How Long To Let Newborn Sleep

Dont Assume The Mellow Sleepy Newborn Phase Will Last Forever

How long should my newborn sleep in my room?

We hate to break it to you, but your dozy, peaceful infant who simply falls asleep, milk-drunk, after a feeding may not always be this way. The first few weeks are not always indicative of the kind of sleeper you happened to score in the newborn sleep lottery. Some babies randomly sleep through the night early on but it doesnt mean this will continue indefinitely. Have you weathered the four-month sleep regression yet? Yeah, you might want to read up on that. And even though nursing to sleep or rocking to sleep before naps and bedtime might be working for you now, know that sometimes IT JUST STOPS WORKING. If youre one of the lucky parents with a unicorn baby , try not to gloat. It doesnt necessarily mean that youre doing it right, while that other mom with the colicky, sleepless baby hasnt figured it out. Believe us, shes trying.

Normal Sleep Patterns For Babies

Newborns typically split their 1417 hours of sleep between daytime and nighttime sleep, though in small chunks of time. Babies dont typically sleep longer stretches until about 3 to 6 months old.

When you bring your newborn home, theyll take turns sleeping and waking up ready to feed. A newborn baby might sleep for 1 1/2 to 3 hours and then wake up hungry.

Your little one may also need an equal number of diaper changes. Your best bet is to try to get some shut-eye while theyre snoozing, no matter what time of the day it is.

Your babys sleep patterns will change as they grow, week by week.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants 4 to 12 months old should get between 12 and 16 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period.

Let your doctor know if you think your newborn is sleeping too much or too little:

  • If your baby is a fresh newborn, 3 months or under, they shouldnt have less than 11 hours of sleep and not more than 19 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period.
  • Babies 4 to 11 months shouldnt get less than 10 hours of sleep and not more than 18 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period.

Signs Your Newborn Is Tired

Your baby may get tired after any activity – a feed, a nappy change, or when youve had a cuddle or playtime. Theyll likely get tired after theyve been awake for one to one and a half hours.

When theyre tired, your baby might:

  • clench or suck on their fists
  • have tense or jerky movements
  • have trouble focusing, or stare into space
  • startle easily.

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Wake For Safety Ensure Safety First

As much as we want our babies to sleep, if your baby is sleeping in an unsafe manner, it is best to wake them rather than let them continue to sleep unsafely. The safest way for your baby to sleep is on their back in a separate sleep space with nothing else in the bed with them. Review all of the safe sleep guidelines by the AAP so you are up-to-date on best practices.

Myth: Babies Are Scared Of The Dark

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FACT: Babies are not scared of the dark. They have nothing to base that fear on. In the womb it is dark and so, like other mammals, babies find the dark comforting, safe and calming. If you have a young baby who is overstimulated or overtired, putting them in a pitch black room will be very calming for them. Babies do not need night-lights any light will be stimulating and can prevent them from falling asleep or staying asleep.

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What Are The Different Alert Phases Of A Newborn

Babies also have differences in how alert they are during the time they are awake. When a newborn awakens at the end of the sleep cycles, there is typically a quiet alert phase. This is a time when the baby is very still, but awake and taking in the environment. During the quiet alert time, babies may look or stare at objects, and respond to sounds and motion. This phase usually progresses to the active alert phase in which the baby is attentive to sounds and sights, and moves actively. After this phase is a crying phase. The babys body moves erratically, and he or she may cry loudly. Babies can easily be overstimulated during the crying phase. It is usually best to find a way of calming the baby and the environment. Holding a baby close or swaddling may help calm a crying baby.

It is usually best to feed babies before they reach the crying phase. During the crying phase, they can be so upset that they may refuse the breast or bottle. In newborns, crying is a late sign of hunger.

Temper The Temperature In His Room

Not too hot and not too cold thats the right climate for Baby Bears room. Why? Overheating may make your baby too sweaty to sleep, and it increases the risk of SIDS. As for too-cold rooms, infants get chilled easily, and will likely wake up if theyre uncomfortable.

Between 68 and 72 degrees usually does the trick. To figure out if the temperature is just right for baby, feel his neck. If its sweaty, hes too hot if its cold to the touch, bundle him up a bit more. But don’t dress baby in layers or a hat for sleeping.

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When Do Babies Sleep Through The Night

When you can expect your baby to start sleeping through the night depends on several factors, including babyâs age, weight, whether or not you are breastfeeding, and your familyâs nighttime feeding habits.

Hereâs when babies start sleeping through the night, plus more info about babiesâ sleeping habits and patterns by age:

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A Note On Sleep Patterns And Cycles

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Within the first 6 weeks after birth, babies typically take a nap between their 2 or 3 hourly feeds.

For the first three weeks of a babys life, they are relying on maternal melatonin to help them prepare for sleep and their drive to sleep is strong.

Sleep cycles typically last about 45 minutes to an hour for newborns.

0-10 minutes they start to fall asleep, 10 to 20 minutes they are getting into deeper sleep.

20 to 30 minutes they are heavily asleep, 30 to 40 minutes they are coming out of heavy sleep, and 40 to 50 or 60 minutes they are in light sleep and easy to wake up.

This is why if you help baby to sleep by patting or shushing, but only do it for 5 minutes, baby wakes up or cries.

Its because they are not yet in deep sleep.

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Try Not To Stress Too Much About Bad Habits Magic Windows Of Wakefulness Or Beating Yourself Up For Making The Wrong Decisions

Yes, sleep is important for health and immune function, for mental and emotional wellbeing, for learning and attention spans, and even for romantic relationships and marriage but as long as your baby is getting sleep, and you are making sleep safety decisions from an informed point of view its all good! Okay? We promise! Its all good! Even if you arent getting good sleep right now for any number of reasons , sleep deprivation can be reversed and you have lots of time to solve any problems.


As long as you are loving and bonding with your new little baby, nursing or feeding frequently, and keeping him or her as rested as you can , there are few rights and wrongs when it comes to sleep. Sure, sure well talk about the science of newborn sleep, reasonable expectations, things to watch for, developing a great foundation for good sleep, things to try, and patterns to try to avoid BUT, the bottom line is your baby needs sleep! So if the crib or bassinet isnt working at the moment, strap on the soft carrier, soothe with some recreational nursing or sucking, start bouncing on the yoga ball and spend a few minutes reading this blog out loud to your newborn it just might put him or her to sleep!




How Much Will My Baby Sleep In The First Year

Over the first year of life, your baby will sleep and nap a lot from 12 up to 18 hours a day. The amount of sleep an infant gets at any one stretch of time is mostly ruled by hunger. Newborns will wake up and want to be fed about every three to four hours at first. Do not let your newborn sleep longer than five hours at a time in the first five to six weeks. Thereafter, you can keep the following general milestones in mind:

  • By six months, many babies can go for five to six hours or more without the need to feed and will begin to “sleep through the night.”
  • Daytime naps reduce in number as the baby grows. A 2-month-old may nap up to four times a day, whereas an older infant may nap only one to two times a day.

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How Many Hours Can Baby Sleep Without Feeding

by Nicole Johnson, Founder and Lead Sleep Consultantin Sleep Training Last Updated: April 19, 2022

How many hours can a baby sleep without feeding? Feeding frequency can be very confusing given the many conflicting pieces of advice. While some sources will say babies can sleep through the night by 8 weeks old, others will say once your baby doubles their birth weight. This post will discuss this topic so you can make the best decision for your baby and your family.

But before getting to the main point, lets have a look at some basics about babys sleep and feeding:

How Much Should A Newborn Sleep

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Because newborn sleep is unpredictable and varies from baby to baby, it’s hard to say how much you can expect your new baby to sleep each day. The average newborn sleeps about 16 to 20 hours a day, with eight to nine hours of sleep happening at night and the rest happening during the day.

It’s not uncommon for a newborn’s sleep pattern to change from day to day. Your baby may sleep substantially less than usual one day and then “catch up” by sleeping more the following day. It’s okay to let your newborn sleep as much as they want, as long as they wake up to eat every two to three hours, are gaining weight adequately, and are wetting six to eight diapers a day.

You’ll probably find that your newborn sleeps for a large part of the day, waking primarily to eat and then falling back to sleep soon after. These “wake windows” last anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half during your baby’s first months, but the pattern will change as your baby grows and spends more time awake and alert.

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How Much Sleep A Newborn Baby Needs

Your baby will need about 9 to 18 hours of sleep until they are 3 months old. The average they will sleep is about 14.5 hours.

Your baby is unique and may sleep differently to other babies. Some babies sleep for long periods, others for short bursts. They will sleep during the day and night. They might sleep for anything between a few minutes to a few hours at a time.

Newborn babies dont know the difference between day and night. Their sleep is more likely controlled by their tummies.

Can Newborns Sleep For Six Hours Straight

A newborn most likely will not be able to sleep for six hours straight. Newborns typically sleep in one- to three-hour chunks of time and also need feedings every three to four hours. Either your newborn will wake up on his own when heâs hungry, or youâll need to wake him, depending on the advice of your healthcare provider.

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Preventing Green Poop In Babies

Prevention boils down to the cause. If its a benign cause and no other problems are showing up, you probably dont have to worry about it. For example, you wouldnt want to stop feeding your baby those healthy green veggies just to change the color of their poop.

But if your baby is experiencing green poops as the result of an illness like a stomach bug, it might be time to take preventive action.

Of course, you cant prevent every illness, but you can take care to wash your hands thoroughly before and after changing your babys diaper and when preparing food, so youre less likely to pass along any viruses that could upset their stomach.

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How Do You Know If Your Baby Is Comfortable

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Given that babies cant talk, it can feel like were left to decode their every coo and cry. Sometimes we get it right. Other times? Not so much. But parents quickly learn to pick up on their babys cues and look to them as insightful clues.

If your nugget is fed and changed but still acting distressed, they may be uncomfortable or too hot or cold. Of course, there are some noteworthy physical indicators to look for too.

Perspiration, rash, wet hair, red cheeks, and quickened breathing are a few signs that a baby is potentially overheating. Note that a babys extremities might remain cold to the touch, as their tiny circulatory system is still developing.

When in doubt, feel the skin on your babys neck, tummy, or chest. If these areas are hot or sweaty, youll want to take immediate action to get them cooler. Remember, overheating has been linked to SIDS, so lower the room temperature and/or remove one layer and check back in a few minutes.

While overheating is certainly the bigger concern, youll also want to make sure that your wee one is not too cold. If you notice that your infants hands and feet are looking slightly blueish, it might be time to turn up the heat or add a layer. Dont panic those cute fingers and toesies should return to their regularly rosy state in no time.

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Safe Sleep For Babies

There are about 3,500 sleep-related deaths among US babies each year.

22% of mothers reported not placing their baby on his or her back to sleep, as recommended.

39% of mothers reported using soft bedding when placing babies to sleep.

There have been dramatic improvements in reducing baby deaths during sleep since the 1990s, when recommendations were introduced to place babies on their back for sleep. However, since the late 1990s, declines have slowed. Other recommended safe sleep practices today include eliminating hazards, such as keeping blankets, pillows, bumper pads, and soft toys out of the sleep area. Recommendations also include room sharing but not bed sharing. These practices can help lower the risk of sleep-related infant deaths, including sudden infant death syndrome , accidental suffocation, and deaths from unknown causes. Not all caregivers follow these recommendations. Healthcare providers can counsel caregivers on safe sleep practices during pregnancy and baby care visits.

Healthcare providers can:

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Why Does My Poop Smell Like My Babys

If you are expecting a baby, or have just had one, you may be wondering why your poop smells like your babys poop. What does baby poop smell like?

The smell of your babys poop is a result of the same things that make his or her pee smell like urine. It comes from what he or she eats, how much water they drink and how long it has been since they last visited the toilet.

The smell of your babys poop will change over time, and you shouldnt be alarmed if there is a sudden change in its smell.

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Your Sleep Habits Affect Your Baby

Studies have shown what you probably already know: Well-rested parents are better able to help their babies regulate themselves. If you’re exhausted, it will be that much harder to get your baby to calm down.

So please, ask for help if you need it, especially at night. It may seem obvious, but taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do to help your little one get the right amount of quality sleep.

How Can I Tell If A Newborn Is Sleeping Too Much

Implement a baby sleep schedule without crying it out

A baby occasionally sleeping for longer than usual is not a cause for concern unless there are other symptoms.

In general, it is uncommon for a newborn to consistently sleep through feedings or to sleep for longer than 19 hours per day unless they are ill or are having feeding difficulties.

Some of the most common reasons that healthy babies sleep for longer than usual include the following:

  • They may experience a growth spurt or developmental leap.
  • They may have a minor illness, such as a cold.
  • They may have a serious infection. This is rare, but it can happen. A newborn might not have a fever or other symptoms of illness like an older baby might.
  • In very rare instances, a baby may have another medical condition that causes them to sleep too much. Breathing and heart disorders may affect sleep, and premature babies often have different sleep patterns from full-term infants.
  • Some babies sleep too much because they have jaundice. A newborn who has jaundice will have a yellow color to their skin and a yellow cast to the whites of their eyes. Other symptoms of more severe jaundice include being lethargic, having difficulty eating, and being fussy or irritable.
  • Sometimes, babies may sleep too much because they are not getting enough to eat. They may get dehydrated, lose too much weight, and even experience a failure to thrive.

However, in the early stages especially for first-time parents the signs of a potential problem may be easy to miss.

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