How Many Doctor Appointments For Newborn

Dont Forget To Take Care Of Yourself

Newborn Baby’s First Doctor Appointment | Rach is feverish | Switching Pediatricians

Weve spent a lot of time discussing baby checkups and the health of your baby, but lets not forget about your health! Carrying and giving birth to a child really takes a toll on your body, so dont forget to schedule your postpartum checkup. This visit normally takes place six weeks after delivery or four weeks if youve had a Caesarean section.

Its also important to take care of your skin after the radical changes your body goes through during pregnancy. Mustela Stretch Marks Serum is a soothing and effective way to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. And our Soothing Moisturizing Balm is specially formulated for treating dry skin that often accompanies pregnancy.

Between the baby checkups and your own appointments, youll be spending a good amount of time at the doctors office. But its a small price to pay to ensure your health and the health of your baby! All the checkups will give you peace of mind and allow you to truly enjoy every wonderful moment with your little one.

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How Can I Compare Prices

Most people find a doctor based on a friend or family members recommendation.

Some insurance companies have a list of recommended doctors from which to choose.

Websites such as can help you find a pediatrician in your area. Be hesitant when reading reviews online. These reviews can commonly be rigged by insiders.

Why Do Children Need Vaccines

Vaccines protect both children and the people around them from dangerous infectious diseases like measles. If a large enough percentage of a population is vaccinated against a disease, a phenomenon called herd immunity develops in which everybody is protected from the disease including people who cant be given the vaccine like newborns, pregnant women, and people with compromised immune systems.

If you are interested in taking your child to see a pediatrician, the staff at Southside Medical Center in Atlanta can help guide you in the right direction. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

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Third Trimester Prenatal Appointments: What To Expect

Youre in the home stretch now, so your third trimester prenatal appointments will become more frequent as you near your due date. Along with the usual weight, urine and blood pressure checks, you can expect your doctor to listen to the babys heartbeat and ask you about any contractions you feel or leaking fluid or bleeding you may be experiencing.

Youll also likely be screened for GBS and your doctor may discuss vaccinations you need, like a flu shot, tetanus or Tdap. The babys position is also checked to determine whether hes headfirst in the uterus, bottom-first , feet-first , transverse or oblique, which means the head is down but directed at one of your hips.

Nows your chance to ask those last-minute questions about labor, pain management during delivery and how and when to call your doctor if you think your baby is on the way.

You And Your Child’s Doctor

What You Should Look for in a Pediatric Clinic

When your baby is born, you will start taking them to see a primary care provider for their health care. Your primary care provider can be a paediatrician, family doctor, nurse or midwife. As your child grows and develops, youll likely turn to your childs primary care provider with questions or concerns.

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Your First Prenatal Care Appointment

Your first prenatal appointment will probably be your longest one. Here you will give your doctor, midwife, or nurse your complete health and pregnancy history. This information is important because it will give your practitioner a good idea of how healthy you are and what type of problems you are most likely to experience during your pregnancy. You will learn what your estimated due date is as well.

There are many areas that may be checked during your physical exam, including:

  • Blood pressure
  • Ultrasound
  • Urine screen for protein and sugar
  • Weight

You will probably be seen for your first appointment between 8 and 10 weeks gestation, though you may be seen earlier if you’re having problems or if it’s your doctor or midwife’s policy.

When To See The Doctor

In the past, a postpartum check-up was a one-time visit scheduled between four and six weeks after delivery. However, thoughts on postnatal care have changed in recent years. Health experts now consider postpartum care an ongoing process based on each individuals needs.

The World Health Organization guidelines published in 2013 recommend at least four postnatal interactions after delivery: in the first 24 hours, on the third day, between 7-14 days, and at six weeks.

In 2018, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists updated its guidelines to reflect an ongoing process.

After the initial care at birth, the first postpartum contact or visit should be within three weeks. You should stay in contact with your healthcare provider during the first three months, and a complete and thorough postpartum exam should occur no later than twelve weeks.

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Take The Dad To The Appointment

Everything begins not with the visit itself, but with the preparation to it. As a new mom, you’re going to want to do everything right, so to make sure that you’ll memorize all the important information shared at the doctor’s office, it’s better to take your partner with you. After all, the baby’s daddy is likely to have questions, as well, or ask the questions you forgot to ask. And besides, two heads are better than one, especially when it comes to taking care of a newborn.

But avoid turning the doctor’s office into a question room. The focus needs to remain on your baby’s examination, not on the things you strive to know.

How Do I Choose A Doctor For My Child

Baby’s Doctor Appointment

There are two kinds of doctors who treat children:

  • A pediatrician takes care of children when theyre born up until they become teenagers. Most pediatricians see children up to age 18 however, in some cases, they may continue to see patients until age 21. Some pediatricians have experience with specific diseases, such as pediatric cancer.
  • A family physician is a doctor who takes care of patients of all ages. FPs are trained to take care of children, but they also have training in other areas, such as womens health or general internal medicine.

The type of doctor you choose depends on what youre looking for. If you want a doctor who can care for your child through adulthood, you may choose an FP. Or you may decide youd rather have a doctor who specializes just in children.

Start looking for your childs doctor early, at least 3 months before your baby is due. Start by checking which doctors are covered under your insurance policy.

If you dont already have a pediatrician, you can browse doctors in your area through the Healthline FindCare tool.

You can also ask for recommendations from friends, co-workers, and other healthcare providers. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Board of Family Medicine maintain lists of board-certified doctors in your area.

Next, schedule a prenatal appointment . A prenatal appointment is a great time for you to interview your selected physician. During your office visit, consider the following:

Researchers at the

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Hearing Screening After Birth

Your doctor will perform one of two hearing tests, as were sometimes able to see whether your baby has a hearing problem from birth. Your baby will probably go through one or both of these tests, depending on the hospital. Keep in mind both are quality tests, and both are painless for your little one.

Otoacoustic Emissions Test

In this test, a tiny microphone and earphone are placed in your babys ear. Sounds are played from the earphone. Whether or not sounds coming from the speaker echo through the microphone can indicate hearing loss in your little one.

Auditory Brain Stem Response

This test uses a set of earphones, which deliver sounds directly into the infants ears. Electrodes are placed on the babys head to detect neural stimulation along the auditory brain stem, which lights up when sound information is being passed from the ear to the brain. As you can probably guess, no sparks means there is a good chance the ear is not passing information correctly if at all.

Its important to keep in mind that both of these tests are tacked with a big huge may anywhere a doctor can fit a thumbtack. There is always a margin for error, so be sure you dont take it too hard up front if your baby is coming back with weird results. These things will require verification and further testing before youll know for sure that your little one will need special care in this department.

Your Eighth Ninth Appointments And Beyond

Your next appointment will likely be between 28 to 36 weeks of pregnancy. In fact, you’re likely to have at least two prenatal visits during this period because you’re now being seen every other week. Here’s what these appointments may involve:

  • Check blood pressure
  • Check for swelling in your hands and feet
  • Listen for baby’s heartbeat
  • Measure your fundal height to check baby’s growth
  • Palpate to check baby’s position
  • Questions about baby’s movements
  • Record your weight
  • Urine sample to screen for sugar and protein

Screening for Group B strep will normally be done between weeks 34 to 36. This involves rectal and vaginal swab. You will continue to be seen every other week until about the 36th week of pregnancy. At this point, your visits will likely be fairly routine with very few extra tests being performed.

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What Happens During A Well

No matter the type of doctor you choose for your baby, well-baby visits usually follow a standard routine although they can vary slightly depending on the babys age and health needs.

Before each visit, you may be asked to complete some forms online or by mail about your babys health and development, as well as how youre recovering and adjusting to life with baby.

Typically, each visit will start with a nurse asking you questions about how everything is going, and whether you have any questions or concerns to talk with the doctor about. The nurse will also take some measurements of your baby, including their length, head circumference and weight. These help identify what weight and height percentile your child is in when compared to other children the same age. Theyll also gather any additional forms youve filled out.

Soon after, the doctor will come in and talk with you about your babys growth progress. The doctor will also do a gentle head-to-toe physical examination to check for any signs of health problems or developmental issues, and theyll observe how baby responds to you and their surroundings to assess their cognitive, emotional and social development.

Your pediatrician or family doctor will also ask you questions about your babys sleep schedule, feeding and digestion. Theyll ask how youre doing, too. Your health and well-being are just as important as your little ones.

Still looking for a doctor for your baby?

Write Down Your Questions

For Many Hospital Patients, the Doctors Are In

Keep a running list of non-urgent questions and concerns on your phone so youll have them ready when the doctor asks, “Any questions or concerns?”

From “how much weight should my baby be gaining?” to “when will she start sleeping through the night?” and “am I burping her right?,” well-baby visits are your chance to get the advice and reassurance youre craving. And if youve run into a breastfeeding roadblock, your pediatrician or a trained lactation consultant in the office or through referral can help you troubleshoot and get back on the road to success.

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And How Are Their Potty Habits

Again, you don’t have to write down every little change in your baby’s stool. All you have to do is tell your doctor how often you change your little one’s diaper and what stool patterns they have. We’re talking about the poop color and consistency here. Since by this time your doctor will know whether you breastfeed or formula-feed your baby, they’ll know what kind of poop is normal .

If you have even the slightest concerns about your baby’s bowel movements, don’t hesitate to share them with your doctor at this point.

Bring All Necessary Paperwork

Since we live in the society, where paperwork is essential, it’s necessary to bring it to your first pediatrician appointment. First of all, remember to take your insurance card and make sure you know everything that might concern you or your baby. This includes all possible hospital paperwork that has information about your little one’s birthweight, as well as any complications that took place during your pregnancy or childbirth. Besides, it’s also advisable to bring the paperwork of your medical history and information about any meds you took while you were pregnant.

With having all this paperwork, you’ll make things much easier for yourself and for your pediatrician.

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How Often Do You Need Prenatal Visits We Have Answers

Consistent prenatal care is important for both your health and your child’s. By consistently attending appointments, baby’s growth is closely monitored, and you have many opportunities to ask questions.

While some high-risk pregnancies require additional visits or tests, the following is a typical prenatal care schedule for a routine pregnancy.

Questions To Ask During Prenatal Appointments

Newborn’s First Doctor’s Appointment

In addition to asking about all the changes your body is going through, what to expect each month and during labor and delivery, you should also feel free to share any concerns you have with your doctor or midwife. If something hurts, itches, nags or worries you in any way, bring it up at your next appointment .

And if youre having your baby in a hospital, dont wait until the very end of your pregnancy to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the institution where your doctor practices. For example, some hospitals are not well-equipped to handle very premature infants, so if youre at risk for this outcome, this type of medical facility may not be ideal.

Honesty is also critical when youre asking and answering questions during your prenatal appointments. Dont be reluctant to bring up any stress, depression or anxiety youre feeling, or to admit to drug or alcohol use, as this information is vital for the doctor to know and for the healthiest outcomes for you and your child.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Expect When Youre Expecting, 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff.

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How To Prepare Your Baby

Since the doctor will examine your babys entire body, dress her in simple clothing or a comfortable blanket. Also bring a change of clothes, extra diapers, wipes, pacifiers, feeding supplies, and other necessities. According to Brian MacGillivray, M.D., who practices in San Antonio, “At a 2-week exam, warmth, cuddling, loving, and reassuring voices are more helpful than a stuffed animal.”

What Can I Expect From A Visit To My Childs Doctor

Well-baby or well-child visits are a lot like an adults annual check-ups, but focus on your childs age and stage of development.

Your baby should have regular visits to the doctor at 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 and 18 months, 2 years, and then once every year until 5 years of age. When your child is 5 years old, they should see the doctor every 1 or 2 years until 18 years old.

A well-baby/child visit usually lasts 10 to 20 minutes. Your doctor and the staff will:

  • Check your childs weight, height and head circumference.
  • Discuss your childs eating habits and answer any questions about nutrition and physical activity.
  • Provide advice about safety and other issues related to your childs age and abilities such as when to switch to a forward-facing car seat.
  • Ask about milestones, such as self-feeding or toilet learning.
  • Ask about your childs social and emotional development, such as learning words. When your child gets older, this is a good time to discuss any learning problems in school and any social or emotional issues. You might also want to discuss any problems that are happening at home.
  • Do a physical exam, such as looking at eyes and ears and listening to your childs heart.
  • Give your child any recommended vaccines.
  • See an older child and adolescents without a parent or guardian in the room for part of the visit.

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Will There Be Paperwork

Be prepared to fill out paperwork. Remember to pack your insurance card and hospital documents, including information about Baby’s discharge weight and complications during pregnancy or birth. Also refresh yourself on your familys medical history: Knowing that your older child has asthma or your parents are obese, for example, focuses your pediatrician’s attention on likely problems, says Christopher Pohlod, D.O., assistant professor of pediatrics in Michigan state university’s college of osteopathic Medicine, in East Lansing.

Child Health Checks Up Until 6 Months


As your baby grows, regular check-ups will let you know if your baby is developing and growing at a healthy pace.

Your babys 2 and 6 week checks after birth – HSE

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