How To Help With Gas Pain In Newborn

How To Get Baby To Latch Step By Step

How To Help Your Baby With Gas Pain (Tips from a Pediatric RN )

Here’s a guide to helping your baby latch on and get the nourishment and comfort she needs:

  • Once your baby is in a good breastfeeding position, hold your breast with your free hand.
  • Place your thumb above your nipple and areola at the spot where your baby’s nose will touch your breast. Your index finger should be in the spot where your baby’s chin will touch the breast.
  • Lightly compress your breast, giving it a shape more closely resembling your baby’s mouth.
  • Bringing your baby to your breast, stroke her cheek to allow the rooting reflex to kick in, and turn her mouth toward your breast then tickle her lips with your nipple until her mouth is open wide .
  • Quickly bring her to the breast , allowing her to take your nipple and areola into her mouth. She won’t get the entire areola in her mouth, especially if yours is large, and that’s okay as long as she grabs onto a good part of it.

What A Good Breastfeeding Latch Looks Like

You’ll know you’ve got a proper latch if your baby’s chin and tip of her nose are touching your breast. You’ll also notice her lips flanged out instead of being tucked in. Let the feeding begin. Once you’ve got the proper latch, your baby will fall right into the rhythmic suck-swallow-breath pattern of suckling.

How To Prepare For Your Pediatrician Appointment

Some degree of infant gas is to be expectedin fact, a happy, gassy baby is perfectly normal. But if youve implemented the tips above and are worried, or if you think your little one is in pain, call your pediatrician for an appointment.

Follow these tips below before you meet with the pediatrician. Also, when you book the appointment, ask your pediatrician if there is anything additional or specific you should do in preparation for the visit.

  • Write down all of your babys issues and your worries.
  • When do you notice the gas? Is it after eating? When baby first wakes up?
  • Does your baby seem to be in pain when they have gas? What are their issues: crying, fussiness, spitting up?
  • Log everything you are giving your baby.
  • Vitamins or other nutritional supplements
  • Type of formula
  • Note any changes in your baby lately.
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    Q: Will Changing A Breastfeeding Mothers Diet Or Trying Formula Changes Help Decrease A Babys Discomfort From Gas

    A: There is no absolute correlation between a certain food in the maternal diet and the production of gas in a baby. However, a nursing mom may find a particular food gas inducing. Be careful about avoiding too many foods, a nursing mom needs nutrients from a variety of sources to make healthy breast milk. If you are bottle feeding, try a formula change for a week at a time if there is no effect on your babys gas, go back to the original formula.

    What Sleeping Position Is Best For A Gassy Baby

    How To Help a Baby With Gas Pain

    Many parents wonder about the best sleeping position for a gassy baby. You may have heard that side sleeping is better for releasing gas. However, safe-sleep guidance calls for babies to be placed to sleep on their backs until the babys first birthday. If a baby moves onto their side on their own, they can be left in that position if they are strong and confident at rolling in both directions, and have excellent head control.

    Already showing signs of discomfort? You can help release gas pains by bicycling their legs or bringing their knees up to their chest. During the day, be sure to offer plenty of tummy time the gentle pressure may help break up gas bubbles.

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    Monitor Your Diet Or Change Formula

    If youre strictly breastfeeding your baby, your diet can make a difference in how your baby digests milk. If you notice they are uncomfortable after being breastfed, they could be sensitive to the foods youre eating.

    Monitor your diet to see if certain foods tend to cause your baby more discomfort and then avoid them, Boone said. Common foods that can cause gas include beans, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.

    Your baby may do well on a standard formula, but some may have a milk allergy or lactose intolerance. Some babies do best with a low lactose formula like Similac Sensitive or Enfamil Gentlease and other do best with a formula containing probiotics such as Gerber Good Start Soothe or Gentle, Boone said.

    Check with your babys provider first to address the gassiness and help you successfully make the switch.

    Do Special Infant Formulas Help With Gas

    Since gas is made as a normal byproduct of digestion, its impossible to eliminate all gas from being formed. However, there are infant formulas marketed for gassy, fussy babies. These formulas typically are formulated with more digestible proteins or alternative carbohydrate sources.

    There is scant evidence to suggest hydrolyzed formula or reduced-lactose formula may decrease gassiness in formula-fed infantsDaelemans S, Peeters L, Hauser B, Vandenplas Y. Recent Advances in Understanding and Managing Infantile Colic. F1000Res. 2018 7. . Most doctors recommend an infant formula be tried for two weeks before making a switch, unless the baby is having a significant worsening of symptoms. Check with your pediatrician to see what they recommend.

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    When Should You See A Doctor About Your Babys Gas

    In eight out of 10 cases, your baby will get better with time. Gas is common among newborns and usually gets better over time as their digestive tract grows. However, if you see the following signs, you may want to call your pediatrician:

    • You notice that your baby isnt gaining weight.
    • Your baby cries uncontrollably every day.
    • Your baby hasnt passed stools or has regular episodes of constipation.
    • Your baby refuses to feed.

    Avoid Distractions During Feeding


    Keeping your baby focused during feedings can help prevent tummy troubles, Dr. Loizides says. “Avoid interruptions, sudden noises, bright lights, and other distractions, and make each feeding calm, quiet, and leisurely.”

    Creating a routine of feeding times can help keep your baby focused on nursing. Some studies suggest that babies fed on a routine measure more favorably on wellbeing scores.

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    Dealing With Babys Gas Pains

    How can I help my gassy baby?

    Listening to your baby suffer through gas pains can be tough for just about anyone. But for the new parents who are already overtired, stressed out and frustrated, it can be especially difficult. Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to give your baby some relief.

    If these ideas do not help or baby is getting worse, seek advice from your doctor. If you are worn out from caring for a fussy infant, find someone who can give you a short break. Try to remember this is a brief phase that will pass as their digestive system matures. Soon the crying will be replaced by smiles and happy cooing.

    Struggling with babys gas pains or colic? Reach out to one of the healthcare professionals on our team for more personalized support for you and your baby.

    Signs That Baby Isnt Latching Properly

    If you feel nipple pain while nursing, somethings not right. This means your baby is likely chewing on your nipple instead of gumming the areola. The fix: Unlatch , and try again.

    Ditto if you hear clicking noises, which indicate your babys not latched on properly and is likely only sucking the nipple. Again, unlatch and start over.

    Sometimes your baby may be so eager to suck that she grabs onto any part of the breast and continues to suck even if no milk is forthcoming. The result: a painful bruise on your oh-so-tender boob and a very hungry baby. Unlatch and redirect that misguided little mouth to the nipple and areola.

    If shes fussing, chewing, rooting and gaping, turning red, or making clicking sounds, chances are your babys getting a mouthful of boob and air instead of milk. Unlatch babys grip and begin the lip tickling anew to get baby to latch on with the nipple and the areola in the mouth.

    In the beginning, it might take quite a few tries to latch properly. Keep at it. Your baby will be happier in the long run if those efforts bring a mouthful of milk rather than a mouthful of air.

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    Easing Your Baby’s Gas Pain

    Q. Can I alleviate my baby’s gas pain?

    A. You can help prevent gas by feeding her before she cries, a signal that she’s too hungry to wait any longer to eat. When you do feed her, use a leisurely pace, because rapid feeding increases her intake of air. If you are breastfeeding and your milk is letting down briskly, you may need to remove your baby for a moment and let the spray of milk slow down so she can manage the flow. If bottlefeeding, check the nipple opening to be sure it isn’t too large or too small. Bottlefed babies usually swallow more air, especially when the bottle’s nipple isn’t full of milk.

    But if, despite your efforts, your baby seems uncomfortable, gas may be the reason behind her fussiness. You can help trapped gas move by gently massaging baby’s tummy in a clockwise motion while she lies on her back. Or hold your baby securely over your arm in a facedown position, known as the “gas hold” or “colic hold.” Still no relief? Ask your pediatrician about trying the over-the-counter anti-gas medication simethicone, sold as Infants’ Mylicon Drops, which may help move gas through the intestines.

    Q. How often should I burp my baby?

    Trapped air can cause immediate discomfort, make a baby feel full before he has finished his feeding, or pass into the intestines, causing flatulence.

    There are several good positions for burping your baby. Use the one that works best for you:

    How Many Calories Do You Need When You’re Breastfeeding

    Baby Gas Pain: Reasons and Home Remedies

    Your body generally burns around 300 to 500 extra calories a day while you’re breastfeeding depending on whether you’re nursing exclusively or not. If you are, it’s typically up to 450 to 500.

    So while you don’t need to be hyper-vigilant about counting calories and consuming more, definitely keep your extra nutritional needs while nursing in mind. If you stayed within your doctor’s recommended weight gain during pregnancy, you shouldn’t have to take in any more or less than that, but check with your practitioner if you’re not sure.

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    Will My Baby Outgrow Their Gas Pains

    Once your baby’s digestive system develops, they may have much less gas. This is likely to happen after the first few months of life, say by the time they’re 4 to 6 months old.

    Of course, once your baby starts eating solid foods â also usually between 4 and 6 months â it’s possible for them to have a reaction to certain foods. Your baby may experience temporary constipation, for example, or a gassy tummy after eating certain gas-inducing vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.

    Be Mindful Of Feeding Times

    Try to feed your baby before you start hearing her hungry cries. This can help her eat at a leisurely pace and not gulp down her breast milk or formula too quickly. If youre a breastfeeding mama and your milk lets down quickly, you may want to unlatch baby for a moment and then re-latch. That can help her manage your milk flow more easily.

    Do you have tried and true tricks you use to soothe your gassy baby? Let us know in the comments section on the page.

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    How To Help Relieve Gas

    As a parent, its never pleasant to see your little one feeling uncomfortable. Once youve taken your bub to see a doctor and theyve ruled out any underlying causes, you may like to try the following tips to help provide your baby with some relief:

    • Gentle massage: massage your babys tummy by pumping their legs back and forth while they lay on their back, as though theyre riding a bicycle.
    • A warm bath: may also help settle discomfort caused by gas as your little one is relaxed and the warm water may help their gastrointestinal tract operate more effectively.
    • Gently rub their tummy: in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. You can gauge how much pressure to apply by watching your little ones reaction to the feeling.
    • Burping your baby: to help expel excess gas. Softly patting their back in a position that is comfortable and in which their face is uncovered .

    What To Watch Your Baby For While Youre Breastfeeding

    Why Is Your Baby Gassy? – Gas Relief for Babies from Pediatrician Dr. Steve Silvestro

    While most babies drink up breast milk no matter the flavor, a few have picky palates right from the start detecting and rejecting even the smallest hint of garlic or strong spices. Youll quickly tell which category fits your baby and modify your diet accordingly.

    Its not common and hasnt been backed up yet by science, but some moms find certain foods cause gassiness and discomfort in their babies, with dairy and soy being the most common culprits. Some moms find that cutting out caffeine can also help reduce babys discomfort.

    Keep in mind that these reactions are uncommon, so dont assume that your baby will be sensitive to what you eat. Other factors can contribute to gas. Its most likely just newborn business as usual.

    It takes between two and six hours from the time you eat a certain food until it affects the taste and aroma of your breast milk. So if your baby is gassy, spits up more, rejects the breast or is fussy a few hours after you eat a specific food, try ruling out other causes and then monitor for a pattern before you eliminate any foods.

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    Signs You Have A Gassy Baby

    Your baby may be screaming in pain from gas, or they may just be a bit fussy for no obvious reason. A gassy baby may also:

    • Clench their fists and squirm as if they’re uncomfortable after feedings
    • Pull their legs to their chest and then stretch out, arching their back.
    • Have trouble feeding. They may pull away from the breast or bottle, or cry in the middle of feedings.
    • Have frequent burping and/or flatulence
    • Be bloated, have a hard tummy

    Note that some of these signs may also signal other problems, such as colic or gastroesophageal reflux disease .

    Is My Baby’s Poop Normal

    What’s normal for baby poop depends on whether you’re breastfeeding or formula-feeding. If your baby is breastfed, her bowel movements will often be mustard-like in color and consistency. It can sometimes look loose, even watery, and sometimes seedy, mushy or curdy.

    If she’s formula-fed, the stool will usually be soft but more formed than a breastfed baby’s, and anywhere from pale yellow to yellowish brown, light brown or brownish green.

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    How Much Water To Drink

    Aim to drink more water than usual a day, so at least 8 cups along with fluids from fruits, vegetables and other sources. Especially in the weeks after birth, it will help your body recover.

    To ensure youre getting enough, a good rule of thumb is to drink a cup of water at every nursing session. In all, you’ll need about 128 ounces of fluids a day from all sources . Your exact needs will depend on different factors like how often you’re breastfeeding, your activity levels and even the weather.

    Keep in mind that your milk supply wont be affected unless youre seriously dehydrated, but your urine will become darker and scanter. Not drinking enough can also set you up for health issues including urinary tract infections , constipation and fatigue. So just be sure to drink whenever you’re thirsty, which will likely be often when you’re breastfeeding!

    Natural Remedies To Easy Baby Gas Pains

    When Gas Attacks: Relieving Newborn Gas Pains

    Posted by allnaturalmothering

    Ah! The screaming pain, arching back, scrunched up legs, excessive burping and passing gastheres nothing worse than seeing your baby in pain due to trapped gas.

    Baby gas pains are common in infants, and I know that if youve got a fussy baby, you just want to help them feel better .

    Today were going to talk about a number of home remedies for gas including: gas drops, how to burp effectively, choosing the right bottle, bicycling babys legs, baby massage, and more.

    Figuring out whats causing your babys gas is half the battle, but no matter the root cause, these natural ways to easy baby gas pains will help.

    If youre here, Im guessing youve got a baby thats screaming in pain from gasso lets figure out how to get rid of baby gas, fast!

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    What Is Baby Gas

    When dealing with a gassy newborn, its can sometimes be tricky to understand just whats happening inside your little ones body.

    When a baby has gas, small bubbles develop in their stomach or intestines, which sometimes causes pressure and stomach discomfort. Many babies arent bothered by their gas, however for some, they may become restless and find drifting off to sleep trickier until it has passed.

    Luckily, most infants will have outgrown their gas by the age of four to six months old, however baby gas can last longer for some newborns.

    Its important to remember every baby is unique and each situation will be different from the other. Regardless of their age, if your baby develops gas you should take them to see a health professional .

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