How Often Do Newborns See Pediatrician

How Much Sleep Should A Newborn Be Getting

When does a pediatrician become involved with a mother and baby in the hospital?

Newborns usually sleep 16 to 17 hours a day, but thats often only for a couple of hours at a time. Many babies wake up every two to four hours, no matter the time of day.

Its important to ensure your baby is sleeping safely. Remember the ABCs of sleep alone, on the back, and in a crib. A-Alone, B-Back, C-Crib. We know its hard to resist that snuggle in bed, but following the ABCs of safe sleep is very important for a healthy baby.

How Often Do You See A Pediatrician For Your Children

The answer depends on the childs health and age. Generally speaking, a healthy child who is at least two or three years old will need to see their doctor only once a year for a check-up. Younger children will need to go more often.

A newborn baby should see their pediatrician three to five days after birth. They should go again when they have reached the following ages:

One month old 18 months old 24 months old

Babies are fragile, and their immune system is not fully developed. There are also a number of birth defects that may not be readily apparent when the child is born. Frequent visits to the pediatrician will give the doctor many opportunities to examine the child and catch potential problems early. Similarly, they allow the pediatrician to administer the needed inoculations.

How To Communicate Well With Your Pediatrician

Establishing a good relationship with your pediatrician also involves effort on your part, which includes communicating effectively.

Write down your concerns before each appointment so that you dont forget to ask an important question.

Also, mention all of your concerns when setting up the appointment. If you have three concerns, but only mention one when scheduling the appointment, your doctor might be ill-prepared.

If there isnt enough time to address your other concerns, you might have to schedule a separate appointment.

Also, make sure you understand any instructions you receive about your childs care. Speak up if youre unclear about something.

And dont be afraid to provide honest feedback. If you feel that the doctor rushes your appointments, or theyre not taking your concerns seriously, have an honest conversation about this. Your pediatrician might appreciate the feedback.

When giving feedback, though, do so calmly and respectfully, to avoid putting your doctor on the defensive.

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How Do I Choose A Doctor For My Child

There are two kinds of doctors who treat children:

  • A pediatrician takes care of children when theyre born up until they become teenagers. Most pediatricians see children up to age 18 however, in some cases, they may continue to see patients until age 21. Some pediatricians have experience with specific diseases, such as pediatric cancer.
  • A family physician is a doctor who takes care of patients of all ages. FPs are trained to take care of children, but they also have training in other areas, such as womens health or general internal medicine.

The type of doctor you choose depends on what youre looking for. If you want a doctor who can care for your child through adulthood, you may choose an FP. Or you may decide youd rather have a doctor who specializes just in children.

Start looking for your childs doctor early, at least 3 months before your baby is due. Start by checking which doctors are covered under your insurance policy.

If you dont already have a pediatrician, you can browse doctors in your area through the Healthline FindCare tool.

You can also ask for recommendations from friends, co-workers, and other healthcare providers. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Board of Family Medicine maintain lists of board-certified doctors in your area.

Next, schedule a prenatal appointment . A prenatal appointment is a great time for you to interview your selected physician. During your office visit, consider the following:

Researchers at the

When Should I Schedule My Next Appointment


The lineup of well-baby checkups during the first year includes at least a half dozen more pediatrician visits: 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months. Before you cry overkill, keep in mind that frequent appointments with your baby’s doctor are the best way to get expert answers to your questions and to make sure your child’s on track both physically and developmentally.

Keep the doctor’s phone number handy, and also be informed of what to do and who to contact in case of an emergency or question. It’s important to be comfortable with your doctor and to know her philosophy on medical issues, such as vaccinations. Also learn how the clinic operates in regard to hours of operation, billing policies, and so on.

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How Was Your Introductory Visit

The initial office visit helps you determine whether a pediatrician is right for your child. Its vital to choose a doctor youre comfortable with, as this encourages open communication.

Observe how the pediatrician interacts with your newborn or child. Do they show a genuine interest in your baby? If your baby has unique issues, is the doctor familiar with these issues?

Listen to your gut. If you dont feel comfortable after the visit, this isnt the right pediatrician for you.

For expecting families, pediatrician offices offer similar visits where you can meet the pediatrician and staff, ask questions, and tour the office.

What To Do If You Want To Switch Practitioners

If youre not happy with your current pediatrician, dont hesitate to find a new one. If you dont already have a pediatrician, you can browse doctors in your area through the Healthline FindCare tool.

Perhaps the office isnt conveniently located, youre having trouble getting an appointment, or you feel the doctor isnt a good match for other reasons.

To find a new pediatrician, speak with your OB-GYN or family doctor again. They might be able to provide additional recommendations.

You can also check your network again. If its not too awkward, you can choose a different pediatrician in the same group practice.

You can also contact The American Board of Pediatrics to find a board certified pediatrician in your area.

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How Is Mom Doing

Its normal to be emotional after giving birth , but we want to make sure its not something more serious. Wed be concerned if a parent is weepy throughout the visit or doesnt seem to engage with the baby. Usually, at the first few newborn visits, the primary parent is accompanied by another adult. And the interaction between adults is important, too. If we notice a lot of stress, anger, tears, or resentment, or if the adults are not engaging with each other or the baby, we would want to address it because stress in a family affects babies, too.

We also use a screening tool in the office that involves asking moms a series of questions and rating her answer on a scale of 1 to 10 . Were here to support her and help her get resources if she needs help.

Two Month Appointment Tips

Pediatricians Answer Most Commonly Searched Questions About Newborns
  • If youre noting that stool is hard or pellet like, make sure you mention it. This could indicate constipation, dehydration, or both.
  • This is the period where many babies get over the colicky phase Make sure and pay attention to your babys mood and mention any changes to your doctor.
  • Some babies can start rolling at this point, although this more commonly happens around four months of age. Keep a close eye on this, and let your doctor know if your baby has started rolling.
  • Just as an FYI there is no three-month baby checkup. Most newborn checkup schedules recommend your next visit to be at four months.

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What Does A Wellness Exam Involve

During the wellness exam, the doctor can check the childs health and development. They will measure the childs height and weight and compare the results to both the general population and the childs family.

The pediatrician will also test the childs heart, lungs, hearing, and vision. They will discuss any concerns that the parents have with them. For example, if the child does not seem to be sleeping well, the pediatrician can provide advice and/or reassurance.

One Month Appointment Tips

  • Make sure youre still writing out any questions that come up so you can ask your doctor when you go in for your appointment. These things will come up and you will forget otherwise.
  • Continue writing down your babys eating/sleeping/diaper habits. This includes keeping track of what their stool looks like
  • Make sure youre giving your baby tummy time at home. Yes, many babies hate it but its still considered developmentally helpful for them, so its worth doing. Ask your doctor about the results for the newborn screening tests. The timing in which they can get results back varies among doctor offices, but it doesnt hurt to check in with your doctor and see if theyre available yet.

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How Often A Newborn Should Go To The Doctor

We all wonder at some point how often a newborn should to go to the doctor. The answer? As often as they need to!

Kidding kind of.

Many newborns will get through their well-child checkups without a hiccup , so the question remains whether it was completely necessary to visit the doctor so often.

But think about it, mama you dont know theres a problem until ya know. You know?

Thats why its in both your best interests to avoid missing a well child visit its easy for us to miss something important. Some things present very small symptoms and a big issue, while other apparent issues present BIG symptoms and a minuscule problem .

The truth is, sometimes the only way you can tell the difference between your babys normal cry and something more serious is by letting the doctor tell you that your baby is, in fact, fine.

This doctor is, of course, not taking YOUR mental state into consideration at the blue-in-the-face, two-hours-of-nonstop-screaming-and-crying-for-no-reason stage.

With all of that said I want to make sure you know it WILL get easier to understand your babys needs based on their cry and other cues. Just not yet.

How Often Will I Need To Return To My Childs Pediatrician

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Most parents schedule subsequent pediatric appointments before leaving the office at each visit. After your childs initial visit, he or she will need to return for wellness check-ups and immunizations multiple times over the next two years, and then once annually after that. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends pediatric check-ups at 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24, and 30 months of age. Your schedule may vary slightly from the AAPs recommendations but should keep the same general timeline.

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Write Down Your Questions

Keep a running list of non-urgent questions and concerns on your phone so youll have them ready when the doctor asks, “Any questions or concerns?”

From “how much weight should my baby be gaining?” to “when will she start sleeping through the night?” and “am I burping her right?,” well-baby visits are your chance to get the advice and reassurance youre craving. And if youve run into a breastfeeding roadblock, your pediatrician or a trained lactation consultant in the office or through referral can help you troubleshoot and get back on the road to success.

What To Expect During This Visit

The doctor and/or nurse will probably:

1. Check your baby’s weight, length, and head circumference and plot the measurements on a growth chart.

2. Ask questions, address any concerns, and offer advice about how your baby is:

Feeding. Newborns should be fed whenever they seem hungry. Breastfed infants eat about every 13 hours, and formula-fed infants eat about every 24 hours. Your doctor or nurse can watch as you breastfeed and offer help with any problems. Burp your baby midway through a feeding and again at the end.

Peeing and pooping. Newborns should have about 6 wet diapers a day. The number of poopy diapers varies, but most newborns have 3 or 4 soft bowel movements a day. Tell your doctor if you have any concerns about your newborn’s bowel movements.

Sleeping. A newborn may sleep 14 to 17 hours or more in 24 hours, waking up often to breastfeed or take a bottle. Breastfed babies usually wake to eat every 13 hours, while formula-fed babies may sleep longer, waking every 24 hours to eat . Newborns should not sleep more than 4 hours between feedings until they have good weight gain, usually within the first few weeks. After that, it’s OK if a baby sleeps for longer stretches.

Developing. In the first month, babies should:

3. Do an exam with your baby undressed with you present. This exam will include an eye exam, listening to your baby’s heart and feeling pulses, inspecting the umbilical cord, and checking the hips.

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What Are The Doctors Credentials And Experience

All pediatricians graduate from medical school, complete a residency program, and receive state licensing. But not all pediatricians are board certified.

Board certification is a voluntary process that requires additional training in pediatrics. Upon completion, doctors take an examination to become certified by The American Board of Pediatrics.

Board certification is a valuable tool because these pediatricians have demonstrated competency in:

  • patient care

What You Can Expect At Well

Pediatrician Explains Newborn Baby Basics: Feeding, Safe Sleep, Pooping, Car Seats, and more.

As your babys first year progresses, youll probably find yourself looking forward to well-baby visits. Theyre an opportunity to see just how much your little one has grown and developed and to get reassurance regarding any concerns that have come up since your last visit.

Though every well-baby visit may differ slightly, your doctor will do most of the following at each appointment:

  • Give you a chance to ask the baby-related questions that youve had on your mind since the last visit
  • Ask about how you and baby are doing, and about babys feeding, sleeping and development
  • Measure your babys weight, length and head circumference

He or she will also complete a physical exam that will check your baby’s:

  • Belly, by gently pressing to feel for anything out of the ordinary
  • Heartbeat and breathing with a stethoscope
  • Hips, legs, arms, back and spine to make sure theyre moving, growing and developing normally
  • Eyes
  • Reflexes specific to your babys age

Before wrapping up your well-baby visit, your doctor or a nurse will administer any scheduled vaccines. Your doctor may leave this step for last so your baby will be as happy and relaxed as possible during the exam and youll be able to concentrate on your conversation with the doctor. Also, with your questions already asked and answered, youll be able to focus on comforting your little one after the shot .

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