastfeed for one month before starting your newborn on formula.

When you wait for about four weeks, this gives you more time to build up your breast milk supply. This ensures that the baby breastfeeds well. Then, you can slowly introduce formula into the mix.

Before you choose an infant formula for your baby, you should talk to a pediatrician. Many doctors will recommend a formula that is fortified with iron during their first year.

However, you should pay close attention to your baby when you first introduce formula to them. They could develop a rash, diarrhea, vomiting, fussiness, gas, and excessive crying. These signs could indicate an allergy. If any of these happen, stop using that formula immediately and call your babys doctor. He or she can recommend other formula options.

Supplementing is going to be a significant change for you and your baby, especially if youve been breastfeeding exclusively. Therefore, consider these strategies to help with that transition:

How To Introduce Formula To Breastfed Babies: The Parents Guide To Supplementing With Formula

Making the transition from breastfeeding to formula feeding can be challenging, to say the least. A mothers choice to breastfeed is extremely personal and can be affected by several factors. Whats most important is a happy, well-fed baby. Exclusively formula feeding or combining breastfeeding with formula feeding can often be hugely beneficial for both mothers and babies.

Here at Little Bundle, we believe its important that mothers realize that exclusively formula feeding isnt a failure of any kind. You know whats best for your baby, and we want you to feel confident that youre making the right choice, whatever that choice may be. Its also important to remember that there is no best formula. What works for one baby may not work for others, and thats completely fine! If your little one is fed, loved, and happy, then youve made the best choice for your baby.

The great news is that introducing formula to breastfed babies is easier than you might think. It will probably take some time, but its nothing that you and your baby cant handle! Perhaps even more encouraging is the fact that there are so many wonderful formulas these days. Youre bound to find one that you and your baby loves, and you can continue to bond with your baby during feeds, while also feeling confident that youre giving your baby the absolute best alternative to breast milk.

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When Can I Start Combine Feeding

It is generally a good idea to wait until breastfeeding is well established. This usually takes roughly 68 weeks after birth, but it can be different for everyone.

However, some woman will want to combine feed their baby from birth. This is safe to do but it may make breastfeeding more challenging in the early weeks if your baby is also bottle fed. You can speak to your midwife about good positioning and attachment of the baby onto your breast in order to prevent nipple/teat confusion.

If there are concerns about your babys weight and wellbeing, your midwife and health visitor will be able to guide you. They will help you make a feeding plan to support your breastfeeding and make sure your baby is getting enough milk.

I wanted to breastfeed exclusively, but because my baby was being tube fed in intensive care this wasnt possible. Once he was back on the ward with me, I started breastfeeding and used formula milk as a top up. I found it much easier to breastfeed during the night. It was more relaxed, there was no waiting around for the bottle to be warmed and my baby fed quicker, was much happier and went back to sleep a lot faster.

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Formula Feeding


For some parents, or when the baby has certain medical conditions, it is very important to know exactly how much their baby is receiving at each feeding, and formula/bottle-feeding allows exact measurement. Foods, medications, or physical conditions in the mother are no longer a concern for the baby who is receiving formula. The entire family can immediately become intimately involved in all aspects of the baby’s care, including feedings, allowing the mother to get more rest. Formula-fed babies actually need to eat somewhat less often since formula is less readily digested by the baby than human milk. The disadvantages of formulas are primarily their expense, the lack of maternal infection-fighting antibodies that are in breast milk, and the fact that no formula can exactly duplicate the ideal composition of breast milk.

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Pros And Cons Of Formula Feeding

Choosing a formula for your baby sometimes gets a lot of bad press. However, the truth is that there are many reasons you may opt for it.

Breastfeeding doesnt always work out, and it can be hard to anticipate that in advance. Milk supply issues, such as not producing enough milk, are good reasons to use formula.

If breastfeeding your infant isnt an option, its essential to find the highest-quality formulas you can. Do your research and consult your babys medical provider for options.

Should Newborns Get Nutritional Supplements

Breast milk has the right combination of vitamins and easily absorbed iron for newborns. A healthy infant being nursed by a healthy mother doesn’t need extra vitamins or nutritional supplements, with the exception of vitamin D. Breastfed babies should begin vitamin D supplements within the first few days of life, continuing until they get enough vitamin D-fortified formula or milk .

Breastfeeding mothers who follow vegetarian diets that do not include animal products need vitamin B12 supplements.

Iron-fortified formula hass the right blend of vitamins and minerals for a baby, so supplements usually aren’t needed. Infants drinking less than 1 liter, or about a quart, of formula a day may need a vitamin D supplement.

Water, juice, and other foods usually aren’t necessary during a baby’s first 6 months. Breast milk and formula provide everything babies need nutritionally until they start eating solid foods. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions about feeding your newborn.

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