How Do You Swaddle A Newborn

Is Swaddling Safe For Babies

Swaddling Your Newborn

Yes, swaddling is safe for babies! Remember, swaddling your baby reminds them of being in the womb and its an effective way to calm infants and promote sleep. According to research in The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, swaddling is totally safe. Simply be sure to follow these safe swaddling rules:

  • Make sure your swaddle is secure! A swaddle that can easily come loose is dangerous.

  • Avoiding overheating. Lightweight, breathable swaddles reduce the chance that your baby will become too hot while swaddled.

  • Lay your baby to sleep on their back. All babies, including swaddled babies, must be placed on their backs on a firm, flat, and empty surface to sleep.

  • Know when to stop swaddling. Its very important to stop swaddling your baby once they show signs of rolling over. Of note: Babies who sleep in my SNOO smart sleeper can remain safely swaddled until they graduate to the crib.

One Last Thing Some Dos And Dont Of Swaddling Are This:

  • Dont swaddle with a blanket thats not meant for swaddling
  • Dont swaddle baby so that fabric covers their nose, mouth, or face
  • Dont swaddle babys legs so tight that they cant move them – they should be able to kick freely
  • Dont swaddle babys arms over their chests, they should always be on their sides
  • Dont swaddle baby once they start rolling over
  • Do put baby to sleep on her back – always
  • Do ensure that you can place two fingers underneath the top fold comfortably – this way youll see that baby is nice and snug but not too snug

When it comes to swaddling, there are lots of options out there. Our Dreamland Baby weighted sleep sack makes things easy thanks to our detachable swaddle wing that can be used as a weighted baby swaddle or sleep sack. The gentle weight naturally reduces stress and increases relaxation through deep-pressure stimulation to give your baby feelings of security and comfort. Its 100% natural, soft cotton for temperature regulation and has a two-way zipper for easy diaper changes.

With some practice, parents get the hang of swaddling pretty quickly. We always suggest practicing while baby is calm or even sleeping. It may take a minute to get used to, but once you get the hang of how to swaddle with a blanket, youll see how cozy and calm baby will be!

Can You Swaddle With Arms Out

Swaddling your baby with one or both arms out is perfectly safe, as long as you continue to wrap her blanket securely. In fact, some newborns prefer being swaddled with one or both arms free from the very beginning. Another swaddle transition option: Trade your swaddle blanket for a transitional sleep sack.

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Does Swaddling Have Any Benefits

Experts are divided about whether all the reported benefits of swaddling stand up to scientific scrutiny, but many parents say that swaddling works for them. For example, itâs said that swaddling may

  • make it easier to settle your baby for sleep

  • help your baby sleep longer

  • prevent your newborn from being woken by the âstartle reflexâ

  • give your baby a sense of safety and security by mimicking the snug environment of the uterus.

How To Swaddle With A Wrap

Loving Baby Care: Swaddling Tear Pad

Like the idea of swaddling but dont want to use a blanket? Swaddle wraps with Velcro tabs or zippers are as safe as blankets and deliver the same benefits without the need for any folding or tucking. The specific instructions vary depending on which wrap you buy. But they generally tend to be easier to master than blankets and are much less likely to come untucked.

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How To Swaddle A Baby: Step

You may have heard that swaddling can be an effective method of helping your baby sleep, so you may be wondering how to swaddle a baby. Swaddling is a practice thats been carried out for thousands of years and can be beneficial for your baby.

However, its important you carry out the correct technique when swaddling your baby, otherwise it can be dangerous

We speak to Alison Scott-Wright, baby consultant at Tinies and author of The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan, to learn how to swaddle your baby safely, as well as get answers to all your swaddling questions.

Can Swaddling Be Done For Preterm Babies

Preterm babies are those that are born before 37 weeks and have different needs than term babies, which is why many parents wonder if preterm babies can be swaddled.

Preterm babies can be swaddled, however, try not to extend or fully straighten their arms. Instead, try to bring their arms on their chest without exerting too much pressure to correct any posture. The rest can be done just as you would swaddle a term baby.

Infant swaddling in a preterm infant has been shown to improve neuromuscular development and to have less distress, better motor organization and better self-regulation.

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How To Swaddle Baby Using Our Cocoon

Our Cocoon Swaddle has been designed to simplify your life. So how does it work?

  • Place the Cocoon Swaddle on a safe change table or flat surface, with the zip down.
  • Place baby on the flat surface on top of the Cocoon Swaddle Bag.
  • Place their legs inside the bag and start to zip up the zipper
  • Place their little arms across their chest or if they’re wriggling, place their arms down against their body.
  • Zip up the zipper and voila your baby is now swaddled.
  • When you unzip it to take it off, your baby will most likely perform the cutest stretch when they’re out of their Swaddle. Watch and coo away.

    Follow our step-by-step guide and video for how to use the Cocoon Swaddle Bag.

    Fun Facts about the Cocoon Swaddle Bag

    Transition to arms out

    You’ve made it through the first few months, hooray! And then comes baby’s first significant milestone rolling and undoes all that hard work! Many parents are apprehensive about unswaddling their baby for fear of what it will do for settling and sleep. What those parents may not know is that once a baby shows signs of rolling it is no longer safe to swaddle them, and the transition to arms-out sleeping must begin.

    Read our comprehensive guide on transitioning baby from swaddle to arms-out sleeping.

    Potential Risks When Swaddling Newborns

    How to Swaddle a Baby | Labor and Delivery Nurse, Nursery, & New Mom Skill


    This can occur if a baby is bundled up too much, especially in the summer. The CPS suggests using a lightweight blanket, and keeping the babys head uncovered at all times.


    This refers to unexplained death in the first year of life. A swaddled infant must always be placed supine, or on the back, says Dr. Leduc. The concern after two months of age is the baby being able to roll from side to side while swaddled and potentially obstructing the airway. To further reduce the risk of suffocation, the CPS strongly recommends keeping soft materials such as pillows, comforters, sleep positioners, bumper pads and stuffed animals out of the sleep environment.

    HIP Dysplasia

    Swaddling raises the possibility of stress being placed on the hip joints if a babys legs are frequently secured in a position where they are straight and close together. This can cause hip joint misalignment or even dislocation . In 2011, the International Hip Dysplasia Institute launched a campaign to promote hip-healthy swaddling, where an infants top half is wrapped snugly, but the bottom half has the opportunity for movement.

    This means that wrapping technique is critical. The swaddle blanket should allow for movement at the hips and legs, and should be loose enough that a hand can fit between the blanket and the babys chest so that breathing is not restricted, says Dr. Leduc. But, the wrapping job cant be so loose that it unravels and the blanket becomes a hazard.

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    Safe Swaddling And Sleeping Practices For Babies

    May 24, 2016

    Swaddling can seem like a miracle cure for a fussy baby. Many exhausted parents have found that wrapping their infants snugly in a blanket to resemble the feeling of a mothers womb is an effective method to help babies calm down, fall asleep, and stay asleep. Based on their personal experiences, even our own doctors swear by it, recommending special swaddling blankets as gifts for new parents.

    So its understandable if you were alarmed by recent headlines exclaiming, Swaddling babies may increase risk of SIDS. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the unexplained death of a seemingly healthy baby, usually during sleep. It is the leading cause of death in infants between 1 and 12 months old. In Texas, the infant mortality rate due to SIDS is about 37 per 100,000 live births. This is just below the national average of nearly 40 per 100,000 live births about 1,500 infants die in the United States from SIDS each year.

    However, if all you heard was the 60-second version of this story on the nightly news, you may not have gotten all the facts. Before you unwrap the blanket from around your newborn, take a moment to learn more about the study, safe swaddling tips, and how to reduce SIDS risk factors.

    Why Swaddling Newborns Is No Longer Recommended

    Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, May 2015.

    The topic of swaddling newborns has always been a bit contentious. Some people are a hard yes, while others say no. Back when we were expectant parents, my husband and I were eager pupils, listening intently at our prenatal class where various baby basicsincluding swaddlingwere demonstrated. At the hospital, the nurse repeated the lesson on wrapping our newborn into what she called a baby burrito. It certainly helped settle our little guy, and we swaddled him for nearly his whole first year. Hes now a healthy eight-year-old who sleeps soundly every night, lanky limbs splayed across his bed.

    It seems, however, that the thinking around swaddling newborns is shifting. Hamilton Public Healths new guidelines stated, Swaddling should not be demonstrated to clients because there is little research on how to swaddle safely and correctly to prevent the associated risks. The Registered Nurses Association of Ontario also published new best practice guidelines last year that say, There is currently no evidence on the safe way to swaddle an infant, and hence caution regarding swaddling should be expressed with parents/ caregivers. The Canadian Paediatric Society and the Public Health Agency of Canada do not have official statements on swaddling.

    So what could go wrong? Didnt wrapping up my son just keep him feeling warm and cozy, and prevent his involuntary movements from startling himself awake?

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    The Right Way To Wrap

    Help your baby sleep snug and sound in a safer swaddle.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends parents keep their babies swaddled for 1220 hours per day for the first few weeks after birth. This relaxes babies. Swaddling a baby correctly also protects her from overheating, injuries and sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS.

    How to Swaddle

    Step 1: Position a blanket like a diamond on a flat surface.

    Step 2: Fold the top corner down.

    Step 3: Place the baby on his back with his neck over the fold.

    Step 4: Hold his left arm against his side.

    Step 5: Pull the left corner of the blanket across the body. Tuck the extra material under his back with his right arm still out.

    Step 6: Pull the bottom corner of the blanket up over his right shoulder. Make sure to leave room for him to bend his legs. Tuck extra material behind his back.

    Step 7: Hold his right arm against his side. Pull the right corner all the way across. Wrap underneath. Make sure his hips can move and the blanket is not too tight. You should be able to fit two or three fingers between his chest and the swaddle.

    Once swaddled, place babies to sleep on their backs, not on their sides or stomachs. Put them in their own cribs or bassinets without any soft items, such as blankets, bumper pads, wedges, positioners or toys.

    Reduce Risk Of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

    Baby Danger: Is Swaddling Safe?

    Studies have shown that babies who sleep on their stomachs are at higher risk of SIDS. This is why the Back to Sleep campaign started encouraging parents to place their babies to sleep on their backs. When you swaddle your newborn with his face up, your baby will be less likely to fidget, shift in sleep, and accidentally end up on his tummy.

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    Why Swaddle A Baby

    Swaddling a baby has at least two major benefits. First, swaddling helps mimic the tight conditions of the uterus, which makes the baby feel safe and soothed. Second, swaddling helps prevent babies from self-waking due to the Moro reflex.

    There are other benefits, too, such as keeping the baby warm, and preventing it from scratching itself . Plus, babies just look extra cute and cuddly!

    Will Swaddling Affect Motor Development

    Many parents refrain from swaddling with the belief that it puts certain restraint on movements of the limbs and therefore may affect the motor development of the child.

    However, studies have shown that there is no difference in motor development like crawling or walking between swaddled and unswaddled babies.

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    When To Swaddle Your Baby

    Youâll most often swaddle your baby before they sleep and to help calm them when theyâre fussy. Itâs important to stop swaddling once your baby starts trying to roll over. This can be as early as 2 months of age. Sleep sacks or wearable blankets that donât compress your babyâs arms and chest can be worn as long as you want.

    What Safety Points Do I Need To Consider

    How to Swaddle a Newborn Baby

    Follow these seven safe and hip friendly swaddling tips:

  • Consider your baby’s temperature and their environment to prevent overheating. Check their temperature regularly and make sure they are wearing suitable clothes for the weather. Do not swaddle them if they are unwell or have a fever .
  • Swaddle your baby using thin materials such as a small, cotton sheet or muslin square. Do not place any additional material on top of a swaddled baby, for example a blanket which could cause them to overheat. Follow safe sleep guidance, laying your baby on a firm, flat surface clear of any other items .
  • Don’t swaddle your baby above their shoulders their neck and head should never be swaddled. Ensure any material is secure and won’t come loose as your baby moves, to avoid suffocation .
  • Use hip-healthy swaddling techniques to reduce the chance of hip dysplasia. Make sure your baby is able to move their hips and knees freely to kick. Your babys legs should be able to fall into a natural position rather than straight down.
  • Always put your baby to sleep on their back. Never put a swaddled baby to sleep on their front or side .
  • If you use a swaddle product or blanket check that it conforms to safety standards and is well fitted, without fault or damage. Follow the manufacturers guidance on age or weight ratings and consider using a lower tog rating to minimise overheating risks .
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    When Is The Best Time To Stop Swaddling

    The first good question is when or is there a recommended time to stop swaddling.

    There are cultures where babies are swaddled up until one year old. Honestly, the answers to this question are widely varied.

    In swaddling discussion groups, youll get reports of everything from swaddling up until the child is 18 months old, stopping at 2 months old and everything in-between.

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    When Can Baby Sleep With Blanket And Pillow

    Wait until your baby is at least 12 months old. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics , soft bedding in a crib like blankets and pillows increases of the risk of suffocation or sudden infant death syndrome . Safe alternatives to blankets are sleepers, sleep sacks, and wearable blankets.

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    When Should I Stop

    Most pediatricians and the chair of the task force for the American Academy of Pediatrics safe sleep recommendations, advises that parents stop swaddling babies at 2 months.

    According to Dr. Edwards, this is because babies begin to roll intentionally at 4 months and doctors want to make sure swaddling stops well before the baby could roll onto their stomach and be in danger.

    For parents who are worried about their baby sleeping, she says, Babies are going to start self-soothing at this age. The startle reflex will start decreasing.

    What Kind Of Swaddle Should You Use For Your Baby

    Swaddling baby techniques &  safety, when you stop swaddling your baby

    A swaddle blanket can be made of cotton, a cotton blend, linen, muslin, or another natural material. Itâs a good idea to choose a fabric that allows for breathability, which can help keep your baby from overheating.

    Besides swaddle blankets, you can also find wraps or sleeping sacks on the market, which may be easier to use. Itâs worth weighing your options when youâre shopping for one. Or, you can go with a receiving blanket, such as the one you used to take your newborn home from the hospital for the first time.

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    How To Swaddle A Baby Step By Step: The Boat Swaddle

    One of the great things about delivering in a hospital is getting to see how different nurses do things, well, differentlyand each has what they consider to be the best newborn swaddle wrap.

    And since newborns typically love the feeling of being swaddled after birth , there were many occasions that nurses had to unswaddle to check vitals, and then re-swaddle when finished.

    I especially loved to watch how they swaddled Ensley because each one had their own technique !

    One of the nurses showed me a swaddling technique that I did not remember seeing before, and it quickly became my favorite way to swaddle while using a blanket for the first 2 weeks or so because it was fast, easy and held better than other swaddle methods .

    I never caught the name of it, but I started calling it the Boat Swaddle due to how it looks part way through .

    The design feels secure and it creates a place to tuck in the remaining material, which is ideal for wrapping and carrying, or ensuring it will not break loose.

    So if you are looking for another way to swaddle a newborn, definitely give this step by step tutorial a go and see if you like it!

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